Transfer Thread

Just bought him for 3.3 mill, welcome Nick Hughes (I know GOOD NAME!)

Nick Hughes - 26 yo, BT Rating=27,895
RH Batsman, RFM Bowler, competent batting form, respectable bowling form, sublime fitness.
A steady player with competent leadership skills and quality experience.
Stamina: respectable Wicket Keeping: worthless
Batting: abysmal Concentration: respectable
Bowling: superb Consistency: remarkable
Fielding: mediocre

To replace..

46. Martin Elsegood - 30 yo, BT Rating=9,900
LH Batsman, LM Bowler, superb batting form, superb bowling form, sublime fitness.
A defensive player with strong leadership skills and superb experience.
Stamina: respectable Wicket Keeping: worthless
Batting: abysmal Concentration: mediocre
Bowling: proficient Consistency: competent
Fielding: abysmal

Who is now on the transfer market so I can get back to 1.6 mill
Thought I was up the creek with the TM and Borrowdale slow bidding but my 1 mill bid was enough. Lucky for me some guy went to 1.3 mill. And so this ends Borrowdale stay at my club.
listed for 2.5mil

69. Billy Devonish (892857) shortcut

RH Batsman, RFM Bowler, superb batting form, superb bowling form, lively fitness.
A steady player with superb leadership skills and competent experience.

Plays For: Rabbitohs
Nationality: England
Age: 24 Years Old
Battrick Rating: 21,410 (+86)
Wages: ?8,612 p/w
Stamina: competent Wicket Keeping: worthless
Batting: worthless Concentration: woeful
Bowling: remarkable Consistency: respectable
Fielding: woeful
Bought for 2.1 million :)

Rich Wellens (95489) shortcut

RH Batsman, RM Bowler, proficient batting form, superb bowling form, invigorated fitness.
An attacking player with feeble leadership skills and quality experience.

Plays For: Mooroopna
Nationality: England
Age: 28 Years Old
Battrick Rating: 19,625 (+1450)
Wages: ?5,863 p/w
Stamina: competent Wicket Keeping: worthless
Batting: woeful Concentration: woeful
Bowling: quality Consistency: proficient
Fielding: feeble
Just bought for 900K

Malcolm Coutts (1628783)

RH Batsman, RM Bowler, mediocre batting form, superb bowling form, sublime fitness.
An attacking player with competent leadership skills and competent experience.

Plays For: Muireston
Nationality: England
Age: 20 Years Old
Battrick Rating: 9,946 (-4)
Wages: ?1,397 p/w

Stamina: competent Wicket Keeping: worthless
Batting: proficient Concentration: proficient
Bowling: worthless Consistency: abysmal
Fielding: woeful

And on the TM for 0, so get those bids in :cool:

Shaun Belgrave (1290369)

RH Batsman, RH Spin Bowler, superb batting form, superb bowling form, sublime fitness.
A destructive player with proficient leadership skills and competent experience.

Plays For: Muireston
Nationality: Australia
Age: 21 Years Old
Battrick Rating: 8,465 (-151)
Wages: ?671 p/w

Stamina: respectable Wicket Keeping: abysmal
Batting: competent Concentration: respectable
Bowling: worthless Consistency: worthless
Fielding: abysmal
26/01/2009 Sold Miles Mcdonald for ?795,000.
26/01/2009 Sold Jack Coutts for ?1,045,500.
26/01/2009 Sold Mujahid Asfandyar for ?510,000.

Would of preffered a few hundred grand for Asfandyar and maybe a little more for McDonald but overall not too bad. Coutts should of gone for quite a bit more in my opinion. Oh well.
Bought for 500K I think I got quite a good deal. All I need now is to find a spinner of similar stats:

10. Marc Vadiveloo (927560)

RH Batsman, RFM Bowler, worthless batting form, abysmal bowling form, sublime fitness.
A steady player with proficient leadership skills and strong experience.

Plays For: Muireston
Nationality: Australia
Age: 23 Years Old
Battrick Rating: 7,184 (-439)
Wages: ?1,412 p/w

Stamina: respectable Wicket Keeping: worthless
Batting: worthless Concentration: worthless
Bowling: proficient Consistency: proficient
Fielding: worthless
Go get 'em!

Geoff Swann (1556557)
RH Batsman, RF Bowler, worthless batting form, woeful bowling form, sublime fitness.
An attacking player with competent leadership skills and feeble experience.

Stamina: respectable Wicket Keeping: worthless
Batting: mediocre Concentration: competent
Bowling: worthless Consistency: woeful
Fielding: worthless

Jim Dempster (1731667)
RH Batsman, RH Spin Bowler, respectable batting form, competent bowling form, sublime fitness.
A steady player with strong leadership skills and woeful experience.

