Trans Tasman Premier League

Yeah but with a draft order this time so that even the busiest person can get some good players as BCV, stole all key players of cricket by being active 24X7.
Ofcourse, some users like me, being very less online, got MVP of last seson:spy
Actually, I'm loving the domestic cricket idea. I'm known in these sort of drafts for my ability to find obscure players - the African Premier League springs to mind where I found about 6 bowlers from obscure parts of Africa with bowling averages of 17, and all-rounders with averages of 45 and 20.

I understand the averages will be rounded by Biggy, but I am a keen scout and I would love the idea of a redraft.

I think everybody should stop whining and just do what Biggy wants, you are a fool to spend vCash on this competition anyway, who cares about players that much? It's just a bit of fun - I've spent no vCash and I think I did just fine.

Anyway, I'm up for a domestic re-draft, but I'd like to keep Dale Steyn if possible. If we are doing a complete re-draft, let Steyn go I guess..
Actually, I'm loving the domestic cricket idea. I'm known in these sort of drafts for my ability to find obscure players - the African Premier League springs to mind where I found about 6 bowlers from obscure parts of Africa with bowling averages of 17, and all-rounders with averages of 45 and 20.

I understand the averages will be rounded by Biggy, but I am a keen scout and I would love the idea of a redraft.

I think everybody should stop whining and just do what Biggy wants, you are a fool to spend vCash on this competition anyway, who cares about players that much? It's just a bit of fun - I've spent no vCash and I think I did just fine.

Anyway, I'm up for a domestic re-draft, but I'd like to keep Dale Steyn if possible. If we are doing a complete re-draft, let Steyn go I guess..

Yes, I remember. That trick won't work here though. ;)

Biggy added 0 Minutes and 59 Seconds later...

Give me a night to decide and tomorrow I will announce my decision on where the TTPL goes. That decision will be final.
No Way I am up for a redraft.
What I think is that the original season 2 teams should have to release upto 3 internationals and 2 domestic players from their ORIGINAL SEASON 2 squads. (Releasing upto 40 internationals) Those with the NZ players should automatically release their NZ players up for the NZ teams. After that I suggest you give the NZ teams to have an early go in the 1 or 2 International rounds (the number of rounds depends upon Biggy) to pick up some internationals. After that the Season 2 teams get to do so. I think this will also give the NZ teams some sort of competitveness, in the league while maintaing the strength of the original teams too. IMO this is the most balanced option. A re-draft will completely spoil the teams for the Aussie teams and will waste a lot of time too.

IMO this seems the best solution. What do you guys think?
I have an out standing Idea.:D:D

Just we'll have 6 players (excepting NZ players) (3 Int.+3 Dom.) from our squads to next season. Rest should be released.
By that way, we can just fulfill previous season owners and new owners.:)
What you say Biggy??

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