

We are delighted that the WCC has overlooked the UN once again and allowed Palestine to have have their own national team in international competition. To celebrate, we have agreed to host a preliminary Palestinian squad so they can prepare for their first official fixtures. A Palestine XI will have two warm-up matches up north, starting with a five-day game against Princes Gate runners up, Ynys Mon Islanders, followed by a limited-overs game against Bae Colwyn Pirates. We will then host two unofficial games in Swansea and Newport for them against a Wales 'A' side.
The itinerary looks like so:

September 20th-24th - Ynys Mon Islanders v a Palestine XI
September 26th - Bae Colwyn Pirates v a Palestine XI
September 30th - Wales A v a Palestine XI (@ St. Helens) [unofficial ODI]
October 2nd-6th - Wales A v a Palestine XI (@ Spytty Park) [Unofficial Test Match]

The Wales 'A' squad for both formats will be the same and won't contain Raja Caerdydd players, due to their representation in the World Club Cup. However, Connor Rees, who has retired from the national team, has agreed to skipper this 'A' side. As a result, the Wales 'A' squad is:

:bat: Rhodri Davies (29)
:bat: Connor Rees (38) :c:
:bat: Charlie Nicholls (19)
:bat: Kai Friend (20)

:bat: Martin Bevans (21)
:bat: Dewi Hemp (21)
:ar: Owain Norton (19)

:wkb: Gareth Herring (29)

:ar: Phil Salter (30) V :c:
:ar: Osian ap Sion (20)

:bwl: Peter Mullin (28)
:bwl: Lewis Carey (26)
:bwl: Marnws Walker (22)

:bwl: Steffan Moore (15)
:bwl: Ben Russell (21)


Rydym wrth ein bodd bod y WCC wedi anwybyddu'r Cenhedloedd Unedig unwaith eto ac wedi caniatáu i Balestina gael eu tîm cenedlaethol eu hunain mewn cystadleuaeth ryngwladol. I ddathlu, rydym wedi cytuno i gynnal carfan Palesteinaidd ragarweiniol fel y gallant baratoi ar gyfer eu gemau swyddogol cyntaf. Bydd XI Palestina yn cael dwy gêm gynhesu tua'r gogledd, gan ddechrau gyda gêm bum niwrnod yn erbyn Princes Gate a ddaeth yn ail, Ynys Môn, gyda gêm belawd gyfyngedig i ddilyn yn erbyn Môr-ladron Bae Colwyn. Yna byddwn yn cynnal dwy gêm answyddogol yn Abertawe a Chasnewydd iddyn nhw yn erbyn tîm 'A' Cymru.

Mae'r deithlen yn edrych fel hyn:
Medi 20fed-24ain - Ynys Mon v a Palestina XI
Medi 26ain - Môr-ladron Bae Colwyn v a Palestina XI
Medi 30ain - Cymru A v a Palestina XI (@ St. Helens) [ODI Answyddogol]
Hydref 2il-6ed - Cymru A v a Palestina XI (@ Spytty Park) [Gêm Brawf Answyddogol]

Yr un fydd carfan 'A' Cymru ar gyfer y ddau fformat ac ni fydd yn cynnwys chwaraewyr Raja Caerdydd, oherwydd eu cynrychiolaeth yng Nghwpan Clwb y Byd. Serch hynny, mae Connor Rees, sydd wedi ymddeol o'r tîm cenedlaethol, wedi cytuno i gapten yr ochr 'A' hon. O ganlyniad, mae carfan 'A' Cymru yn:

:bat: Rhodri Davies (29)
:bat: Connor Rees (38) :c:
:bat: Charlie Nicholls (19)
:bat: Kai Friend (20)

:bat: Martin Bevans (21)
:bat: Dewi Hemp (21)
:ar: Owain Norton (19)

:wkb: Gareth Herring (29)

:ar: Phil Salter (30) V :c:
:ar: Osian ap Sion (20)

:bwl: Peter Mullin (28)
:bwl: Lewis Carey (26)
:bwl: Marnws Walker (22)

:bwl: Steffan Moore (15)
:bwl: Ben Russell (21)

5 day match
Pitch Condition: Poor
PALESTINE XI 1st innings

Player              Status                        Runs  Blls  4s   6s    S/R
Hussain Murad       c. Lewis       b. Mullin       29    93    4    0   31.2%
Adil Rafiullah      c. Llewellyn   b. Mullin       17    20    3    0   85.0%
Anwar Mahmoud       c. Moore       b. James        42    83    9    0   50.6%
Hafiz Ahmadi        run out (Moore)                78   228   12    0   34.2%
Muhammad Ahmad                     b. James        33    58    7    0   56.9%
Asratullah Gurbaaj                 b. Griffiths     9    42    2    0   21.4%
Jesus Jeremiah      c. Moore       b. Griffiths    27   102    5    0   26.5%
Nasser Wolowitz     lbw            b. Griffiths    25    55    5    0   45.5%
Omar Al-Azzeh       not out                        57   195    6    0   29.2%
Bilal Goregen                      b. Khatibi      43   115   10    0   37.4%
Pranav Koothrapalli c. Llewellyn   b. Mullin       10    47    2    0   21.3%
 Total:  400/10       Overs:  172.1        Run Rate:  2.32     Extras:  30
                             Day 3  10:11 AM
PALESTINE XI Partnerships

Batsmen                                                            Runs (Balls)
H Murad       Rafiullah    þþþþþþþþþþþ                               27 (54)
H Murad       A Mahmoud    þþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþ                      49 (122)
H Ahmadi      A Mahmoud    þþþþþþþþþ                                 22 (42)
H Ahmadi      M Ahmad      þþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþ                    54 (104)
H Ahmadi      A Gurbaaj    þþþþþþþþ                                  20 (84)
H Ahmadi      J Jeremiah   þþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþ           75 (208)
H Ahmadi      N Wolowitz   þ                                          2 (14)
O Al-Azzeh    N Wolowitz   þþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþ                          40 (95)
O Al-Azzeh    B Goregen    þþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþ       84 (210)
O Al-Azzeh    Kooth'alli   þþþþþþþþþþþ                               27 (100)

     Fall of Wickets    27/1      76/2      98/3      152/4     172/5
                        247/6     249/7     289/8     373/9     400/10  

 Total:  400/10      Overs:  172.1         Run Rate:  2.32    Extras:  30  


Player               Overs   Mdns    Runs   Wkts      E/R    Wds    NBs
El Mahi Khatibi      41.0     17      81      1      1.98     1      1
Ieuan Griffiths      28.0      7      66      3      2.36     1      2
Rhodri Glyndwr       26.0      8      57      0      2.19     1      4
Peter Mullin         31.1      8      83      3      2.66     1      1
Owen Clough          14.0      7      18      0      1.29     1      0
Guto James           32.0     12      80      2      2.50     0      2

 EXTRAS          Wides: 5      No Balls: 10     Leg Byes: 9      Byes: 6

 Total:  400/10       Overs:  172.1        Run Rate:  2.32    Extras:  30  

Player              Status                        Runs  Blls  4s   6s    S/R
Kev Moore           lbw            b. Kooth'alli   43    86    8    0   50.0%
Kieffer Edwards     c. Murad       b. Goregen      19    63    3    0   30.2%
Elis Lewis                         b. Kooth'alli   33   125    5    1   26.4%
Youssouf Berrada    c. Wolowitz    b. Goregen     187   206   44    0   90.8%
Owen Clough         lbw            b. Goregen      77   155   15    1   49.7%
Huw Llewellyn       lbw            b. Goregen      16    15    4    0  106.7%
Rhodri Glyndwr      c. Murad       b. Al-Azzeh     31    99    5    0   31.3%
El Mahi Khatibi     c. Gurbaaj     b. Kooth'alli    5    22    1    0   22.7%
Guto James                         b. Kooth'alli    4    10    1    0   40.0%
Peter Mullin                   c & b. Goregen      11    18    2    0   61.1%
Ieuan Griffiths     not out                         0     5    0    0    0.0%
 Total:  442/10       Overs:  133.2        Run Rate:  3.32     Extras:  16
                             Day 4  1:33 PM

Batsmen                                                            Runs (Balls)
K Moore       K Edwards    þþþþþþþþþþþþ                              54 (125)
K Moore       E Lewis      þþþ                                       15 (38)
Y Berrada     E Lewis      þþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþ      153 (234)
Y Berrada     O Clough     þþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþ                      90 (151)
Llewellyn     O Clough     þþþþ                                      20 (27)
R Glyndwr     O Clough     þþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþ                        79 (127)
R Glyndwr     E Khatibi    þþ                                        13 (48)
R Glyndwr     G James      þ                                          6 (24)
R Glyndwr     P Mullin                                                0 (3)
Griffiths     P Mullin     þþ                                        12 (23)

     Fall of Wickets    54/1      69/2      222/3     312/4     332/5
                        411/6     424/7     430/8     430/9     442/10  

 Total:  442/10      Overs:  133.2         Run Rate:  3.32    Extras:  16  


Player               Overs   Mdns    Runs   Wkts      E/R    Wds    NBs
Pranav Koothrapalli  42.0      6     163      4      3.88     1      3
Omar Al-Azzeh        20.0      7      39      1      1.95     1      0
Nasser Wolowitz      23.0      6      83      0      3.61     1      1
Bilal Goregen        46.2     13     141      5      3.04     1      4
Muhammad Ahmad        2.0      1      12      0      6.00     0      0

 EXTRAS          Wides: 4      No Balls: 8      Leg Byes: 3      Byes: 1

 Total:  442/10       Overs:  133.2        Run Rate:  3.32    Extras:  16  
PALESTINE XI 2nd innings

Player              Status                        Runs  Blls  4s   6s    S/R
Hussain Murad       c. Moore       b. Khatibi      42   115    8    0   36.5%
Adil Rafiullah      c. Berrada     b. Khatibi      22    74    4    0   29.7%
Anwar Mahmoud       c. Glyndwr     b. James        52   174    6    2   29.9%
Hafiz Ahmadi        lbw            b. Griffiths    26   111    5    0   23.4%
Muhammad Ahmad                     b. Griffiths    21    45    5    0   46.7%
Asratullah Gurbaaj  c. Moore       b. Glyndwr       1    21    0    0    4.8%
Jesus Jeremiah      lbw            b. Glyndwr       9    27    2    0   33.3%
Nasser Wolowitz     not out                        32    60    6    0   53.3%
Omar Al-Azzeh       not out                        21    64    5    0   32.8%
Bilal Goregen      
Pranav Koothrapalli
 Total:  240/7        Overs:  115.0        Run Rate:  2.09     Extras:  14
                             Day 5  4:30 PM
PALESTINE XI Partnerships

Batsmen                                                            Runs (Balls)
H Murad       Rafiullah    þþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþ                         39 (136)
H Murad       A Mahmoud    þþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþ                     48 (115)
H Ahmadi      A Mahmoud    þþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþ              64 (217)
H Ahmadi      M Ahmad                                                 0 (5)
A Gurbaaj     M Ahmad      þþþþ                                      10 (39)
J Jeremiah    M Ahmad      þþþþþþþþ                                  19 (48)
N Wolowitz    M Ahmad      þ                                          4 (10)
N Wolowitz    O Al-Azzeh   þþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþ                  56 (120)

     Fall of Wickets    39/1      87/2      151/3     151/4     161/5
                        180/6     184/7                                  

 Total:  240/7       Overs:  115.0         Run Rate:  2.09    Extras:  14  


Player               Overs   Mdns    Runs   Wkts      E/R    Wds    NBs
El Mahi Khatibi      29.0     11      60      2      2.07     1      1
Ieuan Griffiths      19.0      8      28      2      1.47     0      2
Rhodri Glyndwr       18.0      7      39      2      2.17     0      2
Peter Mullin         20.0     12      30      0      1.50     0      0
Guto James           21.0      8      55      1      2.62     0      1
Owen Clough           8.0      0      21      0      2.63     0      0

 EXTRAS          Wides: 1      No Balls: 6      Leg Byes: 4      Byes: 3

 Total:  240/7        Overs:  115.0        Run Rate:  2.09    Extras:  14

Palestine XI 400 & 240/7
Ynys Mon Islanders 442

Ynys Mon Islanders draw with Palestine XI

Man of the match: Youssouf Berrada

50 overs match
Pitch Condition: Excellent

Player              Status                        Runs  Blls  4s   6s    S/R
Trevor Shard        c. Jones       b. Kaltapau     17    38    0    0   44.7%
Hussain Murad       c. Salt        b. Ova           6     8    1    0   75.0%
Anwar Mahmoud                      b. Pearce       45    44    5    0  102.3%
Muhammad Ahmad      c. B Evans     b. Ova          17    26    1    0   65.4%
Hafiz Ahmadi        c. B Evans     b. Ova          71    57    6    3  124.6%
Jesus Jeremiah      c. B Evans     b. Russell       6     9    0    0   66.7%
Omar Al-Azzeh                      b. Ova          21    34    1    0   61.8%
Bilal Goregen       lbw            b. G Evans      12    21    0    0   57.1%
Sikander Rasheed    not out                        28    25    1    2  112.0%
Pranav Koothrapalli lbw            b. Pearce        9    14    0    0   64.3%
Victor Jordan       c. B Evans     b. Pearce        3     3    0    0  100.0%
 Total:  247/10      Overs:  45.5          Run Rate:  4.94      Extras:  12   


Player               Overs   Mdns    Runs   Wkts      E/R    Wds    NBs
Jarrad Ova           10.0      0      49      4      4.90     0      0
Jamie Glover          7.0      0      33      0      4.71     1      0
Gareth Evans          3.0      0      24      1      8.00     0      1
Ben Russell          10.0      1      53      1      5.30     2      1
Bettan Kaltapau       4.0      1      21      1      5.25     0      0
Scott Pearce          6.5      0      33      3      4.83     0      1
Alun Wadlan           2.0      0      14      0      7.00     0      0
Kiran Lloyd           3.0      0      15      0      5.00     1      0
EXTRAS           Wides: 4      No Balls: 3      Leg Byes: 5      Byes: 0

Total: 247/10         Overs: 45.5         Run Rate: 4.94      Extras: 12

PALESTINE XI Partnerships

Batsmen                                                            Runs (Balls)
T Shard       H Murad      þþþþ                                      11 (15)
T Shard       A Mahmoud    þþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþ                  55 (66)
M Ahmad       A Mahmoud    þþþþþ                                     12 (16)
M Ahmad       H Ahmadi     þþþþþþþþ                                  20 (29)
J Jeremiah    H Ahmadi     þþþþþþþþþþþþþþþ                           36 (33)
O Al-Azzeh    H Ahmadi     þþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþ                   53 (48)
O Al-Azzeh    B Goregen    þþ                                         6 (12)
S Rasheed     B Goregen    þþþþþþþþþþ                                25 (26)
S Rasheed     Kooth'alli   þþþþþþþþþþ                                25 (26)
S Rasheed     V Jordan     þ                                          4 (4)

     Fall of Wickets    11/1      66/2      78/3      98/4      134/5
                        187/6     193/7     218/8     243/9     247/10   

 Total:  247/10      Overs:  45.5         Run Rate:  4.94     Extras:  12   

Player              Status                        Runs  Blls  4s   6s    S/R
Andrew Salt         c. Ahmadi      b. Goregen      22    31    0    0   71.0%
Kiran Lloyd         lbw            b. Goregen      47    57    6    1   82.5%
Bill Evans          c. Ahmadi      b. Goregen      40    51    3    0   78.4%
Gareth Evans                       b. Jordan        6    16    0    0   37.5%
Alun Jones          not out                        39    77    0    0   50.6%
Alun Wadlan                        b. Goregen       1     3    0    0   33.3%
Bettan Kaltapau     c. Ahmad       b. Rasheed       6     7    1    0   85.7%
Scott Pearce        lbw            b. Ahmad        23    41    1    0   56.1%
Jamie Glover        lbw            b. Rasheed       1     6    0    0   16.7%
Jarrad Ova          not out                        12    18    0    0   66.7%
Ben Russell         
 Total:  219/8       Overs:  50.0          Run Rate:  4.38      Extras:  22   


Player               Overs   Mdns    Runs   Wkts      E/R    Wds    NBs
Pranav Koothrapalli  10.0      0      44      0      4.40     1      2
Victor Jordan        10.0      0      44      1      4.40     2      2
Omar Al-Azzeh         7.0      0      39      0      5.57     2      1
Bilal Goregen        10.0      1      28      4      2.80     0      0
Sikander Rasheed      7.0      0      30      2      4.29     0      2
Muhammad Ahmad        5.0      0      21      1      4.20     2      0
Hussain Murad         1.0      0       5      0      5.00     0      0
EXTRAS           Wides: 7      No Balls: 7      Leg Byes: 7      Byes: 1

Total: 219/8          Overs: 50.0         Run Rate: 4.38      Extras: 22


Batsmen                                                            Runs (Balls)
A Salt        K Lloyd      þþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþ                      47 (55)
B Evans       K Lloyd      þþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþ               62 (64)
B Evans       G Evans      þþþþþþ                                    15 (30)
B Evans       A Jones      þ                                          2 (7)
A Wadlan      A Jones      þ                                          3 (7)
B Kaltapau    A Jones      þþþþþ                                     12 (15)
S Pearce      A Jones      þþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþ                     50 (82)
J Glover      A Jones      þ                                          3 (8)
J Ova         A Jones      þþþþþþþþþþ                                25 (32)

     Fall of Wickets    47/1      109/2     124/3     126/4     129/5
                        141/6     191/7     194/8                         

 Total:  219/8       Overs:  50.0         Run Rate:  4.38     Extras:  22

PALESTINE XI 247 45.5 overs
BAE COLWYN PIRATES 219/8 50.0 overs

Palestine XI won by 28 runs

Man of the match: Bilal Goregen


Following an injury in training, Rhodri Davies, has had to pull out of the Wales 'A' fixtures this week against the Palestine XI. This is a minor hamstring injury but we have taken this decision to err on the side of caution.

However, we are delighted to announce that he has been replaced by former footballer Alun Lockyer, who will become a Raja Caerdydd player from next season. The Welsh international centre-half was an exceptional youth batsman and will now become a full-time cricketer.


Yn dilyn anaf wrth hyfforddi mae Rhodri Davies, wedi gorfod tynnu allan o gemau 'A' Cymru yr wythnos hon yn erbyn yr XI Palesteina. Mân anaf i linyn y goes yw hwn ond rydym wedi cymryd y penderfyniad hwn i fod yn ofalus.

Fodd bynnag, rydym yn falch iawn o gyhoeddi bod y cyn bêl-droediwr Alun Lockyer, a fydd yn dod yn chwaraewr Raja Caerdydd o’r tymor nesaf, wedi cymryd ei le. Roedd canolwr rhyngwladol Cymru yn fatiwr ieuenctid eithriadol a bydd nawr yn dod yn gricedwr llawn amser.
EDITORS NOTE: Sorry if anyone feels this is crass but as a Welshman and a Lutonian, yesterday hit me very hard, especially as someone who was at the Play-off Final in May but I'm not sure I have ever been so attached to a sportsman in any sport. So I wanted to do something in this to celebrate Tom.

We can now confirm the starting XI's for the Wales 'A' matches against a Palestine XI.

Unofficial ODI @ St. Helens
Connor Rees :C:
Charlie Nicholls
Kai Friend
Martin Bevans
Alun Lockyer
Osian ap Sion
Gareth Herring :wk:
Phil Salter
Lewis Carey
Peter Mullin
Ben Russell

Unofficial TEST @ Spytty Park
Connor Rees :C:
Charlie Nicholls
Kai Friend
Dewi Hemp
Alun Lockyer
Owain Norton
Gareth Herring :wk:
Marnws Walker
Peter Mullin
Ben Russell
Steffan Moore
Last edited:
Oh yes bring it on

50 overs match
Pitch Condition: Normal
0.1  Kooth'alli to Nicholls, one run, That was a very risky single.
0.2  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, A lot of movement being extracted by Kooth'alli     
0.3  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, Defensively played by Connor Rees
0.4  Kooth'alli to Rees, one run, One more to the total
0.5  Kooth'alli to Nicholls, one run, One more to the total
0.6  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, A lot of movement being extracted by Kooth'alli     

         End of over 1  (3 runs)
         WALES A               3/0
         (R/R:  3.00)
         Pranav Koothrapalli  1.0-0-3-0
         Connor Rees           1(4b)
         Charlie Nicholls      2(2b)   

1.1  Jordan to Nicholls, no run, Defensively played by Charlie Nicholls
1.2  Jordan to Nicholls, no run, Left alone by Charlie Nicholls
1.3  Jordan to Nicholls, no run, Charlie Nicholls missed that one by a mile
1.4  Jordan to Nicholls, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
1.5  Jordan to Nicholls, no run, Charlie Nicholls was completely deceived
1.6  Jordan to Nicholls, no run, Charlie Nicholls was completely deceived

         End of over 2  (0 runs)
         WALES A               3/0
         (R/R:  1.50)
         Victor Jordan        1.0-0-0-0
         Charlie Nicholls      2(8b)
         Connor Rees           1(4b)   

2.1  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, Defensively played by Connor Rees
2.2  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, Connor Rees missed that one by a mile
2.3  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
2.4  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
2.5  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, Connor Rees was completely deceived
2.6  Kooth'alli to Rees, one run, The misfield by Mahmoud allows yet another run

         End of over 3  (1 runs)
         WALES A               4/0
         (R/R:  1.33)
         Pranav Koothrapalli  2.0-0-4-0
         Charlie Nicholls      2(8b)
         Connor Rees           2(10b)   

3.1  Al-Azzeh to Rees, FOUR, Brillian cover drive by Connor Rees
3.2  Al-Azzeh to Rees, one run, That is very well run by Charlie Nicholls   
3.3  Al-Azzeh to Nicholls, OUT, Thats plumb in front of the wicket

         Charlie Nicholls       2 (9b)
         lbw            b. Al-Azzeh

3.4  Al-Azzeh to Friend, no run, Left alone by Kai Friend
3.5  Al-Azzeh to Friend, one run, That was a very risky single.
3.6  Al-Azzeh to Rees, three runs, Excellent running 3 more

         End of over 4  (9 runs)
         WALES A              13/1
         (R/R:  3.25)
         Omar Al-Azzeh        1.0-0-9-1
         Kai Friend            1(2b)
         Connor Rees          10(13b 1X4)   

4.1  Ibrah'bbas to Rees, one run, That is very well run by Kai Friend         
4.2  Ibrah'bbas to Friend, one run, That is very well run by Connor Rees         
4.3  Ibrah'bbas to Rees, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
4.4  Ibrah'bbas to Rees, FOUR, Ibraheem-ul-Abbas cant belive it
4.5  Ibrah'bbas to Rees, one run, Great cooperation between Connor Rees and Kai Friend         
4.6  Ibrah'bbas to Friend, no run, Kai Friend was completely deceived

         End of over 5  (7 runs)
         WALES A              20/1
         (R/R:  4.00)
         Ibraheem-ul-Abbas    1.0-0-7-0
         Kai Friend            2(4b)
         Connor Rees          16(17b 2X4)   

5.1  Jordan to Rees, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
5.2  Jordan to Rees, no run, Connor Rees was completely deceived
5.3  Jordan to Rees, one run, That is very well run by Kai Friend         
5.4  Jordan to Friend, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
5.5  Jordan to Friend, one run, That was a very risky single.
5.6  Jordan to Rees, no run, Left alone by Connor Rees

         End of over 6  (2 runs)
         WALES A              22/1
         (R/R:  3.67)
         Victor Jordan        2.0-1-2-0
         Connor Rees          17(21b 2X4)
         Kai Friend            3(6b)   

6.1  Ibrah'bbas to Friend, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
6.2  Ibrah'bbas to Friend, FOUR, Who needs Bradman when weve got Kai Friend
6.3  Ibrah'bbas to Friend, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
6.4  Ibrah'bbas to Friend, FOUR, That was a bad delivery by Ibraheem-ul-Abbas, deserving this punishment
6.5  Ibrah'bbas to Friend, OUT, What a brilliant catch by Bilal Goregen

         Kai Friend             11 (11b 2X4)
         c. Goregen     b. Ibrah'bbas

6.6  Ibrah'bbas to Bevans, one run, That is very well run by Connor Rees         

         End of over 7  (9 runs)
         WALES A              31/2
         (R/R:  4.43)
         Ibraheem-ul-Abbas    2.0-0-16-1
         Connor Rees          17(21b 2X4)
         Martin Bevans         1(1b)   

7.1  Kooth'alli to Bevans, no run, A lot of movement being extracted by Kooth'alli     
7.2  Kooth'alli to Bevans, no run, Martin Bevans was completely deceived
7.3  Kooth'alli to Bevans, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
7.4  Kooth'alli to Bevans, two runs, Took the first one quickly the second was no problem
7.5  Kooth'alli to Bevans, FOUR, Pranav Koothrapalli cant belive it
7.6  Kooth'alli to Bevans, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Hafiz Ahmadi       

         End of over 8  (6 runs)
         WALES A              37/2
         (R/R:  4.63)
         Pranav Koothrapalli  3.0-0-10-0
         Martin Bevans         7(7b 1X4)
         Connor Rees          17(21b 2X4)   

8.1  Jordan to Rees, legbye, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
8.2  Jordan to Bevans, no run, Left alone by Martin Bevans
8.3  Jordan to Bevans, one run, Great cooperation between Martin Bevans and Connor Rees         
8.4  Jordan to Rees, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
8.5  Jordan to Rees, no run, Connor Rees missed that one by a mile
8.6  Jordan to Rees, no run, Connor Rees was completely deceived

         End of over 9  (2 runs)
         WALES A              39/2
         (R/R:  4.33)
         Victor Jordan        3.0-1-3-0
         Connor Rees          17(25b 2X4)
         Martin Bevans         8(9b 1X4)   

9.1  Goregen to Bevans, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
9.2  Goregen to Bevans, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
9.3  Goregen to Bevans, no run, Martin Bevans was completely deceived
9.4  Goregen to Bevans, one run, Great cooperation between Martin Bevans and Connor Rees         
9.5  Goregen to Rees, no run, Bilal Goregen is getting the ball to turn ferociously
9.6  Goregen to Rees, no run, Bilal Goregen is getting the ball to turn ferociously

         End of over 10  (1 runs)
         WALES A              40/2
         (R/R:  4.00)
         Bilal Goregen        1.0-0-1-0
         Connor Rees          17(27b 2X4)
         Martin Bevans         9(13b 1X4)   

10.1  Kooth'alli to Bevans, one run, That was a very risky single.
10.2  Kooth'alli to Rees, one run, One more to the total
10.3  Kooth'alli to Bevans, no run, Left alone by Martin Bevans
10.4  Kooth'alli to Bevans, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
10.5  Kooth'alli to Bevans, no run, A lot of movement being extracted by Kooth'alli     
10.6  Kooth'alli to Bevans, FOUR, That was a bad delivery by Pranav Koothrapalli, deserving this punishment

         End of over 11  (6 runs)
         WALES A              46/2
         (R/R:  4.18)
         Pranav Koothrapalli  4.0-0-16-0
         Martin Bevans        14(18b 2X4)
         Connor Rees          18(28b 2X4)   

11.1  Ibrah'bbas to Rees, no run, Defensively played by Connor Rees
11.2  Ibrah'bbas to Rees, no run, Left alone by Connor Rees
11.3  Ibrah'bbas to Rees, no run, A lot of movement being extracted by Ibrah'bbas     
11.4  Ibrah'bbas to Rees, no run, Connor Rees was completely deceived
11.5  Ibrah'bbas to Rees, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
11.6  Ibrah'bbas to Rees, no run, Left alone by Connor Rees

         End of over 12  (0 runs)
         WALES A              46/2
         (R/R:  3.83)
         Ibraheem-ul-Abbas    3.0-0-16-1
         Connor Rees          18(34b 2X4)
         Martin Bevans        14(18b 2X4)   

12.1  Goregen to Bevans, legbye, Appeal for LBW, a bit too optimistic though
12.2  Goregen to Rees, one run, That was a very risky single.
12.3  Goregen to Bevans, no run, Bilal Goregen is getting the ball to turn ferociously
12.4  Goregen to Bevans, no run, Defensively played by Martin Bevans
12.5  Goregen to Bevans, one run, One more to the total
12.6  Goregen to Rees, no run, Connor Rees was completely deceived

         End of over 13  (3 runs)
         WALES A              49/2
         (R/R:  3.77)
         Bilal Goregen        2.0-0-3-0
         Connor Rees          19(36b 2X4)
         Martin Bevans        15(22b 2X4)   

13.1  Kooth'alli to Bevans, one run, One more to the total
13.2  Kooth'alli to Rees, one run, That is very well run by Martin Bevans       
13.3  Kooth'alli to Bevans, legbye, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
13.4  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
13.5  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, Defensively played by Connor Rees
13.6  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, Connor Rees was completely deceived

         End of over 14  (3 runs)
         WALES A              52/2
         (R/R:  3.71)
         Pranav Koothrapalli  5.0-0-18-0
         Connor Rees          20(40b 2X4)
         Martin Bevans        16(24b 2X4)   

14.1  Goregen to Bevans, one run, That is very well run by Connor Rees         
14.2  Goregen to Rees, one run, The misfield by Al-Azzeh allows yet another run
14.3  Goregen to Bevans, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
14.4  Goregen to Bevans, one run, Great cooperation between Martin Bevans and Connor Rees         
14.5  Goregen to Rees, no run, Left alone by Connor Rees
14.6  Goregen to Rees, one run, One more to the total

         End of over 15  (4 runs)
         WALES A              56/2
         (R/R:  3.73)
         Bilal Goregen        3.0-0-7-0
         Martin Bevans        18(27b 2X4)
         Connor Rees          22(43b 2X4)   

15.1  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, Connor Rees was completely deceived
15.2  Kooth'alli to Rees, one run, One more to the total
15.3  Kooth'alli to Bevans, legbye, Martin Bevans missed that one by a mile
15.4  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
15.5  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, Left alone by Connor Rees
15.6  Kooth'alli to Rees, one run, That was a very risky single.

