FTP: Transfers

You get a bonus if your bowlers are different handed, e.g. if you have both a left hander and a right hander bowling at the same time. I think it might be the same with batsmen too.

An extra doubt over this on bowling:

Does this bonus apply when a duo of rfm and lm are bowling? Or do they solely apply only when the duo are rfm and lfm (or) rm and lm? I mean should they be of the same bowling type with opposite bowling hands (or) can they be of any bowling type with opposite bowling hands to get a bonus?
I didn't even know there was a bonus for bowling partnerships. I knew there was a bonus for left handed bowlers though.
Just opposite hands. I'm not even sure if they have to be bowling at the same time, so long as some of your bowlers are left handed and some are right handed.
Despite those skills Iridium, I think you might be paying a bit too much for Burgess at the moment... Though to be fair I'd like a player like that in my team :p I need someone to bat at 6 for me. I'm bidding on another guy though, who has a pretty awesome name :p
Stalker :p I'm pretty happy to pay that for him. I've already got a finisher but this guy is much better. Might help my batting last a little longer.

Who are you bidding on?
Steve McQueen

Hoping to get him for under 200k. His problem is he has no relevant talents and slightly low fielding. Still, he's better than the guy he'll be replacing.
Well he's not bad at all.

Annoying thing is about the guy I'm bidding on is that I'm going to be out when the auction ends and I bet you someone's going to come in last minute and nick him.
Well I could :p

But I'm not going to look to rebuild my senior side until at least next season when my better 19 year olds reach the senior side.

The battlestars >> Shane Thamm >> Details
Player Info
16 years old | 21,781 rating | $798 wage

Right hand batsman | Left arm Finger spin

Talents Skilled (Batting)
Nationality Australia
Form average
Fatigue revived
Experience dreadful
Captaincy poor
Skills Summary
Batsman ordinary
Bowler poor
Keeper atrocious
Allrounder ordinary
Batting ordinary Endurance ordinary
Bowling ordinary Technique ordinary
Keeping atrocious Power ordinary
Fielding ordinary

Bidding on this guy. Going to train him as a batsman if I get him. Secondaries already decent, ordinary batting summary. 3.7k of spare ratings so should be close to a batting/tech pop. Current bid $33,075.


Well Burgess I don't reckon is worth that much anyway :p
That would be a death sentence if you did :p


I was only look to buy one player since my squad is pretty settled. If I don't get him, no big deal.
Jealousy is a cruel mistress....

I'm going to (hopefully) start an FTP story and try to keep it going for the entire season (hedger I'm looking at you :p). If Burgess turns out to be a waste of my moolah, I can add that in as a fail on my part and you can laugh.

Can't think of a title though....
Well Iridium got him despite being out :)


Just got this guy for 12k :)

Victorious Secret >> 26. Kakudman Saraswathi >> Details
Player Info
17 years old | 21,624 rating | $838 wage
Left hand batsman | Right arm Finger spin
Talents Skilled (Technique)
Nationality India
Form capable
Fatigue rested
Experience poor
Captaincy poor
Skills Summary
Batsman poor
Bowler average
Keeper dreadful
Allrounder ordinary
Batting dreadful Endurance ordinary
Bowling average Technique average
Keeping dreadful Power poor
Fielding average

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