[Vengeance Posted!] Out of a rut - A Chez-style WWE and EWR story

Which style of matches do you prefer?

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Matches weren't great, not in a great order either. Umaga vs CM Punk would be higher up the card than the originals match, unimaginative angles etc. There, I've backed it up. I noticed you haven't even bothered to check out the ROH thread, though.
There, I've backed it up. I noticed you haven't even bothered to check out the ROH thread, though.

Maybe because he doesn't want to have an argument or be accused of something?

Also give him constructive critiscim in the first place, not just "It was a weak show".
Matches weren't great, not in a great order either. Umaga vs CM Punk would be higher up the card than the originals match, unimaginative angles etc. There, I've backed it up. I noticed you haven't even bothered to check out the ROH thread, though.

I have read it in fact, I haven't replied. Do not advertise your story in other people's threads or it will be deleted. Although I am sure you would be crying out that it was wrong if I gave that kind of review on your show.

Umaga/Punk was low down because it isn't a feud match with build-up, whereas the Originals/New Breed has had months of build-up. The angles didn't need to be particularly imaginative, they just needed to sustain the hype

Smackdown Preview

Smackdown airs just 2 days before Vengeance live on PPV and the action is sure to come thick and fast as we hit Pittsburgh, PA!

Edge and Kane prepare to collide at Vengeance with the World Heavyweight title on the line and GM Long has granted Edge a warm-up match for tonight against Chris Benoit in what looks to be a tough match for the champ ahead of the PPV. Kane doesn't have a scheduled match, but expect him to find something to do!

The Tag Title scene is getting heated as well with 3 teams ready to compete at Vengeance for the belts: Champions Deuce n' Domino, Londrick and Cade and Murdoch. Last week we had that match announced, plus one for this week, when Brian Kendrick, Lance Cade and Deuce all go against each other in a Triple Threat match, with the stipulation that if any of their partners interfere during the match, their team will be removed from the match at the PPV!

Chavo Guerrero has been a cocky Cruiserweight champion that is for sure and he has been recently brought down a notch by Super Crazy's draft from Raw and susequent winning of the contendership to the title. Last week Chavo took out Super Crazy along with his partners from their tag match earlier in the night, Jamie Noble and Nunzio. This week Super Crazy faces Jamie Noble to get some revenge ahead of Vengeance.

The two resident challenges on Smackdown continue this week. Chris Masters will be carrying out his Masterlock Challenge, giving a lucky hometown hero the chance to win $10,000 if they can break the hold. Another lucky Smackdown Superstar will get a US Title shot this week in the MVP Random Challenge. Last week Stevie Richards tried and failed, who will get their chance this week?

Plus, Carlito's Cabana makes its Smackdown debut!

Confirmed Card

World Heavyweight Champion Edge vs. Chris Benoit (Non-title)

Brian Kendrick vs. Lance Cade vs. Deuce (Triple Threat)

Super Crazy vs. Jamie Noble

US Champion MVP vs. ??? (MVP Random Challenge)

Chris Masters vs. ??? (Masterlock Challenge)
World Heavyweight Champion Edge vs. Chris Benoit (Non-title)

Brian Kendrick vs. Lance Cade vs. Deuce (Triple Threat)

Super Crazy vs. Jamie Noble

US Champion MVP vs. ??? (MVP Random Challenge)

Chris Masters vs. ??? (Masterlock Challenge)
World Heavyweight Champion Edge vs. Chris Benoit (Non-title)

Brian Kendrick vs. Lance Cade vs. Deuce (Triple Threat)

Super Crazy vs. Jamie Noble

US Champion MVP vs. ??? (MVP Random Challenge)

Chris Masters vs. ??? (Masterlock Challenge)
World Heavyweight Champion Edge vs. Chris Benoit (Non-title)

Brian Kendrick vs. Lance Cade vs. Deuce (Triple Threat)

Super Crazy vs. Jamie Noble

US Champion MVP vs. ??? (MVP Random Challenge)

Chris Masters vs. ??? (Masterlock Challenge)
World Heavyweight Champion Edge vs. Chris Benoit(Non-title)

Brian Kendrick vs. Lance Cade vs. Deuce (Triple Threat)

Super Crazy vs. Jamie Noble

US Champion MVP vs. ??? (MVP Random Challenge)

