Is that a subtle hint to indicate that I already have ?Trying to win title of Best Staff Member 2018 for real?
Is that a subtle hint to indicate that I already have ?Trying to win title of Best Staff Member 2018 for real?
Hi my name is Cho Hung Paul Suen. Give me some money I need a new striker pls.
Yes to be fair to you it did. Very good at donating but not so adept at begging am IYou need to add an unhappy icon, like this . It worked for me!
Yes to be fair to you it did. Very good at donating but not so adept at begging am I
It's alright I was just having a little jestHow much Vcash do you need?
It's alright I was just having a little jest
I'll buy a banner then with my millions!It's alright I was just having a little jest
Can I get 50K vCash ?
Transferred.Can I get 50k vcash?
As I have not a lot vcash, so I cannot bet more in Sportsbook.
Transferred.Can I get another 50k vcash? I need money to buy a bingo card as i ain't got enough :/
Well, @ABDULLAH already transferred me 50000 vCash and I used it to buy my card XDTransferred.