         End of over 16  (3 runs)
         WALES A              59/2
         (R/R:  3.69)
         Pranav Koothrapalli  6.0-0-20-0
         Martin Bevans        18(28b 2X4)
         Connor Rees          24(48b 2X4)   

16.1  Jordan to Rees, one run, One more to the total
16.2  Jordan to Bevans, two runs, Great running between the wickets 2 more
16.3  Jordan to Bevans, one run, Great cooperation between Martin Bevans and Connor Rees         
16.4  Jordan to Rees, one run, The misfield by Kooth'alli allows yet another run
16.5  Jordan to Bevans, one run, That is very well run by Connor Rees         
16.6  Jordan to Rees, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman

         End of over 17  (6 runs)
         WALES A              65/2
         (R/R:  3.82)
         Victor Jordan        4.0-1-9-0
         Connor Rees          26(51b 2X4)
         Martin Bevans        22(31b 2X4)   

17.1  Kooth'alli to Bevans, one run, Great cooperation between Martin Bevans and Connor Rees         
17.2  Kooth'alli to Rees, one run, One more to the total
17.3  Kooth'alli to Bevans, two runs,
17.4  Kooth'alli to Bevans, no run, A lot of movement being extracted by Kooth'alli     
17.5  Kooth'alli to Bevans, SIX, What a six!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
17.6  Kooth'alli to Bevans, no run, Left alone by Martin Bevans

         End of over 18  (10 runs)
         WALES A              75/2
         (R/R:  4.17)
         Pranav Koothrapalli  7.0-0-30-0
         Martin Bevans        31(36b 2X4 1X6)
         Connor Rees          27(52b 2X4)   

18.1  Al-Azzeh to Rees, two runs, Great running between the wickets 2 more
18.2  Al-Azzeh to Rees, FOUR, That was a bad delivery by Omar Al-Azzeh, deserving this punishment
18.3  Al-Azzeh to Rees, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
18.4  Al-Azzeh to Rees, one run, One more to the total
18.5  Al-Azzeh to Bevans, no ball, one run, The misfield by Jeremiah allows yet another run
18.5  Al-Azzeh to Bevans, one run, The misfield by Jeremiah allows yet another run
18.6  Al-Azzeh to Rees, no run, Defensively played by Connor Rees

         End of over 19  (9 runs)
         WALES A              84/2
         (R/R:  4.42)
         Omar Al-Azzeh        2.0-0-18-1
         Connor Rees          34(57b 3X4)
         Martin Bevans        32(37b 2X4 1X6)   

19.1  Jordan to Bevans, no run, Left alone by Martin Bevans
19.2  Jordan to Bevans, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
19.3  Jordan to Bevans, OUT, What a brilliant catch by Hussain Murad

         Martin Bevans          32 (40b 2X4 1X6)
         c. Murad       b. Jordan

19.4  Jordan to Lockyer, one run, That is very well run by Connor Rees         
19.5  Jordan to Rees, OUT, Bowled him! Great delivery by Jordan. Rees didnt have a clue

         Connor Rees            34 (58b 3X4)
         b. Jordan

19.6  Jordan to Sion, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Hafiz Ahmadi       

         End of over 20  (1 runs)
         WALES A              85/4
         (R/R:  4.25)
         Victor Jordan        5.0-1-10-2
         Osian ap Sion         0(1b)
         Alun Lockyer          1(1b)   

20.1  Goregen to Lockyer, three runs, Great work by Kooth'alli saved a certain boundary
20.2  Goregen to Sion, no run, Osian ap Sion missed that one by a mile
20.3  Goregen to Sion, no run, Osian ap Sion missed that one by a mile
20.4  Goregen to Sion, no run, Osian ap Sion missed that one by a mile
20.5  Goregen to Sion, no run, Defensively played by Osian ap Sion
20.6  Goregen to Sion, one run, Great cooperation between Osian ap Sion and Alun Lockyer       

         End of over 21  (4 runs)
         WALES A              89/4
         (R/R:  4.24)
         Bilal Goregen        4.0-0-11-0
         Alun Lockyer          4(2b)
         Osian ap Sion         1(6b)   

21.1  Ibrah'bbas to Sion, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
21.2  Ibrah'bbas to Sion, no run, Osian ap Sion was completely deceived
21.3  Ibrah'bbas to Sion, one run, One more to the total
21.4  Ibrah'bbas to Lockyer, no run, Alun Lockyer missed that one by a mile
21.5  Ibrah'bbas to Lockyer, no run, Defensively played by Alun Lockyer
21.6  Ibrah'bbas to Lockyer, no run, A lot of movement being extracted by Ibrah'bbas     

         End of over 22  (1 runs)
         WALES A              90/4
         (R/R:  4.09)
         Ibraheem-ul-Abbas    4.0-1-17-1
         Alun Lockyer          4(5b)
         Osian ap Sion         2(9b)   

22.1  Jordan to Sion, no run, Osian ap Sion missed that one by a mile
22.2  Jordan to Sion, no run, Left alone by Osian ap Sion
22.3  Jordan to Sion, no run, Osian ap Sion was completely deceived
22.4  Jordan to Sion, FOUR, Brillian cover drive by Osian ap Sion
22.5  Jordan to Sion, no run, Osian ap Sion was completely deceived
22.6  Jordan to Sion, no run, Defensively played by Osian ap Sion

         End of over 23  (4 runs)
         WALES A              94/4
         (R/R:  4.09)
         Victor Jordan        6.0-1-14-2
         Osian ap Sion         6(15b 1X4)
         Alun Lockyer          4(5b)   

23.1  Goregen to Lockyer, no run, Alun Lockyer was completely deceived
23.2  Goregen to Lockyer, one run, That is very well run by Osian ap Sion       
23.3  Goregen to Sion, no run, Osian ap Sion was completely deceived
23.4  Goregen to Sion, no run, Appeal for LBW, a bit too optimistic though
23.5  Goregen to Sion, one run, One more to the total
23.6  Goregen to Lockyer, one run, One more to the total

         End of over 24  (3 runs)
         WALES A              97/4
         (R/R:  4.04)
         Bilal Goregen        5.0-0-14-0
         Osian ap Sion         7(18b 1X4)
         Alun Lockyer          6(8b)   

24.1  Jordan to Lockyer, no ball, no run, Left alone by Alun Lockyer
24.1  Jordan to Lockyer, no run, Left alone by Alun Lockyer
24.2  Jordan to Lockyer, no run, Defensively played by Alun Lockyer
24.3  Jordan to Lockyer, no run, Alun Lockyer was completely deceived
24.4  Jordan to Lockyer, one run, One more to the total
24.5  Jordan to Sion, no run, Defensively played by Osian ap Sion
24.6  Jordan to Sion, no run, A lot of movement being extracted by Jordan         

         End of over 25  (2 runs)
         WALES A              99/4
         (R/R:  3.96)
         Victor Jordan        7.0-1-16-2
         Osian ap Sion         7(20b 1X4)
         Alun Lockyer          7(12b)   

25.1  Al-Azzeh to Lockyer, one run, The misfield by Mahmoud allows yet another run
25.2  Al-Azzeh to Sion, FOUR, Brillian cover drive by Osian ap Sion
25.3  Al-Azzeh to Sion, one run, Great cooperation between Osian ap Sion and Alun Lockyer       
25.4  Al-Azzeh to Lockyer, one run, Great cooperation between Alun Lockyer and Osian ap Sion       
25.5  Al-Azzeh to Sion, no run, Defensively played by Osian ap Sion
25.6  Al-Azzeh to Sion, legbye, Left alone by Osian ap Sion

         End of over 26  (8 runs)
         WALES A             107/4
         (R/R:  4.12)
         Omar Al-Azzeh        3.0-0-25-1
         Alun Lockyer          9(14b)
         Osian ap Sion        12(24b 2X4)   

26.1  Goregen to Sion, one run, The misfield by Jeremiah allows yet another run
26.2  Goregen to Lockyer, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
26.3  Goregen to Lockyer, no run, Bilal Goregen is getting the ball to turn ferociously
26.4  Goregen to Lockyer, one run, Great cooperation between Alun Lockyer and Osian ap Sion       
26.5  Goregen to Sion, no run, Defensively played by Osian ap Sion
26.6  Goregen to Sion, one run, Great cooperation between Osian ap Sion and Alun Lockyer       

         End of over 27  (3 runs)
         WALES A             110/4
         (R/R:  4.07)
         Bilal Goregen        6.0-0-17-0
         Alun Lockyer         10(17b)
         Osian ap Sion        14(27b 2X4)   

27.1  Al-Azzeh to Sion, no run, Defensively played by Osian ap Sion
27.2  Al-Azzeh to Sion, three runs, Excellent running 3 more
27.3  Al-Azzeh to Lockyer, no run, Left alone by Alun Lockyer
27.4  Al-Azzeh to Lockyer, one run, That is very well run by Osian ap Sion       
27.5  Al-Azzeh to Sion, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
27.6  Al-Azzeh to Sion, one run, One more to the total

         End of over 28  (5 runs)
         WALES A             115/4
         (R/R:  4.11)
         Omar Al-Azzeh        4.0-0-30-1
         Alun Lockyer         11(19b)
         Osian ap Sion        18(31b 2X4)   

28.1  Goregen to Sion, no run, Bilal Goregen is getting the ball to turn ferociously
28.2  Goregen to Sion, three runs, Great work by Shard saved a certain boundary
28.3  Goregen to Lockyer, no run, Defensively played by Alun Lockyer
28.4  Goregen to Lockyer, no run, Left alone by Alun Lockyer
28.5  Goregen to Lockyer, one run, One more to the total
28.6  Goregen to Sion, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Hafiz Ahmadi       

         End of over 29  (4 runs)
         WALES A             119/4
         (R/R:  4.10)
         Bilal Goregen        7.0-0-21-0
         Osian ap Sion        21(34b 2X4)
         Alun Lockyer         12(22b)   

29.1  Ibrah'bbas to Lockyer, three runs, Excellent running 3 more
29.2  Ibrah'bbas to Sion, no run, Osian ap Sion was completely deceived
29.3  Ibrah'bbas to Sion, one run, That was a very risky single.
29.4  Ibrah'bbas to Lockyer, no ball, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
29.4  Ibrah'bbas to Lockyer, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
29.5  Ibrah'bbas to Lockyer, no run, Defensively played by Alun Lockyer
29.6  Ibrah'bbas to Lockyer, three runs, Excellent running 3 more

         End of over 30  (8 runs)
         WALES A             127/4
         (R/R:  4.23)
         Ibraheem-ul-Abbas    5.0-1-25-1
         Osian ap Sion        22(36b 2X4)
         Alun Lockyer         18(26b)   

30.1  Goregen to Lockyer, one run, One more to the total
30.2  Goregen to Sion, no run, Left alone by Osian ap Sion
30.3  Goregen to Sion, one run, One more to the total
30.4  Goregen to Lockyer, no run, Alun Lockyer missed that one by a mile
30.5  Goregen to Lockyer, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
30.6  Goregen to Lockyer, no run, Alun Lockyer was completely deceived

         End of over 31  (2 runs)
         WALES A             129/4
         (R/R:  4.16)
         Bilal Goregen        8.0-0-23-0
         Alun Lockyer         19(30b)
         Osian ap Sion        23(38b 2X4)   

31.1  Jordan to Sion, one run, That is very well run by Alun Lockyer       
31.2  Jordan to Lockyer, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Hafiz Ahmadi       
31.3  Jordan to Lockyer, no run, Appeal for LBW, a bit too optimistic though
31.4  Jordan to Lockyer, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Hafiz Ahmadi       
31.5  Jordan to Lockyer, no run, Alun Lockyer missed that one by a mile
31.6  Jordan to Lockyer, one run, That is very well run by Osian ap Sion       

         End of over 32  (2 runs)
         WALES A             131/4
         (R/R:  4.09)
         Victor Jordan        8.0-1-18-2
         Osian ap Sion        24(39b 2X4)
         Alun Lockyer         20(35b)   

32.1  Ibrah'bbas to Lockyer, no run, Alun Lockyer was completely deceived
32.2  Ibrah'bbas to Lockyer, one run, One more to the total
32.3  Ibrah'bbas to Sion, one run, That is very well run by Alun Lockyer       
32.4  Ibrah'bbas to Lockyer, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Hafiz Ahmadi       
32.5  Ibrah'bbas to Lockyer, FOUR, Ibraheem-ul-Abbas cant belive it
32.6  Ibrah'bbas to Lockyer, no run, Left alone by Alun Lockyer

         End of over 33  (6 runs)
         WALES A             137/4
         (R/R:  4.15)
         Ibraheem-ul-Abbas    6.0-1-31-1
         Alun Lockyer         25(40b 1X4)
         Osian ap Sion        25(40b 2X4)   

33.1  Goregen to Sion, three runs, Excellent running 3 more
33.2  Goregen to Lockyer, no run, Bilal Goregen is getting the ball to turn ferociously
33.3  Goregen to Lockyer, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
33.4  Goregen to Lockyer, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Hafiz Ahmadi       
33.5  Goregen to Lockyer, no run, Defensively played by Alun Lockyer
33.6  Goregen to Lockyer, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down

         End of over 34  (3 runs)
         WALES A             140/4
         (R/R:  4.12)
         Bilal Goregen        9.0-0-26-0
         Alun Lockyer         25(45b 1X4)
         Osian ap Sion        28(41b 2X4)   

34.1  Jordan to Sion, one run, The misfield by Kooth'alli allows yet another run
34.2  Jordan to Lockyer, one run, Great cooperation between Alun Lockyer and Osian ap Sion       
34.3  Jordan to Sion, FOUR, Who needs Bradman when weve got Osian ap Sion
34.4  Jordan to Sion, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Hafiz Ahmadi       
34.5  Jordan to Sion, no run, Osian ap Sion was completely deceived
34.6  Jordan to Sion, legbye, A lot of movement being extracted by Jordan         

         End of over 35  (7 runs)
         WALES A             147/4
         (R/R:  4.20)
         Victor Jordan        9.0-1-24-2
         Alun Lockyer         26(46b 1X4)
         Osian ap Sion        33(46b 3X4)   

35.1  Goregen to Sion, no run, Defensively played by Osian ap Sion
35.2  Goregen to Sion, OUT, Thats out by a long way!!! Great throw from Hafiz Ahmadi

         Osian ap Sion          33 (48b 3X4)
         run out (Ahmadi)

35.3  Goregen to Herring, one run, One more to the total
35.4  Goregen to Lockyer, no run, Bilal Goregen is getting the ball to turn ferociously
35.5  Goregen to Lockyer, no run, Defensively played by Alun Lockyer
35.6  Goregen to Lockyer, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
      Thats was some accurate and economical stuff from Bilal Goregen

         End of over 36  (1 runs)
         WALES A             148/5
         (R/R:  4.11)
         Bilal Goregen        10.0-0-27-0
         Alun Lockyer         26(49b 1X4)
         Gareth Herring        1(1b)   

36.1  Ibrah'bbas to Herring, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Hafiz Ahmadi       
36.2  Ibrah'bbas to Herring, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
36.3  Ibrah'bbas to Herring, one run, That is very well run by Alun Lockyer       
36.4  Ibrah'bbas to Lockyer, one run, One more to the total
36.5  Ibrah'bbas to Herring, one run, The misfield by Mahmoud allows yet another run
36.6  Ibrah'bbas to Lockyer, one run, That is very well run by Gareth Herring     

         End of over 37  (4 runs)
         WALES A             152/5
         (R/R:  4.11)
         Ibraheem-ul-Abbas    7.0-1-35-1
         Gareth Herring        3(5b)
         Alun Lockyer         28(51b 1X4)   

37.1  Kooth'alli to Lockyer, legbye, Appeal for LBW, a bit too optimistic though
37.2  Kooth'alli to Herring, one run, Great cooperation between Gareth Herring and Alun Lockyer       
37.3  Kooth'alli to Lockyer, no run, Left alone by Alun Lockyer
37.4  Kooth'alli to Lockyer, no run, A lot of movement being extracted by Kooth'alli     
37.5  Kooth'alli to Lockyer, no run, A lot of movement being extracted by Kooth'alli     
37.6  Kooth'alli to Lockyer, no run, Defensively played by Alun Lockyer

         End of over 38  (2 runs)
         WALES A             154/5
         (R/R:  4.05)
         Pranav Koothrapalli  8.0-0-31-0
         Alun Lockyer         28(56b 1X4)
         Gareth Herring        4(6b)   

38.1  Jordan to Herring, one run, The misfield by Al-Azzeh allows yet another run
38.2  Jordan to Lockyer, one run, Great cooperation between Alun Lockyer and Gareth Herring     
38.3  Jordan to Herring, no run, Defensively played by Gareth Herring
38.4  Jordan to Herring, no run, Gareth Herring missed that one by a mile
38.5  Jordan to Herring, no run, Left alone by Gareth Herring
38.6  Jordan to Herring, no run, Gareth Herring was completely deceived
      Thats was some accurate and economical stuff from Victor Jordan

         End of over 39  (2 runs)
         WALES A             156/5
         (R/R:  4.00)
         Victor Jordan        10.0-1-26-2
         Gareth Herring        5(11b)
         Alun Lockyer         29(57b 1X4)   

39.1  Kooth'alli to Lockyer, no run, Alun Lockyer missed that one by a mile
39.2  Kooth'alli to Lockyer, one run, The misfield by Mahmoud allows yet another run
39.3  Kooth'alli to Herring, no run, Defensively played by Gareth Herring
39.4  Kooth'alli to Herring, no run, Gareth Herring missed that one by a mile
39.5  Kooth'alli to Herring, three runs, Excellent running 3 more
39.6  Kooth'alli to Lockyer, no run, Defensively played by Alun Lockyer

         End of over 40  (4 runs)
         WALES A             160/5
         (R/R:  4.00)
         Pranav Koothrapalli  9.0-0-35-0
         Alun Lockyer         30(60b 1X4)
         Gareth Herring        8(14b)   

40.1  Al-Azzeh to Herring, no run, A lot of movement being extracted by Al-Azzeh       
40.2  Al-Azzeh to Herring, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
40.3  Al-Azzeh to Herring, one run, One more to the total
40.4  Al-Azzeh to Lockyer, no run, A lot of movement being extracted by Al-Azzeh       
40.5  Al-Azzeh to Lockyer, no run, Defensively played by Alun Lockyer
40.6  Al-Azzeh to Lockyer, no ball, FOUR, Brillian cover drive by Alun Lockyer
40.6  Al-Azzeh to Lockyer, FOUR, Brillian cover drive by Alun Lockyer

         End of over 41  (6 runs)
         WALES A             166/5
         (R/R:  4.05)
         Omar Al-Azzeh        5.0-0-36-1
         Alun Lockyer         34(63b 2X4)
         Gareth Herring        9(17b)   

41.1  Kooth'alli to Herring, no run, Left alone by Gareth Herring
41.2  Kooth'alli to Herring, legbye, A lot of movement being extracted by Kooth'alli     
41.3  Kooth'alli to Lockyer, one run, One more to the total
41.4  Kooth'alli to Herring, no run, Left alone by Gareth Herring
41.5  Kooth'alli to Herring, one run, The misfield by Kooth'alli allows yet another run
41.6  Kooth'alli to Lockyer, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Hafiz Ahmadi       
      Thats was some accurate and economical stuff from Pranav Koothrapalli

         End of over 42  (3 runs)
         WALES A             169/5
         (R/R:  4.02)
         Pranav Koothrapalli  10.0-0-37-0
         Alun Lockyer         35(65b 2X4)
         Gareth Herring       10(21b)   

42.1  Ibrah'bbas to Herring, one run, That was a very risky single.
42.2  Ibrah'bbas to Lockyer, no run, A lot of movement being extracted by Ibrah'bbas     
42.3  Ibrah'bbas to Lockyer, one run, That is very well run by Gareth Herring     
42.4  Ibrah'bbas to Herring, OUT, Anwar Mahmoud takes an easy catch to dismiss Gareth Herring

         Gareth Herring         11 (23b)
         c. Mahmoud     b. Ibrah'bbas

42.5  Ibrah'bbas to Salter, one run, One more to the total
42.6  Ibrah'bbas to Lockyer, no run, Left alone by Alun Lockyer

         End of over 43  (3 runs)
         WALES A             172/6
         (R/R:  4.00)
         Ibraheem-ul-Abbas    8.0-1-38-2
         Alun Lockyer         36(68b 2X4)
         Phil Salter           1(1b)   

43.1  Al-Azzeh to Salter, no run, Phil Salter missed that one by a mile
43.2  Al-Azzeh to Salter, no run, Left alone by Phil Salter
43.3  Al-Azzeh to Salter, no run, Phil Salter was completely deceived
43.4  Al-Azzeh to Salter, no run, Phil Salter missed that one by a mile
43.5  Al-Azzeh to Salter, no run, Phil Salter missed that one by a mile
43.6  Al-Azzeh to Salter, one run, That is very well run by Alun Lockyer       

         End of over 44  (1 runs)
         WALES A             173/6
         (R/R:  3.93)
         Omar Al-Azzeh        6.0-0-37-1
         Alun Lockyer         36(68b 2X4)
         Phil Salter           2(7b)   

44.1  Ibrah'bbas to Salter, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Hafiz Ahmadi       
44.2  Ibrah'bbas to Salter, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
44.3  Ibrah'bbas to Salter, no run, Defensively played by Phil Salter
44.4  Ibrah'bbas to Salter, OUT, What a brilliant catch by Asratullah Gurbaaj

         Phil Salter            2 (11b)
         c. Gurbaaj     b. Ibrah'bbas

44.5  Ibrah'bbas to Carey, two runs,
44.6  Ibrah'bbas to Carey, one run, The misfield by Al-Azzeh allows yet another run

         End of over 45  (3 runs)
         WALES A             176/7
         (R/R:  3.91)
         Ibraheem-ul-Abbas    9.0-1-41-3
         Alun Lockyer         36(68b 2X4)
         Lewis Carey           3(2b)   

45.1  Al-Azzeh to Carey, no run, Appeal for LBW, a bit too optimistic though
45.2  Al-Azzeh to Carey, one run, One more to the total
45.3  Al-Azzeh to Lockyer, FOUR, Omar Al-Azzeh cant belive it
45.4  Al-Azzeh to Lockyer, no run, Alun Lockyer missed that one by a mile
45.5  Al-Azzeh to Lockyer, no run, A lot of movement being extracted by Al-Azzeh       
45.6  Al-Azzeh to Lockyer, three runs, Great work by Jeremiah saved a certain boundary

         End of over 46  (8 runs)
         WALES A             184/7
         (R/R:  4.00)
         Omar Al-Azzeh        7.0-0-45-1
         Lewis Carey           4(4b)
         Alun Lockyer         43(72b 3X4)   

46.1  Ibrah'bbas to Lockyer, FOUR, That was a bad delivery by Ibraheem-ul-Abbas, deserving this punishment
46.2  Ibrah'bbas to Lockyer, two runs,
46.3  Ibrah'bbas to Lockyer, no run, Left alone by Alun Lockyer
46.4  Ibrah'bbas to Lockyer, SIX, Display of Raw power and brutality by Alun Lockyer
      Thats another fifty for Alun Lockyer       
46.5  Ibrah'bbas to Lockyer, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Hafiz Ahmadi       
46.6  Ibrah'bbas to Lockyer, FOUR, Who needs Bradman when weve got Alun Lockyer
      A good spell from Ibraheem-ul-Abbas, a bit expensive but picking up some wickets. He was pretty effective with three wickets under his name

         End of over 47  (16 runs)
         WALES A             200/7
         (R/R:  4.26)
         Ibraheem-ul-Abbas    10.0-1-57-3
         Alun Lockyer         59(78b 5X4 1X6)
         Lewis Carey           4(4b)   

47.1  Al-Azzeh to Carey, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
47.2  Al-Azzeh to Carey, no run, Lewis Carey was completely deceived
47.3  Al-Azzeh to Carey, no run, Appeal for LBW, a bit too optimistic though
47.4  Al-Azzeh to Carey, three runs, Great work by Mahmoud saved a certain boundary
47.5  Al-Azzeh to Lockyer, one run, One more to the total
47.6  Al-Azzeh to Carey, no run, Left alone by Lewis Carey

         End of over 48  (4 runs)
         WALES A             204/7
         (R/R:  4.25)
         Omar Al-Azzeh        8.0-0-49-1
         Lewis Carey           7(9b)
         Alun Lockyer         60(79b 5X4 1X6)   

48.1  Mahmoud to Lockyer, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
48.2  Mahmoud to Lockyer, one run, That is very well run by Lewis Carey         
48.3  Mahmoud to Carey, OUT, What a brilliant catch by Asratullah Gurbaaj

         Lewis Carey            7 (10b)
         c. Gurbaaj     b. Mahmoud

48.4  Mahmoud to Mullin, FOUR, Who needs Bradman when weve got Peter Mullin
48.5  Mahmoud to Mullin, no run, Peter Mullin missed that one by a mile
48.6  Mahmoud to Mullin, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down

         End of over 49  (5 runs)
         WALES A             209/8
         (R/R:  4.27)
         Anwar Mahmoud        1.0-0-5-1
         Peter Mullin          4(3b 1X4)
         Alun Lockyer         61(81b 5X4 1X6)   

49.1  Jeremiah to Lockyer, no run, Alun Lockyer missed that one by a mile
49.2  Jeremiah to Lockyer, FOUR, That was a bad delivery by Jesus Jeremiah, deserving this punishment
49.3  Jeremiah to Lockyer, one run, The misfield by Ibrah'bbas allows yet another run
49.4  Jeremiah to Mullin, no run, Defensively played by Peter Mullin
49.5  Jeremiah to Mullin, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
49.6  Jeremiah to Mullin, no run, A lot of movement being extracted by Jeremiah       

         End of over 50  (5 runs)
         WALES A             214/8
         (R/R:  4.28)
         Jesus Jeremiah       1.0-0-5-0
         Peter Mullin          4(6b 1X4)
         Alun Lockyer         66(84b 6X4 1X6)

WALES A innings

Player              Status                        Runs  Blls  4s   6s    S/R
Charlie Nicholls    lbw            b. Al-Azzeh      2     9    0    0   22.2%
Connor Rees                        b. Jordan       34    58    3    0   58.6%
Kai Friend          c. Goregen     b. Ibrah'bbas   11    11    2    0  100.0%
Martin Bevans       c. Murad       b. Jordan       32    40    2    1   80.0%
Alun Lockyer        not out                        66    84    6    1   78.6%
Osian ap Sion       run out (Ahmadi)               33    48    3    0   68.8%
Gareth Herring      c. Mahmoud     b. Ibrah'bbas   11    23    0    0   47.8%
Phil Salter         c. Gurbaaj     b. Ibrah'bbas    2    11    0    0   18.2%
Lewis Carey         c. Gurbaaj     b. Mahmoud       7    10    0    0   70.0%
Peter Mullin        not out                         4     6    1    0   66.7%
Ben Russell                                       
 Total:  214/8       Overs:  50.0          Run Rate:  4.28      Extras:  12   


Player               Overs   Mdns    Runs   Wkts      E/R    Wds    NBs
Pranav Koothrapalli  10.0      0      37      0      3.70     0      0
Victor Jordan        10.0      1      26      2      2.60     0      1
Omar Al-Azzeh         8.0      0      49      1      6.13     0      2
Ibraheem-ul-Abbas    10.0      1      57      3      5.70     0      1
Bilal Goregen        10.0      0      27      0      2.70     0      0
Anwar Mahmoud         1.0      0       5      1      5.00     0      0
Jesus Jeremiah        1.0      0       5      0      5.00     0      0
EXTRAS           Wides: 0      No Balls: 4      Leg Byes: 8      Byes: 0

Total: 214/8          Overs: 50.0         Run Rate: 4.28      Extras: 12

WALES A Partnerships

Batsmen                                                            Runs (Balls)
C Nicholls    C Rees       þþþ                                        9 (21)
K Friend      C Rees       þþþþþþþþþ                                 21 (20)
M Bevans      C Rees       þþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþ                   54 (76)
A Lockyer     C Rees       þ                                          1 (2)
A Lockyer     O Sion       þþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþ               62 (93)
A Lockyer     G Herring    þþþþþþþþþþ                                24 (44)
A Lockyer     P Salter     þ                                          2 (12)
A Lockyer     L Carey      þþþþþþþþþþþþþþ                            32 (23)
A Lockyer     P Mullin     þþþ                                        9 (9)

     Fall of Wickets    9/1       30/2      84/3      85/4      147/5
                        171/6     173/7     205/8                         

 Total:  214/8       Overs:  50.0         Run Rate:  4.28     Extras:  12

0.1  Mullin to Shard, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
0.2  Mullin to Shard, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     
0.3  Mullin to Shard, three runs, Great work by Bevans saved a certain boundary
0.4  Mullin to Murad, three runs, Great work by Mullin saved a certain boundary
0.5  Mullin to Shard, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
0.6  Mullin to Shard, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down

         End of over 1  (6 runs)
         PALESTINE XI          6/0
         (R/R:  6.00   R/R Req:  4.27)
         Peter Mullin         1.0-0-6-0
         Trevor Shard          3(5b)
         Hussain Murad         3(1b)   

1.1  Carey to Murad, one run, The misfield by Nicholls allows yet another run
1.2  Carey to Shard, no run, Left alone by Trevor Shard
1.3  Carey to Shard, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
1.4  Carey to Shard, no run, Defensively played by Trevor Shard
1.5  Carey to Shard, one run, The misfield by Nicholls allows yet another run
1.6  Carey to Murad, FOUR, Lewis Carey cant belive it

         End of over 2  (6 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         12/0
         (R/R:  6.00   R/R Req:  4.23)
         Lewis Carey          1.0-0-6-0
         Hussain Murad         8(3b 1X4)
         Trevor Shard          4(9b)   

2.1  Sion to Shard, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
2.2  Sion to Shard, wide, Thats going down the leg side, a wide no doubt
2.2  Sion to Shard, FOUR, That was a bad delivery by Osian ap Sion, deserving this punishment
2.3  Sion to Shard, one run, Dropped! Lockyer made a big mess of that simple chance
2.4  Sion to Murad, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
2.5  Sion to Murad, no run, A lot of movement being extracted by Sion           
2.6  Sion to Murad, FOUR, That was a bad delivery by Osian ap Sion, deserving this punishment

         End of over 3  (10 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         22/0
         (R/R:  7.33   R/R Req:  4.11)
         Osian ap Sion        1.0-0-10-0
         Hussain Murad        12(6b 2X4)
         Trevor Shard          9(13b 1X4)   

3.1  Carey to Shard, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
3.2  Carey to Shard, no run, Trevor Shard was completely deceived
3.3  Carey to Shard, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
3.4  Carey to Shard, no run, Trevor Shard was completely deceived
3.5  Carey to Shard, no run, Defensively played by Trevor Shard
3.6  Carey to Shard, one run, The misfield by Sion allows yet another run

         End of over 4  (1 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         23/0
         (R/R:  5.75   R/R Req:  4.17)
         Lewis Carey          2.0-0-7-0
         Hussain Murad        12(6b 2X4)
         Trevor Shard         10(19b 1X4)   

4.1  Mullin to Shard, wide, Thats going down the leg side, a wide no doubt
4.1  Mullin to Shard, one run, One more to the total
4.2  Mullin to Murad, one run, That is very well run by Trevor Shard       
4.3  Mullin to Shard, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
4.4  Mullin to Shard, one run, Great cooperation between Trevor Shard and Hussain Murad       
4.5  Mullin to Murad, two runs, Great running between the wickets 2 more
4.6  Mullin to Murad, three runs, Great work by Rees saved a certain boundary

         End of over 5  (9 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         32/0
         (R/R:  6.40   R/R Req:  4.07)
         Peter Mullin         2.0-0-15-0
         Trevor Shard         12(23b 1X4)
         Hussain Murad        18(9b 2X4)   

5.1  Carey to Murad, no ball, one run, One more to the total
5.1  Carey to Murad, one run, One more to the total
5.2  Carey to Shard, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
5.3  Carey to Shard, no run, Trevor Shard missed that one by a mile
5.4  Carey to Shard, no run, Left alone by Trevor Shard
5.5  Carey to Shard, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
5.6  Carey to Shard, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down

         End of over 6  (2 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         34/0
         (R/R:  5.67   R/R Req:  4.11)
         Lewis Carey          3.0-0-9-0
         Trevor Shard         12(28b 1X4)
         Hussain Murad        19(10b 2X4)   

6.1  Mullin to Murad, FOUR, That was a bad delivery by Peter Mullin, deserving this punishment
6.2  Mullin to Murad, FOUR, That was a bad delivery by Peter Mullin, deserving this punishment
6.3  Mullin to Murad, no run, Appeal for LBW, a bit too optimistic though
6.4  Mullin to Murad, no run, Left alone by Hussain Murad
6.5  Mullin to Murad, no run, Defensively played by Hussain Murad
6.6  Mullin to Murad, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman

         End of over 7  (8 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         42/0
         (R/R:  6.00   R/R Req:  4.02)
         Peter Mullin         3.0-0-23-0
         Hussain Murad        27(16b 4X4)
         Trevor Shard         12(28b 1X4)   

7.1  Carey to Shard, one run, One more to the total
7.2  Carey to Murad, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     
7.3  Carey to Murad, no run, A lot of movement being extracted by Carey         
7.4  Carey to Murad, no run, A lot of movement being extracted by Carey         
7.5  Carey to Murad, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
7.6  Carey to Murad, OUT, What a brilliant catch by Kai Friend

         Hussain Murad          27 (21b 4X4)
         c. Friend      b. Carey

         End of over 8  (1 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         43/1
         (R/R:  5.38   R/R Req:  4.10)
         Lewis Carey          4.0-0-10-1
         Anwar Mahmoud         0(0b)
         Trevor Shard         13(29b 1X4)   

8.1  Russell to Shard, three runs, Excellent running 3 more
8.2  Russell to Mahmoud, FOUR, Ben Russell cant belive it
8.3  Russell to Mahmoud, no run, Ben Russell is getting the ball to turn ferociously
8.4  Russell to Mahmoud, no run, Appeal for LBW, a bit too optimistic though
8.5  Russell to Mahmoud, no run, Anwar Mahmoud missed that one by a mile
8.6  Russell to Mahmoud, one run, Dropped! Friend made a big mess of that simple chance

         End of over 9  (8 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         51/1
         (R/R:  5.67   R/R Req:  4.00)
         Ben Russell          1.0-0-8-0
         Trevor Shard         16(30b 1X4)
         Anwar Mahmoud         5(5b 1X4)   

9.1  Sion to Mahmoud, no run, Left alone by Anwar Mahmoud
9.2  Sion to Mahmoud, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
9.3  Sion to Mahmoud, no run, A lot of movement being extracted by Sion           
9.4  Sion to Mahmoud, FOUR, Brillian cover drive by Anwar Mahmoud
9.5  Sion to Mahmoud, no run, Left alone by Anwar Mahmoud
9.6  Sion to Mahmoud, 1 bye, That ball bounced too much. Gareth Herring didnt have a chance

         End of over 10  (5 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         56/1
         (R/R:  5.60   R/R Req:  3.97)
         Osian ap Sion        2.0-0-14-0
         Trevor Shard         16(31b 1X4)
         Anwar Mahmoud         9(10b 2X4)   

10.1  Carey to Mahmoud, 4 byes, That ball bounced too much. Gareth Herring didnt have a chance
10.2  Carey to Mahmoud, one run, The misfield by Lockyer allows yet another run
10.3  Carey to Shard, wide, Thats going down the leg side, a wide no doubt
10.3  Carey to Shard, no run, Defensively played by Trevor Shard
10.4  Carey to Shard, three runs, Excellent running 3 more
10.5  Carey to Mahmoud, two runs,
10.6  Carey to Mahmoud, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman

         End of over 11  (11 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         67/1
         (R/R:  6.09   R/R Req:  3.79)
         Lewis Carey          5.0-0-17-1
         Anwar Mahmoud        12(14b 2X4)
         Trevor Shard         19(34b 1X4)   

11.1  Russell to Shard, legbye, Trevor Shard was completely deceived
11.2  Russell to Mahmoud, one run, Great cooperation between Anwar Mahmoud and Trevor Shard       
11.3  Russell to Shard, no run, Appeal for LBW, a bit too optimistic though
11.4  Russell to Shard, no run, Ben Russell is getting the ball to turn ferociously
11.5  Russell to Shard, one run, The misfield by Herring allows yet another run
11.6  Russell to Mahmoud, one run, Great cooperation between Anwar Mahmoud and Trevor Shard       

         End of over 12  (4 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         71/1
         (R/R:  5.92   R/R Req:  3.79)
         Ben Russell          2.0-0-11-0
         Trevor Shard         20(38b 1X4)
         Anwar Mahmoud        14(16b 2X4)   

12.1  Carey to Mahmoud, two runs, Took the first one quickly the second was no problem
12.2  Carey to Mahmoud, no run, Appeal for LBW, a bit too optimistic though
12.3  Carey to Mahmoud, one run, That is very well run by Trevor Shard       
12.4  Carey to Shard, one run, The misfield by Russell allows yet another run
12.5  Carey to Mahmoud, no run, Appeal for LBW, a bit too optimistic though
12.6  Carey to Mahmoud, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down

         End of over 13  (4 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         75/1
         (R/R:  5.77   R/R Req:  3.78)
         Lewis Carey          6.0-0-21-1
         Anwar Mahmoud        17(21b 2X4)
         Trevor Shard         21(39b 1X4)   

13.1  Russell to Shard, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
13.2  Russell to Shard, one run, That is very well run by Anwar Mahmoud       
13.3  Russell to Mahmoud, three runs, Excellent running 3 more
13.4  Russell to Shard, no run, Left alone by Trevor Shard
13.5  Russell to Shard, one run, That is very well run by Anwar Mahmoud       
13.6  Russell to Mahmoud, no run, Anwar Mahmoud missed that one by a mile

         End of over 14  (5 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         80/1
         (R/R:  5.71   R/R Req:  3.75)
         Ben Russell          3.0-0-16-0
         Anwar Mahmoud        20(23b 2X4)
         Trevor Shard         23(43b 1X4)   

14.1  Carey to Shard, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
14.2  Carey to Shard, no run, Trevor Shard missed that one by a mile
14.3  Carey to Shard, one run, That is very well run by Anwar Mahmoud       
14.4  Carey to Mahmoud, no run, Left alone by Anwar Mahmoud
14.5  Carey to Mahmoud, one run, That was a very risky single.
14.6  Carey to Shard, one run, Great cooperation between Trevor Shard and Anwar Mahmoud       

         End of over 15  (3 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         83/1
         (R/R:  5.53   R/R Req:  3.77)
         Lewis Carey          7.0-0-24-1
         Anwar Mahmoud        21(25b 2X4)
         Trevor Shard         25(47b 1X4)   

15.1  Russell to Shard, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
15.2  Russell to Shard, one run, Great cooperation between Trevor Shard and Anwar Mahmoud       
15.3  Russell to Mahmoud, one run, Great cooperation between Anwar Mahmoud and Trevor Shard       
15.4  Russell to Shard, one run, One more to the total
15.5  Russell to Mahmoud, no run, Left alone by Anwar Mahmoud
15.6  Russell to Mahmoud, no run, Left alone by Anwar Mahmoud

         End of over 16  (3 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         86/1
         (R/R:  5.38   R/R Req:  3.79)
         Ben Russell          4.0-0-19-0
         Anwar Mahmoud        22(28b 2X4)
         Trevor Shard         27(50b 1X4)   

16.1  Mullin to Shard, one run, Great cooperation between Trevor Shard and Anwar Mahmoud       
16.2  Mullin to Mahmoud, one run, That was a very risky single.
16.3  Mullin to Shard, no run, Defensively played by Trevor Shard
16.4  Mullin to Shard, no ball, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
16.4  Mullin to Shard, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
16.5  Mullin to Shard, no run, Trevor Shard missed that one by a mile
16.6  Mullin to Shard, three runs, Excellent running 3 more

         End of over 17  (6 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         92/1
         (R/R:  5.41   R/R Req:  3.73)
         Peter Mullin         4.0-0-29-0
         Anwar Mahmoud        23(29b 2X4)
         Trevor Shard         31(55b 1X4)   

17.1  Salter to Shard, no run, Trevor Shard missed that one by a mile
17.2  Salter to Shard, OUT, Thats plumb in front of the wicket

         Trevor Shard           31 (57b 1X4)
         lbw            b. Salter

17.3  Salter to Gurbaaj, one run, That is very well run by Anwar Mahmoud       
17.4  Salter to Mahmoud, SIX, Display of Raw power and brutality by Anwar Mahmoud
17.5  Salter to Mahmoud, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     
17.6  Salter to Mahmoud, no run, Defensively played by Anwar Mahmoud

         End of over 18  (7 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         99/2
         (R/R:  5.50   R/R Req:  3.63)
         Phil Salter          1.0-0-7-1
         Anwar Mahmoud        29(32b 2X4 1X6)
         Asratullah Gurbaaj    1(1b)   

18.1  Russell to Gurbaaj, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
18.2  Russell to Gurbaaj, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
18.3  Russell to Gurbaaj, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
18.4  Russell to Gurbaaj, no run, Left alone by Asratullah Gurbaaj
18.5  Russell to Gurbaaj, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
18.6  Russell to Gurbaaj, no run, Appeal for LBW, a bit too optimistic though

         End of over 19  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         99/2
         (R/R:  5.21   R/R Req:  3.74)
         Ben Russell          5.0-0-19-0
         Asratullah Gurbaaj    1(7b)
         Anwar Mahmoud        29(32b 2X4 1X6)   

19.1  Mullin to Mahmoud, two runs, Took the first one quickly the second was no problem
19.2  Mullin to Mahmoud, no run, Defensively played by Anwar Mahmoud
19.3  Mullin to Mahmoud, FOUR, That was a bad delivery by Peter Mullin, deserving this punishment
19.4  Mullin to Mahmoud, FOUR, Brillian cover drive by Anwar Mahmoud
19.5  Mullin to Mahmoud, one run, The misfield by Mullin allows yet another run
19.6  Mullin to Gurbaaj, no run, Asratullah Gurbaaj was completely deceived

         End of over 20  (11 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        110/2
         (R/R:  5.50   R/R Req:  3.50)
         Peter Mullin         5.0-0-40-0
         Asratullah Gurbaaj    1(8b)
         Anwar Mahmoud        40(37b 4X4 1X6)   

20.1  Salter to Mahmoud, no run, Anwar Mahmoud was completely deceived
20.2  Salter to Mahmoud, no run, Anwar Mahmoud missed that one by a mile
20.3  Salter to Mahmoud, no run, Phil Salter is getting the ball to turn ferociously
20.4  Salter to Mahmoud, one run, The misfield by Mullin allows yet another run
20.5  Salter to Gurbaaj, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     
20.6  Salter to Gurbaaj, no ball, no run, Phil Salter is getting the ball to turn ferociously
20.6  Salter to Gurbaaj, no run, Phil Salter is getting the ball to turn ferociously

         End of over 21  (2 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        112/2
         (R/R:  5.33   R/R Req:  3.55)
         Phil Salter          2.0-0-9-1
         Asratullah Gurbaaj    1(10b)
         Anwar Mahmoud        41(41b 4X4 1X6)   

21.1  Russell to Mahmoud, one run, That is very well run by Asratullah Gurbaaj 
21.2  Russell to Gurbaaj, no run, Defensively played by Asratullah Gurbaaj
21.3  Russell to Gurbaaj, no run, Asratullah Gurbaaj was completely deceived
21.4  Russell to Gurbaaj, no run, Ben Russell is getting the ball to turn ferociously
21.5  Russell to Gurbaaj, no run, Ben Russell is getting the ball to turn ferociously
21.6  Russell to Gurbaaj, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     

         End of over 22  (1 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        113/2
         (R/R:  5.14   R/R Req:  3.64)
         Ben Russell          6.0-1-20-0
         Asratullah Gurbaaj    1(15b)
         Anwar Mahmoud        42(42b 4X4 1X6)   

22.1  Salter to Mahmoud, OUT, Thats plumb in front of the wicket

         Anwar Mahmoud          42 (43b 4X4 1X6)
         lbw            b. Salter

22.2  Salter to Jeremiah, one run, The misfield by Herring allows yet another run
22.3  Salter to Gurbaaj, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
22.4  Salter to Gurbaaj, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
22.5  Salter to Gurbaaj, no run, Phil Salter is getting the ball to turn ferociously
22.6  Salter to Gurbaaj, three runs, Great work by Nicholls saved a certain boundary

         End of over 23  (4 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        117/3
         (R/R:  5.09   R/R Req:  3.63)
         Phil Salter          3.0-0-13-2
         Jesus Jeremiah        1(1b)
         Asratullah Gurbaaj    4(19b)   

23.1  Russell to Gurbaaj, no run, Asratullah Gurbaaj missed that one by a mile
23.2  Russell to Gurbaaj, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     
23.3  Russell to Gurbaaj, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
23.4  Russell to Gurbaaj, one run, That is very well run by Jesus Jeremiah     
23.5  Russell to Jeremiah, wide, Thats going down the leg side, a wide no doubt
23.5  Russell to Jeremiah, one run, Dropped! Herring made a big mess of that simple chance
23.6  Russell to Gurbaaj, two runs, Took the first one quickly the second was no problem

         End of over 24  (5 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        122/3
         (R/R:  5.08   R/R Req:  3.58)
         Ben Russell          7.0-1-25-0
         Asratullah Gurbaaj    7(24b)
         Jesus Jeremiah        2(3b)   

24.1  Sion to Jeremiah, no run, Defensively played by Jesus Jeremiah
24.2  Sion to Jeremiah, no run, Jesus Jeremiah was completely deceived
24.3  Sion to Jeremiah, no run, Appeal for LBW, a bit too optimistic though
24.4  Sion to Jeremiah, one run, That was a very risky single.
24.5  Sion to Gurbaaj, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
24.6  Sion to Gurbaaj, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down

         End of over 25  (1 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        123/3
         (R/R:  4.92   R/R Req:  3.68)
         Osian ap Sion        3.0-0-15-0
         Asratullah Gurbaaj    7(26b)
         Jesus Jeremiah        3(7b)   

25.1  Salter to Jeremiah, three runs, Great work by Carey saved a certain boundary
25.2  Salter to Gurbaaj, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
25.3  Salter to Gurbaaj, no run, Phil Salter is getting the ball to turn ferociously
25.4  Salter to Gurbaaj, one run, Great cooperation between Asratullah Gurbaaj and Jesus Jeremiah     
25.5  Salter to Jeremiah, one run, One more to the total
25.6  Salter to Gurbaaj, FOUR, Phil Salter cant belive it

         End of over 26  (9 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        132/3
         (R/R:  5.08   R/R Req:  3.46)
         Phil Salter          4.0-0-22-2
         Asratullah Gurbaaj   12(30b 1X4)
         Jesus Jeremiah        7(9b)   

26.1  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, Jesus Jeremiah was completely deceived
26.2  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, Defensively played by Jesus Jeremiah
26.3  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, Jesus Jeremiah missed that one by a mile
26.4  Russell to Jeremiah, FOUR, Who needs Bradman when weve got Jesus Jeremiah
26.5  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, Left alone by Jesus Jeremiah
26.6  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, Left alone by Jesus Jeremiah

         End of over 27  (4 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        136/3
         (R/R:  5.04   R/R Req:  3.43)
         Ben Russell          8.0-1-29-0
         Jesus Jeremiah       11(15b 1X4)
         Asratullah Gurbaaj   12(30b 1X4)   

27.1  Sion to Gurbaaj, one run, Great cooperation between Asratullah Gurbaaj and Jesus Jeremiah     
27.2  Sion to Jeremiah, one run, One more to the total
27.3  Sion to Gurbaaj, no run, Asratullah Gurbaaj was completely deceived
27.4  Sion to Gurbaaj, no run, Asratullah Gurbaaj was completely deceived
27.5  Sion to Gurbaaj, one run, One more to the total
27.6  Sion to Jeremiah, SIX, What a six!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

         End of over 28  (9 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        145/3
         (R/R:  5.18   R/R Req:  3.18)
         Osian ap Sion        4.0-0-24-0
         Jesus Jeremiah       18(17b 1X4 1X6)
         Asratullah Gurbaaj   14(34b 1X4)   

28.1  Russell to Gurbaaj, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
28.2  Russell to Gurbaaj, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
28.3  Russell to Gurbaaj, no ball, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
28.3  Russell to Gurbaaj, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
28.4  Russell to Gurbaaj, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     
28.5  Russell to Gurbaaj, no run, Defensively played by Asratullah Gurbaaj
28.6  Russell to Gurbaaj, no run, Asratullah Gurbaaj missed that one by a mile

         End of over 29  (1 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        146/3
         (R/R:  5.03   R/R Req:  3.29)
         Ben Russell          9.0-1-30-0
         Asratullah Gurbaaj   14(40b 1X4)
         Jesus Jeremiah       18(17b 1X4 1X6)   

29.1  Sion to Jeremiah, one run, Dropped! Bevans made a big mess of that simple chance
29.2  Sion to Gurbaaj, no run, A lot of movement being extracted by Sion           
29.3  Sion to Gurbaaj, no run, Left alone by Asratullah Gurbaaj
29.4  Sion to Gurbaaj, FOUR, That was a bad delivery by Osian ap Sion, deserving this punishment
29.5  Sion to Gurbaaj, one run, That was a very risky single.
29.6  Sion to Jeremiah, one run, Great cooperation between Jesus Jeremiah and Asratullah Gurbaaj 

         End of over 30  (7 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        153/3
         (R/R:  5.10   R/R Req:  3.10)
         Osian ap Sion        5.0-0-31-0
         Asratullah Gurbaaj   19(44b 2X4)
         Jesus Jeremiah       20(19b 1X4 1X6)   

30.1  Russell to Jeremiah, one run, That was a very risky single.
30.2  Russell to Gurbaaj, FOUR, That was a bad delivery by Ben Russell, deserving this punishment
30.3  Russell to Gurbaaj, FOUR, That was a bad delivery by Ben Russell, deserving this punishment
30.4  Russell to Gurbaaj, wide, The umpire being a bit rough on Ben Russell, giving that a wide
30.4  Russell to Gurbaaj, one run, One more to the total
30.5  Russell to Jeremiah, one run, The misfield by Friend allows yet another run
30.6  Russell to Gurbaaj, one run, Great cooperation between Asratullah Gurbaaj and Jesus Jeremiah     
      The end to a good spell from Ben Russell

         End of over 31  (13 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        166/3
         (R/R:  5.35   R/R Req:  2.58)
         Ben Russell          10.0-1-43-0
         Jesus Jeremiah       22(21b 1X4 1X6)
         Asratullah Gurbaaj   29(49b 4X4)   

31.1  Carey to Gurbaaj, one run, One more to the total
31.2  Carey to Jeremiah, one run, The misfield by Lockyer allows yet another run
31.3  Carey to Gurbaaj, one run, That was a very risky single.
31.4  Carey to Jeremiah, one run, The misfield by Mullin allows yet another run
31.5  Carey to Gurbaaj, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
31.6  Carey to Gurbaaj, FOUR, Who needs Bradman when weve got Asratullah Gurbaaj

         End of over 32  (8 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        174/3
         (R/R:  5.44   R/R Req:  2.28)
         Lewis Carey          8.0-0-32-1
         Asratullah Gurbaaj   35(53b 5X4)
         Jesus Jeremiah       24(23b 1X4 1X6)   

32.1  Salter to Jeremiah, no run, Jesus Jeremiah missed that one by a mile
32.2  Salter to Jeremiah, no ball, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
32.2  Salter to Jeremiah, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
32.3  Salter to Jeremiah, FOUR, That was a bad delivery by Phil Salter, deserving this punishment
32.4  Salter to Jeremiah, one run, That is very well run by Asratullah Gurbaaj 
32.5  Salter to Gurbaaj, one run, That is very well run by Jesus Jeremiah     
32.6  Salter to Jeremiah, no run, Jesus Jeremiah missed that one by a mile

         End of over 33  (7 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        181/3
         (R/R:  5.48   R/R Req:  2.00)
         Phil Salter          5.0-0-29-2
         Jesus Jeremiah       29(28b 2X4 1X6)
         Asratullah Gurbaaj   36(54b 5X4)   

33.1  Carey to Gurbaaj, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     
33.2  Carey to Gurbaaj, SIX, Display of Raw power and brutality by Asratullah Gurbaaj
33.3  Carey to Gurbaaj, SIX, What a wonderful player Asratullah Gurbaaj is
33.4  Carey to Gurbaaj, no run, Asratullah Gurbaaj missed that one by a mile
33.5  Carey to Gurbaaj, no run, Asratullah Gurbaaj was completely deceived
33.6  Carey to Gurbaaj, SIX, Display of Raw power and brutality by Asratullah Gurbaaj
      Fifty for Asratullah Gurbaaj 

         End of over 34  (18 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        199/3
         (R/R:  5.85   R/R Req:  1.00)
         Lewis Carey          9.0-0-50-1
         Asratullah Gurbaaj   54(60b 5X4 3X6)
         Jesus Jeremiah       29(28b 2X4 1X6)   

34.1  Salter to Jeremiah, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     
34.2  Salter to Jeremiah, one run, One more to the total
34.3  Salter to Gurbaaj, no run, Asratullah Gurbaaj was completely deceived
34.4  Salter to Gurbaaj, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
34.5  Salter to Gurbaaj, one run, That is very well run by Jesus Jeremiah     
34.6  Salter to Jeremiah, FOUR, Brillian cover drive by Jesus Jeremiah

         End of over 35  (6 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        205/3
         (R/R:  5.86   R/R Req:  0.67)
         Phil Salter          6.0-0-35-2
         Jesus Jeremiah       34(31b 3X4 1X6)
         Asratullah Gurbaaj   55(63b 5X4 3X6)   

35.1  Mullin to Gurbaaj, one run, One more to the total
35.2  Mullin to Jeremiah, no run, Jesus Jeremiah was completely deceived
35.3  Mullin to Jeremiah, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     
35.4  Mullin to Jeremiah, 4 byes, That ball bounced too much. Gareth Herring didnt have a chance
35.5  Mullin to Jeremiah, OUT, That ball caught the edge and struck the stumps. Jeremiah cant belive it

         Jesus Jeremiah         34 (35b 3X4 1X6)
         b. Mullin

35.6  Mullin to Ahmadi, FOUR, Brillian cover drive by Hafiz Ahmadi

         End of over 36  (9 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        214/4
         (R/R:  5.94   R/R Req:  0.07)
         Peter Mullin         6.0-0-45-1
         Hafiz Ahmadi          4(1b 1X4)
         Asratullah Gurbaaj   56(64b 5X4 3X6)   

36.1  Carey to Gurbaaj, one run, The misfield by Nicholls allows yet another run

         End of innings (36.1 overs)
         PALESTINE XI        215/4 (RR:  5.97)
         Lewis Carey           9.1-0-51-1
         Hafiz Ahmadi          4(1b 1X4)
         Asratullah Gurbaaj   57(65b 5X4 3X6)


Player              Status                        Runs  Blls  4s   6s    S/R
Trevor Shard        lbw            b. Salter       31    57    1    0   54.4%
Hussain Murad       c. Friend      b. Carey        27    21    4    0  128.6%
Anwar Mahmoud       lbw            b. Salter       42    43    4    1   97.7%
Asratullah Gurbaaj  not out                        57    65    5    3   87.7%
Jesus Jeremiah                     b. Mullin       34    35    3    1   97.1%
Hafiz Ahmadi        not out                         4     1    1    0  400.0%
Omar Al-Azzeh       
Bilal Goregen       
Pranav Koothrapalli 
Victor Jordan       
 Total:  215/4       Overs:  36.1          Run Rate:  5.94      Extras:  20   

WALES A Bowling

Player               Overs   Mdns    Runs   Wkts      E/R    Wds    NBs
Peter Mullin          6.0      0      45      1      7.50     1      1
Lewis Carey           9.1      0      51      1      5.56     1      1
Osian ap Sion         5.0      0      31      0      6.20     1      0
Ben Russell          10.0      1      43      0      4.30     2      1
Phil Salter           6.0      0      35      2      5.83     0      2
EXTRAS           Wides: 5      No Balls: 5      Leg Byes: 1      Byes: 9

Total: 215/4          Overs: 36.1         Run Rate: 5.94      Extras: 20

PALESTINE XI Partnerships

Batsmen                                                            Runs (Balls)
T Shard       H Murad      þþþþþþþþþþþþþþþ                           43 (48)
T Shard       A Mahmoud    þþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþ                         49 (56)
A Gurbaaj     A Mahmoud    þþþþþþþ                                   21 (29)
A Gurbaaj     J Jeremiah   þþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþ       97 (82)
A Gurbaaj     H Ahmadi     þ                                          5 (2)

     Fall of Wickets    43/1      92/2      113/3     210/4     

 Total:  215/4       Overs:  36.1         Run Rate:  5.94     Extras:  20

WALES A              214/8     50.0 overs
PALESTINE XI         215/4     36.1 overs
Palestine XI won by 6 wickets
Man of the match: Anwar Mahmoud

5 day match
Pitch Condition: Poor
0.1  Mullin to Murad, no run, Hussain Murad was completely deceived
0.2  Mullin to Murad, no run, Hussain Murad playing forward defensive
0.3  Mullin to Murad, FOUR, Hussain Murad is going haywire!
0.4  Mullin to Murad, no run, Left alone by Hussain Murad
0.5  Mullin to Murad, no run, Left alone by Hussain Murad
0.6  Mullin to Murad, wide, Peter Mullin bowling a very wayward one
0.6  Mullin to Murad, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman

         End of over 1  (5 runs)
         PALESTINE XI          5/0 (lead 5)
         Peter Mullin         1.0-0-5-0
         Hussain Murad         4(7b 1X4)
         Adil Rafiullah        0(0b)   

1.1  Walker to Rafiullah, FOUR, Brilliant cover drive by Adil Rafiullah     
1.2  Walker to Rafiullah, no run, Left alone by Adil Rafiullah
1.3  Walker to Rafiullah, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
1.4  Walker to Rafiullah, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
1.5  Walker to Rafiullah, no run, Defensively played by Adil Rafiullah
1.6  Walker to Rafiullah, legbye, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     

         End of over 2  (5 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         10/0 (lead 10)
         Marnws Walker        1.0-0-4-0
         Hussain Murad         4(7b 1X4)
         Adil Rafiullah        4(6b 1X4)   

2.1  Mullin to Rafiullah, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     
2.2  Mullin to Rafiullah, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
2.3  Mullin to Rafiullah, no run, Left alone by Adil Rafiullah
2.4  Mullin to Rafiullah, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
2.5  Mullin to Rafiullah, no run, Left alone by Adil Rafiullah
2.6  Mullin to Rafiullah, no run, Adil Rafiullah was completely deceived

         End of over 3  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         10/0 (lead 10)
         Peter Mullin         2.0-0-5-0
         Adil Rafiullah        4(12b 1X4)
         Hussain Murad         4(7b 1X4)   

3.1  Walker to Murad, no run, Defensively played by Hussain Murad
3.2  Walker to Murad, no run, Left alone by Hussain Murad
3.3  Walker to Murad, no run, Defensively played by Hussain Murad
3.4  Walker to Murad, no run, Hussain Murad was completely deceived
3.5  Walker to Murad, no run, Hussain Murad playing forward defensive
3.6  Walker to Murad, no run, Hussain Murad was completely deceived

         End of over 4  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         10/0 (lead 10)
         Marnws Walker        2.0-0-4-0
         Hussain Murad         4(13b 1X4)
         Adil Rafiullah        4(12b 1X4)   

4.1  Mullin to Rafiullah, no run, Defensively played by Adil Rafiullah
4.2  Mullin to Rafiullah, legbye, Left alone by Adil Rafiullah
4.3  Mullin to Murad, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     
4.4  Mullin to Murad, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
4.5  Mullin to Murad, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
4.6  Mullin to Murad, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat

         End of over 5  (1 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         11/0 (lead 11)
         Peter Mullin         3.0-1-5-0
         Hussain Murad         4(17b 1X4)
         Adil Rafiullah        4(14b 1X4)   

5.1  Walker to Rafiullah, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
5.2  Walker to Rafiullah, no run, Adil Rafiullah was completely deceived
5.3  Walker to Rafiullah, no run, Left alone by Adil Rafiullah
5.4  Walker to Rafiullah, no run, Adil Rafiullah was completely deceived
5.5  Walker to Rafiullah, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
5.6  Walker to Rafiullah, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat

         End of over 6  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         11/0 (lead 11)
         Marnws Walker        3.0-1-4-0
         Adil Rafiullah        4(20b 1X4)
         Hussain Murad         4(17b 1X4)   

6.1  Mullin to Murad, no run, Left alone by Hussain Murad
6.2  Mullin to Murad, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
6.3  Mullin to Murad, no run, Left alone by Hussain Murad
6.4  Mullin to Murad, one run, That is very well run by Adil Rafiullah     
6.5  Mullin to Rafiullah, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
6.6  Mullin to Rafiullah, no run, Adil Rafiullah was completely deceived

         End of over 7  (1 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         12/0 (lead 12)
         Peter Mullin         4.0-1-6-0
         Adil Rafiullah        4(22b 1X4)
         Hussain Murad         5(21b 1X4)   

7.1  Walker to Murad, no run, Defensively played by Hussain Murad
7.2  Walker to Murad, no run, Hussain Murad playing forward defensive
7.3  Walker to Murad, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
7.4  Walker to Murad, no run, Hussain Murad playing forward defensive
7.5  Walker to Murad, FOUR, Brilliant cover drive by Hussain Murad       
7.6  Walker to Murad, no run, Hussain Murad playing forward defensive

         End of over 8  (4 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         16/0 (lead 16)
         Marnws Walker        4.0-2-8-0
         Hussain Murad         9(27b 2X4)
         Adil Rafiullah        4(22b 1X4)   

8.1  Mullin to Rafiullah, no run, Defensively played by Adil Rafiullah
8.2  Mullin to Rafiullah, one run, The misfield by Owain Norton allows yet another run
8.3  Mullin to Murad, no run, Defensively played by Hussain Murad
8.4  Mullin to Murad, no run, Hussain Murad was completely deceived
8.5  Mullin to Murad, FOUR, Great shot, four straight over the bowler's head
8.6  Mullin to Murad, one run, He was lucky. Almost got run out by Connor Rees

         End of over 9  (6 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         22/0 (lead 22)
         Peter Mullin         5.0-1-12-0
         Adil Rafiullah        5(24b 1X4)
         Hussain Murad        14(31b 3X4)   

9.1  Russell to Murad, no run, Defensively played by Hussain Murad
9.2  Russell to Murad, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     
9.3  Russell to Murad, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
9.4  Russell to Murad, FOUR, Brilliant cover drive by Hussain Murad       
9.5  Russell to Murad, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
9.6  Russell to Murad, no run, Hussain Murad playing forward defensive

         End of over 10  (4 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         26/0 (lead 26)
         Ben Russell          1.0-0-4-0
         Hussain Murad        18(37b 4X4)
         Adil Rafiullah        5(24b 1X4)   

10.1  Mullin to Rafiullah, no run, Adil Rafiullah playing forward defensive
10.2  Mullin to Rafiullah, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
10.3  Mullin to Rafiullah, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
10.4  Mullin to Rafiullah, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
10.5  Mullin to Rafiullah, no run, Left alone by Adil Rafiullah
10.6  Mullin to Rafiullah, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat

         End of over 11  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         26/0 (lead 26)
         Peter Mullin         6.0-1-12-0
         Adil Rafiullah        5(30b 1X4)
         Hussain Murad        18(37b 4X4)   

11.1  Russell to Murad, FOUR, Ben Russell is quite unfortunate to be hit after bowling a good one
11.2  Russell to Murad, no run, Defensively played by Hussain Murad
11.3  Russell to Murad, no run, Hussain Murad playing forward defensive
11.4  Russell to Murad, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
11.5  Russell to Murad, no run, Left alone by Hussain Murad
11.6  Russell to Murad, one run, He was lucky. Almost got run out by Gareth Herring

         End of over 12  (5 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         31/0 (lead 31)
         Ben Russell          2.0-0-9-0
         Adil Rafiullah        5(30b 1X4)
         Hussain Murad        23(43b 5X4)   

12.1  Walker to Murad, no run, Left alone by Hussain Murad
12.2  Walker to Murad, no run, Hussain Murad playing forward defensive
12.3  Walker to Murad, no run, Left alone by Hussain Murad
12.4  Walker to Murad, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
12.5  Walker to Murad, one run, The misfield by Charlie Nicholls allows yet another run
12.6  Walker to Rafiullah, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down

         End of over 13  (1 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         32/0 (lead 32)
         Marnws Walker        5.0-2-9-0
         Adil Rafiullah        5(31b 1X4)
         Hussain Murad        24(48b 5X4)   

13.1  Russell to Murad, no run, Defensively played by Hussain Murad
13.2  Russell to Murad, legbye, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
13.3  Russell to Rafiullah, one run, The misfield by Alun Lockyer allows yet another run
13.4  Russell to Murad, no run, Left alone by Hussain Murad
13.5  Russell to Murad, no run, Left alone by Hussain Murad
13.6  Russell to Murad, no run, Left alone by Hussain Murad

         End of over 14  (2 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         34/0 (lead 34)
         Ben Russell          3.0-0-10-0
         Hussain Murad        24(53b 5X4)
         Adil Rafiullah        6(32b 1X4)   

14.1  Mullin to Rafiullah, no run, Adil Rafiullah playing forward defensive
14.2  Mullin to Rafiullah, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
14.3  Mullin to Rafiullah, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
14.4  Mullin to Rafiullah, no run, Left alone by Adil Rafiullah
14.5  Mullin to Rafiullah, no run, Adil Rafiullah was completely deceived
14.6  Mullin to Rafiullah, no run, Adil Rafiullah was completely deceived

         End of over 15  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         34/0 (lead 34)
         Peter Mullin         7.0-2-12-0
         Adil Rafiullah        6(38b 1X4)
         Hussain Murad        24(53b 5X4)   

15.1  Russell to Murad, one run, Dropped! Marnws Walker made a big mess of that simple chance
15.2  Russell to Rafiullah, no run, Left alone by Adil Rafiullah
15.3  Russell to Rafiullah, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
15.4  Russell to Rafiullah, no run, Adil Rafiullah was completely deceived
15.5  Russell to Rafiullah, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     
15.6  Russell to Rafiullah, legbye, Left alone by Adil Rafiullah

         End of over 16  (2 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         36/0 (lead 36)
         Ben Russell          4.0-0-11-0
         Hussain Murad        25(54b 5X4)
         Adil Rafiullah        6(43b 1X4)   

16.1  Moore to Rafiullah, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
16.2  Moore to Rafiullah, one run, The misfield by Dewi Hemp allows yet another run
16.3  Moore to Murad, one run, One more to the total
16.4  Moore to Rafiullah, no run, Adil Rafiullah was completely deceived
16.5  Moore to Rafiullah, one run, That is very well run by Hussain Murad       
16.6  Moore to Murad, no run, Left alone by Hussain Murad

         End of over 17  (3 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         39/0 (lead 39)
         Steffan Moore        1.0-0-3-0
         Hussain Murad        26(56b 5X4)
         Adil Rafiullah        8(47b 1X4)   

17.1  Russell to Rafiullah, FOUR, Brilliant cover drive by Adil Rafiullah     
17.2  Russell to Rafiullah, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
17.3  Russell to Rafiullah, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
17.4  Russell to Rafiullah, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
17.5  Russell to Rafiullah, no run, Left alone by Adil Rafiullah
17.6  Russell to Rafiullah, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman

         End of over 18  (4 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         43/0 (lead 43)
         Ben Russell          5.0-0-15-0
         Adil Rafiullah       12(53b 2X4)
         Hussain Murad        26(56b 5X4)   

18.1  Moore to Murad, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
18.2  Moore to Murad, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     
18.3  Moore to Murad, one run, Great cooperation between Hussain Murad and Adil Rafiullah     
18.4  Moore to Rafiullah, one run, One more to the total
18.5  Moore to Murad, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
18.6  Moore to Murad, no run, Left alone by Hussain Murad

         End of over 19  (2 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         45/0 (lead 45)
         Steffan Moore        2.0-0-5-0
         Hussain Murad        27(61b 5X4)
         Adil Rafiullah       13(54b 2X4)   