Chris Masters vs. ??? (Masterlock Challenge)

Friday Night Smackdown! - Friday 28th June

We are just 2 days from Vengeance! You can feel the excitement in the atmosphere as our World Heavyweight Champion Edge walks out to start the show

Edge: Tonight I stand before all you here in Pittsburgh as the World Heavyweight Champion and not only am I going to still be champion after Vengeance on Sunday, I will be champion still next year when we visit. There is nobody in the back there who comes near me when it comes to simple excellence and that is why I am your champion. I face Kane on Sunday and am I scared? No way. Kane likes to act tough, but I beat Kane last week in a tag match and I could do the same again and again. What that win last night did was secure me the chance to pick my own match type for Vengeance and that is exectly what I will do so, Kane, if you could come out here onto the ramp to hear my choice.

Some music hits, but it isn't Kane's, it is Teddy Longs! The GM of Smackdown heads onto to ramp to talk.

Long: Hey playa, let me tell you something. I know ya dog real well and I know that you would do whatever it takes to get an advantage going into Sunday, including luring your opponent into a trap or sneak attacking him. Well I am here to promise you that you will not be able to do that tonight. Tonight Kane is not here! I told him not to come so he could be in peak condition for Sunday, but since you are a fighting champ, I thought you might like a match, so as you know you are facing Chris Benoit and you know what playa, I am now making that match a title match. You heard me dog, the title is on the line, Kane faces the winner at Vengeance in a match of your choice Edge. So, you were gonna announce that match, what match do you want Edge?

Edge: You can't do that to me, i am the World Heavyweight Champion and I have a title defence on Sunday, I can't defend it tonight as well whilst Kane gets the night off, that is unfair.

Long: Like it or not Edge, that is what is gonna go down tonight. Now, what match will it be for Kane and whoever is champion after tonight for Vengeance?

Edge: Fine, fine. The match for Sunday is going to be a Falls Count Anywhere, Hardcore match! I am not taking the easy way out, oh no, I have picked a brutal match and my reasoning, well lets say it will get clearer on Sunday.

Long: So there we go playa, Kane versus Edge or Chris Benoit for the World Heavyweight title in a Falls Count Anywhere match and dawg, good luck tonight and for Sunday cos it sounds like you'll need it! Holla at ya playa!

Long and Edge disappear, Edge looking very unhappy at the GM's announcement for his match tonight, but if he does make it through then it will be Falls Count Anywhere! What has Edge let himself in for in that match against the brutal Kane?

Next up we have our first match of the evening, Cruiserweight No.1 Contender Super Crazy faces one of the Champ's friends, Jamie Noble.

Super Crazy vs Jamie Noble
Dropkick connects, Noble goes down. Stiff high kick on Noble by Super Crazy. Legsweep out of nowhere. Hard back suplex on Noble. Super Crazy misses a big legdrop. Driven DDT by Jamie Noble. Flying elbow off the top rope by Jamie Noble. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Super Crazy fights out of a grapple. Crazy hits a high kick on Jamie Noble. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Diving headbutt from Crazy. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up! That was close. Jamie Noble avoids an avalanche, Super Crazy hits the turnbuckles hard. Kick from Jamie Noble to the leg. Crazy ducks a wild right hand. Flying elbow from Super Crazy. Jamie Noble gets knocked to the ground by Crazy, who is already climbing the turnbuckle. Off the top - Moonsault, forget about it. 1....2...3! Chavo Guerrero has a chair. Crazy turns and takes a brutal shot to the head! Chavo has taken out his rival again ahead of Sunday!
Match Rating: ***1/2 (Awesome match by these guys, shame the crowd didnt get into it)

::Fade to Commercial::

Johnny Nitro is backstage with Josh Matthews.

Josh: Johnny, you were drafted to Smackdown from Raw a couple of weeks ago, how are you fitting in on the new show

Nitro: I will fit in here like I have fitted in anywhere in wrestling or in showbiz: I don't fit in, everyone else moves to let me in and into the prime position. Soon that limelight, the World Championship, it will all be mine because I am the greatest young talent now on Smackdown and the one who is going to rise to the top and fast.

Carlito walks into the picture looking disgruntled.

