[Vengeance Posted!] Out of a rut - A Chez-style WWE and EWR story

Which style of matches do you prefer?

  • Total voters
ECW World Champion Bobby Lashley vs. Finlay (Non-title)

King Booker vs. The Boogeyman

New Breed vs. The Major Brothers

ECW Originals vs. Kenny Dykstra and Mike Knox

Umaga vs. CM Punk

Snitsky and Kevin Thorn vs. Val Venis and Balls Mahoney
ECW World Champion Bobby Lashley vs. Finlay (Non-title)

King Booker vs. The Boogeyman

New Breed vs. The Major Brothers

ECW Originals vs. Kenny Dykstra and Mike Knox

Umaga vs. CM Punk

Snitsky and Kevin Thorn vs. Val Venis and Balls Mahoney
Monday Night Raw - 25th June 2007

Overall I really liked the show.

Just a few points/queries...
1. How come so many interferences?
2.Why Jim Duggan, he's a bit old now, not really sure on that segment.

Things I liked...
The Rock
The Main Event
The Women's Title thing with Viscera.

Great show overall mate, and if my points are idiotic please tell me :p
Overall I really liked the show.

Just a few points/queries...
1. How come so many interferences?
2.Why Jim Duggan, he's a bit old now, not really sure on that segment.

Things I liked...
The Rock
The Main Event
The Women's Title thing with Viscera.

Great show overall mate, and if my points are idiotic please tell me :p

Just to answer your queries:

1) I like interferences :p Seriously though, the IC situation was a big mess and the interferences help to show how all the competetors are really keen to win the title
2) Duggan is around to help put people over and make them look good. He wont be winning titles any time soon :p
Fair point. The interferences aren't too bad. But if they interfered anymore it would be a bit strange :p

Is the Rock just back or something?
I'm loving this story. great work will start following it. I like the match the run in was quite realistic it's what happens when people are fueding or fiting over a championship. loving it.
Fair point. The interferences aren't too bad. But if they interfered anymore it would be a bit strange :p

Is the Rock just back or something?

Its been a while since the start of this, so you are well within your rights to have forgotten. He returned a while back as GM
Fair enough. Looking forward to ECW, anywho.

ECW Live on Sci-Fi - Tuesday 26th June

It is a night about momentum here on ECW and everybody will want to capture it before Vengeance this Sunday. Lashley and Booker will fight for it ahead of the ECW title clash and the Originals and New Breed aim to grasp it before their final showdown of this feud which started so long ago. Speaking of momentum, the opening match pits Snitsky, who has been riding a wave of momentum recently, against Balls Mahoney, someone who is struggling to find any at all.

Snitsky and Kevin Thorn vs Balls Mahoney and Val Venis
Fallaway slam by Val Venis. Snitsky reverses a waistlock. Snitsky with a badly-executed spinning neckbreaker on Venis. Tag between Snitsky and Kevin Thorn. Thorn slams Val Venis down. Running knee lift from Kevin Thorn. Venis reverses a waistlock. Big clothesline on Thorn. Tag to Balls Mahoney. Balls hits a right hand. Fallaway slam by Balls Mahoney. Kevin Thorn avoids an avalanche, Balls Mahoney hits the turnbuckles hard. Big clothesline on Balls. Tag between Kevin Thorn and Snitsky. Tornado punch from Snitsky. Pin : 1....2....kick out! A split-second away from a three. Balls Mahoney takes a right hand to the temple from Snitsky. Balls Mahoney is in trouble. Big Boot! 1....2....3. Snitsky \ Thorn signal to each other...and they attack Balls \ Venis! After an swift brawl, Balls and Venis are left down in the ring.

Snitsky was especially donimant in that match and seems to get bigger and better every single week. He is certainly looking like a man who could go all the way to the top soon.

King Booker is backstage.

Booker: ECW is now blessed with the weekly appearance of royalty on an otherwise pathetic and lowly show. The peasants go around wielding their wooden objects, they prove their lower class status whenever anyone sees them. The best of these peasants is apparently Bobby Lashley, their champion. I have graced that villain with my presence before, on Smackdown, where I put him in his place to become the king and then went onto continuously humiliate him in the presence of my subjects to show that one who gets in the way of the king will be punished. Once again it is the same peasant in my way, one would think he had learnt his lesson from last time, but no. He is determined to continue his useless battle against me. At Vengeance he shall learn once again why I am the king and he is just a peasant. Be prepared to be knocked off your throne and prepare for the throning of a real king!

The King with his address to us all before we are told that next the New Breed go up against the Major Brothers in tag team action. Don't go anywhere!

::Fade to Commercial::

ECW is back and the Majors are in the ring. Out come the New Breed and it appears that Elijah Burke has decided to leave the other 2 to get their hands dirty in this match. What will happen?