Stamina: mediocre Wicket Keeping: worthless
Batting: abysmal Concentration: worthless
Bowling: mediocre Consistency: competent
Fielding: worthless

Robin Proctor (1577197)
RH Batsman, RFM Bowler, superb batting form, competent bowling form, sublime fitness.
A steady player with woeful leadership skills and mediocre experience.

Stamina: mediocre Wicket Keeping: worthless
Batting: mediocre Concentration: mediocre
Bowling: worthless Consistency: woeful
Fielding: worthless

Teddy Mawson (1565488)
LH Batsman, LFM Bowler, proficient batting form, feeble bowling form, sublime fitness.
An attacking player with competent leadership skills and mediocre experience.

Stamina: mediocre Wicket Keeping: worthless
Batting: mediocre Concentration: mediocre
Bowling: worthless Consistency: worthless
Fielding: worthless

Ray Bollingham (1730023)
LH Batsman, LF Bowler, worthless batting form, abysmal bowling form, sublime fitness.
An attacking player with competent leadership skills and woeful experience.

Stamina: mediocre Wicket Keeping: worthless
Batting: worthless Concentration: worthless
Bowling: mediocre Consistency: competent
Fielding: worthless

George Cliffe (1724148)
RH Batsman, RFM Bowler, worthless batting form, proficient bowling form, sublime fitness.
A steady player with abysmal leadership skills and woeful experience.

Stamina: mediocre Wicket Keeping: worthless
Batting: worthless Concentration: worthless
Bowling: mediocre Consistency: mediocre
Fielding: worthless

All listed for 0k, they did some good bot bashing, but they aren't going to work in the new leagues next season where it should be all human!
One missing link in the puzzle has been solved

Steven Perkins - 24 yo, BT Rating=34,179 shortcut
RH Batsman, RFM Bowler, superb batting form, strong bowling form, sublime fitness.
A defensive player with worthless leadership skills and strong experience.
Stamina: strong Wicket Keeping: mediocre
Batting: remarkable Concentration: superb
Bowling: abysmal Consistency: feeble
Fielding: competent
For how much you bought him, Syl?
Baggy Blues need cash so if you have some lying about how about buying some good backup players. Both listed for 100k.

Mithun Mohammed - 26 yo, BT Rating=4,446 shortcut transfer listed
RH Batsman, RH Spin Bowler, mediocre batting form, feeble bowling form, sublime fitness.
A cautious player with woeful leadership skills and respectable experience.
Stamina: mediocre Wicket Keeping: worthless
Batting: woeful Concentration: feeble
Bowling: respectable Consistency: mediocre
Fielding: woeful

Julian Germon - 29 yo, BT Rating=7,998 shortcut transfer listed
LH Batsman, LFM Bowler, proficient batting form, superb bowling form, sublime fitness.
A cautious player with abysmal leadership skills and strong experience.
Stamina: mediocre Wicket Keeping: feeble
Batting: proficient Concentration: feeble
Bowling: abysmal Consistency: mediocre
Fielding: feeble
About time you got rid of those backups

60. Pete Marshall - 19 yo, BT Rating=3,798
LH Batsman, LM Bowler, superb batting form, feeble bowling form, sublime fitness.
An attacking player with mediocre leadership skills and feeble experience.
Stamina: mediocre Wicket Keeping: abysmal
Batting: competent Concentration: competent
Bowling: worthless Consistency: worthless
Fielding: worthless

Im selling a back up as well
Michael Prudie (2432179)

RH Batsman, RH Spin Bowler, respectable batting form, respectable bowling form, lively fitness.
A steady player with mediocre leadership skills and abysmal experience.

Plays For: Crusader
Nationality: England
Age: 17 Years Old
Battrick Rating: 3,673
Wages: ?621 p/w

Stamina: mediocre Wicket Keeping: worthless
Batting: competent Concentration: mediocre
Bowling: worthless Consistency: worthless
Fielding: worthless

80% through batting according to atstumps


Nigel Hunter (2432460)

RH Batsman, RFM Bowler, respectable batting form, respectable bowling form, lively fitness.
A cautious player with abysmal leadership skills and abysmal experience.

Plays For: Crusader
Nationality: England
Age: 17 Years Old
Battrick Rating: 4,615
Wages: ?834 p/w

Stamina: mediocre Wicket Keeping: worthless
Batting: abysmal Concentration: worthless
Bowling: respectable Consistency: mediocre
Fielding: worthless

about 35% through bowling


And selling

Raymond Hassall - 27 yo, BT Rating=10,308
RH Batsman, RH Spin Bowler, superb batting form, superb bowling form, sublime fitness.
A steady player with superb leadership skills and quality experience.
Stamina: competent Wicket Keeping: abysmal
Batting: strong Concentration: mediocre
Bowling: woeful Consistency: feeble
Fielding: feeble

for 1 ml

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