Carlito: Hey, are you saying you are the best rising superstar, better than Carlito? Man, that is not cool. You earn your place here in this business, it is not like your prancy show-business. You haven't earned anything.

Nitro: I don't need to earn my place, loser, I am this place now. If you don't like that then you have issues with the truth, not with me.

Carlito: Ok, if you are so great, why not prove it in the ring? You against me tonight. What do you say about that?

Nitro: I say bring it on. I know I am better than you and I am not afraid to hand your ass to you and humiliate you to prove it. The best man will win, I promise I will.

Nitro and Carlito arrange themselves a match later tonight, it should be exciting!

Chris Masters heads to the ring, it must be time for the Masterlock challenge!

Masters: It is time for the Masterpiece, Chris Masters, to break another poor hometown hero who tries in vain to break my Masterlock. Whoever you are, get your ass into the ring now.

Some generic music plays and a thin looking man, certainly one who doesn't look like a wrestler, comes down the ramp and into the ring.

Masters: So who are you chump?

???: I am Mike Mondo.

Masters: What a stupid name! And you are from Pittsburgh, Mike?

Mike: Absolutely!

Masters: So, the guy with the stupid name, from the stupid town is going to act stupid by trying to break the Masterlock. Sit down here and I hope your ride is an unpleasant and painfilled one!

The man sits and sets himself ready for the Masterlock, whcih Chris Masters applies and the struggle is on! He swings around and desperately tries to summon up all of his strength to break the hold, but he can't do it and is soon slumped over. The ref lifts his arm and it falls back down, the Masterlock remains unbroken!

::Fade to Commercial::

Earlier Carlito and Nitro arranged themselves a match, that is next!

Carlito vs Johnny Nitro
Nitro hits a wicked chop. Carlito counters a backdrop attempt with a kick to the face. Nitro gets slammed. The referee goes down after accidentally getting caught by an elbow to the face. Side suplex from Carlito. Cover, but there's no one to count for Carlito. Nitro counters a backdrop attempt with a kick to the face. Johnny Nitro hits a rolling kick on Carlito. Carlito takes a hurrancarana. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Back heel kick off the second rope, Carlito goes down. Pin : 1....2....no! They cut that one close. Johnny Nitro gets taken down out of nowhere. Carlito hits a stump piledriver on Johnny Nitro. Pin : 1....2....kick out! A split-second away from a three. Nitro counters a backdrop attempt with a kick to the face. Johnny Nitro grapples with Carlito, and positions himself so that the referee can't see...and hits a low blow! He rolls up the stunned Carlito: 1....2....3!! What a cheap shot! Johnny Nitro slides out of the ring to the floor, then turns and leaves through the crowd. He's happy to have the win, and evidently isn't going to hang around for Carlito to get some payback.
Match Rating: **** (We are giving out PPV quality matches! These 2 worked really well here)

Nitro steals the victory, he couldnt get it done properly so he has to cheat. Carlito isn't happy, I would watch for this to elevate from here.

The US Champion MVP is backstage with a big machine full of balls (No innuendo people...) ready for the MVP Random Challenge

MVP: Tonight I have been kind enough to give one lucky superstar on Smackdown the oppertunity of a lifetime, the chance to get into the ring with Montel Vontavious Porter, MVP. Not just that, but with the US title on the line. It is the best man on the roster and someone gets to face me! Good luck all. And the winner this week and facing me next is... Funaki! Congratulations you wierd Japanese guy, you win! See you in the ring!

::Fade to Commercial::

MVP Random Challenge sees Funaki take on the US Champ right now!

Montel Vontavious Porter vs Funaki - WWE United States Championship
Montel Vontavious Porter uses a forearm to the face. Fallaway slam by Montel Vontavious Porter. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Funaki counters an avalanche with a raised foot to the face. MVP takes a flying neckbreaker from Funaki. Funaki hits a massive spinning kick to the jaw. Second rope flying axe handle, MVP goes down. Montel Vontavious Porter blocks a right hand and fires back. MVP hits a stump piledriver on Funaki. Funaki gets knocked to the ground by MVP. Playmaker!!! Funaki taps out! Montel Vontavious Porter slides to the outside and grabs a chair, then climbs back into the ring. Funaki turns around...and gets planted with a huge chair shot to the head! He is left down and out on the canvas.
Match Rating: ** (Squash match. Next!)

