Usy's Graphics & Pictures Thread <RETRO Classic Flowless>

usy said:
Get the Picture use the Eraser tool.


New Style ^.

sorry to say but that realy old :D 70's ;) anyways good work
Yup I think usy has done many good sigs before but that's not up to his standard.
Wildwil said:
Thanks a lot Usy.

Don't you think you need to use your new sig in a horizontal manner i.e 300*100 (150*50+150*50) and not the way you are currently using i.e 150*200 (Total vertically)
Karachi Express what u do is make a new imade 3x3 pix and transparent backgorund... then get the pencil tool and and make a diagonal line and then got Edit>define Pattern and save it... Then use it as a pattern overlay
cant wait for mine Usy :)
remember mine usy :P
EDIT: woot 200 posts go me
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hey stop bugging me guys, I'm not a 2 year old kid, I'll do it soon.
hey sorry mate it's just that i asked for mine a couple of pages ago but had to ask again
Usy has a life and please everyone stop pushing and pushing him to do the graphics requests after you have made the initial request. :)
and theres no need to give me bad reps.........
PM a mod If you have any rep problems, I never gave you bad reps, anyway guys just wait and you'll have you're request, surely I was'nt born to do you're requests, yeah :).
nah iw asnt directing at u usy i was sure it wasnt u as u wouldnt of said dont push THE MAN u woulda said don't push me ;)

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