TV Series General Discussion

I will have a watch tomorrow and portray my opinion to you
You are in for a treat.

Also this is completely unrelated but a good show. You can catch season 1 on youtube. It's about game wardens in California going after poachers.

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I've heard of a LOT of people that don't like Seinfeld. Mainly because it is a show about whinging and bitching, not really a show about nothing:p.

Opinions may be different in America.

Seinfeld is very good though and pretty mindless, so is Frasier.
Everybody Loves Raymond is another one. A lot of people don't like it but I did enjoy it. Like Seinfeld, whinging about life is a very common topic. Very mindless as well.

I didn't watch much Scrubs, but the few episodes of it I did watch were very good. Another one to consider.
I don't like any American comedies I can think of. Do not get the humour.

I've nothing against American TV per se, I liked House, Heroes and others. Maybe the Simpsons as an exception though that's quite hard to describe as a comedy over cartoon.
there are good american comedies. Just there is a lot of cliched tripe too.

Seinfeld, curb, community, arrested development, it's always sunny in philadephia.

I think it's definitely a cultural thing. there seems to be a lot more pretence in the american stuff. English stuff just seems more natural.

One of the biggest cliches in american tv shows is jokes about the bad teeth of british people, which shows a lot about the relative superficiality of the two societies

There's mine.
no camera... they are okayish though. In fact a US army general (maybe not general, but he was of reasonable rank) from texas complimented them once.

I actually used to be pretty paranoid about them until i was about 16, one of the lower middle ones was a crooked and I wanted braces, but I had a "weird jaw shape" (quote form the orthodontist) so i would have required a fair sized bit of surgery. When he said this and didn't want an operation i realised that i didn't actually care that much
I am vain about teeth. Had mine fixed with braces when 13 and I get them whitened twice a year. Kinda have to get them whitened though cause I chew tobacco

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