19.1  Russell to Rafiullah, no run, Adil Rafiullah playing forward defensive
19.2  Russell to Rafiullah, no run, Left alone by Adil Rafiullah
19.3  Russell to Rafiullah, FOUR, What a blunder by Connor Rees. He gave away 4 runs with that misfield
19.4  Russell to Rafiullah, no run, Adil Rafiullah was completely deceived
19.5  Russell to Rafiullah, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
19.6  Russell to Rafiullah, no run, Adil Rafiullah was completely deceived

         End of over 20  (4 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         49/0 (lead 49)
         Ben Russell          6.0-0-19-0
         Adil Rafiullah       17(60b 3X4)
         Hussain Murad        27(61b 5X4)   

20.1  Mullin to Murad, no run, Left alone by Hussain Murad
20.2  Mullin to Murad, no run, Hussain Murad playing forward defensive
20.3  Mullin to Murad, no run, Hussain Murad playing forward defensive
20.4  Mullin to Murad, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
20.5  Mullin to Murad, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
20.6  Mullin to Murad, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down

         End of over 21  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         49/0 (lead 49)
         Peter Mullin         8.0-3-12-0
         Hussain Murad        27(67b 5X4)
         Adil Rafiullah       17(60b 3X4)   

21.1  Russell to Rafiullah, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
21.2  Russell to Rafiullah, one run, Great cooperation between Adil Rafiullah and Hussain Murad       
21.3  Russell to Murad, one run, Great cooperation between Hussain Murad and Adil Rafiullah     
21.4  Russell to Rafiullah, no run, Left alone by Adil Rafiullah
21.5  Russell to Rafiullah, no run, Left alone by Adil Rafiullah
21.6  Russell to Rafiullah, no run, Adil Rafiullah was completely deceived

         End of over 22  (2 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         51/0 (lead 51)
         Ben Russell          7.0-0-21-0
         Adil Rafiullah       18(65b 3X4)
         Hussain Murad        28(68b 5X4)   

22.1  Moore to Murad, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     
22.2  Moore to Murad, no run, Hussain Murad was completely deceived
22.3  Moore to Murad, one run, One more to the total
22.4  Moore to Rafiullah, no run, Adil Rafiullah was completely deceived
22.5  Moore to Rafiullah, no run, Adil Rafiullah playing forward defensive
22.6  Moore to Rafiullah, no run, Adil Rafiullah was completely deceived

         End of over 23  (1 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         52/0 (lead 52)
         Steffan Moore        3.0-0-6-0
         Adil Rafiullah       18(68b 3X4)
         Hussain Murad        29(71b 5X4)   

23.1  Russell to Murad, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
23.2  Russell to Murad, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
23.3  Russell to Murad, one run, He was lucky. Almost got run out by Kai Friend
23.4  Russell to Rafiullah, one run, That is very well run by Hussain Murad       
23.5  Russell to Murad, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
23.6  Russell to Murad, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down

         End of over 24  (2 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         54/0 (lead 54)
         Ben Russell          8.0-0-23-0
         Hussain Murad        30(76b 5X4)
         Adil Rafiullah       19(69b 3X4)   

24.1  Moore to Rafiullah, no ball , one run, One more to the total
24.1  Moore to Rafiullah, one run, One more to the total
24.2  Moore to Murad, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
24.3  Moore to Murad, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
24.4  Moore to Murad, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
24.5  Moore to Murad, no run, Defensively played by Hussain Murad
24.6  Moore to Murad, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     

         End of over 25  (2 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         56/0 (lead 56)
         Steffan Moore        4.0-0-8-0
         Hussain Murad        30(81b 5X4)
         Adil Rafiullah       20(70b 3X4)   

25.1  Russell to Rafiullah, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
25.2  Russell to Rafiullah, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
25.3  Russell to Rafiullah, no run, Defensively played by Adil Rafiullah
25.4  Russell to Rafiullah, no run, Adil Rafiullah playing forward defensive
25.5  Russell to Rafiullah, no run, Adil Rafiullah playing forward defensive
25.6  Russell to Rafiullah, no ball , no run, Adil Rafiullah playing forward defensive
25.6  Russell to Rafiullah, no run, Adil Rafiullah playing forward defensive

         End of over 26  (1 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         57/0 (lead 57)
         Ben Russell          9.0-0-24-0
         Adil Rafiullah       20(76b 3X4)
         Hussain Murad        30(81b 5X4)   

26.1  Mullin to Murad, legbye, Defensively played by Hussain Murad
26.2  Mullin to Rafiullah, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
26.3  Mullin to Rafiullah, no run, Adil Rafiullah playing forward defensive
26.4  Mullin to Rafiullah, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
26.5  Mullin to Rafiullah, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
26.6  Mullin to Rafiullah, wide, Peter Mullin bowling a very wayward one
26.6  Mullin to Rafiullah, no run, Left alone by Adil Rafiullah

         End of over 27  (2 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         59/0 (lead 59)
         Peter Mullin         9.0-4-13-0
         Adil Rafiullah       20(82b 3X4)
         Hussain Murad        30(82b 5X4)   

27.1  Russell to Murad, OUT, What a brilliant catch by Owain Norton

         Hussain Murad          30 (83b 5X4)
         c. Norton      b. Russell     

27.2  Russell to Mahmoud, one run, He was lucky. Almost got run out by Kai Friend
27.3  Russell to Rafiullah, no run, Adil Rafiullah playing forward defensive
27.4  Russell to Rafiullah, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     
27.5  Russell to Rafiullah, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
27.6  Russell to Rafiullah, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman

         End of over 28  (1 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         60/1 (lead 60)
         Ben Russell          10.0-0-25-1
         Adil Rafiullah       20(86b 3X4)
         Anwar Mahmoud         1(1b)   

28.1  Walker to Mahmoud, one run, One more to the total
28.2  Walker to Rafiullah, one run, He was lucky. Almost got run out by Steffan Moore
28.3  Walker to Mahmoud, no run, Left alone by Anwar Mahmoud
28.4  Walker to Mahmoud, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
28.5  Walker to Mahmoud, no run, Anwar Mahmoud playing forward defensive
28.6  Walker to Mahmoud, no run, Anwar Mahmoud was completely deceived

         End of over 29  (2 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         62/1 (lead 62)
         Marnws Walker        6.0-2-11-0
         Anwar Mahmoud         2(6b)
         Adil Rafiullah       21(87b 3X4)   

29.1  Mullin to Rafiullah, no run, Adil Rafiullah playing forward defensive
29.2  Mullin to Rafiullah, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
29.3  Mullin to Rafiullah, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
29.4  Mullin to Rafiullah, no run, Defensively played by Adil Rafiullah
29.5  Mullin to Rafiullah, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
29.6  Mullin to Rafiullah, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman

         End of over 30  (0 runs)

         LUNCH: DAY 1 of 0
         Time: 12:01 PM
         PALESTINE XI         62/1 (lead 62)
         Peter Mullin         10.0-4-13-0
         Adil Rafiullah       21(93b 3X4)
         Anwar Mahmoud         2(6b)   

30.1  Walker to Mahmoud, no run, Defensively played by Anwar Mahmoud
30.2  Walker to Mahmoud, no run, Anwar Mahmoud was completely deceived
30.3  Walker to Mahmoud, no run, Defensively played by Anwar Mahmoud
30.4  Walker to Mahmoud, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
30.5  Walker to Mahmoud, no run, Defensively played by Anwar Mahmoud
30.6  Walker to Mahmoud, no run, Left alone by Anwar Mahmoud

         End of over 31  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         62/1 (lead 62)
         Marnws Walker        7.0-2-11-0
         Anwar Mahmoud         2(12b)
         Adil Rafiullah       21(93b 3X4)   

31.1  Russell to Rafiullah, no run, Left alone by Adil Rafiullah
31.2  Russell to Rafiullah, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
31.3  Russell to Rafiullah, OUT, Bowled him! Great delivery by Ben Russell. Adil Rafiullah didnt have a clue

         Adil Rafiullah         21 (96b 3X4)
                        b. Russell     

31.4  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
31.5  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, Hafiz Ahmadi playing forward defensive
31.6  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, Hafiz Ahmadi playing forward defensive

         End of over 32  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         62/2 (lead 62)
         Ben Russell          11.0-0-25-2
         Hafiz Ahmadi          0(3b)
         Anwar Mahmoud         2(12b)   

32.1  Moore to Mahmoud, OUT, Ben Russell takes an easy catch to dismiss Anwar Mahmoud

         Anwar Mahmoud          2 (13b)
         c. Russell     b. Moore       

32.2  Moore to Ahmad, no run, Left alone by Muhammad Ahmad
32.3  Moore to Ahmad, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
32.4  Moore to Ahmad, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
32.5  Moore to Ahmad, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
32.6  Moore to Ahmad, no run, Muhammad Ahmad was completely deceived

         End of over 33  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         62/3 (lead 62)
         Steffan Moore        5.0-0-8-1
         Muhammad Ahmad        0(5b)
         Hafiz Ahmadi          0(3b)   

33.1  Mullin to Ahmadi, no run, Defensively played by Hafiz Ahmadi
33.2  Mullin to Ahmadi, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
33.3  Mullin to Ahmadi, no run, Left alone by Hafiz Ahmadi
33.4  Mullin to Ahmadi, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
33.5  Mullin to Ahmadi, no run, Hafiz Ahmadi playing forward defensive
33.6  Mullin to Ahmadi, no run, Hafiz Ahmadi was completely deceived

         End of over 34  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         62/3 (lead 62)
         Peter Mullin         11.0-5-13-0
         Hafiz Ahmadi          0(9b)
         Muhammad Ahmad        0(5b)   

34.1  Moore to Ahmad, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
34.2  Moore to Ahmad, one run, Great cooperation between Muhammad Ahmad and Hafiz Ahmadi       
34.3  Moore to Ahmadi, three runs, Great save by Owain Norton 3 instead of 4
34.4  Moore to Ahmad, no run, Defensively played by Muhammad Ahmad
34.5  Moore to Ahmad, no run, Muhammad Ahmad playing forward defensive
34.6  Moore to Ahmad, FOUR, Brilliant cover drive by Muhammad Ahmad     

         End of over 35  (8 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         70/3 (lead 70)
         Steffan Moore        6.0-1-16-1
         Muhammad Ahmad        5(10b 1X4)
         Hafiz Ahmadi          3(10b)   

35.1  Mullin to Ahmadi, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
35.2  Mullin to Ahmadi, no run, Hafiz Ahmadi was completely deceived
35.3  Mullin to Ahmadi, no run, Left alone by Hafiz Ahmadi
35.4  Mullin to Ahmadi, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
35.5  Mullin to Ahmadi, no run, Hafiz Ahmadi playing forward defensive
35.6  Mullin to Ahmadi, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     

         End of over 36  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         70/3 (lead 70)
         Peter Mullin         12.0-6-13-0
         Hafiz Ahmadi          3(16b)
         Muhammad Ahmad        5(10b 1X4)   

36.1  Moore to Ahmad, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
36.2  Moore to Ahmad, no run, Left alone by Muhammad Ahmad
36.3  Moore to Ahmad, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
36.4  Moore to Ahmad, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
36.5  Moore to Ahmad, no run, Left alone by Muhammad Ahmad
36.6  Moore to Ahmad, no run, Defensively played by Muhammad Ahmad

         End of over 37  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         70/3 (lead 70)
         Steffan Moore        7.0-1-16-1
         Muhammad Ahmad        5(16b 1X4)
         Hafiz Ahmadi          3(16b)   

37.1  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     
37.2  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, Hafiz Ahmadi playing forward defensive
37.3  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
37.4  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, Hafiz Ahmadi was completely deceived
37.5  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
37.6  Russell to Ahmadi, FOUR, Great shot, four straight over the bowler's head

         End of over 38  (4 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         74/3 (lead 74)
         Ben Russell          12.0-1-29-2
         Hafiz Ahmadi          7(22b 1X4)
         Muhammad Ahmad        5(16b 1X4)   

38.1  Moore to Ahmad, no run, Left alone by Muhammad Ahmad
38.2  Moore to Ahmad, no run, Muhammad Ahmad was completely deceived
38.3  Moore to Ahmad, no run, Muhammad Ahmad was completely deceived
38.4  Moore to Ahmad, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
38.5  Moore to Ahmad, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
38.6  Moore to Ahmad, no run, Muhammad Ahmad was completely deceived

         End of over 39  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         74/3 (lead 74)
         Steffan Moore        8.0-2-16-1
         Muhammad Ahmad        5(22b 1X4)
         Hafiz Ahmadi          7(22b 1X4)   

39.1  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, Left alone by Hafiz Ahmadi
39.2  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
39.3  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, Hafiz Ahmadi playing forward defensive
39.4  Russell to Ahmadi, one run, That is very well run by Muhammad Ahmad     
39.5  Russell to Ahmad, no run, Left alone by Muhammad Ahmad
39.6  Russell to Ahmad, FOUR, Muhammad Ahmad is going haywire!

         End of over 40  (5 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         79/3 (lead 79)
         Ben Russell          13.0-1-34-2
         Muhammad Ahmad        9(24b 2X4)
         Hafiz Ahmadi          8(26b 1X4)   

40.1  Mullin to Ahmadi, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
40.2  Mullin to Ahmadi, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
40.3  Mullin to Ahmadi, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
40.4  Mullin to Ahmadi, no run, Left alone by Hafiz Ahmadi
40.5  Mullin to Ahmadi, no run, Hafiz Ahmadi playing forward defensive
40.6  Mullin to Ahmadi, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman

         End of over 41  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         79/3 (lead 79)
         Peter Mullin         13.0-7-13-0
         Hafiz Ahmadi          8(32b 1X4)
         Muhammad Ahmad        9(24b 2X4)   

41.1  Moore to Ahmad, no run, Left alone by Muhammad Ahmad
41.2  Moore to Ahmad, no run, Muhammad Ahmad was completely deceived
41.3  Moore to Ahmad, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
41.4  Moore to Ahmad, no run, Muhammad Ahmad playing forward defensive
41.5  Moore to Ahmad, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
41.6  Moore to Ahmad, no run, Muhammad Ahmad playing forward defensive

         End of over 42  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         79/3 (lead 79)
         Steffan Moore        9.0-3-16-1
         Muhammad Ahmad        9(30b 2X4)
         Hafiz Ahmadi          8(32b 1X4)   

42.1  Walker to Ahmadi, one run, The misfield by Gareth Herring allows yet another run
42.2  Walker to Ahmad, no run, Muhammad Ahmad playing forward defensive
42.3  Walker to Ahmad, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
42.4  Walker to Ahmad, FOUR, Muhammad Ahmad is going haywire!
42.5  Walker to Ahmad, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
42.6  Walker to Ahmad, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat

         End of over 43  (5 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         84/3 (lead 84)
         Marnws Walker        8.0-3-16-0
         Muhammad Ahmad       13(35b 3X4)
         Hafiz Ahmadi          9(33b 1X4)   

43.1  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, Hafiz Ahmadi was completely deceived
43.2  Russell to Ahmadi, FOUR, What a blunder by Ben Russell. He gave away 4 runs with that misfield
43.3  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, Hafiz Ahmadi playing forward defensive
43.4  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, Defensively played by Hafiz Ahmadi
43.5  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     
43.6  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, Hafiz Ahmadi was completely deceived

         End of over 44  (4 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         88/3 (lead 88)
         Ben Russell          14.0-1-38-2
         Hafiz Ahmadi         13(39b 2X4)
         Muhammad Ahmad       13(35b 3X4)   

44.1  Moore to Ahmad, no run, Muhammad Ahmad was completely deceived
44.2  Moore to Ahmad, no run, Muhammad Ahmad playing forward defensive
44.3  Moore to Ahmad, OUT, What a brilliant catch by Marnws Walker

         Muhammad Ahmad         13 (38b 3X4)
         c. Walker      b. Moore       

44.4  Moore to Gurbaaj, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     
44.5  Moore to Gurbaaj, no run, Left alone by Asratullah Gurbaaj
44.6  Moore to Gurbaaj, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman

         End of over 45  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         88/4 (lead 88)
         Steffan Moore        10.0-4-16-2
         Asratullah Gurbaaj    0(3b)
         Hafiz Ahmadi         13(39b 2X4)   

45.1  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
45.2  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
45.3  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, Left alone by Hafiz Ahmadi
45.4  Russell to Ahmadi, FOUR, Great shot, four straight over the bowler's head
45.5  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
45.6  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down

         End of over 46  (4 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         92/4 (lead 92)
         Ben Russell          15.0-1-42-2
         Hafiz Ahmadi         17(45b 3X4)
         Asratullah Gurbaaj    0(3b)   

46.1  Mullin to Gurbaaj, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
46.2  Mullin to Gurbaaj, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     
46.3  Mullin to Gurbaaj, no run, Asratullah Gurbaaj playing forward defensive
46.4  Mullin to Gurbaaj, no run, Defensively played by Asratullah Gurbaaj
46.5  Mullin to Gurbaaj, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
46.6  Mullin to Gurbaaj, no run, Left alone by Asratullah Gurbaaj

         End of over 47  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         92/4 (lead 92)
         Peter Mullin         14.0-8-13-0
         Asratullah Gurbaaj    0(9b)
         Hafiz Ahmadi         17(45b 3X4)   

47.1  Moore to Ahmadi, no run, Hafiz Ahmadi was completely deceived
47.2  Moore to Ahmadi, no run, Defensively played by Hafiz Ahmadi
47.3  Moore to Ahmadi, 1 bye, That ball spun too much for Gareth Herring to stop
47.4  Moore to Gurbaaj, one run, One more to the total
47.5  Moore to Ahmadi, FOUR, Great shot, four straight over the bowler's head
47.6  Moore to Ahmadi, one run, That is very well run by Asratullah Gurbaaj 

         End of over 48  (7 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         99/4 (lead 99)
         Steffan Moore        11.0-5-22-2
         Asratullah Gurbaaj    1(10b)
         Hafiz Ahmadi         22(50b 4X4)   

48.1  Russell to Ahmadi, one run, That is very well run by Asratullah Gurbaaj 
48.2  Russell to Gurbaaj, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
48.3  Russell to Gurbaaj, FOUR, What a blunder by Ben Russell. He gave away 4 runs with that misfield
48.4  Russell to Gurbaaj, three runs,
48.5  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, Hafiz Ahmadi playing forward defensive
48.6  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat

         End of over 49  (8 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        107/4 (lead 107)
         Ben Russell          16.0-1-50-2
         Hafiz Ahmadi         23(53b 4X4)
         Asratullah Gurbaaj    8(13b 1X4)   

49.1  Moore to Gurbaaj, no run, Asratullah Gurbaaj playing forward defensive
49.2  Moore to Gurbaaj, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
49.3  Moore to Gurbaaj, no run, Asratullah Gurbaaj playing forward defensive
49.4  Moore to Gurbaaj, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
49.5  Moore to Gurbaaj, no run, Left alone by Asratullah Gurbaaj
49.6  Moore to Gurbaaj, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman

         End of over 50  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        107/4 (lead 107)
         Steffan Moore        12.0-5-22-2
         Asratullah Gurbaaj    8(19b 1X4)
         Hafiz Ahmadi         23(53b 4X4)   

50.1  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     
50.2  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
50.3  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
50.4  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
50.5  Russell to Ahmadi, FOUR, Hafiz Ahmadi is going haywire!
50.6  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, Defensively played by Hafiz Ahmadi

         End of over 51  (4 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        111/4 (lead 111)
         Ben Russell          17.0-1-54-2
         Hafiz Ahmadi         27(59b 5X4)
         Asratullah Gurbaaj    8(19b 1X4)   

51.1  Mullin to Gurbaaj, no run, Asratullah Gurbaaj was completely deceived
51.2  Mullin to Gurbaaj, no run, Asratullah Gurbaaj was completely deceived
51.3  Mullin to Gurbaaj, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
51.4  Mullin to Gurbaaj, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
51.5  Mullin to Gurbaaj, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
51.6  Mullin to Gurbaaj, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced

         End of over 52  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        111/4 (lead 111)
         Peter Mullin         15.0-9-13-0
         Asratullah Gurbaaj    8(25b 1X4)
         Hafiz Ahmadi         27(59b 5X4)   

52.1  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, Left alone by Hafiz Ahmadi
52.2  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, Hafiz Ahmadi playing forward defensive
52.3  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, Defensively played by Hafiz Ahmadi
52.4  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, Hafiz Ahmadi was completely deceived
52.5  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, Hafiz Ahmadi was completely deceived
52.6  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, Left alone by Hafiz Ahmadi

         End of over 53  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        111/4 (lead 111)
         Ben Russell          18.0-1-54-2
         Hafiz Ahmadi         27(65b 5X4)
         Asratullah Gurbaaj    8(25b 1X4)   

53.1  Walker to Gurbaaj, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
53.2  Walker to Gurbaaj, FOUR, Asratullah Gurbaaj is going haywire!
53.3  Walker to Gurbaaj, no run, Left alone by Asratullah Gurbaaj
53.4  Walker to Gurbaaj, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
53.5  Walker to Gurbaaj, no run, Defensively played by Asratullah Gurbaaj
53.6  Walker to Gurbaaj, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down

         End of over 54  (4 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        115/4 (lead 115)
         Marnws Walker        9.0-3-20-0
         Asratullah Gurbaaj   12(31b 2X4)
         Hafiz Ahmadi         27(65b 5X4)   

54.1  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
54.2  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
54.3  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, Defensively played by Hafiz Ahmadi
54.4  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
54.5  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
54.6  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, Hafiz Ahmadi playing forward defensive

         End of over 55  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        115/4 (lead 115)
         Ben Russell          19.0-2-54-2
         Hafiz Ahmadi         27(71b 5X4)
         Asratullah Gurbaaj   12(31b 2X4)   

55.1  Moore to Gurbaaj, no run, Asratullah Gurbaaj playing forward defensive
55.2  Moore to Gurbaaj, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
55.3  Moore to Gurbaaj, no run, Asratullah Gurbaaj playing forward defensive
55.4  Moore to Gurbaaj, FOUR, Steffan Moore is quite unfortunate to be hit after bowling a good one
55.5  Moore to Gurbaaj, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
55.6  Moore to Gurbaaj, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman

         End of over 56  (4 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        119/4 (lead 119)
         Steffan Moore        13.0-6-26-2
         Asratullah Gurbaaj   16(37b 3X4)
         Hafiz Ahmadi         27(71b 5X4)   

56.1  Mullin to Ahmadi, no run, Defensively played by Hafiz Ahmadi
56.2  Mullin to Ahmadi, no run, Defensively played by Hafiz Ahmadi
56.3  Mullin to Ahmadi, no run, Left alone by Hafiz Ahmadi
56.4  Mullin to Ahmadi, no ball , no run, Hafiz Ahmadi was completely deceived
56.4  Mullin to Ahmadi, no run, Hafiz Ahmadi was completely deceived
56.5  Mullin to Ahmadi, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
56.6  Mullin to Ahmadi, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced

         End of over 57  (1 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        120/4 (lead 120)
         Peter Mullin         16.0-10-14-0
         Hafiz Ahmadi         27(77b 5X4)
         Asratullah Gurbaaj   16(37b 3X4)   

57.1  Moore to Gurbaaj, no run, Left alone by Asratullah Gurbaaj
57.2  Moore to Gurbaaj, FOUR, Brilliant cover drive by Asratullah Gurbaaj 
57.3  Moore to Gurbaaj, one run, That is very well run by Hafiz Ahmadi       
57.4  Moore to Ahmadi, no run, Left alone by Hafiz Ahmadi
57.5  Moore to Ahmadi, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
57.6  Moore to Ahmadi, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat

         End of over 58  (5 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        125/4 (lead 125)
         Steffan Moore        14.0-6-31-2
         Hafiz Ahmadi         27(80b 5X4)
         Asratullah Gurbaaj   21(40b 4X4)   

58.1  Mullin to Gurbaaj, one run, One more to the total
58.2  Mullin to Ahmadi, no run, Defensively played by Hafiz Ahmadi
58.3  Mullin to Ahmadi, no run, Hafiz Ahmadi was completely deceived
58.4  Mullin to Ahmadi, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
58.5  Mullin to Ahmadi, one run, One more to the total
58.6  Mullin to Gurbaaj, FOUR, Brilliant cover drive by Asratullah Gurbaaj 

         End of over 59  (6 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        131/4 (lead 131)
         Peter Mullin         17.0-10-20-0
         Asratullah Gurbaaj   26(42b 5X4)
         Hafiz Ahmadi         28(84b 5X4)   

59.1  Moore to Ahmadi, no run, Left alone by Hafiz Ahmadi
59.2  Moore to Ahmadi, no run, Hafiz Ahmadi playing forward defensive
59.3  Moore to Ahmadi, no run, Hafiz Ahmadi playing forward defensive
59.4  Moore to Ahmadi, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
59.5  Moore to Ahmadi, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
59.6  Moore to Ahmadi, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down

         End of over 60  (0 runs)

         TEA: DAY 1 of 0
         Time: 2:31 PM
         PALESTINE XI        131/4 (lead 131)
         Steffan Moore        15.0-6-31-2
         Hafiz Ahmadi         28(90b 5X4)
         Asratullah Gurbaaj   26(42b 5X4)   

60.1  Russell to Gurbaaj, OUT, What a brilliant catch by Connor Rees

         Asratullah Gurbaaj     26 (43b 5X4)
         c. Rees        b. Russell     

60.2  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, Left alone by Jesus Jeremiah
60.3  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     
60.4  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
60.5  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
60.6  Russell to Jeremiah, OUT, Thick edge well taken by Gareth Herring

         Jesus Jeremiah         0 (5b)
         c. Herring     b. Russell     

         End of over 61  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        131/6 (lead 131)
         Ben Russell          20.0-3-54-4
         Nasser Wolowitz       0(0b)
         Hafiz Ahmadi         28(90b 5X4)   

61.1  Mullin to Ahmadi, no run, Left alone by Hafiz Ahmadi
61.2  Mullin to Ahmadi, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
61.3  Mullin to Ahmadi, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
61.4  Mullin to Ahmadi, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     
61.5  Mullin to Ahmadi, no run, Hafiz Ahmadi was completely deceived
61.6  Mullin to Ahmadi, three runs, Great save by Alun Lockyer 3 instead of 4

         End of over 62  (3 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        134/6 (lead 134)
         Peter Mullin         18.0-10-23-0
         Nasser Wolowitz       0(0b)
         Hafiz Ahmadi         31(96b 5X4)   

62.1  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, Left alone by Hafiz Ahmadi
62.2  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
62.3  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
62.4  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, Left alone by Hafiz Ahmadi
62.5  Russell to Ahmadi, one run, One more to the total
62.6  Russell to Wolowitz, OUT, What a brilliant catch by Kai Friend

         Nasser Wolowitz        0 (1b)
         c. Friend      b. Russell     

         End of over 63  (1 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        135/7 (lead 135)
         Ben Russell          21.0-4-55-5
         Omar Al-Azzeh         0(0b)
         Hafiz Ahmadi         32(101b 5X4)   

63.1  Mullin to Ahmadi, no run, Hafiz Ahmadi playing forward defensive
63.2  Mullin to Ahmadi, no run, Hafiz Ahmadi playing forward defensive
63.3  Mullin to Ahmadi, no run, Left alone by Hafiz Ahmadi
63.4  Mullin to Ahmadi, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
63.5  Mullin to Ahmadi, no run, Hafiz Ahmadi playing forward defensive
63.6  Mullin to Ahmadi, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down

         End of over 64  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        135/7 (lead 135)
         Peter Mullin         19.0-10-23-0
         Hafiz Ahmadi         32(107b 5X4)
         Omar Al-Azzeh         0(0b)   

64.1  Russell to Al-Azzeh, FOUR, What a blunder by Alun Lockyer. He gave away 4 runs with that misfield
64.2  Russell to Al-Azzeh, FOUR, What a blunder by Ben Russell. He gave away 4 runs with that misfield
64.3  Russell to Al-Azzeh, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
64.4  Russell to Al-Azzeh, no ball , no run, Defensively played by Omar Al-Azzeh
64.4  Russell to Al-Azzeh, no run, Defensively played by Omar Al-Azzeh
64.5  Russell to Al-Azzeh, no run, Left alone by Omar Al-Azzeh
64.6  Russell to Al-Azzeh, no run, Left alone by Omar Al-Azzeh

         End of over 65  (9 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        144/7 (lead 144)
         Ben Russell          22.0-4-64-5
         Omar Al-Azzeh         8(6b 2X4)
         Hafiz Ahmadi         32(107b 5X4)   

65.1  Norton to Ahmadi, no run, Left alone by Hafiz Ahmadi
65.2  Norton to Ahmadi, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
65.3  Norton to Ahmadi, no run, Hafiz Ahmadi was completely deceived
65.4  Norton to Ahmadi, no run, Left alone by Hafiz Ahmadi
65.5  Norton to Ahmadi, no run, Hafiz Ahmadi playing forward defensive
65.6  Norton to Ahmadi, no run, Left alone by Hafiz Ahmadi

         End of over 66  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        144/7 (lead 144)
         Owain Norton         1.0-0-0-0
         Hafiz Ahmadi         32(113b 5X4)
         Omar Al-Azzeh         8(6b 2X4)   

66.1  Mullin to Al-Azzeh, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
66.2  Mullin to Al-Azzeh, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
66.3  Mullin to Al-Azzeh, FOUR, Great shot, four straight over the bowler's head
66.4  Mullin to Al-Azzeh, no run, Defensively played by Omar Al-Azzeh
66.5  Mullin to Al-Azzeh, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     
66.6  Mullin to Al-Azzeh, no run, Omar Al-Azzeh was completely deceived

         End of over 67  (4 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        148/7 (lead 148)
         Peter Mullin         20.0-11-27-0
         Omar Al-Azzeh        12(12b 3X4)
         Hafiz Ahmadi         32(113b 5X4)   

67.1  Moore to Ahmadi, no run, Left alone by Hafiz Ahmadi
67.2  Moore to Ahmadi, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
67.3  Moore to Ahmadi, no run, Left alone by Hafiz Ahmadi
67.4  Moore to Ahmadi, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
67.5  Moore to Ahmadi, OUT, That ball caught the edge and struck the stumps. Hafiz Ahmadi is out

         Hafiz Ahmadi           32 (118b 5X4)
                        b. Moore       

67.6  Moore to Goregen, one run, One more to the total

         End of over 68  (1 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        149/8 (lead 149)
         Steffan Moore        16.0-7-32-3
         Omar Al-Azzeh        12(12b 3X4)
         Bilal Goregen         1(1b)   

68.1  Walker to Goregen, no run, Defensively played by Bilal Goregen
68.2  Walker to Goregen, no run, Left alone by Bilal Goregen
68.3  Walker to Goregen, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
68.4  Walker to Goregen, one run, That is very well run by Omar Al-Azzeh       
68.5  Walker to Al-Azzeh, no run, Omar Al-Azzeh was completely deceived
68.6  Walker to Al-Azzeh, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman

         End of over 69  (1 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        150/8 (lead 150)
         Marnws Walker        10.0-3-21-0
         Omar Al-Azzeh        12(14b 3X4)
         Bilal Goregen         2(5b)   

69.1  Moore to Goregen, no run, Defensively played by Bilal Goregen
69.2  Moore to Goregen, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
69.3  Moore to Goregen, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
69.4  Moore to Goregen, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
69.5  Moore to Goregen, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
69.6  Moore to Goregen, no run, Bilal Goregen playing forward defensive

         End of over 70  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        150/8 (lead 150)
         Steffan Moore        17.0-7-32-3
         Bilal Goregen         2(11b)
         Omar Al-Azzeh        12(14b 3X4)   

70.1  Mullin to Al-Azzeh, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     
70.2  Mullin to Al-Azzeh, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
70.3  Mullin to Al-Azzeh, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
70.4  Mullin to Al-Azzeh, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
70.5  Mullin to Al-Azzeh, no run, Defensively played by Omar Al-Azzeh
70.6  Mullin to Al-Azzeh, one run, He was lucky. Almost got run out by Ben Russell

         End of over 71  (1 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        151/8 (lead 151)
         Peter Mullin         21.0-11-28-0
         Bilal Goregen         2(11b)
         Omar Al-Azzeh        13(20b 3X4)   

71.1  Russell to Al-Azzeh, one run, Great cooperation between Omar Al-Azzeh and Bilal Goregen       
71.2  Russell to Goregen, no run, Bilal Goregen was completely deceived
71.3  Russell to Goregen, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     
71.4  Russell to Goregen, one run, Dropped! Ben Russell made a big mess of that simple chance
71.5  Russell to Al-Azzeh, no run, Left alone by Omar Al-Azzeh
71.6  Russell to Al-Azzeh, no run, Left alone by Omar Al-Azzeh

         End of over 72  (2 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        153/8 (lead 153)
         Ben Russell          23.0-4-66-5
         Omar Al-Azzeh        14(23b 3X4)
         Bilal Goregen         3(14b)   

