vCash Donating/Begging Thread

Any Body Wants 40k?Ans:
Any Body Wants 80k?Ans:
Limit Thats All.
SOS dutch where are you mate??? You can't allow PC to have beggars, come on spread the love dude, show us the money!!!:D

Rabs you have vCash in your pc bank as well!!!! :p
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He has a whole heap of vCash there lol 600mil or something
SOS dutch where are you mate??? You can't allow PC to have beggars, come on spread the love dude, show us the money!!!:D

Ha ha! the last few weeks I have given away some 450 million in vcash! I can't bankroll everybody you know!:):p
Philanthropy is a thankless task, which is why I try my hardest not to practice it :p
I f anyone has a good reason why I should sponsor a "worthy cause" they can send me a PM stating why, when and how. No jokers allowed. If you have got a competiton you want to fund or a league or a team or whatever give me a yell and I will see what I can do. I make no promises though. None!
Get out of here with your pocket change:laugh:laugh, you poor fellar:D:laugh

Shut Up And Get Lost.

Money Given To Chetan. Amount-100k

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