MVP beats Funaki and then some, what a brutal beatdown there. We see a recap of what has happened in the tag scene now, showing Dn'D winning the titles, then Cade and Murdoch's draft over to Smackdown and then last week's brawl ending with the announcement of a triple threat for Vengeance as well as our match tonight which is next!

Brian Kendrick vs Lance Cade vs Deuce
Kendrick hits a massive spinning kick to the jaw. Lance Cade uses a forearm to the face. Deuce powers out of a Lance Cade headlock. Second rope splash by Deuce. Flying elbow off the top rope by Deuce. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Massive lariat. Pin : 1....2....no! Shoulder up at the last second. Deuce blocks a punch. Back heel kick from Deuce. Springboard blockbuster! Brian Kendrick drives Deuce into the corner. Sliced Bread #2, forget about it. 1....2...3!
Match Rating: ** (Crowd really haven't warmed up tonight)

Brian Kendrick picks up the win over both Cade and Deuce, but here come the partners, London, Murdoch and Domino are all heading to the ring and all 3 teams are stood in the middle of the ring arguing with each other. Security is running down the ramp with a load of referees as they try and separate the teams. Deuce and Domino try to break through the security to get to London and Kendrick, but are held back. They are still all entangled in the ring as we head to a break.

::Fade to Commercial::

Chavo Guerrero is stood backstage, chair in hand. He isn't trying to attack Super Crazy again is he? He tried after his match earlier and it looks like he will take his second shot of the night. The view zooms out and we see he is stood on one side of a corner, Super Crazy is just round the bend. As he is about to walk round, Super Crazy waits a moment, sensing danger. Then he moves round the corner... and delivers a quick dropkick, slamming the chair into Chavo's head! The champion is down and out, his plan backfires again! Super Crazy bends down and says "Better luck next time!" before walking off with a grin on his face.

It is time for the Main Event, which is now Edge defending his title against Chris Benoit!

Edge vs Chris Benoit
Benoit drives a thrust kick into the chest of Edge. Short range spear from Chris Benoit. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Edge counters a sleeper hold by turning it into a jaw breaker. Edge hits a right hand. Fallaway slam by Edge. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Massive lariat. Pin : 1....2....kick out! A split-second away from a three. Back elbow connects, Benoit staggers backward. Chris Benoit blocks a right hand and fires back. Tiger bomb by Chris Benoit. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Back heel kick off the second rope, Edge goes down. Pin : 1....2....no! Shoulder up at the last second. Hard impact russian legsweep by Benoit. Edge takes a back suplex. Edge counters an avalanche with a raised foot to the face. Rude Awakening on Chris Benoit by Edge. Tornado punch from Edge. Chris Benoit is in trouble. Here it comes - Spear. 1....2...3, it's finished. Kane comes running down the aisle, and gets into the ring! Kane spins Edge around. Kane hits the Choke Slam! Edge has been left down on the canvas.
Match Rating: ****1/2 (What a match! These guys were awesome together and the crowd loved it!)

Kane is here and has taken Edge out just days before Vengeance! Will he capture the title on Sunday? Smackdown ends with Kane stood over Edge's body on the floor beneath, he picks the World Heavyweight Championship belt up, signals that it is his and throws it down onto Edge. Finally, he makes the turnbuckles explode with flames as his music plays us out. Vengeance is this Sunday, Kane vs. Edge!

We got a 6.47 rating for 'Smackdown'!
The attendance level was 10036 people.
There isn't anything I can say I don't like there, Chez. Well written matchs and very realistic. I especially like the intro and the Benoit vs. Edge match. Very good show, mate.
Thanks Simon.

If I could get on my computer then you would have some nice fancy Vengeance graphics now, but the power supply has blown, so no graphics or PPV for a few days.

Now we go for the Vengeance Prediction Contest! The person who makes the most correct predictions wins a special double prize this month. The first part is that the winner gets to add a rule which I have to follow in this story. If you remember, I have to play this story following a number of rules and you get to add to them. The second part is that you get to help plan the direction of the Smackdown Tag Team situation. On both of these I do have veto power if you give any stupid suggestions or ones which I cannot use because of my rules I have already, but I will use all reasonable suggestions for sure.

Onto the predicting!