72.1  Moore to Goregen, wide, Steffan Moore bowling a very wayward one
72.1  Moore to Goregen, one run, Great cooperation between Bilal Goregen and Omar Al-Azzeh       
72.2  Moore to Al-Azzeh, no run, Defensively played by Omar Al-Azzeh
72.3  Moore to Al-Azzeh, no run, Left alone by Omar Al-Azzeh
72.4  Moore to Al-Azzeh, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
72.5  Moore to Al-Azzeh, FOUR, Steffan Moore is quite unfortunate to be hit after bowling a good one
72.6  Moore to Al-Azzeh, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman

         End of over 73  (6 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        159/8 (lead 159)
         Steffan Moore        18.0-8-38-3
         Omar Al-Azzeh        18(28b 4X4)
         Bilal Goregen         4(16b)   

73.1  Mullin to Goregen, no run, Defensively played by Bilal Goregen
73.2  Mullin to Goregen, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
73.3  Mullin to Goregen, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
73.4  Mullin to Goregen, no run, Bilal Goregen playing forward defensive
73.5  Mullin to Goregen, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
73.6  Mullin to Goregen, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman

         End of over 74  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        159/8 (lead 159)
         Peter Mullin         22.0-11-28-0
         Bilal Goregen         4(22b)
         Omar Al-Azzeh        18(28b 4X4)   

74.1  Moore to Al-Azzeh, one run, One more to the total
74.2  Moore to Goregen, one run, The misfield by Connor Rees allows yet another run
74.3  Moore to Al-Azzeh, no run, Omar Al-Azzeh was completely deceived
74.4  Moore to Al-Azzeh, no run, Left alone by Omar Al-Azzeh
74.5  Moore to Al-Azzeh, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
74.6  Moore to Al-Azzeh, no run, Omar Al-Azzeh playing forward defensive

         End of over 75  (2 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        161/8 (lead 161)
         Steffan Moore        19.0-8-40-3
         Omar Al-Azzeh        19(33b 4X4)
         Bilal Goregen         5(23b)   

75.1  Walker to Goregen, one run, One more to the total
75.2  Walker to Al-Azzeh, no run, Left alone by Omar Al-Azzeh
75.3  Walker to Al-Azzeh, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
75.4  Walker to Al-Azzeh, no run, Omar Al-Azzeh playing forward defensive
75.5  Walker to Al-Azzeh, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
75.6  Walker to Al-Azzeh, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced

         End of over 76  (1 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        162/8 (lead 162)
         Marnws Walker        11.0-3-22-0
         Omar Al-Azzeh        19(38b 4X4)
         Bilal Goregen         6(24b)   

76.1  Russell to Goregen, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
76.2  Russell to Goregen, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
76.3  Russell to Goregen, OUT, Thats plumb in front of the wicket

         Bilal Goregen          6 (27b)
         lbw            b. Russell     

76.4  Russell to Kooth'alli, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
76.5  Russell to Kooth'alli, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
76.6  Russell to Kooth'alli, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat

         End of over 77  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        162/9 (lead 162)
         Ben Russell          24.0-4-66-6
         Pranav Koothrapalli   0(3b)
         Omar Al-Azzeh        19(38b 4X4)   

77.1  Moore to Al-Azzeh, OUT, Thats plumb in front of the wicket

         Omar Al-Azzeh          19 (39b 4X4)
         lbw            b. Moore       

         End of innings (77.1 overs)
         Day 1   4:11 PM
         PALESTINE XI        162/10
         (Run Rate: 2.10)
         Steffan Moore         19.1-8-40-4
         Pranav Koothrapalli   0(3b)

PALESTINE XI 1st innings

Player              Status                        Runs  Blls  4s   6s    S/R
Hussain Murad       c. Norton      b. Russell      30    83    5    0   36.1%
Adil Rafiullah                     b. Russell      21    96    3    0   21.9%
Anwar Mahmoud       c. Russell     b. Moore         2    13    0    0   15.4%
Hafiz Ahmadi                       b. Moore        32   118    5    0   27.1%
Muhammad Ahmad      c. Walker      b. Moore        13    38    3    0   34.2%
Asratullah Gurbaaj  c. Rees        b. Russell      26    43    5    0   60.5%
Jesus Jeremiah      c. Herring     b. Russell       0     5    0    0    0.0%
Nasser Wolowitz     c. Friend      b. Russell       0     1    0    0    0.0%
Omar Al-Azzeh       lbw            b. Moore        19    39    4    0   48.7%
Bilal Goregen       lbw            b. Russell       6    27    0    0   22.2%
Pranav Koothrapalli not out                         0     3    0    0    0.0%
 Total:  162/10       Overs:  77.1         Run Rate:  2.10     Extras:  13
                             Day 1  4:11 PM
PALESTINE XI Partnerships

Batsmen                                                            Runs (Balls)
H Murad       Rafiullah    þþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþ                 59 (163)
A Mahmoud     Rafiullah    þ                                          3 (26)
A Mahmoud     H Ahmadi                                                0 (4)
M Ahmad       H Ahmadi     þþþþþþþþþþþ                               26 (74)
A Gurbaaj     H Ahmadi     þþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþ                        43 (94)
J Jeremiah    H Ahmadi                                                0 (5)
N Wolowitz    H Ahmadi     þ                                          4 (12)
O Al-Azzeh    H Ahmadi     þþþþþ                                     13 (29)
O Al-Azzeh    B Goregen    þþþþþþ                                    14 (52)
O Al-Azzeh    Kooth'alli                                              0 (4)

     Fall of Wickets    59/1      62/2      62/3      88/4      131/5
                        131/6     135/7     148/8     162/9     162/10   

 Total:  162/10      Overs:  77.1          Run Rate:  2.10    Extras:  13   

WALES A Bowling

Player               Overs   Mdns    Runs   Wkts      E/R    Wds    NBs
Peter Mullin         22.0     12      28      0      1.27     2      1
Marnws Walker        11.0      3      22      0      2.00     0      0
Ben Russell          24.0      5      66      6      2.75     0      2
Steffan Moore        19.1      8      40      4      2.09     1      1
Owain Norton          1.0      1       0      0      0.00     0      0

 EXTRAS          Wides: 3      No Balls: 4      Leg Byes: 5      Byes: 1

 Total:  162/10       Overs:  77.1         Run Rate:  2.10    Extras:  13

0.1  Kooth'alli to Rees, FOUR, Connor Rees is going haywire!
0.2  Kooth'alli to Rees, FOUR, Brilliant cover drive by Connor Rees         
0.3  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, Connor Rees was completely deceived
0.4  Kooth'alli to Rees, one run, He was lucky. Almost got run out by Bilal Goregen
0.5  Kooth'alli to Nicholls, no run, Defensively played by Charlie Nicholls
0.6  Kooth'alli to Nicholls, no run, Defensively played by Charlie Nicholls

         End of over 1  (9 runs)
         WALES A               9/0 (deficit 153)
         Pranav Koothrapalli  1.0-0-9-0
         Charlie Nicholls      0(2b)
         Connor Rees           9(4b 2X4)   

1.1  Al-Azzeh to Rees, no run, Connor Rees playing forward defensive
1.2  Al-Azzeh to Rees, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Asratullah Gurbaaj 
1.3  Al-Azzeh to Rees, no run, Left alone by Connor Rees
1.4  Al-Azzeh to Rees, no run, Left alone by Connor Rees
1.5  Al-Azzeh to Rees, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
1.6  Al-Azzeh to Rees, no run, Defensively played by Connor Rees

         End of over 2  (0 runs)
         WALES A               9/0 (deficit 153)
         Omar Al-Azzeh        1.0-0-0-0
         Connor Rees           9(10b 2X4)
         Charlie Nicholls      0(2b)   

2.1  Kooth'alli to Nicholls, no run, Charlie Nicholls playing forward defensive
2.2  Kooth'alli to Nicholls, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
2.3  Kooth'alli to Nicholls, no run, Left alone by Charlie Nicholls
2.4  Kooth'alli to Nicholls, no run, Left alone by Charlie Nicholls
2.5  Kooth'alli to Nicholls, no run, Defensively played by Charlie Nicholls
2.6  Kooth'alli to Nicholls, no run, Charlie Nicholls playing forward defensive

         End of over 3  (0 runs)
         WALES A               9/0 (deficit 153)
         Pranav Koothrapalli  2.0-0-9-0
         Charlie Nicholls      0(8b)
         Connor Rees           9(10b 2X4)   

3.1  Al-Azzeh to Rees, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
3.2  Al-Azzeh to Rees, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
3.3  Al-Azzeh to Rees, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
3.4  Al-Azzeh to Rees, no run, Connor Rees playing forward defensive
3.5  Al-Azzeh to Rees, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
3.6  Al-Azzeh to Rees, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Asratullah Gurbaaj 

         End of over 4  (0 runs)
         WALES A               9/0 (deficit 153)
         Omar Al-Azzeh        2.0-1-0-0
         Connor Rees           9(16b 2X4)
         Charlie Nicholls      0(8b)   

4.1  Kooth'alli to Nicholls, no run, Charlie Nicholls playing forward defensive
4.2  Kooth'alli to Nicholls, one run, That is very well run by Connor Rees         
4.3  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, Left alone by Connor Rees
4.4  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
4.5  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, Left alone by Connor Rees
4.6  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman

         End of over 5  (1 runs)
         WALES A              10/0 (deficit 152)
         Pranav Koothrapalli  3.0-1-10-0
         Connor Rees           9(20b 2X4)
         Charlie Nicholls      1(10b)   

5.1  Al-Azzeh to Nicholls, no run, Left alone by Charlie Nicholls
5.2  Al-Azzeh to Nicholls, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
5.3  Al-Azzeh to Nicholls, no run, Charlie Nicholls was completely deceived
5.4  Al-Azzeh to Nicholls, no run, Left alone by Charlie Nicholls
5.5  Al-Azzeh to Nicholls, one run, The misfield by Nasser Wolowitz allows yet another run
5.6  Al-Azzeh to Rees, no run, Left alone by Connor Rees

         End of over 6  (1 runs)
         WALES A              11/0 (deficit 151)
         Omar Al-Azzeh        3.0-2-1-0
         Connor Rees           9(21b 2X4)
         Charlie Nicholls      2(15b)   

6.1  Kooth'alli to Nicholls, no run, Defensively played by Charlie Nicholls
6.2  Kooth'alli to Nicholls, no run, Left alone by Charlie Nicholls
6.3  Kooth'alli to Nicholls, no run, Charlie Nicholls playing forward defensive
6.4  Kooth'alli to Nicholls, no run, Charlie Nicholls was completely deceived
6.5  Kooth'alli to Nicholls, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
6.6  Kooth'alli to Nicholls, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced

         End of over 7  (0 runs)
         WALES A              11/0 (deficit 151)
         Pranav Koothrapalli  4.0-1-10-0
         Charlie Nicholls      2(21b)
         Connor Rees           9(21b 2X4)   

7.1  Al-Azzeh to Rees, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
7.2  Al-Azzeh to Rees, one run, Great cooperation between Connor Rees and Charlie Nicholls   
7.3  Al-Azzeh to Nicholls, no run, Charlie Nicholls playing forward defensive
7.4  Al-Azzeh to Nicholls, no run, Left alone by Charlie Nicholls
7.5  Al-Azzeh to Nicholls, no run, Left alone by Charlie Nicholls
7.6  Al-Azzeh to Nicholls, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman

         End of over 8  (1 runs)
         WALES A              12/0 (deficit 150)
         Omar Al-Azzeh        4.0-2-2-0
         Charlie Nicholls      2(25b)
         Connor Rees          10(23b 2X4)   

8.1  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, Left alone by Connor Rees
8.2  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
8.3  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
8.4  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
8.5  Kooth'alli to Rees, FOUR, Pranav Koothrapalli is quite unfortunate to be hit after bowling a good one
8.6  Kooth'alli to Rees, one run, He was lucky. Almost got run out by Asratullah Gurbaaj

         End of over 9  (5 runs)
         WALES A              17/0 (deficit 145)
         Pranav Koothrapalli  5.0-2-15-0
         Charlie Nicholls      2(25b)
         Connor Rees          15(29b 3X4)   

9.1  Al-Azzeh to Rees, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
9.2  Al-Azzeh to Rees, no run, Defensively played by Connor Rees
9.3  Al-Azzeh to Rees, no run, Left alone by Connor Rees
9.4  Al-Azzeh to Rees, no run, Left alone by Connor Rees
9.5  Al-Azzeh to Rees, no run, Defensively played by Connor Rees
9.6  Al-Azzeh to Rees, legbye, Left alone by Connor Rees

         End of over 10  (1 runs)
         WALES A              18/0 (deficit 144)
         Omar Al-Azzeh        5.0-2-2-0
         Charlie Nicholls      2(25b)
         Connor Rees          15(35b 3X4)   

10.1  Goregen to Rees, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
10.2  Goregen to Rees, no run, Connor Rees was completely deceived
10.3  Goregen to Rees, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
10.4  Goregen to Rees, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
10.5  Goregen to Rees, no run, Left alone by Connor Rees
10.6  Goregen to Rees, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman

         End of over 11  (0 runs)
         WALES A              18/0 (deficit 144)
         Bilal Goregen        1.0-0-0-0
         Connor Rees          15(41b 3X4)
         Charlie Nicholls      2(25b)   

11.1  Al-Azzeh to Nicholls, no run, Left alone by Charlie Nicholls
11.2  Al-Azzeh to Nicholls, no run, Defensively played by Charlie Nicholls
11.3  Al-Azzeh to Nicholls, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
11.4  Al-Azzeh to Nicholls, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
11.5  Al-Azzeh to Nicholls, no run, Charlie Nicholls was completely deceived
11.6  Al-Azzeh to Nicholls, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down

         End of over 12  (0 runs)
         WALES A              18/0 (deficit 144)
         Omar Al-Azzeh        6.0-2-2-0
         Charlie Nicholls      2(31b)
         Connor Rees          15(41b 3X4)   

12.1  Goregen to Rees, no run, Defensively played by Connor Rees
12.2  Goregen to Rees, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
12.3  Goregen to Rees, no run, Left alone by Connor Rees
12.4  Goregen to Rees, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
12.5  Goregen to Rees, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
12.6  Goregen to Rees, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down

         End of over 13  (0 runs)

         END OF DAY 1
         Time: 5:00 PM
         WALES A              18/0 (deficit 144)
         Bilal Goregen        2.0-1-0-0
         Connor Rees          15(47b 3X4)
         Charlie Nicholls      2(31b)   

13.1  Wolowitz to Nicholls, no run, Left alone by Charlie Nicholls
13.2  Wolowitz to Nicholls, no run, Left alone by Charlie Nicholls
13.3  Wolowitz to Nicholls, one run, That is very well run by Connor Rees         
13.4  Wolowitz to Rees, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
13.5  Wolowitz to Rees, no run, Left alone by Connor Rees
13.6  Wolowitz to Rees, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat

         End of over 14  (1 runs)
         WALES A              19/0 (deficit 143)
         Nasser Wolowitz      1.0-0-1-0
         Connor Rees          15(50b 3X4)
         Charlie Nicholls      3(34b)   

14.1  Al-Azzeh to Nicholls, no run, Left alone by Charlie Nicholls
14.2  Al-Azzeh to Nicholls, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
14.3  Al-Azzeh to Nicholls, no run, Defensively played by Charlie Nicholls
14.4  Al-Azzeh to Nicholls, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Asratullah Gurbaaj 
14.5  Al-Azzeh to Nicholls, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
14.6  Al-Azzeh to Nicholls, no run, Left alone by Charlie Nicholls

         End of over 15  (0 runs)
         WALES A              19/0 (deficit 143)
         Omar Al-Azzeh        7.0-3-2-0
         Charlie Nicholls      3(40b)
         Connor Rees          15(50b 3X4)   

15.1  Wolowitz to Rees, no run, Left alone by Connor Rees
15.2  Wolowitz to Rees, no run, Connor Rees was completely deceived
15.3  Wolowitz to Rees, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Asratullah Gurbaaj 
15.4  Wolowitz to Rees, no run, Defensively played by Connor Rees
15.5  Wolowitz to Rees, no run, Left alone by Connor Rees
15.6  Wolowitz to Rees, one run, That is very well run by Charlie Nicholls   

         End of over 16  (1 runs)
         WALES A              20/0 (deficit 142)
         Nasser Wolowitz      2.0-0-2-0
         Charlie Nicholls      3(40b)
         Connor Rees          16(56b 3X4)   

16.1  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Asratullah Gurbaaj 
16.2  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
16.3  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, Connor Rees was completely deceived
16.4  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
16.5  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, Defensively played by Connor Rees
16.6  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, Connor Rees playing forward defensive

         End of over 17  (0 runs)
         WALES A              20/0 (deficit 142)
         Pranav Koothrapalli  6.0-2-15-0
         Connor Rees          16(62b 3X4)
         Charlie Nicholls      3(40b)   

17.1  Goregen to Nicholls, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Asratullah Gurbaaj 
17.2  Goregen to Nicholls, no run, Defensively played by Charlie Nicholls
17.3  Goregen to Nicholls, OUT, That ball caught the edge and struck the stumps. Charlie Nicholls is out

         Charlie Nicholls       3 (43b)
                        b. Goregen     

17.4  Goregen to Friend, no run, Kai Friend was completely deceived
17.5  Goregen to Friend, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
17.6  Goregen to Friend, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman

         End of over 18  (0 runs)
         WALES A              20/1 (deficit 142)
         Bilal Goregen        3.0-2-0-1
         Kai Friend            0(3b)
         Connor Rees          16(62b 3X4)   

18.1  Al-Azzeh to Rees, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
18.2  Al-Azzeh to Rees, no run, Connor Rees playing forward defensive
18.3  Al-Azzeh to Rees, FOUR, Brilliant cover drive by Connor Rees         
18.4  Al-Azzeh to Rees, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Asratullah Gurbaaj 
18.5  Al-Azzeh to Rees, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Asratullah Gurbaaj 
18.6  Al-Azzeh to Rees, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman

         End of over 19  (4 runs)
         WALES A              24/1 (deficit 138)
         Omar Al-Azzeh        8.0-4-6-0
         Connor Rees          20(68b 4X4)
         Kai Friend            0(3b)   

19.1  Goregen to Friend, no run, Kai Friend was completely deceived
19.2  Goregen to Friend, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
19.3  Goregen to Friend, no run, Kai Friend was completely deceived
19.4  Goregen to Friend, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
19.5  Goregen to Friend, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
19.6  Goregen to Friend, no run, Kai Friend playing forward defensive

         End of over 20  (0 runs)
         WALES A              24/1 (deficit 138)
         Bilal Goregen        4.0-3-0-1
         Kai Friend            0(9b)
         Connor Rees          20(68b 4X4)   

20.1  Kooth'alli to Rees, FOUR, Brilliant cover drive by Connor Rees         
20.2  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, Connor Rees playing forward defensive
20.3  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, Left alone by Connor Rees
20.4  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, Left alone by Connor Rees
20.5  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
20.6  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat

         End of over 21  (4 runs)
         WALES A              28/1 (deficit 134)
         Pranav Koothrapalli  7.0-3-19-0
         Connor Rees          24(74b 5X4)
         Kai Friend            0(9b)   

21.1  Wolowitz to Friend, no run, Defensively played by Kai Friend
21.2  Wolowitz to Friend, no run, Kai Friend was completely deceived
21.3  Wolowitz to Friend, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
21.4  Wolowitz to Friend, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
21.5  Wolowitz to Friend, one run, One more to the total
21.6  Wolowitz to Rees, no run, Left alone by Connor Rees

         End of over 22  (1 runs)
         WALES A              29/1 (deficit 133)
         Nasser Wolowitz      3.0-0-3-0
         Connor Rees          24(75b 5X4)
         Kai Friend            1(14b)   

22.1  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
22.2  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, Left alone by Kai Friend
22.3  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, Defensively played by Kai Friend
22.4  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
22.5  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
22.6  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down

         End of over 23  (0 runs)
         WALES A              29/1 (deficit 133)
         Pranav Koothrapalli  8.0-3-19-0
         Kai Friend            1(20b)
         Connor Rees          24(75b 5X4)   

23.1  Goregen to Rees, no run, Left alone by Connor Rees
23.2  Goregen to Rees, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
23.3  Goregen to Rees, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
23.4  Goregen to Rees, FOUR, Connor Rees is going haywire!
23.5  Goregen to Rees, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
23.6  Goregen to Rees, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down

         End of over 24  (4 runs)
         WALES A              33/1 (deficit 129)
         Bilal Goregen        5.0-4-4-1
         Connor Rees          28(81b 6X4)
         Kai Friend            1(20b)   

24.1  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
24.2  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
24.3  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, Left alone by Kai Friend
24.4  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
24.5  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
24.6  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat

         End of over 25  (0 runs)
         WALES A              33/1 (deficit 129)
         Pranav Koothrapalli  9.0-4-19-0
         Kai Friend            1(26b)
         Connor Rees          28(81b 6X4)   

25.1  Goregen to Rees, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
25.2  Goregen to Rees, no run, Defensively played by Connor Rees
25.3  Goregen to Rees, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
25.4  Goregen to Rees, FOUR, Bilal Goregen is quite unfortunate to be hit after bowling a good one
25.5  Goregen to Rees, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
25.6  Goregen to Rees, no run, Defensively played by Connor Rees

         End of over 26  (4 runs)
         WALES A              37/1 (deficit 125)
         Bilal Goregen        6.0-4-8-1
         Connor Rees          32(87b 7X4)
         Kai Friend            1(26b)   

26.1  Wolowitz to Friend, no run, Kai Friend was completely deceived
26.2  Wolowitz to Friend, no run, Defensively played by Kai Friend
26.3  Wolowitz to Friend, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
26.4  Wolowitz to Friend, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
26.5  Wolowitz to Friend, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
26.6  Wolowitz to Friend, FOUR, Nasser Wolowitz is quite unfortunate to be hit after bowling a good one

         End of over 27  (4 runs)
         WALES A              41/1 (deficit 121)
         Nasser Wolowitz      4.0-0-7-0
         Kai Friend            5(32b 1X4)
         Connor Rees          32(87b 7X4)   

27.1  Goregen to Rees, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
27.2  Goregen to Rees, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
27.3  Goregen to Rees, no run, Defensively played by Connor Rees
27.4  Goregen to Rees, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Asratullah Gurbaaj 
27.5  Goregen to Rees, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
27.6  Goregen to Rees, three runs, Excellent running 3 more

         End of over 28  (3 runs)
         WALES A              44/1 (deficit 118)
         Bilal Goregen        7.0-4-11-1
         Kai Friend            5(32b 1X4)
         Connor Rees          35(93b 7X4)   

28.1  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, Left alone by Connor Rees
28.2  Kooth'alli to Rees, one run, Great cooperation between Connor Rees and Kai Friend         
28.3  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, Left alone by Kai Friend
28.4  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, Defensively played by Kai Friend
28.5  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, Left alone by Kai Friend
28.6  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, Left alone by Kai Friend

         End of over 29  (1 runs)
         WALES A              45/1 (deficit 117)
         Pranav Koothrapalli  10.0-5-20-0
         Kai Friend            5(36b 1X4)
         Connor Rees          36(95b 7X4)   

29.1  Wolowitz to Rees, OUT, That didnt look so convincing but the umpire gives it out LBW

         Connor Rees            36 (96b 7X4)
         lbw            b. Wolowitz   

29.2  Wolowitz to Hemp, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
29.3  Wolowitz to Hemp, no run, Dewi Hemp was completely deceived
29.4  Wolowitz to Hemp, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
29.5  Wolowitz to Hemp, no run, Defensively played by Dewi Hemp
29.6  Wolowitz to Hemp, no run, Defensively played by Dewi Hemp

         End of over 30  (0 runs)
         WALES A              45/2 (deficit 117)
         Nasser Wolowitz      5.0-0-7-1
         Dewi Hemp             0(5b)
         Kai Friend            5(36b 1X4)   

30.1  Al-Azzeh to Friend, no run, Left alone by Kai Friend
30.2  Al-Azzeh to Friend, one run, He was lucky. Almost got run out by Bilal Goregen
30.3  Al-Azzeh to Hemp, wide, Omar Al-Azzeh bowling a very wayward one
30.3  Al-Azzeh to Hemp, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
30.4  Al-Azzeh to Hemp, no run, Dewi Hemp playing forward defensive
30.5  Al-Azzeh to Hemp, no run, Dewi Hemp was completely deceived
30.6  Al-Azzeh to Hemp, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman

         End of over 31  (2 runs)
         WALES A              47/2 (deficit 115)
         Omar Al-Azzeh        9.0-4-8-0
         Dewi Hemp             0(10b)
         Kai Friend            6(38b 1X4)   

31.1  Wolowitz to Friend, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
31.2  Wolowitz to Friend, no run, Defensively played by Kai Friend
31.3  Wolowitz to Friend, no run, Left alone by Kai Friend
31.4  Wolowitz to Friend, no run, Kai Friend playing forward defensive
31.5  Wolowitz to Friend, one run, One more to the total
31.6  Wolowitz to Hemp, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down

         End of over 32  (1 runs)
         WALES A              48/2 (deficit 114)
         Nasser Wolowitz      6.0-1-8-1
         Dewi Hemp             0(11b)
         Kai Friend            7(43b 1X4)   

32.1  Ahmad to Friend, no run, Kai Friend playing forward defensive
32.2  Ahmad to Friend, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
32.3  Ahmad to Friend, FOUR, Brilliant cover drive by Kai Friend         
32.4  Ahmad to Friend, no ball , no run, Kai Friend was completely deceived
32.4  Ahmad to Friend, no run, Kai Friend was completely deceived
32.5  Ahmad to Friend, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
32.6  Ahmad to Friend, no run, Defensively played by Kai Friend

         End of over 33  (5 runs)
         WALES A              53/2 (deficit 109)
         Muhammad Ahmad       1.0-0-5-0
         Kai Friend           11(49b 2X4)
         Dewi Hemp             0(11b)   

33.1  Kooth'alli to Hemp, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
33.2  Kooth'alli to Hemp, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
33.3  Kooth'alli to Hemp, no run, Left alone by Dewi Hemp
33.4  Kooth'alli to Hemp, no run, Dewi Hemp was completely deceived
33.5  Kooth'alli to Hemp, no run, Dewi Hemp playing forward defensive
33.6  Kooth'alli to Hemp, OUT, Thick edge well taken by Asratullah Gurbaaj

         Dewi Hemp              0 (17b)
         c. Gurbaaj     b. Kooth'alli 

         End of over 34  (0 runs)
         WALES A              53/3 (deficit 109)
         Pranav Koothrapalli  11.0-5-20-1
         Alun Lockyer          0(0b)
         Kai Friend           11(49b 2X4)   

34.1  Goregen to Friend, one run, Great cooperation between Kai Friend and Alun Lockyer       
34.2  Goregen to Lockyer, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
34.3  Goregen to Lockyer, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
34.4  Goregen to Lockyer, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
34.5  Goregen to Lockyer, no run, Left alone by Alun Lockyer
34.6  Goregen to Lockyer, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat

         End of over 35  (1 runs)
         WALES A              54/3 (deficit 108)
         Bilal Goregen        8.0-4-12-1
         Alun Lockyer          0(5b)
         Kai Friend           12(50b 2X4)   

35.1  Wolowitz to Friend, one run, One more to the total
35.2  Wolowitz to Lockyer, no run, Left alone by Alun Lockyer
35.3  Wolowitz to Lockyer, one run, Great cooperation between Alun Lockyer and Kai Friend         
35.4  Wolowitz to Friend, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Asratullah Gurbaaj 
35.5  Wolowitz to Friend, FOUR, What a blunder by Hussain Murad. He gave away 4 runs with that misfield
35.6  Wolowitz to Friend, no run, Left alone by Kai Friend

         End of over 36  (6 runs)
         WALES A              60/3 (deficit 102)
         Nasser Wolowitz      7.0-1-14-1
         Kai Friend           17(54b 3X4)
         Alun Lockyer          1(7b)   

36.1  Kooth'alli to Lockyer, FOUR, Brilliant cover drive by Alun Lockyer       
36.2  Kooth'alli to Lockyer, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
36.3  Kooth'alli to Lockyer, one run, Dropped! Adil Rafiullah made a big mess of that simple chance
36.4  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, Left alone by Kai Friend
36.5  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, Left alone by Kai Friend
36.6  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat

         End of over 37  (5 runs)
         WALES A              65/3 (deficit 97)
         Pranav Koothrapalli  12.0-6-25-1
         Kai Friend           17(57b 3X4)
         Alun Lockyer          6(10b 1X4)   

37.1  Goregen to Lockyer, FOUR, Brilliant cover drive by Alun Lockyer       
37.2  Goregen to Lockyer, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
37.3  Goregen to Lockyer, no run, Defensively played by Alun Lockyer
37.4  Goregen to Lockyer, legbye, Alun Lockyer playing forward defensive
37.5  Goregen to Friend, no run, Kai Friend playing forward defensive
37.6  Goregen to Friend, FOUR, Brilliant cover drive by Kai Friend         

         End of over 38  (9 runs)
         WALES A              74/3 (deficit 88)
         Bilal Goregen        9.0-4-20-1
         Kai Friend           21(59b 4X4)
         Alun Lockyer         10(14b 2X4)   

38.1  Wolowitz to Lockyer, no run, Left alone by Alun Lockyer
38.2  Wolowitz to Lockyer, no run, Alun Lockyer playing forward defensive
38.3  Wolowitz to Lockyer, no run, Defensively played by Alun Lockyer
38.4  Wolowitz to Lockyer, no run, Alun Lockyer was completely deceived
38.5  Wolowitz to Lockyer, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
38.6  Wolowitz to Lockyer, no run, Left alone by Alun Lockyer

         End of over 39  (0 runs)
         WALES A              74/3 (deficit 88)
         Nasser Wolowitz      8.0-1-14-1
         Alun Lockyer         10(20b 2X4)
         Kai Friend           21(59b 4X4)   

39.1  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
39.2  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
39.3  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, Left alone by Kai Friend
39.4  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, Left alone by Kai Friend
39.5  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, Kai Friend playing forward defensive
39.6  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman

         End of over 40  (0 runs)
         WALES A              74/3 (deficit 88)
         Pranav Koothrapalli  13.0-6-25-1
         Kai Friend           21(65b 4X4)
         Alun Lockyer         10(20b 2X4)   

40.1  Wolowitz to Lockyer, no run, Defensively played by Alun Lockyer
40.2  Wolowitz to Lockyer, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
40.3  Wolowitz to Lockyer, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
40.4  Wolowitz to Lockyer, no run, Left alone by Alun Lockyer
40.5  Wolowitz to Lockyer, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
40.6  Wolowitz to Lockyer, no run, Alun Lockyer was completely deceived

         End of over 41  (0 runs)
         WALES A              74/3 (deficit 88)
         Nasser Wolowitz      9.0-2-14-1
         Alun Lockyer         10(26b 2X4)
         Kai Friend           21(65b 4X4)   

41.1  Goregen to Friend, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
41.2  Goregen to Friend, no run, Left alone by Kai Friend
41.3  Goregen to Friend, one run, Great cooperation between Kai Friend and Alun Lockyer       
41.4  Goregen to Lockyer, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
41.5  Goregen to Lockyer, no run, Alun Lockyer was completely deceived
41.6  Goregen to Lockyer, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman

         End of over 42  (1 runs)
         WALES A              75/3 (deficit 87)
         Bilal Goregen        10.0-4-21-1
         Alun Lockyer         10(29b 2X4)
         Kai Friend           22(68b 4X4)   

42.1  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
42.2  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, Kai Friend playing forward defensive
42.3  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Asratullah Gurbaaj 
42.4  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, Kai Friend playing forward defensive
42.5  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, Kai Friend was completely deceived
42.6  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat

         End of over 43  (0 runs)

         LUNCH: DAY 2 of 0
         Time: 12:02 PM
         WALES A              75/3 (deficit 87)
         Pranav Koothrapalli  14.0-7-25-1
         Kai Friend           22(74b 4X4)
         Alun Lockyer         10(29b 2X4)   

43.1  Wolowitz to Lockyer, no run, Alun Lockyer was completely deceived
43.2  Wolowitz to Lockyer, FOUR, Alun Lockyer is going haywire!
43.3  Wolowitz to Lockyer, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Asratullah Gurbaaj 
43.4  Wolowitz to Lockyer, no run, Alun Lockyer was completely deceived
43.5  Wolowitz to Lockyer, no run, Alun Lockyer playing forward defensive
43.6  Wolowitz to Lockyer, no run, Left alone by Alun Lockyer

         End of over 44  (4 runs)
         WALES A              79/3 (deficit 83)
         Nasser Wolowitz      10.0-3-18-1
         Alun Lockyer         14(35b 3X4)
         Kai Friend           22(74b 4X4)   

44.1  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, Left alone by Kai Friend
44.2  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
44.3  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
44.4  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
44.5  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
44.6  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, Defensively played by Kai Friend

         End of over 45  (0 runs)
         WALES A              79/3 (deficit 83)
         Pranav Koothrapalli  15.0-8-25-1
         Kai Friend           22(80b 4X4)
         Alun Lockyer         14(35b 3X4)   