Matt Striker and Marcus Cor Von vs The Majors Brothers
Brett gets caught with a short powerbomb from Striker. Suplex into a front slam from Striker. Tag between Matt Striker and Marcus Cor Von. Marcus slams Brett Major down. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Massive lariat. Tag between Marcus Cor Von and Matt Striker. Marcus \ Striker whip Brett into the corner. Marcus Cor Von whips Matt Striker in for a hard clothesline to follow-up. Cover! 1....2....kick out at the last second! Striker looks shocked. Brett Major blocks a right hand and fires back. Brett tags out to Brian Major. Brian Major arm drags Striker over. Brian hits a high kick on Matt Striker. Tag to Brett Major. Brian Major scoops up Striker. Brett bounces off the ropes and hits a flying Hart Attack clothesline. Brett Major hits a rolling kick on Striker. Flying elbow off the top rope by Brett Major. Brett tags out to Brian Major. Flying elbow from Brian Major, barely hitting the target. Matt Striker avoids an avalanche, Brian Major hits the turnbuckles hard. Tag to Marcus Cor Von. Full nelson slam! Marcus Cor Von gets a roll-up...and grabs a handful of tights as well! The referee doesn't see it: 1....2...3!! Flair \ Sandman come running down into the ring. They nail Matt Striker from behind, then grab Marcus and hit the Double Powerbomb! With him out of the way, the drag Matt Striker to the outside...and promptly put him straight through the announcer's table with a double slam! Flair \ Sandman have destroyed Striker \ Marcus!

Flair and Sandman take advantage of the situation and take out Striker and Cor Von, Striker put through a table!

Bobby Lashley is walking backstage purposefully. He looks pumped and ready to go in his ring gear, real determination across his face as he prowls the corridors with the title over his shoulder. Various unnamed WWE employees wish him luck for Vengeance as he walks. Then out into his path walks the King, Booker.

Booker: Have you not learnt your place yet? Stop parading round with "your" championship. There is no way that you deserve to be a champion and there is no way you will be one much longer.

Lashley: Wow Booker, you are still an asshole aren't you, same as on Smackdown. I earnt this title, I came through ECW, through the extreme action and violence, through the Extreme Elimination Chamber where I defeated Big Show, one of the biggest wrestlers ever to be seen. This is my prize for that. What exactly have you achieved in the land of extreme, Booker? You won 1 match. Well done. Things don't work that easily. You had better prepare for some serious carnage at Vengeance, because I have just been speaking to Mick Foley, the GM, and he agrees that you haven't really seen the extreme of ECW yet, so Vengeance is now an Extreme Rules match. Good luck, you are going to need it.

Lashley walks off leaving an irate king to ponder as we head to a break.

::Fade to Commercial::

We are back and it is time for a match which looks quite exciting, the straight-edge CM Punk facing off with the Samoan Bulldozer, Umaga. Lets see what happens!

Umaga vs CM Punk
Short range spear from CM Punk. Face-first suplex from Punk. CM Punk blasts Umaga with a super kick. Cover! 1....2....kick out at the last second! Punk looks shocked. Spin kick by CM Punk to the face. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Umaga counters a sleeper hold by turning it into a jaw breaker. Rude Awakening on CM Punk by Umaga. Punk walks into a spike slam. Umaga gets taken down out of nowhere. CM Punk hits a missile dropkick on Umaga. CM Punk floors Umaga. Anaconda Vice!!! Umaga taps out! CM Punk leaves the ring and heads off down the aisle at speed. Punk has the victory, and isn't hanging around for Umaga to look for revenge.

Punk scores a win against the odds! Umaga is a viscious competetor, but he showed how tough he is in that exciting contest.

Burke and Cor Von are sneaking around backstage, what could they be up to?

Burke: I did my research and found out that he always spends time alone in a locker room before matches to get into the zone. This is our chance to do the damage.

At the same time they both charge into a locker room where Tommy Dreamer is alone. He snaps out of some sort of trance-like state and sees them coming, but too late as they start pummell him. All of a sudden Ric Flair follows them in and starts giving out some beating of his own. This provides enough of a distraction for Dreamer to recover as well and soon the New Breed members find themselves fleeing, their plot foiled!

Flair: You didn't think Naitch would leave you unprotected did you? WOOOOOOOOOOOO!

::Fade to Commercial::

Our next match is a big one, ECW World Champion Bobby Lashley faces the Irishman who loves to fight, Finlay, in non-title action.