WWE Championship
Fatal Four-Way

John Cena (c) vs. Randy Orton vs. Batista vs. Mark Henry
Bonus 1: Who will lose the fall?

World Heavyweight Championship
No-Disqualification Falls Count Anywhere

Edge (c) vs. Kane

ECW World Championship
Bobby Lashley vs. King Booker

Intercontinental Championship
Shelton Benjamin (c) vs. Santino Marella

WWE Tag Team Championships
Deuce N' Domino (c) (w/ Cherry) vs. London and Kendrick vs. Cade and Murdoch
Bonus 2: Who will lose the fall?

Losers Disband
6-man Tag

ECW Originals (Ric Flair, The Sandman and Tommy Dreamer) vs. The New Breed (Elijah Burke, Marcus Cor Von and Matt Striker)
Bonus 3: Who will lose the fall?

WWE Cruiserweight Championship
Chavo Guerrero (c) vs. Super Crazy

WWE Womens Championship
Melina (c) vs. Candice Michelle vs. Jillian Hall
Bonus 4: Who will lose the fall?

Bonus 5: Which match will have the highest Match Quality on EWR?
Bonus 6: Which match will have the lowest Match Quality on EWR?
Bonus 7: Who will be on the screen as the PPV ends?
Bonus 8: One match ends with an interference, which one?

Maximum points available is 16
WWE Championship
Fatal Four-Way
John Cena (c) vs. Randy Orton vs. Batista vs. Mark Henry
Bonus 1: Who will lose the fall? John Cena

World Heavyweight Championship
No-Disqualification Falls Count Anywhere
Edge (c) vs. Kane

ECW World Championship
Bobby Lashley vs. King Booker

Intercontinental Championship
Shelton Benjamin (c) vs. Santino Marella

WWE Tag Team Championships
Deuce N' Domino (c) (w/ Cherry) vs. London and Kendrick vs. Cade and Murdoch
Bonus 2: Who will lose the fall? Domino

Losers Disband
6-man Tag
ECW Originals (Ric Flair, The Sandman and Tommy Dreamer) vs. The New Breed (Elijah Burke, Marcus Cor Von and Matt Striker)
Bonus 3: Who will lose the fall? Matt Striker

WWE Cruiserweight Championship
Chavo Guerrero (c) vs. Super Crazy

WWE Womens Championship
Melina (c) vs. Candice Michelle vs. Jillian Hall
Bonus 4: Who will lose the fall? Jillian

Bonus 5: Which match will have the highest Match Quality on EWR? Edge Vs Kane
Bonus 6: Which match will have the lowest Match Quality on EWR?WWE Championship Fatal four way
Bonus 7: Who will be on the screen as the PPV ends? Edge
Bonus 8: One match ends with an interference, which one? ECW Championship Match

Maximum points available is 16
WWE Championship
Fatal Four-Way
John Cena (c) vs. Randy Orton vs. Batista vs. Mark Henry
Bonus 1: Who will lose the fall? - Batista

World Heavyweight Championship
No-Disqualification Falls Count Anywhere
Edge (c) vs. Kane

ECW World Championship
Bobby Lashley vs. King Booker

Intercontinental Championship
Shelton Benjamin (c) vs. Santino Marella

WWE Tag Team Championships
Deuce N' Domino (c) (w/ Cherry) vs. London and Kendrick vs. Cade and Murdoch
Bonus 2: Who will lose the fall? Londrick

Losers Disband
6-man Tag
ECW Originals (Ric Flair, The Sandman and Tommy Dreamer) vs. The New Breed (Elijah Burke, Marcus Cor Von and Matt Striker)
Bonus 3: Who will lose the fall? Tommy Dreamer

WWE Cruiserweight Championship
Chavo Guerrero (c) vs. Super Crazy

WWE Womens Championship
Melina (c) vs. Candice Michelle vs. Jillian Hall
Bonus 4: Who will lose the fall? Candice

Bonus 5: Which match will have the highest Match Quality on EWR? WWE TITLE MATCH
Bonus 6: Which match will have the lowest Match Quality on EWR? CRUSIERWEIGHT TITLE MATCH
Bonus 7: Who will be on the screen as the PPV ends? TRIPLE H
Bonus 8: One match ends with an interference, which one? WWE TITLE

Great SmackDown! Looking forward to Vengeance

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