45.1  Goregen to Lockyer, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
45.2  Goregen to Lockyer, no run, Defensively played by Alun Lockyer
45.3  Goregen to Lockyer, no run, Defensively played by Alun Lockyer
45.4  Goregen to Lockyer, no run, Alun Lockyer was completely deceived
45.5  Goregen to Lockyer, no run, Left alone by Alun Lockyer
45.6  Goregen to Lockyer, no run, Alun Lockyer was completely deceived

         End of over 46  (0 runs)
         WALES A              79/3 (deficit 83)
         Bilal Goregen        11.0-4-21-1
         Alun Lockyer         14(41b 3X4)
         Kai Friend           22(80b 4X4)   

46.1  Wolowitz to Friend, no run, Defensively played by Kai Friend
46.2  Wolowitz to Friend, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
46.3  Wolowitz to Friend, no run, Left alone by Kai Friend
46.4  Wolowitz to Friend, no run, Kai Friend was completely deceived
46.5  Wolowitz to Friend, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
46.6  Wolowitz to Friend, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat

         End of over 47  (0 runs)
         WALES A              79/3 (deficit 83)
         Nasser Wolowitz      11.0-3-18-1
         Kai Friend           22(86b 4X4)
         Alun Lockyer         14(41b 3X4)   

47.1  Goregen to Lockyer, no run, Alun Lockyer was completely deceived
47.2  Goregen to Lockyer, no run, Alun Lockyer playing forward defensive
47.3  Goregen to Lockyer, FOUR, Alun Lockyer is going haywire!
47.4  Goregen to Lockyer, wide, The umpire being a bit rough on Bilal Goregen, giving that a wide
47.4  Goregen to Lockyer, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
47.5  Goregen to Lockyer, no run, Left alone by Alun Lockyer
47.6  Goregen to Lockyer, no run, Left alone by Alun Lockyer

         End of over 48  (5 runs)
         WALES A              84/3 (deficit 78)
         Bilal Goregen        12.0-5-26-1
         Alun Lockyer         18(48b 4X4)
         Kai Friend           22(86b 4X4)   

48.1  Wolowitz to Friend, no run, Left alone by Kai Friend
48.2  Wolowitz to Friend, FOUR, Great shot, four straight over the bowler's head
48.3  Wolowitz to Friend, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
48.4  Wolowitz to Friend, no run, Left alone by Kai Friend
48.5  Wolowitz to Friend, no run, Kai Friend playing forward defensive
48.6  Wolowitz to Friend, no run, Kai Friend was completely deceived

         End of over 49  (4 runs)
         WALES A              88/3 (deficit 74)
         Nasser Wolowitz      12.0-4-22-1
         Kai Friend           26(92b 5X4)
         Alun Lockyer         18(48b 4X4)   

49.1  Goregen to Lockyer, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
49.2  Goregen to Lockyer, no run, Alun Lockyer was completely deceived
49.3  Goregen to Lockyer, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
49.4  Goregen to Lockyer, no run, Defensively played by Alun Lockyer
49.5  Goregen to Lockyer, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
49.6  Goregen to Lockyer, wide, The umpire being a bit rough on Bilal Goregen, giving that a wide
49.6  Goregen to Lockyer, no run, Defensively played by Alun Lockyer

         End of over 50  (1 runs)
         WALES A              89/3 (deficit 73)
         Bilal Goregen        13.0-5-27-1
         Alun Lockyer         18(55b 4X4)
         Kai Friend           26(92b 5X4)   

50.1  Wolowitz to Friend, no run, Kai Friend playing forward defensive
50.2  Wolowitz to Friend, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
50.3  Wolowitz to Friend, one run, The misfield by Jesus Jeremiah allows yet another run
50.4  Wolowitz to Lockyer, no run, Alun Lockyer was completely deceived
50.5  Wolowitz to Lockyer, no run, Left alone by Alun Lockyer
50.6  Wolowitz to Lockyer, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman

         End of over 51  (1 runs)
         WALES A              90/3 (deficit 72)
         Nasser Wolowitz      13.0-4-23-1
         Alun Lockyer         18(58b 4X4)
         Kai Friend           27(95b 5X4)   

51.1  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, Kai Friend playing forward defensive
51.2  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, Kai Friend was completely deceived
51.3  Kooth'alli to Friend, legbye, Left alone by Kai Friend
51.4  Kooth'alli to Lockyer, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
51.5  Kooth'alli to Lockyer, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
51.6  Kooth'alli to Lockyer, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat

         End of over 52  (1 runs)
         WALES A              91/3 (deficit 71)
         Pranav Koothrapalli  16.0-9-25-1
         Alun Lockyer         18(61b 4X4)
         Kai Friend           27(98b 5X4)   

52.1  Goregen to Friend, no run, Kai Friend was completely deceived
52.2  Goregen to Friend, no run, Kai Friend playing forward defensive
52.3  Goregen to Friend, FOUR, Bilal Goregen is quite unfortunate to be hit after bowling a good one
52.4  Goregen to Friend, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Asratullah Gurbaaj 
52.5  Goregen to Friend, no run, Left alone by Kai Friend
52.6  Goregen to Friend, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Asratullah Gurbaaj 

         End of over 53  (4 runs)
         WALES A              95/3 (deficit 67)
         Bilal Goregen        14.0-5-31-1
         Kai Friend           31(104b 6X4)
         Alun Lockyer         18(61b 4X4)   

53.1  Wolowitz to Lockyer, FOUR, Alun Lockyer is going haywire!
53.2  Wolowitz to Lockyer, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
53.3  Wolowitz to Lockyer, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
53.4  Wolowitz to Lockyer, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
53.5  Wolowitz to Lockyer, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
53.6  Wolowitz to Lockyer, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced

         End of over 54  (4 runs)
         WALES A              99/3 (deficit 63)
         Nasser Wolowitz      14.0-4-27-1
         Alun Lockyer         22(67b 5X4)
         Kai Friend           31(104b 6X4)   

54.1  Goregen to Friend, no run, Left alone by Kai Friend
54.2  Goregen to Friend, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
54.3  Goregen to Friend, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
54.4  Goregen to Friend, no run, Defensively played by Kai Friend
54.5  Goregen to Friend, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
54.6  Goregen to Friend, no run, Kai Friend was completely deceived

         End of over 55  (0 runs)
         WALES A              99/3 (deficit 63)
         Bilal Goregen        15.0-5-31-1
         Kai Friend           31(110b 6X4)
         Alun Lockyer         22(67b 5X4)   

55.1  Wolowitz to Lockyer, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
55.2  Wolowitz to Lockyer, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
55.3  Wolowitz to Lockyer, one run, He was lucky. Almost got run out by Adil Rafiullah
55.4  Wolowitz to Friend, one run, Dropped! Jesus Jeremiah made a big mess of that simple chance
55.5  Wolowitz to Lockyer, no run, Left alone by Alun Lockyer
55.6  Wolowitz to Lockyer, no run, Left alone by Alun Lockyer

         End of over 56  (2 runs)
         WALES A             101/3 (deficit 61)
         Nasser Wolowitz      15.0-4-29-1
         Alun Lockyer         23(72b 5X4)
         Kai Friend           32(111b 6X4)   

56.1  Goregen to Friend, FOUR, Brilliant cover drive by Kai Friend         
56.2  Goregen to Friend, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
56.3  Goregen to Friend, no ball , no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
56.3  Goregen to Friend, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
56.4  Goregen to Friend, one run, He was lucky. Almost got run out by Jesus Jeremiah
56.5  Goregen to Lockyer, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
56.6  Goregen to Lockyer, one run, One more to the total

         End of over 57  (7 runs)
         WALES A             108/3 (deficit 54)
         Bilal Goregen        16.0-6-38-1
         Kai Friend           37(115b 7X4)
         Alun Lockyer         24(74b 5X4)   

57.1  Kooth'alli to Lockyer, no run, Defensively played by Alun Lockyer
57.2  Kooth'alli to Lockyer, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
57.3  Kooth'alli to Lockyer, legbye, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
57.4  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, Left alone by Kai Friend
57.5  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, Kai Friend was completely deceived
57.6  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, Left alone by Kai Friend

         End of over 58  (1 runs)
         WALES A             109/3 (deficit 53)
         Pranav Koothrapalli  17.0-9-25-1
         Kai Friend           37(118b 7X4)
         Alun Lockyer         24(77b 5X4)   

58.1  Wolowitz to Lockyer, no run, Alun Lockyer playing forward defensive
58.2  Wolowitz to Lockyer, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
58.3  Wolowitz to Lockyer, no run, Alun Lockyer playing forward defensive
58.4  Wolowitz to Lockyer, no run, Alun Lockyer was completely deceived
58.5  Wolowitz to Lockyer, no run, Left alone by Alun Lockyer
58.6  Wolowitz to Lockyer, no run, Left alone by Alun Lockyer

         End of over 59  (0 runs)
         WALES A             109/3 (deficit 53)
         Nasser Wolowitz      16.0-4-29-1
         Alun Lockyer         24(83b 5X4)
         Kai Friend           37(118b 7X4)   

59.1  Al-Azzeh to Friend, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
59.2  Al-Azzeh to Friend, one run, The misfield by Muhammad Ahmad allows yet another run
59.3  Al-Azzeh to Lockyer, no run, Left alone by Alun Lockyer
59.4  Al-Azzeh to Lockyer, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
59.5  Al-Azzeh to Lockyer, FOUR, Alun Lockyer is going haywire!
59.6  Al-Azzeh to Lockyer, no run, Alun Lockyer was completely deceived

         End of over 60  (5 runs)
         WALES A             114/3 (deficit 48)
         Omar Al-Azzeh        10.0-4-13-0
         Alun Lockyer         28(87b 6X4)
         Kai Friend           38(120b 7X4)   

60.1  Kooth'alli to Friend, SIX, What a wonderful player Kai Friend is
60.2  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, Kai Friend was completely deceived
60.3  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, Left alone by Kai Friend
60.4  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, Left alone by Kai Friend
60.5  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, Defensively played by Kai Friend
60.6  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman

         End of over 61  (6 runs)
         WALES A             120/3 (deficit 42)
         Pranav Koothrapalli  18.0-9-31-1
         Kai Friend           44(126b 7X4 1X6)
         Alun Lockyer         28(87b 6X4)   

61.1  Ahmad to Lockyer, FOUR, Muhammad Ahmad is quite unfortunate to be hit after bowling a good one
61.2  Ahmad to Lockyer, no run, Defensively played by Alun Lockyer
61.3  Ahmad to Lockyer, no run, Left alone by Alun Lockyer
61.4  Ahmad to Lockyer, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
61.5  Ahmad to Lockyer, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
61.6  Ahmad to Lockyer, FOUR, Alun Lockyer is one of the best batsmen in the world

         End of over 62  (8 runs)
         WALES A             128/3 (deficit 34)
         Muhammad Ahmad       2.0-0-13-0
         Alun Lockyer         36(93b 8X4)
         Kai Friend           44(126b 7X4 1X6)   

62.1  Goregen to Friend, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
62.2  Goregen to Friend, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
62.3  Goregen to Friend, no run, Left alone by Kai Friend
62.4  Goregen to Friend, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
62.5  Goregen to Friend, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Asratullah Gurbaaj 
62.6  Goregen to Friend, no ball , no run, Left alone by Kai Friend
62.6  Goregen to Friend, no run, Left alone by Kai Friend

         End of over 63  (1 runs)
         WALES A             129/3 (deficit 33)
         Bilal Goregen        17.0-6-39-1
         Kai Friend           44(132b 7X4 1X6)
         Alun Lockyer         36(93b 8X4)   

63.1  Wolowitz to Lockyer, FOUR, Alun Lockyer is going haywire!
63.2  Wolowitz to Lockyer, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
63.3  Wolowitz to Lockyer, OUT, Asratullah Gurbaaj takes an easy catch to dismiss Alun Lockyer

         Alun Lockyer           40 (96b 9X4)
         c. Gurbaaj     b. Wolowitz   

63.4  Wolowitz to Norton, no run, Left alone by Owain Norton
63.5  Wolowitz to Norton, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
63.6  Wolowitz to Norton, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat

         End of over 64  (4 runs)
         WALES A             133/4 (deficit 29)
         Nasser Wolowitz      17.0-5-33-2
         Owain Norton          0(3b)
         Kai Friend           44(132b 7X4 1X6)   

64.1  Al-Azzeh to Friend, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
64.2  Al-Azzeh to Friend, no run, Left alone by Kai Friend
64.3  Al-Azzeh to Friend, one run, He was lucky. Almost got run out by Asratullah Gurbaaj

      RAIN halts play at  1:59 PM
         Play resumes at  4:04 PM

64.4  Al-Azzeh to Norton, no run, Owain Norton playing forward defensive
64.5  Al-Azzeh to Norton, no run, Defensively played by Owain Norton
64.6  Al-Azzeh to Norton, no run, Owain Norton playing forward defensive

         End of over 65  (1 runs)
         WALES A             134/4 (deficit 28)
         Omar Al-Azzeh        11.0-4-14-0
         Owain Norton          0(6b)
         Kai Friend           45(135b 7X4 1X6)   

65.1  Wolowitz to Friend, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
65.2  Wolowitz to Friend, no run, Kai Friend was completely deceived
65.3  Wolowitz to Friend, no run, Kai Friend playing forward defensive
65.4  Wolowitz to Friend, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
65.5  Wolowitz to Friend, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
65.6  Wolowitz to Friend, no run, Left alone by Kai Friend

         End of over 66  (0 runs)
         WALES A             134/4 (deficit 28)
         Nasser Wolowitz      18.0-5-33-2
         Kai Friend           45(141b 7X4 1X6)
         Owain Norton          0(6b)   

66.1  Goregen to Norton, no run, Left alone by Owain Norton
66.2  Goregen to Norton, no run, Owain Norton was completely deceived
66.3  Goregen to Norton, no run, Owain Norton was completely deceived
66.4  Goregen to Norton, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
66.5  Goregen to Norton, no run, Left alone by Owain Norton
66.6  Goregen to Norton, no run, Defensively played by Owain Norton

         End of over 67  (0 runs)
         WALES A             134/4 (deficit 28)
         Bilal Goregen        18.0-6-39-1
         Owain Norton          0(12b)
         Kai Friend           45(141b 7X4 1X6)   

67.1  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
67.2  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, Kai Friend playing forward defensive
67.3  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
67.4  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, Kai Friend was completely deceived
67.5  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
67.6  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down

         End of over 68  (0 runs)
         WALES A             134/4 (deficit 28)
         Pranav Koothrapalli  19.0-9-31-1
         Kai Friend           45(147b 7X4 1X6)
         Owain Norton          0(12b)   

68.1  Goregen to Norton, one run, One more to the total
68.2  Goregen to Friend, no run, Defensively played by Kai Friend
68.3  Goregen to Friend, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
68.4  Goregen to Friend, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
68.5  Goregen to Friend, no run, Kai Friend playing forward defensive
68.6  Goregen to Friend, no run, Kai Friend playing forward defensive

         End of over 69  (1 runs)
         WALES A             135/4 (deficit 27)
         Bilal Goregen        19.0-7-40-1
         Kai Friend           45(152b 7X4 1X6)
         Owain Norton          1(13b)   

69.1  Kooth'alli to Norton, no run, Left alone by Owain Norton
69.2  Kooth'alli to Norton, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
69.3  Kooth'alli to Norton, no run, Defensively played by Owain Norton
69.4  Kooth'alli to Norton, no run, Left alone by Owain Norton
69.5  Kooth'alli to Norton, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
69.6  Kooth'alli to Norton, no run, Owain Norton playing forward defensive

         End of over 70  (0 runs)
         WALES A             135/4 (deficit 27)
         Pranav Koothrapalli  20.0-10-31-1
         Owain Norton          1(19b)
         Kai Friend           45(152b 7X4 1X6)   

70.1  Wolowitz to Friend, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
70.2  Wolowitz to Friend, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
70.3  Wolowitz to Friend, no run, Defensively played by Kai Friend
70.4  Wolowitz to Friend, no run, Defensively played by Kai Friend
70.5  Wolowitz to Friend, one run, He was lucky. Almost got run out by Jesus Jeremiah
70.6  Wolowitz to Norton, one run, One more to the total

         End of over 71  (2 runs)
         WALES A             137/4 (deficit 25)
         Nasser Wolowitz      19.0-6-35-2
         Kai Friend           46(157b 7X4 1X6)
         Owain Norton          2(20b)   

71.1  Goregen to Norton, no run, Left alone by Owain Norton
71.2  Goregen to Norton, one run, He was lucky. Almost got run out by Omar Al-Azzeh
71.3  Goregen to Friend, one run, The misfield by Adil Rafiullah allows yet another run
71.4  Goregen to Norton, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
71.5  Goregen to Norton, no run, Defensively played by Owain Norton
71.6  Goregen to Norton, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down

         End of over 72  (2 runs)

         END OF DAY 2
         Time: 4:31 PM
         WALES A             139/4 (deficit 23)
         Bilal Goregen        20.0-7-42-1
         Owain Norton          3(25b)
         Kai Friend           47(158b 7X4 1X6)   

72.1  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, Kai Friend playing forward defensive
72.2  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, Left alone by Kai Friend
72.3  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, Defensively played by Kai Friend
72.4  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
72.5  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, Left alone by Kai Friend
72.6  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, Defensively played by Kai Friend

         End of over 73  (0 runs)
         WALES A             139/4 (deficit 23)
         Pranav Koothrapalli  21.0-11-31-1
         Kai Friend           47(164b 7X4 1X6)
         Owain Norton          3(25b)   

73.1  Wolowitz to Norton, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
73.2  Wolowitz to Norton, no run, Left alone by Owain Norton
73.3  Wolowitz to Norton, no run, Owain Norton was completely deceived
73.4  Wolowitz to Norton, no run, Owain Norton playing forward defensive
73.5  Wolowitz to Norton, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
73.6  Wolowitz to Norton, no run, Owain Norton playing forward defensive

         End of over 74  (0 runs)
         WALES A             139/4 (deficit 23)
         Nasser Wolowitz      20.0-6-35-2
         Owain Norton          3(31b)
         Kai Friend           47(164b 7X4 1X6)   

74.1  Goregen to Friend, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
74.2  Goregen to Friend, no run, Left alone by Kai Friend
74.3  Goregen to Friend, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
74.4  Goregen to Friend, FOUR, What a blunder by Bilal Goregen. He gave away 4 runs with that misfield
The crowd cheers for Kai Friend's fifty
74.5  Goregen to Friend, no run, Defensively played by Kai Friend
74.6  Goregen to Friend, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Asratullah Gurbaaj 

         End of over 75  (4 runs)
         WALES A             143/4 (deficit 19)
         Bilal Goregen        21.0-7-46-1
         Kai Friend           51(170b 8X4 1X6)
         Owain Norton          3(31b)   

75.1  Al-Azzeh to Norton, no run, Owain Norton playing forward defensive
75.2  Al-Azzeh to Norton, no run, Left alone by Owain Norton
75.3  Al-Azzeh to Norton, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
75.4  Al-Azzeh to Norton, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
75.5  Al-Azzeh to Norton, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
75.6  Al-Azzeh to Norton, one run, Great cooperation between Owain Norton and Kai Friend         

         End of over 76  (1 runs)
         WALES A             144/4 (deficit 18)
         Omar Al-Azzeh        12.0-4-15-0
         Kai Friend           51(170b 8X4 1X6)
         Owain Norton          4(37b)   

76.1  Wolowitz to Norton, FOUR, Owain Norton is going haywire!
76.2  Wolowitz to Norton, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
76.3  Wolowitz to Norton, FOUR, What a blunder by Bilal Goregen. He gave away 4 runs with that misfield
76.4  Wolowitz to Norton, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
76.5  Wolowitz to Norton, no run, Defensively played by Owain Norton
76.6  Wolowitz to Norton, SIX, What a wonderful player Owain Norton is

         End of over 77  (14 runs)
         WALES A             158/4 (deficit 4)
         Nasser Wolowitz      21.0-7-49-2
         Owain Norton         18(43b 2X4 1X6)
         Kai Friend           51(170b 8X4 1X6)   

77.1  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, Kai Friend was completely deceived
77.2  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, Left alone by Kai Friend
77.3  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
77.4  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, Kai Friend was completely deceived
77.5  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, Defensively played by Kai Friend
77.6  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, Left alone by Kai Friend

         End of over 78  (0 runs)
         WALES A             158/4 (deficit 4)
         Pranav Koothrapalli  22.0-12-31-1
         Kai Friend           51(176b 8X4 1X6)
         Owain Norton         18(43b 2X4 1X6)   

78.1  Goregen to Norton, no run, Defensively played by Owain Norton
78.2  Goregen to Norton, one run, The misfield by Asratullah Gurbaaj allows yet another run
78.3  Goregen to Friend, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
78.4  Goregen to Friend, one run, Great cooperation between Kai Friend and Owain Norton       
78.5  Goregen to Norton, no run, Owain Norton was completely deceived
78.6  Goregen to Norton, no run, Left alone by Owain Norton

         End of over 79  (2 runs)
         WALES A             160/4 (deficit 2)
         Bilal Goregen        22.0-7-48-1
         Owain Norton         19(47b 2X4 1X6)
         Kai Friend           52(178b 8X4 1X6)   

79.1  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
79.2  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
79.3  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, Defensively played by Kai Friend
79.4  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, Left alone by Kai Friend
79.5  Kooth'alli to Friend, one run, Great cooperation between Kai Friend and Owain Norton       
79.6  Kooth'alli to Norton, FOUR, Pranav Koothrapalli is quite unfortunate to be hit after bowling a good one

         End of over 80  (5 runs)
         WALES A             165/4 (lead 3)
         Pranav Koothrapalli  23.0-13-36-1
         Owain Norton         23(48b 3X4 1X6)
         Kai Friend           53(183b 8X4 1X6)   

80.1  Goregen to Friend, no run, Kai Friend was completely deceived
80.2  Goregen to Friend, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
80.3  Goregen to Friend, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
80.4  Goregen to Friend, one run, Great cooperation between Kai Friend and Owain Norton       
80.5  Goregen to Norton, no run, Left alone by Owain Norton
80.6  Goregen to Norton, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Asratullah Gurbaaj 

         End of over 81  (1 runs)
         WALES A             166/4 (lead 4)
         Bilal Goregen        23.0-7-49-1
         Owain Norton         23(50b 3X4 1X6)
         Kai Friend           54(187b 8X4 1X6)   

81.1  Al-Azzeh to Friend, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
81.2  Al-Azzeh to Friend, no run, Defensively played by Kai Friend
81.3  Al-Azzeh to Friend, no run, Left alone by Kai Friend
81.4  Al-Azzeh to Friend, one run, The misfield by Hussain Murad allows yet another run
81.5  Al-Azzeh to Norton, FOUR, Omar Al-Azzeh is quite unfortunate to be hit after bowling a good one
81.6  Al-Azzeh to Norton, no run, Left alone by Owain Norton

         End of over 82  (5 runs)
         WALES A             171/4 (lead 9)
         Omar Al-Azzeh        13.0-4-20-0
         Owain Norton         27(52b 4X4 1X6)
         Kai Friend           55(191b 8X4 1X6)   

82.1  Wolowitz to Friend, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Asratullah Gurbaaj 
82.2  Wolowitz to Friend, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
82.3  Wolowitz to Friend, no run, Left alone by Kai Friend
82.4  Wolowitz to Friend, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
82.5  Wolowitz to Friend, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
82.6  Wolowitz to Friend, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced

         End of over 83  (0 runs)
         WALES A             171/4 (lead 9)
         Nasser Wolowitz      22.0-7-49-2
         Kai Friend           55(197b 8X4 1X6)
         Owain Norton         27(52b 4X4 1X6)   

83.1  Kooth'alli to Norton, FOUR, Pranav Koothrapalli is quite unfortunate to be hit after bowling a good one
83.2  Kooth'alli to Norton, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
83.3  Kooth'alli to Norton, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
83.4  Kooth'alli to Norton, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Asratullah Gurbaaj 
83.5  Kooth'alli to Norton, no run, Defensively played by Owain Norton
83.6  Kooth'alli to Norton, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down

         End of over 84  (4 runs)
         WALES A             175/4 (lead 13)
         Pranav Koothrapalli  24.0-13-40-1
         Owain Norton         31(58b 5X4 1X6)
         Kai Friend           55(197b 8X4 1X6)   

84.1  Goregen to Friend, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
84.2  Goregen to Friend, 4 byes, That ball spun too much for Asratullah Gurbaaj to stop
84.3  Goregen to Friend, no run, Left alone by Kai Friend
84.4  Goregen to Friend, no run, Left alone by Kai Friend
84.5  Goregen to Friend, no run, Left alone by Kai Friend
84.6  Goregen to Friend, one run, Great cooperation between Kai Friend and Owain Norton       

         End of over 85  (5 runs)
         WALES A             180/4 (lead 18)
         Bilal Goregen        24.0-7-50-1
         Owain Norton         31(58b 5X4 1X6)
         Kai Friend           56(203b 8X4 1X6)   

85.1  Wolowitz to Friend, FOUR, Brilliant cover drive by Kai Friend         
85.2  Wolowitz to Friend, no run, Defensively played by Kai Friend
85.3  Wolowitz to Friend, no run, Defensively played by Kai Friend
85.4  Wolowitz to Friend, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
85.5  Wolowitz to Friend, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
85.6  Wolowitz to Friend, no run, Left alone by Kai Friend

         End of over 86  (4 runs)
         WALES A             184/4 (lead 22)
         Nasser Wolowitz      23.0-8-53-2
         Kai Friend           60(209b 9X4 1X6)
         Owain Norton         31(58b 5X4 1X6)   

86.1  Goregen to Norton, no run, Left alone by Owain Norton
86.2  Goregen to Norton, no run, Owain Norton was completely deceived
86.3  Goregen to Norton, no run, Left alone by Owain Norton
86.4  Goregen to Norton, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
86.5  Goregen to Norton, one run, The misfield by Hussain Murad allows yet another run
86.6  Goregen to Friend, no run, Left alone by Kai Friend

         End of over 87  (1 runs)
         WALES A             185/4 (lead 23)
         Bilal Goregen        25.0-7-51-1
         Kai Friend           60(210b 9X4 1X6)
         Owain Norton         32(63b 5X4 1X6)   

87.1  Kooth'alli to Norton, no run, Defensively played by Owain Norton
87.2  Kooth'alli to Norton, no run, Defensively played by Owain Norton
87.3  Kooth'alli to Norton, one run, One more to the total
87.4  Kooth'alli to Friend, FOUR, Great shot, four straight over the bowler's head
87.5  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
87.6  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman

         End of over 88  (5 runs)
         WALES A             190/4 (lead 28)
         Pranav Koothrapalli  25.0-13-45-1
         Kai Friend           64(213b 10X4 1X6)
         Owain Norton         33(66b 5X4 1X6)   

88.1  Goregen to Norton, no run, Left alone by Owain Norton
88.2  Goregen to Norton, one run, One more to the total
88.3  Goregen to Friend, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Asratullah Gurbaaj 
88.4  Goregen to Friend, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
88.5  Goregen to Friend, no run, Left alone by Kai Friend
88.6  Goregen to Friend, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat

         End of over 89  (1 runs)
         WALES A             191/4 (lead 29)
         Bilal Goregen        26.0-7-52-1
         Kai Friend           64(217b 10X4 1X6)
         Owain Norton         34(68b 5X4 1X6)   

89.1  Kooth'alli to Norton, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
89.2  Kooth'alli to Norton, one run, Great cooperation between Owain Norton and Kai Friend         
89.3  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, Defensively played by Kai Friend
89.4  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, Kai Friend was completely deceived
89.5  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, Defensively played by Kai Friend
89.6  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman

         End of over 90  (1 runs)
         WALES A             192/4 (lead 30)
         Pranav Koothrapalli  26.0-13-46-1
         Kai Friend           64(221b 10X4 1X6)
         Owain Norton         35(70b 5X4 1X6)   

90.1  Goregen to Norton, no run, Left alone by Owain Norton
90.2  Goregen to Norton, no run, Defensively played by Owain Norton
90.3  Goregen to Norton, FOUR, Brilliant cover drive by Owain Norton       
90.4  Goregen to Norton, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
90.5  Goregen to Norton, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
90.6  Goregen to Norton, one run, That is very well run by Kai Friend         

         End of over 91  (5 runs)
         WALES A             197/4 (lead 35)
         Bilal Goregen        27.0-7-57-1
         Kai Friend           64(221b 10X4 1X6)
         Owain Norton         40(76b 6X4 1X6)   

91.1  Kooth'alli to Norton, no run, Owain Norton playing forward defensive
91.2  Kooth'alli to Norton, one run, The misfield by Bilal Goregen allows yet another run
91.3  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
91.4  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
91.5  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
91.6  Kooth'alli to Friend, one run, Great cooperation between Kai Friend and Owain Norton       

         End of over 92  (2 runs)
         WALES A             199/4 (lead 37)
         Pranav Koothrapalli  27.0-13-48-1
         Owain Norton         41(78b 6X4 1X6)
         Kai Friend           65(225b 10X4 1X6)   

92.1  Goregen to Friend, one run, The misfield by Pranav Koothrapalli allows yet another run
92.2  Goregen to Norton, no run, Left alone by Owain Norton
92.3  Goregen to Norton, no run, Left alone by Owain Norton
92.4  Goregen to Norton, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Asratullah Gurbaaj 
92.5  Goregen to Norton, no run, Left alone by Owain Norton
92.6  Goregen to Norton, no run, Owain Norton playing forward defensive

         End of over 93  (1 runs)
         WALES A             200/4 (lead 38)
         Bilal Goregen        28.0-7-58-1
         Owain Norton         41(83b 6X4 1X6)
         Kai Friend           66(226b 10X4 1X6)   

93.1  Al-Azzeh to Friend, no run, Defensively played by Kai Friend
93.2  Al-Azzeh to Friend, no run, Left alone by Kai Friend
93.3  Al-Azzeh to Friend, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
93.4  Al-Azzeh to Friend, no run, Defensively played by Kai Friend
93.5  Al-Azzeh to Friend, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
93.6  Al-Azzeh to Friend, no run, Defensively played by Kai Friend

         End of over 94  (0 runs)
         WALES A             200/4 (lead 38)
         Omar Al-Azzeh        14.0-4-20-0
         Kai Friend           66(232b 10X4 1X6)
         Owain Norton         41(83b 6X4 1X6)   

94.1  Goregen to Norton, no run, Left alone by Owain Norton
94.2  Goregen to Norton, no run, Owain Norton playing forward defensive
94.3  Goregen to Norton, no run, Owain Norton was completely deceived
94.4  Goregen to Norton, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
94.5  Goregen to Norton, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
94.6  Goregen to Norton, no run, Left alone by Owain Norton

         End of over 95  (0 runs)
         WALES A             200/4 (lead 38)
         Bilal Goregen        29.0-7-58-1
         Owain Norton         41(89b 6X4 1X6)
         Kai Friend           66(232b 10X4 1X6)   

95.1  Wolowitz to Friend, no run, Left alone by Kai Friend
95.2  Wolowitz to Friend, OUT, Thats plumb in front of the wicket

         Kai Friend             66 (234b 10X4 1X6)
         lbw            b. Wolowitz   

95.3  Wolowitz to Herring, FOUR, Great shot, four straight over the bowler's head
95.4  Wolowitz to Herring, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
95.5  Wolowitz to Herring, one run, He was lucky. Almost got run out by Nasser Wolowitz
95.6  Wolowitz to Norton, no run, Defensively played by Owain Norton

         End of over 96  (5 runs)
         WALES A             205/5 (lead 43)
         Nasser Wolowitz      24.0-8-58-3
         Owain Norton         41(90b 6X4 1X6)
         Gareth Herring        5(3b 1X4)   

96.1  Kooth'alli to Herring, FOUR, Gareth Herring is going haywire!
96.2  Kooth'alli to Herring, one run, Great cooperation between Gareth Herring and Owain Norton       
96.3  Kooth'alli to Norton, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
96.4  Kooth'alli to Norton, no run, Left alone by Owain Norton
96.5  Kooth'alli to Norton, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
96.6  Kooth'alli to Norton, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down

         End of over 97  (5 runs)
         WALES A             210/5 (lead 48)
         Pranav Koothrapalli  28.0-13-53-1
         Owain Norton         41(94b 6X4 1X6)
         Gareth Herring       10(5b 2X4)   

97.1  Goregen to Herring, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
97.2  Goregen to Herring, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
97.3  Goregen to Herring, no run, Left alone by Gareth Herring
97.4  Goregen to Herring, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
97.5  Goregen to Herring, OUT, What a brilliant catch by Hussain Murad

         Gareth Herring         10 (10b 2X4)
         c. Murad       b. Goregen     

97.6  Goregen to Walker, no run, Left alone by Marnws Walker

         End of over 98  (0 runs)
         WALES A             210/6 (lead 48)
         Bilal Goregen        30.0-8-58-2
         Marnws Walker         0(1b)
         Owain Norton         41(94b 6X4 1X6)   