Bobby Lashley vs Finlay
Stiff chop lights up Finlay. Finlay blocks a suplex attempt. Stiff chop lights up Lashley. Finlay misses a clothesline...and takes out the referee by mistake. Flapjack from Finlay. Hooks the leg, but there's no referee to make the count. Lashley reverses a Finlay hammerlock. Running knee lift from Bobby Lashley. Full nelson slam! Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Bobby Lashley with a standing spinebuster. Pin : 1....2....kick out! A split-second away from a three. Finlay reverses a hip toss. Big clothesline from Finlay. Pin : 1....2....no! Shoulder up at the last second. Finlay gets taken down out of nowhere. Finlay can barely stand. Here it comes - Running Powerslam. King Booker quickly comes running down the aisle and into the ring! Bobby Lashley turns around. King Booker spins Lashley around. King Booker hits the Scissors Kick! The referee calls for the DQ because of the interference of Booker! Bobby Lashley slides out of the ring to the floor, then turns and leaves through the crowd. He's happy to have the win, and evidently isn't going to hang around for Finlay to get some payback.

Its mayhem tonight! Lashley wins by DQ, but he won't be happy with that after Booker came and interfered.

Balls Mahoney is backstage walking when Snitsky comes running up to him with a chair. He smacks the chair over Ball's head and drives it into his gut. Snitsky then picks the ECW Original up again and hits his pumphandle slam! One more shot to the throat and Snitsky is done. Paramedics swarm round Balls who seems to be knocked out with blood pouring from his head.

::Fade to Commercial::

Next up we have the turn of the Originals. I would expect the New Breed to have a large say in what happens here though.

Dreamer and Sandman vs Kenny Dykstra and Mike Knox
Knox gets slammed. Tommy Dreamer with a spinning neckbreaker on Knox. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Tag between Tommy Dreamer and The Sandman. Dreamer and Sandman whip Knox into the ropes and hit a double back elbow. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Rude Awakening on Mike Knox by Sandman. Knox reverses a The Sandman hammerlock. Mike Knox DDTs Sandman. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Knox tags out to Kenny Dykstra. Powerslam from Kenny Dykstra. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up! That was close. Fallaway slam by Kenny Dykstra. Kenny Dykstra misses a big legdrop. Flying shoulder tackle by Sandman sends Kenny to the mat. Sandman tags out to Tommy Dreamer. Tommy Dreamer fires off some right and left hands. Kenny tags out to Mike Knox. Flying shoulder tackle by Dreamer sends Knox to the mat. Burke \ Marcus come running down the aisle with chairs! Knox goes to irish whip Tommy Dreamer into the ropes. Burke prepares to swing the chair...but Tommy Dreamer reverses! Burke accidentally smacks Knox with a chair to the back! Mike Knox is in trouble. Spicolli Driver! 1....2....3. Burke \ Marcus are still in the ring doing a beat-down. Out from the crowd comes Ric Flair! He has a chair! Burke \ Marcus bail out of the ring as Flair slides in to the squared circle, unwilling to taste the steel.

Flair makes the save again! These guys owe him big time! The New Breed and Originals stare each other down and hurl abuse as they see each other for the last time before Vengeance and the penultimate time as teams, as one team will split on Sunday!

A video is played which recaps the history of the New Breed and Originals and then looks back at Booker and Lashley. We are reminded that Booker/Lashley is next!

::Fade to Commercial::

Before we go to the Main Event we have an update on Balls Mahoney after Snitsky's attack on him earlier this evening. He is being taken to hospital as we speak, but paramedics are not hopeful and believe he will have to take time off to recover from this injury.

Now onto the Main Event!

King Booker vs The Boogeyman
The Boogeyman hits Booker. The Boogeyman throws Booker into a shopping trolley. Booker takes a vertical suplex. Booker takes a vertical suplex. Boogeyman drops an elbow...but misses. Frying pan shot by Booker. King Booker DDTs Boogeyman. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. King Booker misses a big legdrop. Big clothesline from Boogeyman. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. The Boogeyman turns Booker inside-out with a clothesline. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up! That was close. Booker pushes out of a The Boogeyman hold. Boogeyman takes a headbutt from King Booker. The Boogeyman blocks a right hand and fires back. Weak bodyslam on Booker by Boogeyman. Bobby Lashley comes running down the aisle and onto the apron! Booker turns...and is dropped throat-first onto the top rope by Lashley! Bobby Lashley has left Booker in big trouble. King Booker is in trouble. Goodnight! 1....2....3. Bobby Lashley pushes the referee aside, then continues to assault Booker! Right hands rain down on King Booker, pounding him into the canvas. Satisfied with his work, Bobby Lashley turns and leaves the ring, the damage done.

Lashley ruins Booker's match as the 2 men stare each other down to close the show. We will see you at Vengeance as these men go head-to-head with the title on the line!

We got a 4.05 rating for 'ECW on Sci-Fi'!
The attendance level was 10014 people.
Another great show by you here Chez. You really do like your interferences don't you :p

My analysis for this show is short and sweet. I didn't like the Snitsky and Kevin Thorn vs Balls Mahoney and Val Venis match. Simply because I don't like any of the superstars in it apart from Kevin Thorn, I think he can do a lot better.

Secondly I liked all the other matches, nothing was wrong that stood out. I especially liked Umaga vs. CM Punk. The match was very well written and this is a rivalry I like the look of.

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