98.1  Kooth'alli to Norton, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
98.2  Kooth'alli to Norton, no run, Left alone by Owain Norton
98.3  Kooth'alli to Norton, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
98.4  Kooth'alli to Norton, no run, Left alone by Owain Norton
98.5  Kooth'alli to Norton, no run, Left alone by Owain Norton
98.6  Kooth'alli to Norton, no run, Left alone by Owain Norton

         End of over 99  (0 runs)
         WALES A             210/6 (lead 48)
         Pranav Koothrapalli  29.0-13-53-1
         Owain Norton         41(100b 6X4 1X6)
         Marnws Walker         0(1b)   

99.1  Goregen to Walker, no run, Left alone by Marnws Walker
99.2  Goregen to Walker, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
99.3  Goregen to Walker, no run, Left alone by Marnws Walker
99.4  Goregen to Walker, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
99.5  Goregen to Walker, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
99.6  Goregen to Walker, no run, Left alone by Marnws Walker

         End of over 100  (0 runs)
         WALES A             210/6 (lead 48)
         Bilal Goregen        31.0-9-58-2
         Marnws Walker         0(7b)
         Owain Norton         41(100b 6X4 1X6)   

100.1  Wolowitz to Norton, no run, Owain Norton was completely deceived
100.2  Wolowitz to Norton, no run, Defensively played by Owain Norton
100.3  Wolowitz to Norton, no run, Left alone by Owain Norton
100.4  Wolowitz to Norton, no run, Defensively played by Owain Norton
100.5  Wolowitz to Norton, wide, The umpire being a bit rough on Nasser Wolowitz, giving that a wide
100.5  Wolowitz to Norton, one run, He was lucky. Almost got run out by Adil Rafiullah
100.6  Wolowitz to Walker, no run, Left alone by Marnws Walker

         End of over 101  (2 runs)
         WALES A             212/6 (lead 50)
         Nasser Wolowitz      25.0-8-60-3
         Marnws Walker         0(8b)
         Owain Norton         42(106b 6X4 1X6)   

101.1  Kooth'alli to Norton, no run, Owain Norton was completely deceived
101.2  Kooth'alli to Norton, no run, Owain Norton playing forward defensive
101.3  Kooth'alli to Norton, no run, Owain Norton playing forward defensive
101.4  Kooth'alli to Norton, no run, Owain Norton was completely deceived
101.5  Kooth'alli to Norton, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Asratullah Gurbaaj 
101.6  Kooth'alli to Norton, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down

         End of over 102  (0 runs)

         LUNCH: DAY 3 of 0
         Time: 12:04 PM
         WALES A             212/6 (lead 50)
         Pranav Koothrapalli  30.0-14-53-1
         Owain Norton         42(112b 6X4 1X6)
         Marnws Walker         0(8b)   

102.1  Goregen to Walker, no run, Defensively played by Marnws Walker
102.2  Goregen to Walker, no run, Marnws Walker was completely deceived
102.3  Goregen to Walker, no run, Marnws Walker playing forward defensive
102.4  Goregen to Walker, one run, That is very well run by Owain Norton       
102.5  Goregen to Norton, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Asratullah Gurbaaj 
102.6  Goregen to Norton, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down

         End of over 103  (1 runs)
         WALES A             213/6 (lead 51)
         Bilal Goregen        32.0-10-59-2
         Owain Norton         42(114b 6X4 1X6)
         Marnws Walker         1(12b)   

103.1  Kooth'alli to Walker, no run, Left alone by Marnws Walker
103.2  Kooth'alli to Walker, FOUR, Great shot, four straight over the bowler's head
103.3  Kooth'alli to Walker, no run, Marnws Walker was completely deceived
103.4  Kooth'alli to Walker, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
103.5  Kooth'alli to Walker, no run, Left alone by Marnws Walker
103.6  Kooth'alli to Walker, no run, Marnws Walker playing forward defensive

         End of over 104  (4 runs)
         WALES A             217/6 (lead 55)
         Pranav Koothrapalli  31.0-15-57-1
         Marnws Walker         5(18b 1X4)
         Owain Norton         42(114b 6X4 1X6)   

104.1  Goregen to Norton, no run, Owain Norton was completely deceived
104.2  Goregen to Norton, no run, Owain Norton playing forward defensive
104.3  Goregen to Norton, no run, Left alone by Owain Norton
104.4  Goregen to Norton, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
104.5  Goregen to Norton, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Asratullah Gurbaaj 
104.6  Goregen to Norton, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat

         End of over 105  (0 runs)
         WALES A             217/6 (lead 55)
         Bilal Goregen        33.0-10-59-2
         Owain Norton         42(120b 6X4 1X6)
         Marnws Walker         5(18b 1X4)   

105.1  Kooth'alli to Walker, FOUR, Great shot, four straight over the bowler's head
105.2  Kooth'alli to Walker, no run, Left alone by Marnws Walker
105.3  Kooth'alli to Walker, no run, Marnws Walker was completely deceived
105.4  Kooth'alli to Walker, FOUR, Great shot, four straight over the bowler's head
105.5  Kooth'alli to Walker, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
105.6  Kooth'alli to Walker, one run, The misfield by Jesus Jeremiah allows yet another run

         End of over 106  (9 runs)
         WALES A             226/6 (lead 64)
         Pranav Koothrapalli  32.0-15-66-1
         Owain Norton         42(120b 6X4 1X6)
         Marnws Walker        14(24b 3X4)   

106.1  Goregen to Walker, no run, Defensively played by Marnws Walker
106.2  Goregen to Walker, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
106.3  Goregen to Walker, no ball , no run, Defensively played by Marnws Walker
106.3  Goregen to Walker, no run, Defensively played by Marnws Walker
106.4  Goregen to Walker, no run, Marnws Walker was completely deceived
106.5  Goregen to Walker, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Asratullah Gurbaaj 
106.6  Goregen to Walker, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced

         End of over 107  (1 runs)
         WALES A             227/6 (lead 65)
         Bilal Goregen        34.0-11-60-2
         Marnws Walker        14(30b 3X4)
         Owain Norton         42(120b 6X4 1X6)   

107.1  Kooth'alli to Norton, no run, Owain Norton was completely deceived
107.2  Kooth'alli to Norton, no run, Owain Norton was completely deceived
107.3  Kooth'alli to Norton, no run, Left alone by Owain Norton
107.4  Kooth'alli to Norton, no run, Left alone by Owain Norton
107.5  Kooth'alli to Norton, no run, Left alone by Owain Norton
107.6  Kooth'alli to Norton, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat

         End of over 108  (0 runs)
         WALES A             227/6 (lead 65)
         Pranav Koothrapalli  33.0-15-66-1
         Owain Norton         42(126b 6X4 1X6)
         Marnws Walker        14(30b 3X4)   

108.1  Goregen to Walker, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
108.2  Goregen to Walker, no run, Left alone by Marnws Walker
108.3  Goregen to Walker, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
108.4  Goregen to Walker, no run, Defensively played by Marnws Walker
108.5  Goregen to Walker, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
108.6  Goregen to Walker, no run, Left alone by Marnws Walker

         End of over 109  (0 runs)
         WALES A             227/6 (lead 65)
         Bilal Goregen        35.0-11-60-2
         Marnws Walker        14(36b 3X4)
         Owain Norton         42(126b 6X4 1X6)   

109.1  Kooth'alli to Norton, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Asratullah Gurbaaj 
109.2  Kooth'alli to Norton, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
109.3  Kooth'alli to Norton, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
109.4  Kooth'alli to Norton, no run, Defensively played by Owain Norton
109.5  Kooth'alli to Norton, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Asratullah Gurbaaj 
109.6  Kooth'alli to Norton, no run, Owain Norton was completely deceived

         End of over 110  (0 runs)
         WALES A             227/6 (lead 65)
         Pranav Koothrapalli  34.0-16-66-1
         Owain Norton         42(132b 6X4 1X6)
         Marnws Walker        14(36b 3X4)   

110.1  Goregen to Walker, no run, Marnws Walker playing forward defensive
110.2  Goregen to Walker, 1 bye, That ball spun too much for Asratullah Gurbaaj to stop
110.3  Goregen to Norton, FOUR, Bilal Goregen is quite unfortunate to be hit after bowling a good one
110.4  Goregen to Norton, no run, Owain Norton was completely deceived
110.5  Goregen to Norton, no run, Left alone by Owain Norton
110.6  Goregen to Norton, no run, Defensively played by Owain Norton

         End of over 111  (5 runs)
         WALES A             232/6 (lead 70)
         Bilal Goregen        36.0-12-64-2
         Owain Norton         46(136b 7X4 1X6)
         Marnws Walker        14(38b 3X4)   

111.1  Kooth'alli to Walker, FOUR, Brilliant cover drive by Marnws Walker       
111.2  Kooth'alli to Walker, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
111.3  Kooth'alli to Walker, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
111.4  Kooth'alli to Walker, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
111.5  Kooth'alli to Walker, no run, Marnws Walker was completely deceived
111.6  Kooth'alli to Walker, FOUR, Marnws Walker is going haywire!

         End of over 112  (8 runs)
         WALES A             240/6 (lead 78)
         Pranav Koothrapalli  35.0-17-74-1
         Marnws Walker        22(44b 5X4)
         Owain Norton         46(136b 7X4 1X6)   

112.1  Goregen to Norton, OUT, Adil Rafiullah takes an easy catch to dismiss Owain Norton

         Owain Norton           46 (137b 7X4 1X6)
         c. Rafiullah   b. Goregen     

112.2  Goregen to Mullin, no run, Peter Mullin playing forward defensive
112.3  Goregen to Mullin, no run, Left alone by Peter Mullin
112.4  Goregen to Mullin, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
112.5  Goregen to Mullin, no run, Peter Mullin playing forward defensive
112.6  Goregen to Mullin, one run, Great cooperation between Peter Mullin and Marnws Walker       

         End of over 113  (1 runs)
         WALES A             241/7 (lead 79)
         Bilal Goregen        37.0-12-65-3
         Marnws Walker        22(44b 5X4)
         Peter Mullin          1(5b)   

113.1  Wolowitz to Mullin, one run, That is very well run by Marnws Walker       
113.2  Wolowitz to Walker, no run, Left alone by Marnws Walker
113.3  Wolowitz to Walker, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
113.4  Wolowitz to Walker, no run, Defensively played by Marnws Walker
113.5  Wolowitz to Walker, no run, Marnws Walker was completely deceived
113.6  Wolowitz to Walker, no run, Marnws Walker was completely deceived

         End of over 114  (1 runs)
         WALES A             242/7 (lead 80)
         Nasser Wolowitz      26.0-8-61-3
         Marnws Walker        22(49b 5X4)
         Peter Mullin          2(6b)   

114.1  Goregen to Mullin, no run, Defensively played by Peter Mullin
114.2  Goregen to Mullin, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
114.3  Goregen to Mullin, legbye, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Asratullah Gurbaaj 
114.4  Goregen to Walker, OUT, What a brilliant catch by Adil Rafiullah

         Marnws Walker          22 (50b 5X4)
         c. Rafiullah   b. Goregen     

114.5  Goregen to Russell, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
114.6  Goregen to Russell, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat

         End of over 115  (1 runs)
         WALES A             243/8 (lead 81)
         Bilal Goregen        38.0-12-65-4
         Ben Russell           0(2b)
         Peter Mullin          2(9b)   

115.1  Kooth'alli to Mullin, no run, Left alone by Peter Mullin
115.2  Kooth'alli to Mullin, no run, Left alone by Peter Mullin
115.3  Kooth'alli to Mullin, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
115.4  Kooth'alli to Mullin, legbye, Left alone by Peter Mullin
115.5  Kooth'alli to Russell, no run, Defensively played by Ben Russell
115.6  Kooth'alli to Russell, no run, Left alone by Ben Russell

         End of over 116  (1 runs)
         WALES A             244/8 (lead 82)
         Pranav Koothrapalli  36.0-17-74-1
         Ben Russell           0(4b)
         Peter Mullin          2(13b)   

116.1  Goregen to Mullin, no run, Left alone by Peter Mullin
116.2  Goregen to Mullin, one run, That is very well run by Ben Russell         
116.3  Goregen to Russell, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
116.4  Goregen to Russell, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
116.5  Goregen to Russell, OUT, What a brilliant catch by Hafiz Ahmadi

         Ben Russell            0 (7b)
         c. Ahmadi      b. Goregen     

116.6  Goregen to Moore, no run, Left alone by Steffan Moore

         End of over 117  (1 runs)
         WALES A             245/9 (lead 83)
         Bilal Goregen        39.0-12-66-5
         Steffan Moore         0(1b)
         Peter Mullin          3(15b)   

117.1  Wolowitz to Mullin, no run, Left alone by Peter Mullin
117.2  Wolowitz to Mullin, no run, Left alone by Peter Mullin
117.3  Wolowitz to Mullin, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
117.4  Wolowitz to Mullin, no run, Peter Mullin playing forward defensive
117.5  Wolowitz to Mullin, no run, Left alone by Peter Mullin
117.6  Wolowitz to Mullin, no run, Peter Mullin playing forward defensive

         End of over 118  (0 runs)
         WALES A             245/9 (lead 83)
         Nasser Wolowitz      27.0-8-61-3
         Peter Mullin          3(21b)
         Steffan Moore         0(1b)   

118.1  Goregen to Moore, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
118.2  Goregen to Moore, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
118.3  Goregen to Moore, FOUR, What a blunder by Omar Al-Azzeh. He gave away 4 runs with that misfield
118.4  Goregen to Moore, no run, Defensively played by Steffan Moore
118.5  Goregen to Moore, no run, Left alone by Steffan Moore
118.6  Goregen to Moore, no run, Left alone by Steffan Moore

         End of over 119  (4 runs)
         WALES A             249/9 (lead 87)
         Bilal Goregen        40.0-12-70-5
         Steffan Moore         4(7b 1X4)
         Peter Mullin          3(21b)   

119.1  Wolowitz to Mullin, no run, Peter Mullin playing forward defensive
119.2  Wolowitz to Mullin, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
119.3  Wolowitz to Mullin, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
119.4  Wolowitz to Mullin, one run, One more to the total
119.5  Wolowitz to Moore, no run, Defensively played by Steffan Moore
119.6  Wolowitz to Moore, no run, Left alone by Steffan Moore

         End of over 120  (1 runs)
         WALES A             250/9 (lead 88)
         Nasser Wolowitz      28.0-9-62-3
         Steffan Moore         4(9b 1X4)
         Peter Mullin          4(25b)   

120.1  Kooth'alli to Mullin, no run, Defensively played by Peter Mullin
120.2  Kooth'alli to Mullin, OUT, That didnt look so convincing but the umpire gives it out LBW

         Peter Mullin           4 (27b)
         lbw            b. Kooth'alli 

         End of innings (120.2 overs)
         Day 3   1:47 PM
         WALES A             250/10
         (Run Rate: 2.08)
         Pranav Koothrapalli   36.2-17-74-2
         Steffan Moore         4(9b 1X4)

WALES A 1st innings

Player              Status                        Runs  Blls  4s   6s    S/R
Connor Rees         lbw            b. Wolowitz     36    96    7    0   37.5%
Charlie Nicholls                   b. Goregen       3    43    0    0    7.0%
Kai Friend          lbw            b. Wolowitz     66   234   10    1   28.2%
Dewi Hemp           c. Gurbaaj     b. Kooth'alli    0    17    0    0    0.0%
Alun Lockyer        c. Gurbaaj     b. Wolowitz     40    96    9    0   41.7%
Owain Norton        c. Rafiullah   b. Goregen      46   137    7    1   33.6%
Gareth Herring      c. Murad       b. Goregen      10    10    2    0  100.0%
Marnws Walker       c. Rafiullah   b. Goregen      22    50    5    0   44.0%
Peter Mullin        lbw            b. Kooth'alli    4    27    0    0   14.8%
Ben Russell         c. Ahmadi      b. Goregen       0     7    0    0    0.0%
Steffan Moore       not out                         4     9    1    0   44.4%
 Total:  250/10       Overs:  120.2        Run Rate:  2.08     Extras:  19
                             Day 3  1:47 PM
WALES A Partnerships

Batsmen                                                            Runs (Balls)
C Rees        C Nicholls   þþþþþþþþ                                  20 (105)
C Rees        K Friend     þþþþþþþþþþ                                25 (70)
D Hemp        K Friend     þþþ                                        8 (29)
A Lockyer     K Friend     þþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþ       80 (177)
O Norton      K Friend     þþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþ             67 (191)
O Norton      G Herring    þþþþ                                      10 (15)
O Norton      M Walker     þþþþþþþþþþþþþ                             30 (86)
P Mullin      M Walker     þ                                          3 (15)
P Mullin      B Russell    þ                                          2 (13)
P Mullin      S Moore      þþ                                         5 (21)

     Fall of Wickets    20/1      45/2      53/3      133/4     200/5
                        210/6     240/7     243/8     245/9     250/10   

 Total:  250/10      Overs:  120.2         Run Rate:  2.08    Extras:  19   


Player               Overs   Mdns    Runs   Wkts      E/R    Wds    NBs
Pranav Koothrapalli  36.2     17      74      2      2.04     0      0
Omar Al-Azzeh        14.0      5      20      0      1.43     1      0
Bilal Goregen        40.0     12      70      5      1.75     2      3
Nasser Wolowitz      28.0      9      62      3      2.21     1      0
Muhammad Ahmad        2.0      0      13      0      6.50     0      1

 EXTRAS          Wides: 4      No Balls: 4      Leg Byes: 6      Byes: 5

 Total:  250/10       Overs:  120.2        Run Rate:  2.08    Extras:  19

0.1  Mullin to Murad, no run, Left alone by Hussain Murad
0.2  Mullin to Murad, no run, Defensively played by Hussain Murad
0.3  Mullin to Murad, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
0.4  Mullin to Murad, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
0.5  Mullin to Murad, no run, Hussain Murad was completely deceived
0.6  Mullin to Murad, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat

         End of over 1  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI          0/0 (deficit 88)
         Peter Mullin         1.0-0-0-0
         Hussain Murad         0(6b)
         Adil Rafiullah        0(0b)   

1.1  Walker to Rafiullah, FOUR, Marnws Walker is quite unfortunate to be hit after bowling a good one
1.2  Walker to Rafiullah, legbye, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
1.3  Walker to Murad, no run, Hussain Murad was completely deceived
1.4  Walker to Murad, no run, Left alone by Hussain Murad
1.5  Walker to Murad, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
1.6  Walker to Murad, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman

         End of over 2  (5 runs)
         PALESTINE XI          5/0 (deficit 83)
         Marnws Walker        1.0-0-4-0
         Hussain Murad         0(10b)
         Adil Rafiullah        4(2b 1X4)   

2.1  Mullin to Rafiullah, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
2.2  Mullin to Rafiullah, no run, Defensively played by Adil Rafiullah
2.3  Mullin to Rafiullah, no run, Left alone by Adil Rafiullah
2.4  Mullin to Rafiullah, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
2.5  Mullin to Rafiullah, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
2.6  Mullin to Rafiullah, no run, Adil Rafiullah playing forward defensive

         End of over 3  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI          5/0 (deficit 83)
         Peter Mullin         2.0-1-0-0
         Adil Rafiullah        4(8b 1X4)
         Hussain Murad         0(10b)   

3.1  Walker to Murad, no run, Defensively played by Hussain Murad
3.2  Walker to Murad, no run, Hussain Murad playing forward defensive
3.3  Walker to Murad, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     
3.4  Walker to Murad, no run, Defensively played by Hussain Murad
3.5  Walker to Murad, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
3.6  Walker to Murad, one run, The misfield by Ben Russell allows yet another run

         End of over 4  (1 runs)
         PALESTINE XI          6/0 (deficit 82)
         Marnws Walker        2.0-0-5-0
         Adil Rafiullah        4(8b 1X4)
         Hussain Murad         1(16b)   

4.1  Mullin to Murad, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
4.2  Mullin to Murad, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
4.3  Mullin to Murad, FOUR, What a blunder by Charlie Nicholls. He gave away 4 runs with that misfield
4.4  Mullin to Murad, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     
4.5  Mullin to Murad, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
4.6  Mullin to Murad, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down

         End of over 5  (4 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         10/0 (deficit 78)
         Peter Mullin         3.0-2-4-0
         Hussain Murad         5(22b 1X4)
         Adil Rafiullah        4(8b 1X4)   

5.1  Walker to Rafiullah, three runs,
5.2  Walker to Murad, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
5.3  Walker to Murad, no run, Hussain Murad playing forward defensive
5.4  Walker to Murad, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
5.5  Walker to Murad, no run, Hussain Murad was completely deceived
5.6  Walker to Murad, one run, He was lucky. Almost got run out by Alun Lockyer

         End of over 6  (4 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         14/0 (deficit 74)
         Marnws Walker        3.0-0-9-0
         Adil Rafiullah        7(9b 1X4)
         Hussain Murad         6(27b 1X4)   

6.1  Mullin to Murad, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
6.2  Mullin to Murad, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
6.3  Mullin to Murad, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
6.4  Mullin to Murad, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
6.5  Mullin to Murad, no run, Hussain Murad was completely deceived
6.6  Mullin to Murad, one run, Great cooperation between Hussain Murad and Adil Rafiullah     

         End of over 7  (1 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         15/0 (deficit 73)
         Peter Mullin         4.0-2-5-0
         Adil Rafiullah        7(9b 1X4)
         Hussain Murad         7(33b 1X4)   

7.1  Walker to Murad, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
7.2  Walker to Murad, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
7.3  Walker to Murad, no run, Left alone by Hussain Murad
7.4  Walker to Murad, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
7.5  Walker to Murad, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
7.6  Walker to Murad, FOUR, Hussain Murad is going haywire!

         End of over 8  (4 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         19/0 (deficit 69)
         Marnws Walker        4.0-0-13-0
         Hussain Murad        11(39b 2X4)
         Adil Rafiullah        7(9b 1X4)   

8.1  Mullin to Rafiullah, no run, Adil Rafiullah was completely deceived
8.2  Mullin to Rafiullah, no run, Left alone by Adil Rafiullah
8.3  Mullin to Rafiullah, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     
8.4  Mullin to Rafiullah, no run, Adil Rafiullah was completely deceived
8.5  Mullin to Rafiullah, no run, Adil Rafiullah playing forward defensive
8.6  Mullin to Rafiullah, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman

         End of over 9  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         19/0 (deficit 69)
         Peter Mullin         5.0-2-5-0
         Adil Rafiullah        7(15b 1X4)
         Hussain Murad        11(39b 2X4)   

9.1  Moore to Murad, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
9.2  Moore to Murad, FOUR, What a blunder by Dewi Hemp. He gave away 4 runs with that misfield
9.3  Moore to Murad, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
9.4  Moore to Murad, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
9.5  Moore to Murad, no run, Left alone by Hussain Murad
9.6  Moore to Murad, three runs, Excellent running 3 more

         End of over 10  (7 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         26/0 (deficit 62)
         Steffan Moore        1.0-0-7-0
         Adil Rafiullah        7(15b 1X4)
         Hussain Murad        18(45b 3X4)   

10.1  Mullin to Murad, no run, Left alone by Hussain Murad
10.2  Mullin to Murad, no run, Left alone by Hussain Murad
10.3  Mullin to Murad, no run, Hussain Murad was completely deceived
10.4  Mullin to Murad, no run, Left alone by Hussain Murad
10.5  Mullin to Murad, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
10.6  Mullin to Murad, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat

         End of over 11  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         26/0 (deficit 62)
         Peter Mullin         6.0-3-5-0
         Hussain Murad        18(51b 3X4)
         Adil Rafiullah        7(15b 1X4)   

11.1  Moore to Rafiullah, no run, Adil Rafiullah was completely deceived
11.2  Moore to Rafiullah, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
11.3  Moore to Rafiullah, wide, Steffan Moore bowling a very wayward one
11.3  Moore to Rafiullah, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
11.4  Moore to Rafiullah, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
11.5  Moore to Rafiullah, no run, Left alone by Adil Rafiullah
11.6  Moore to Rafiullah, no run, Adil Rafiullah playing forward defensive

         End of over 12  (1 runs)

         TEA: DAY 3 of 0
         Time: 2:35 PM
         PALESTINE XI         27/0 (deficit 61)
         Steffan Moore        2.0-0-8-0
         Adil Rafiullah        7(22b 1X4)
         Hussain Murad        18(51b 3X4)   

12.1  Russell to Murad, no run, Hussain Murad playing forward defensive
12.2  Russell to Murad, no run, Hussain Murad was completely deceived
12.3  Russell to Murad, legbye, Hussain Murad playing forward defensive
12.4  Russell to Rafiullah, one run, Great cooperation between Adil Rafiullah and Hussain Murad       
12.5  Russell to Murad, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     
12.6  Russell to Murad, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     

         End of over 13  (2 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         29/0 (deficit 59)
         Ben Russell          1.0-0-1-0
         Hussain Murad        18(56b 3X4)
         Adil Rafiullah        8(23b 1X4)   

13.1  Mullin to Rafiullah, one run, One more to the total
13.2  Mullin to Murad, no run, Left alone by Hussain Murad
13.3  Mullin to Murad, no run, Hussain Murad playing forward defensive
13.4  Mullin to Murad, no run, Left alone by Hussain Murad
13.5  Mullin to Murad, no run, Defensively played by Hussain Murad
13.6  Mullin to Murad, no run, Hussain Murad was completely deceived

         End of over 14  (1 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         30/0 (deficit 58)
         Peter Mullin         7.0-4-6-0
         Hussain Murad        18(61b 3X4)
         Adil Rafiullah        9(24b 1X4)   

14.1  Moore to Rafiullah, one run, One more to the total
14.2  Moore to Murad, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
14.3  Moore to Murad, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
14.4  Moore to Murad, one run, He was lucky. Almost got run out by Kai Friend
14.5  Moore to Rafiullah, no run, Left alone by Adil Rafiullah
14.6  Moore to Rafiullah, legbye, Adil Rafiullah was completely deceived

         End of over 15  (3 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         33/0 (deficit 55)
         Steffan Moore        3.0-0-10-0
         Hussain Murad        19(64b 3X4)
         Adil Rafiullah       10(27b 1X4)   

15.1  Russell to Rafiullah, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
15.2  Russell to Rafiullah, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
15.3  Russell to Rafiullah, FOUR, What a blunder by Marnws Walker. He gave away 4 runs with that misfield
15.4  Russell to Rafiullah, no run, Defensively played by Adil Rafiullah
15.5  Russell to Rafiullah, no run, Defensively played by Adil Rafiullah
15.6  Russell to Rafiullah, one run, Great cooperation between Adil Rafiullah and Hussain Murad       

         End of over 16  (5 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         38/0 (deficit 50)
         Ben Russell          2.0-0-6-0
         Hussain Murad        19(64b 3X4)
         Adil Rafiullah       15(33b 2X4)   

16.1  Mullin to Rafiullah, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     
16.2  Mullin to Rafiullah, no run, Left alone by Adil Rafiullah
16.3  Mullin to Rafiullah, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     
16.4  Mullin to Rafiullah, FOUR, Great shot, four straight over the bowler's head
16.5  Mullin to Rafiullah, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
16.6  Mullin to Rafiullah, no run, Adil Rafiullah playing forward defensive

         End of over 17  (4 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         42/0 (deficit 46)
         Peter Mullin         8.0-4-10-0
         Adil Rafiullah       19(39b 3X4)
         Hussain Murad        19(64b 3X4)   

17.1  Russell to Murad, no run, Left alone by Hussain Murad
17.2  Russell to Murad, no run, Hussain Murad was completely deceived
17.3  Russell to Murad, no ball , no run, Defensively played by Hussain Murad
17.3  Russell to Murad, no run, Defensively played by Hussain Murad
17.4  Russell to Murad, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     
17.5  Russell to Murad, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
17.6  Russell to Murad, no run, Left alone by Hussain Murad

         End of over 18  (1 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         43/0 (deficit 45)
         Ben Russell          3.0-0-7-0
         Hussain Murad        19(70b 3X4)
         Adil Rafiullah       19(39b 3X4)   

18.1  Moore to Rafiullah, no run, Adil Rafiullah playing forward defensive
18.2  Moore to Rafiullah, FOUR, What a blunder by Gareth Herring. He gave away 4 runs with that misfield
18.3  Moore to Rafiullah, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     
18.4  Moore to Rafiullah, no run, Defensively played by Adil Rafiullah
18.5  Moore to Rafiullah, no run, Left alone by Adil Rafiullah
18.6  Moore to Rafiullah, no run, Left alone by Adil Rafiullah

         End of over 19  (4 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         47/0 (deficit 41)
         Steffan Moore        4.0-0-14-0
         Adil Rafiullah       23(45b 4X4)
         Hussain Murad        19(70b 3X4)   

19.1  Russell to Murad, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     
19.2  Russell to Murad, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
19.3  Russell to Murad, no run, Hussain Murad playing forward defensive
19.4  Russell to Murad, no run, Hussain Murad was completely deceived
19.5  Russell to Murad, no run, Left alone by Hussain Murad
19.6  Russell to Murad, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman

         End of over 20  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         47/0 (deficit 41)
         Ben Russell          4.0-0-7-0
         Hussain Murad        19(76b 3X4)
         Adil Rafiullah       23(45b 4X4)   

20.1  Moore to Rafiullah, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
20.2  Moore to Rafiullah, no run, Left alone by Adil Rafiullah
20.3  Moore to Rafiullah, no run, Adil Rafiullah playing forward defensive
20.4  Moore to Rafiullah, no run, Defensively played by Adil Rafiullah
20.5  Moore to Rafiullah, no run, Left alone by Adil Rafiullah
20.6  Moore to Rafiullah, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     

         End of over 21  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         47/0 (deficit 41)
         Steffan Moore        5.0-0-14-0
         Adil Rafiullah       23(51b 4X4)
         Hussain Murad        19(76b 3X4)   

21.1  Russell to Murad, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
21.2  Russell to Murad, no run, Hussain Murad was completely deceived
21.3  Russell to Murad, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
21.4  Russell to Murad, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
21.5  Russell to Murad, no run, Left alone by Hussain Murad
21.6  Russell to Murad, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman

         End of over 22  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         47/0 (deficit 41)
         Ben Russell          5.0-1-7-0
         Hussain Murad        19(82b 3X4)
         Adil Rafiullah       23(51b 4X4)   

22.1  Moore to Rafiullah, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
22.2  Moore to Rafiullah, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
22.3  Moore to Rafiullah, no run, Adil Rafiullah playing forward defensive
22.4  Moore to Rafiullah, no run, Left alone by Adil Rafiullah
22.5  Moore to Rafiullah, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
22.6  Moore to Rafiullah, no run, Left alone by Adil Rafiullah

         End of over 23  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         47/0 (deficit 41)
         Steffan Moore        6.0-1-14-0
         Adil Rafiullah       23(57b 4X4)
         Hussain Murad        19(82b 3X4)   

23.1  Russell to Murad, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
23.2  Russell to Murad, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     
23.3  Russell to Murad, FOUR, Ben Russell is quite unfortunate to be hit after bowling a good one
23.4  Russell to Murad, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
23.5  Russell to Murad, no run, Hussain Murad playing forward defensive
23.6  Russell to Murad, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman

         End of over 24  (4 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         51/0 (deficit 37)
         Ben Russell          6.0-2-11-0
         Hussain Murad        23(88b 4X4)
         Adil Rafiullah       23(57b 4X4)   

24.1  Mullin to Rafiullah, no run, Left alone by Adil Rafiullah
24.2  Mullin to Rafiullah, no run, Adil Rafiullah was completely deceived
24.3  Mullin to Rafiullah, no run, Adil Rafiullah playing forward defensive
24.4  Mullin to Rafiullah, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
24.5  Mullin to Rafiullah, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     
24.6  Mullin to Rafiullah, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced

         End of over 25  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         51/0 (deficit 37)
         Peter Mullin         9.0-4-10-0
         Adil Rafiullah       23(63b 4X4)
         Hussain Murad        23(88b 4X4)   

25.1  Moore to Murad, three runs, Excellent running 3 more
25.2  Moore to Rafiullah, no run, Adil Rafiullah was completely deceived
25.3  Moore to Rafiullah, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
25.4  Moore to Rafiullah, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
25.5  Moore to Rafiullah, no run, Adil Rafiullah playing forward defensive
25.6  Moore to Rafiullah, no run, Left alone by Adil Rafiullah

         End of over 26  (3 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         54/0 (deficit 34)
         Steffan Moore        7.0-2-17-0
         Adil Rafiullah       23(68b 4X4)
         Hussain Murad        26(89b 4X4)   

26.1  Norton to Murad, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
26.2  Norton to Murad, legbye, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
26.3  Norton to Rafiullah, FOUR, Brilliant cover drive by Adil Rafiullah     
26.4  Norton to Rafiullah, no run, Left alone by Adil Rafiullah
26.5  Norton to Rafiullah, FOUR, Brilliant cover drive by Adil Rafiullah     
26.6  Norton to Rafiullah, no run, Adil Rafiullah playing forward defensive

         End of over 27  (9 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         63/0 (deficit 25)
         Owain Norton         1.0-0-8-0
         Adil Rafiullah       31(72b 6X4)
         Hussain Murad        26(91b 4X4)   

27.1  Walker to Murad, no run, Left alone by Hussain Murad
27.2  Walker to Murad, no run, Hussain Murad was completely deceived
27.3  Walker to Murad, no run, Left alone by Hussain Murad
27.4  Walker to Murad, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     
27.5  Walker to Murad, no ball , no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
27.5  Walker to Murad, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
27.6  Walker to Murad, one run, He was lucky. Almost got run out by Marnws Walker

         End of over 28  (2 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         65/0 (deficit 23)
         Marnws Walker        5.0-0-15-0
         Adil Rafiullah       31(72b 6X4)
         Hussain Murad        27(97b 4X4)   

28.1  Moore to Murad, no ball , no run, Left alone by Hussain Murad
28.1  Moore to Murad, no run, Left alone by Hussain Murad
28.2  Moore to Murad, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
28.3  Moore to Murad, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
28.4  Moore to Murad, no run, Left alone by Hussain Murad
28.5  Moore to Murad, one run, One more to the total
28.6  Moore to Rafiullah, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat

         End of over 29  (2 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         67/0 (deficit 21)
         Steffan Moore        8.0-2-19-0
         Adil Rafiullah       31(73b 6X4)
         Hussain Murad        28(102b 4X4)   

29.1  Norton to Murad, no run, Left alone by Hussain Murad
29.2  Norton to Murad, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
29.3  Norton to Murad, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
29.4  Norton to Murad, no run, Defensively played by Hussain Murad
29.5  Norton to Murad, one run, He was lucky. Almost got run out by Owain Norton
29.6  Norton to Rafiullah, no run, Defensively played by Adil Rafiullah

         End of over 30  (1 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         68/0 (deficit 20)
         Owain Norton         2.0-0-9-0
         Adil Rafiullah       31(74b 6X4)
         Hussain Murad        29(107b 4X4)   

30.1  Russell to Murad, no run, Defensively played by Hussain Murad
30.2  Russell to Murad, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
30.3  Russell to Murad, no ball , no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     
30.3  Russell to Murad, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     
30.4  Russell to Murad, no run, Left alone by Hussain Murad
30.5  Russell to Murad, no run, Left alone by Hussain Murad
30.6  Russell to Murad, no run, Defensively played by Hussain Murad

         End of over 31  (1 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         69/0 (deficit 19)
         Ben Russell          7.0-2-12-0
         Hussain Murad        29(113b 4X4)
         Adil Rafiullah       31(74b 6X4)   

31.1  Walker to Rafiullah, FOUR, Adil Rafiullah is going haywire!
31.2  Walker to Rafiullah, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
31.3  Walker to Rafiullah, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     
31.4  Walker to Rafiullah, no run, Adil Rafiullah was completely deceived
31.5  Walker to Rafiullah, no run, Left alone by Adil Rafiullah
31.6  Walker to Rafiullah, no run, Left alone by Adil Rafiullah

         End of over 32  (4 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         73/0 (deficit 15)
         Marnws Walker        6.0-0-19-0
         Adil Rafiullah       35(80b 7X4)
         Hussain Murad        29(113b 4X4)   

32.1  Russell to Murad, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
32.2  Russell to Murad, no run, Hussain Murad playing forward defensive
32.3  Russell to Murad, no run, Hussain Murad playing forward defensive
32.4  Russell to Murad, no run, Left alone by Hussain Murad
32.5  Russell to Murad, no run, Defensively played by Hussain Murad
32.6  Russell to Murad, no run, Left alone by Hussain Murad

         End of over 33  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         73/0 (deficit 15)
         Ben Russell          8.0-2-12-0
         Hussain Murad        29(119b 4X4)
         Adil Rafiullah       35(80b 7X4)   

33.1  Mullin to Rafiullah, one run, Great cooperation between Adil Rafiullah and Hussain Murad       
33.2  Mullin to Murad, FOUR, Brilliant cover drive by Hussain Murad       
33.3  Mullin to Murad, no run, Left alone by Hussain Murad
33.4  Mullin to Murad, no run, Defensively played by Hussain Murad
33.5  Mullin to Murad, no run, Left alone by Hussain Murad
33.6  Mullin to Murad, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down

         End of over 34  (5 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         78/0 (deficit 10)
         Peter Mullin         10.0-5-15-0
         Hussain Murad        33(124b 5X4)
         Adil Rafiullah       36(81b 7X4)   

34.1  Russell to Rafiullah, one run, Great cooperation between Adil Rafiullah and Hussain Murad       
34.2  Russell to Murad, no run, Left alone by Hussain Murad
34.3  Russell to Murad, one run, He was lucky. Almost got run out by Alun Lockyer
34.4  Russell to Rafiullah, OUT, Bowled him! Great delivery by Ben Russell. Adil Rafiullah didnt have a clue

         Adil Rafiullah         37 (83b 7X4)
                        b. Russell     

34.5  Russell to Mahmoud, no run, Left alone by Anwar Mahmoud
34.6  Russell to Mahmoud, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat

         End of over 35  (2 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         80/1 (deficit 8)
         Ben Russell          9.0-3-14-1
         Anwar Mahmoud         0(2b)
         Hussain Murad        34(126b 5X4)   

35.1  Walker to Murad, no run, Left alone by Hussain Murad
35.2  Walker to Murad, no run, Defensively played by Hussain Murad
35.3  Walker to Murad, no run, Hussain Murad playing forward defensive
35.4  Walker to Murad, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
35.5  Walker to Murad, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
35.6  Walker to Murad, FOUR, What a blunder by Peter Mullin. He gave away 4 runs with that misfield

         End of over 36  (4 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         84/1 (deficit 4)
         Marnws Walker        7.0-0-23-0
         Hussain Murad        38(132b 6X4)
         Anwar Mahmoud         0(2b)   

36.1  Mullin to Mahmoud, no run, Left alone by Anwar Mahmoud
36.2  Mullin to Mahmoud, no run, Anwar Mahmoud playing forward defensive
36.3  Mullin to Mahmoud, no run, Defensively played by Anwar Mahmoud
36.4  Mullin to Mahmoud, one run, The misfield by Alun Lockyer allows yet another run
36.5  Mullin to Murad, no run, Hussain Murad was completely deceived
36.6  Mullin to Murad, no run, Hussain Murad playing forward defensive

         End of over 37  (1 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         85/1 (deficit 3)
         Peter Mullin         11.0-5-16-0
         Hussain Murad        38(134b 6X4)
         Anwar Mahmoud         1(6b)   

37.1  Norton to Mahmoud, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
37.2  Norton to Mahmoud, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
37.3  Norton to Mahmoud, no run, Left alone by Anwar Mahmoud
37.4  Norton to Mahmoud, no run, Defensively played by Anwar Mahmoud
37.5  Norton to Mahmoud, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
37.6  Norton to Mahmoud, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat

         End of over 38  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         85/1 (deficit 3)
         Owain Norton         3.0-0-9-0
         Anwar Mahmoud         1(12b)
         Hussain Murad        38(134b 6X4)   

38.1  Russell to Murad, one run, Great cooperation between Hussain Murad and Anwar Mahmoud       
38.2  Russell to Mahmoud, one run, The misfield by Alun Lockyer allows yet another run
38.3  Russell to Murad, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
38.4  Russell to Murad, legbye, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
38.5  Russell to Mahmoud, no run, Anwar Mahmoud was completely deceived
38.6  Russell to Mahmoud, one run, The misfield by Charlie Nicholls allows yet another run

         End of over 39  (4 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         89/1 (lead 1)
         Ben Russell          10.0-3-17-1
         Hussain Murad        39(137b 6X4)
         Anwar Mahmoud         3(15b)   

39.1  Mullin to Mahmoud, no run, Left alone by Anwar Mahmoud
39.2  Mullin to Mahmoud, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
39.3  Mullin to Mahmoud, one run, He was lucky. Almost got run out by Gareth Herring
39.4  Mullin to Murad, OUT, That ball caught the edge and struck the stumps. Hussain Murad is out

         Hussain Murad          39 (138b 6X4)
                        b. Mullin     

39.5  Mullin to Ahmadi, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
39.6  Mullin to Ahmadi, one run, The misfield by Connor Rees allows yet another run

         End of over 40  (2 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         91/2 (lead 3)
         Peter Mullin         12.0-5-18-1
         Anwar Mahmoud         4(18b)
         Hafiz Ahmadi          1(2b)   

40.1  Russell to Ahmadi, FOUR, What a blunder by Kai Friend. He gave away 4 runs with that misfield
40.2  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     
40.3  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
40.4  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
40.5  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, Hafiz Ahmadi playing forward defensive
40.6  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, Hafiz Ahmadi was completely deceived

         End of over 41  (4 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         95/2 (lead 7)
         Ben Russell          11.0-3-21-1
         Hafiz Ahmadi          5(8b 1X4)
         Anwar Mahmoud         4(18b)   

41.1  Moore to Mahmoud, no run, Defensively played by Anwar Mahmoud
41.2  Moore to Mahmoud, no run, Anwar Mahmoud was completely deceived
41.3  Moore to Mahmoud, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     
41.4  Moore to Mahmoud, 4 byes, That ball spun too much for Gareth Herring to stop
41.5  Moore to Mahmoud, no run, Defensively played by Anwar Mahmoud
41.6  Moore to Mahmoud, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     

         End of over 42  (4 runs)

         END OF DAY 3
         Time: 5:01 PM
         PALESTINE XI         99/2 (lead 11)
         Steffan Moore        9.0-2-19-0
         Anwar Mahmoud         4(24b)
         Hafiz Ahmadi          5(8b 1X4)   

42.1  Mullin to Ahmadi, no run, Hafiz Ahmadi playing forward defensive
42.2  Mullin to Ahmadi, no run, Left alone by Hafiz Ahmadi
42.3  Mullin to Ahmadi, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
42.4  Mullin to Ahmadi, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
42.5  Mullin to Ahmadi, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
42.6  Mullin to Ahmadi, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down

         End of over 43  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI         99/2 (lead 11)
         Peter Mullin         13.0-5-18-1
         Hafiz Ahmadi          5(14b 1X4)
         Anwar Mahmoud         4(24b)   

43.1  Russell to Mahmoud, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
43.2  Russell to Mahmoud, no run, Defensively played by Anwar Mahmoud
43.3  Russell to Mahmoud, no run, Defensively played by Anwar Mahmoud
43.4  Russell to Mahmoud, one run, One more to the total
43.5  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, Defensively played by Hafiz Ahmadi
43.6  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman

         End of over 44  (1 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        100/2 (lead 12)
         Ben Russell          12.0-3-22-1
         Hafiz Ahmadi          5(16b 1X4)
         Anwar Mahmoud         5(28b)   

44.1  Moore to Mahmoud, one run, Great cooperation between Anwar Mahmoud and Hafiz Ahmadi       
44.2  Moore to Ahmadi, no run, Hafiz Ahmadi was completely deceived
44.3  Moore to Ahmadi, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
44.4  Moore to Ahmadi, no run, Hafiz Ahmadi was completely deceived
44.5  Moore to Ahmadi, no run, Hafiz Ahmadi was completely deceived
44.6  Moore to Ahmadi, no run, Defensively played by Hafiz Ahmadi

         End of over 45  (1 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        101/2 (lead 13)
         Steffan Moore        10.0-2-20-0
         Hafiz Ahmadi          5(21b 1X4)
         Anwar Mahmoud         6(29b)   

45.1  Russell to Mahmoud, no run, Defensively played by Anwar Mahmoud
45.2  Russell to Mahmoud, no run, Left alone by Anwar Mahmoud
45.3  Russell to Mahmoud, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
45.4  Russell to Mahmoud, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
45.5  Russell to Mahmoud, no run, Left alone by Anwar Mahmoud
45.6  Russell to Mahmoud, no run, Defensively played by Anwar Mahmoud

         End of over 46  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        101/2 (lead 13)
         Ben Russell          13.0-3-22-1
         Anwar Mahmoud         6(35b)
         Hafiz Ahmadi          5(21b 1X4)   

46.1  Mullin to Ahmadi, FOUR, What a blunder by Marnws Walker. He gave away 4 runs with that misfield
46.2  Mullin to Ahmadi, no run, Hafiz Ahmadi was completely deceived
46.3  Mullin to Ahmadi, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
46.4  Mullin to Ahmadi, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
46.5  Mullin to Ahmadi, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
46.6  Mullin to Ahmadi, FOUR, Great shot, four straight over the bowler's head

         End of over 47  (8 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        109/2 (lead 21)
         Peter Mullin         14.0-6-26-1
         Hafiz Ahmadi         13(27b 3X4)
         Anwar Mahmoud         6(35b)   

47.1  Moore to Mahmoud, no run, Left alone by Anwar Mahmoud
47.2  Moore to Mahmoud, no run, Left alone by Anwar Mahmoud
47.3  Moore to Mahmoud, no run, Left alone by Anwar Mahmoud
47.4  Moore to Mahmoud, one run, One more to the total
47.5  Moore to Ahmadi, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
47.6  Moore to Ahmadi, 1 bye, That ball spun too much for Gareth Herring to stop

         End of over 48  (2 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        111/2 (lead 23)
         Steffan Moore        11.0-2-21-0
         Anwar Mahmoud         7(39b)
         Hafiz Ahmadi         13(29b 3X4)   

48.1  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
48.2  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
48.3  Russell to Ahmadi, three runs, Excellent running 3 more
48.4  Russell to Mahmoud, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
48.5  Russell to Mahmoud, one run, One more to the total
48.6  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, Left alone by Hafiz Ahmadi

         End of over 49  (4 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        115/2 (lead 27)
         Ben Russell          14.0-4-26-1
         Hafiz Ahmadi         16(33b 3X4)
         Anwar Mahmoud         8(41b)   

49.1  Moore to Mahmoud, FOUR, Brilliant cover drive by Anwar Mahmoud       
49.2  Moore to Mahmoud, FOUR, Brilliant cover drive by Anwar Mahmoud       
49.3  Moore to Mahmoud, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
49.4  Moore to Mahmoud, FOUR, Steffan Moore is quite unfortunate to be hit after bowling a good one
49.5  Moore to Mahmoud, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
49.6  Moore to Mahmoud, no run, Left alone by Anwar Mahmoud

         End of over 50  (12 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        127/2 (lead 39)
         Steffan Moore        12.0-2-33-0
         Anwar Mahmoud        20(47b 3X4)
         Hafiz Ahmadi         16(33b 3X4)   

50.1  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     
50.2  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
50.3  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
50.4  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, Left alone by Hafiz Ahmadi
50.5  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
50.6  Russell to Ahmadi, 4 byes, That ball spun too much for Gareth Herring to stop

         End of over 51  (4 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        131/2 (lead 43)
         Ben Russell          15.0-4-26-1
         Hafiz Ahmadi         16(39b 3X4)
         Anwar Mahmoud        20(47b 3X4)   

51.1  Moore to Mahmoud, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
51.2  Moore to Mahmoud, no run, Left alone by Anwar Mahmoud
51.3  Moore to Mahmoud, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
51.4  Moore to Mahmoud, no run, Left alone by Anwar Mahmoud
51.5  Moore to Mahmoud, no run, Anwar Mahmoud playing forward defensive
51.6  Moore to Mahmoud, no run, Anwar Mahmoud was completely deceived

         End of over 52  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        131/2 (lead 43)
         Steffan Moore        13.0-2-33-0
         Anwar Mahmoud        20(53b 3X4)
         Hafiz Ahmadi         16(39b 3X4)   

52.1  Russell to Ahmadi, FOUR, Ben Russell is quite unfortunate to be hit after bowling a good one
52.2  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
52.3  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, Hafiz Ahmadi was completely deceived
52.4  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
52.5  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, Hafiz Ahmadi playing forward defensive
52.6  Russell to Ahmadi, FOUR, Ben Russell is quite unfortunate to be hit after bowling a good one

         End of over 53  (8 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        139/2 (lead 51)
         Ben Russell          16.0-4-34-1
         Hafiz Ahmadi         24(45b 5X4)
         Anwar Mahmoud        20(53b 3X4)   

53.1  Moore to Mahmoud, no run, Defensively played by Anwar Mahmoud
53.2  Moore to Mahmoud, no run, Left alone by Anwar Mahmoud
53.3  Moore to Mahmoud, no run, Anwar Mahmoud was completely deceived
53.4  Moore to Mahmoud, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
53.5  Moore to Mahmoud, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
53.6  Moore to Mahmoud, FOUR, Anwar Mahmoud is going haywire!

         End of over 54  (4 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        143/2 (lead 55)
         Steffan Moore        14.0-3-37-0
         Anwar Mahmoud        24(59b 4X4)
         Hafiz Ahmadi         24(45b 5X4)   

54.1  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, Hafiz Ahmadi was completely deceived
54.2  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     
54.3  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, Defensively played by Hafiz Ahmadi
54.4  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
54.5  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
54.6  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down

         End of over 55  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        143/2 (lead 55)
         Ben Russell          17.0-4-34-1
         Hafiz Ahmadi         24(51b 5X4)
         Anwar Mahmoud        24(59b 4X4)   

55.1  Moore to Mahmoud, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
55.2  Moore to Mahmoud, FOUR, Anwar Mahmoud is going haywire!
55.3  Moore to Mahmoud, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
55.4  Moore to Mahmoud, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
55.5  Moore to Mahmoud, no run, Left alone by Anwar Mahmoud
55.6  Moore to Mahmoud, no run, Anwar Mahmoud was completely deceived

         End of over 56  (4 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        147/2 (lead 59)
         Steffan Moore        15.0-3-41-0
         Anwar Mahmoud        28(65b 5X4)
         Hafiz Ahmadi         24(51b 5X4)   

56.1  Russell to Ahmadi, no run, Hafiz Ahmadi playing forward defensive
56.2  Russell to Ahmadi, one run, One more to the total
56.3  Russell to Mahmoud, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
56.4  Russell to Mahmoud, no run, Left alone by Anwar Mahmoud
56.5  Russell to Mahmoud, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
56.6  Russell to Mahmoud, no run, Left alone by Anwar Mahmoud

         End of over 57  (1 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        148/2 (lead 60)
         Ben Russell          18.0-5-35-1
         Anwar Mahmoud        28(69b 5X4)
         Hafiz Ahmadi         25(53b 5X4)   

57.1  Moore to Ahmadi, FOUR, What a blunder by Owain Norton. He gave away 4 runs with that misfield
57.2  Moore to Ahmadi, FOUR, What a blunder by Kai Friend. He gave away 4 runs with that misfield
57.3  Moore to Ahmadi, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
57.4  Moore to Ahmadi, no run, Hafiz Ahmadi playing forward defensive
57.5  Moore to Ahmadi, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
57.6  Moore to Ahmadi, no run, Hafiz Ahmadi playing forward defensive

         End of over 58  (8 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        156/2 (lead 68)
         Steffan Moore        16.0-3-49-0
         Hafiz Ahmadi         33(59b 7X4)
         Anwar Mahmoud        28(69b 5X4)   

58.1  Walker to Mahmoud, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
58.2  Walker to Mahmoud, one run, Great cooperation between Anwar Mahmoud and Hafiz Ahmadi       
58.3  Walker to Ahmadi, no run, Hafiz Ahmadi was completely deceived
58.4  Walker to Ahmadi, no run, Hafiz Ahmadi playing forward defensive
58.5  Walker to Ahmadi, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
58.6  Walker to Ahmadi, one run, Great cooperation between Hafiz Ahmadi and Anwar Mahmoud       

         End of over 59  (2 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        158/2 (lead 70)
         Marnws Walker        8.0-0-25-0
         Anwar Mahmoud        29(71b 5X4)
         Hafiz Ahmadi         34(63b 7X4)   

59.1  Moore to Ahmadi, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
59.2  Moore to Ahmadi, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
59.3  Moore to Ahmadi, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
59.4  Moore to Ahmadi, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
59.5  Moore to Ahmadi, OUT, Thats plumb in front of the wicket

         Hafiz Ahmadi           34 (68b 7X4)
         lbw            b. Moore       

59.6  Moore to Ahmad, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman

         End of over 60  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        158/3 (lead 70)
         Steffan Moore        17.0-3-49-1
         Muhammad Ahmad        0(1b)
         Anwar Mahmoud        29(71b 5X4)   

60.1  Russell to Mahmoud, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
60.2  Russell to Mahmoud, no run, Left alone by Anwar Mahmoud
60.3  Russell to Mahmoud, no run, Left alone by Anwar Mahmoud
60.4  Russell to Mahmoud, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
60.5  Russell to Mahmoud, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
60.6  Russell to Mahmoud, no run, Anwar Mahmoud was completely deceived

         End of over 61  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        158/3 (lead 70)
         Ben Russell          19.0-5-35-1
         Anwar Mahmoud        29(77b 5X4)
         Muhammad Ahmad        0(1b)   

61.1  Moore to Ahmad, no run, Left alone by Muhammad Ahmad
61.2  Moore to Ahmad, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
61.3  Moore to Ahmad, no run, Defensively played by Muhammad Ahmad
61.4  Moore to Ahmad, no run, Muhammad Ahmad was completely deceived
61.5  Moore to Ahmad, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
61.6  Moore to Ahmad, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     

         End of over 62  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        158/3 (lead 70)
         Steffan Moore        18.0-4-49-1
         Muhammad Ahmad        0(7b)
         Anwar Mahmoud        29(77b 5X4)   

62.1  Mullin to Mahmoud, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
62.2  Mullin to Mahmoud, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     
62.3  Mullin to Mahmoud, FOUR, Brilliant cover drive by Anwar Mahmoud       
62.4  Mullin to Mahmoud, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
62.5  Mullin to Mahmoud, no run, Left alone by Anwar Mahmoud
62.6  Mullin to Mahmoud, no run, Anwar Mahmoud playing forward defensive

         End of over 63  (4 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        162/3 (lead 74)
         Peter Mullin         15.0-6-30-1
         Anwar Mahmoud        33(83b 6X4)
         Muhammad Ahmad        0(7b)   

63.1  Walker to Ahmad, no run, Defensively played by Muhammad Ahmad
63.2  Walker to Ahmad, no ball , no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
63.2  Walker to Ahmad, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
63.3  Walker to Ahmad, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     
63.4  Walker to Ahmad, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
63.5  Walker to Ahmad, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
63.6  Walker to Ahmad, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down

         End of over 64  (1 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        163/3 (lead 75)
         Marnws Walker        9.0-0-26-0
         Muhammad Ahmad        0(13b)
         Anwar Mahmoud        33(83b 6X4)   

64.1  Moore to Mahmoud, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
64.2  Moore to Mahmoud, no run, Anwar Mahmoud was completely deceived
64.3  Moore to Mahmoud, no run, Anwar Mahmoud was completely deceived
64.4  Moore to Mahmoud, FOUR, Anwar Mahmoud is one of the best batsmen in the world
64.5  Moore to Mahmoud, no run, Anwar Mahmoud was completely deceived
64.6  Moore to Mahmoud, no run, Defensively played by Anwar Mahmoud

         End of over 65  (4 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        167/3 (lead 79)
         Steffan Moore        19.0-5-53-1
         Anwar Mahmoud        37(89b 7X4)
         Muhammad Ahmad        0(13b)   

65.1  Russell to Ahmad, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
65.2  Russell to Ahmad, no run, Muhammad Ahmad was completely deceived
65.3  Russell to Ahmad, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
65.4  Russell to Ahmad, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
65.5  Russell to Ahmad, no run, Left alone by Muhammad Ahmad
65.6  Russell to Ahmad, no run, Muhammad Ahmad was completely deceived

         End of over 66  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        167/3 (lead 79)
         Ben Russell          20.0-6-35-1
         Muhammad Ahmad        0(19b)
         Anwar Mahmoud        37(89b 7X4)   

66.1  Mullin to Mahmoud, no run, Left alone by Anwar Mahmoud
66.2  Mullin to Mahmoud, FOUR, Brilliant cover drive by Anwar Mahmoud       
66.3  Mullin to Mahmoud, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
66.4  Mullin to Mahmoud, no run, Left alone by Anwar Mahmoud
66.5  Mullin to Mahmoud, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
66.6  Mullin to Mahmoud, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman

         End of over 67  (4 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        171/3 (lead 83)
         Peter Mullin         16.0-6-34-1
         Anwar Mahmoud        41(95b 8X4)
         Muhammad Ahmad        0(19b)   

67.1  Russell to Ahmad, no run, Defensively played by Muhammad Ahmad
67.2  Russell to Ahmad, no run, Left alone by Muhammad Ahmad
67.3  Russell to Ahmad, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
67.4  Russell to Ahmad, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
67.5  Russell to Ahmad, no run, Left alone by Muhammad Ahmad
67.6  Russell to Ahmad, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat

         End of over 68  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        171/3 (lead 83)
         Ben Russell          21.0-7-35-1
         Muhammad Ahmad        0(25b)
         Anwar Mahmoud        41(95b 8X4)   

68.1  Mullin to Mahmoud, one run, The misfield by Connor Rees allows yet another run
68.2  Mullin to Ahmad, OUT, That didnt look so convincing but the umpire gives it out LBW

         Muhammad Ahmad         0 (26b)
         lbw            b. Mullin     

68.3  Mullin to Gurbaaj, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
68.4  Mullin to Gurbaaj, no run, Left alone by Asratullah Gurbaaj
68.5  Mullin to Gurbaaj, FOUR, Brilliant cover drive by Asratullah Gurbaaj 
68.6  Mullin to Gurbaaj, no run, Asratullah Gurbaaj playing forward defensive

         End of over 69  (5 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        176/4 (lead 88)
         Peter Mullin         17.0-6-39-2
         Asratullah Gurbaaj    4(4b 1X4)
         Anwar Mahmoud        42(96b 8X4)   

69.1  Moore to Mahmoud, no run, Anwar Mahmoud was completely deceived
69.2  Moore to Mahmoud, no run, Defensively played by Anwar Mahmoud
69.3  Moore to Mahmoud, one run, That is very well run by Asratullah Gurbaaj 
69.4  Moore to Gurbaaj, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
69.5  Moore to Gurbaaj, one run, That is very well run by Anwar Mahmoud       
69.6  Moore to Mahmoud, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     

         End of over 70  (2 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        178/4 (lead 90)
         Steffan Moore        20.0-5-55-1
         Anwar Mahmoud        43(100b 8X4)
         Asratullah Gurbaaj    5(6b 1X4)   

70.1  Mullin to Gurbaaj, no run, Left alone by Asratullah Gurbaaj
70.2  Mullin to Gurbaaj, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
70.3  Mullin to Gurbaaj, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
70.4  Mullin to Gurbaaj, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
70.5  Mullin to Gurbaaj, no run, Defensively played by Asratullah Gurbaaj
70.6  Mullin to Gurbaaj, no run, Asratullah Gurbaaj playing forward defensive

         End of over 71  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        178/4 (lead 90)
         Peter Mullin         18.0-6-39-2
         Asratullah Gurbaaj    5(12b 1X4)
         Anwar Mahmoud        43(100b 8X4)   

71.1  Walker to Mahmoud, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
71.2  Walker to Mahmoud, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
71.3  Walker to Mahmoud, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
71.4  Walker to Mahmoud, no run, Anwar Mahmoud playing forward defensive
71.5  Walker to Mahmoud, no run, Left alone by Anwar Mahmoud
71.6  Walker to Mahmoud, no run, Defensively played by Anwar Mahmoud

         End of over 72  (0 runs)

         LUNCH: DAY 4 of 0
         Time: 12:05 PM
         PALESTINE XI        178/4 (lead 90)
         Marnws Walker        10.0-0-26-0
         Anwar Mahmoud        43(106b 8X4)
         Asratullah Gurbaaj    5(12b 1X4)   

72.1  Moore to Gurbaaj, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
72.2  Moore to Gurbaaj, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
72.3  Moore to Gurbaaj, no run, Defensively played by Asratullah Gurbaaj
72.4  Moore to Gurbaaj, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
72.5  Moore to Gurbaaj, no run, Left alone by Asratullah Gurbaaj
72.6  Moore to Gurbaaj, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman

         End of over 73  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        178/4 (lead 90)
         Steffan Moore        21.0-5-55-1
         Asratullah Gurbaaj    5(18b 1X4)
         Anwar Mahmoud        43(106b 8X4)   

73.1  Russell to Mahmoud, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     
73.2  Russell to Mahmoud, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
73.3  Russell to Mahmoud, no run, Anwar Mahmoud was completely deceived
73.4  Russell to Mahmoud, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
73.5  Russell to Mahmoud, no run, Anwar Mahmoud playing forward defensive
73.6  Russell to Mahmoud, one run, He was lucky. Almost got run out by Owain Norton

         End of over 74  (1 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        179/4 (lead 91)
         Ben Russell          22.0-8-36-1
         Asratullah Gurbaaj    5(18b 1X4)
         Anwar Mahmoud        44(112b 8X4)   

74.1  Walker to Mahmoud, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
74.2  Walker to Mahmoud, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
74.3  Walker to Mahmoud, one run, One more to the total
74.4  Walker to Gurbaaj, no run, Left alone by Asratullah Gurbaaj
74.5  Walker to Gurbaaj, no run, Left alone by Asratullah Gurbaaj
74.6  Walker to Gurbaaj, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat

         End of over 75  (1 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        180/4 (lead 92)
         Marnws Walker        11.0-1-27-0
         Asratullah Gurbaaj    5(21b 1X4)
         Anwar Mahmoud        45(115b 8X4)   

75.1  Russell to Mahmoud, no run, Anwar Mahmoud was completely deceived
75.2  Russell to Mahmoud, no run, Left alone by Anwar Mahmoud
75.3  Russell to Mahmoud, no run, Left alone by Anwar Mahmoud
75.4  Russell to Mahmoud, no ball , no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
75.4  Russell to Mahmoud, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
75.5  Russell to Mahmoud, no run, Left alone by Anwar Mahmoud
75.6  Russell to Mahmoud, no ball , FOUR, Who needs Bradman when weve got Anwar Mahmoud       
75.6  Russell to Mahmoud, FOUR, Who needs Bradman when weve got Anwar Mahmoud       

         End of over 76  (6 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        186/4 (lead 98)
         Ben Russell          23.0-8-42-1
         Anwar Mahmoud        49(121b 9X4)
         Asratullah Gurbaaj    5(21b 1X4)   

76.1  Mullin to Gurbaaj, no run, Asratullah Gurbaaj playing forward defensive
76.2  Mullin to Gurbaaj, no run, Left alone by Asratullah Gurbaaj
76.3  Mullin to Gurbaaj, no run, Left alone by Asratullah Gurbaaj
76.4  Mullin to Gurbaaj, no run, Asratullah Gurbaaj was completely deceived
76.5  Mullin to Gurbaaj, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     
76.6  Mullin to Gurbaaj, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat

         End of over 77  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        186/4 (lead 98)
         Peter Mullin         19.0-7-39-2
         Asratullah Gurbaaj    5(27b 1X4)
         Anwar Mahmoud        49(121b 9X4)   

77.1  Moore to Mahmoud, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
77.2  Moore to Mahmoud, no run, Left alone by Anwar Mahmoud
77.3  Moore to Mahmoud, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
77.4  Moore to Mahmoud, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
77.5  Moore to Mahmoud, no run, Left alone by Anwar Mahmoud
77.6  Moore to Mahmoud, FOUR, Anwar Mahmoud is going haywire!

         End of over 78  (4 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        190/4 (lead 102)
         Steffan Moore        22.0-6-59-1
         Anwar Mahmoud        53(127b 10X4)
         Asratullah Gurbaaj    5(27b 1X4)   

78.1  Mullin to Gurbaaj, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
78.2  Mullin to Gurbaaj, FOUR, Brilliant cover drive by Asratullah Gurbaaj 
78.3  Mullin to Gurbaaj, no run, Asratullah Gurbaaj playing forward defensive
78.4  Mullin to Gurbaaj, no run, Asratullah Gurbaaj was completely deceived
78.5  Mullin to Gurbaaj, no run, Asratullah Gurbaaj playing forward defensive
78.6  Mullin to Gurbaaj, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced

         End of over 79  (4 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        194/4 (lead 106)
         Peter Mullin         20.0-8-43-2
         Asratullah Gurbaaj    9(33b 2X4)
         Anwar Mahmoud        53(127b 10X4)   

79.1  Moore to Mahmoud, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
79.2  Moore to Mahmoud, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
79.3  Moore to Mahmoud, no run, Left alone by Anwar Mahmoud
79.4  Moore to Mahmoud, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     
79.5  Moore to Mahmoud, FOUR, Who needs Bradman when weve got Anwar Mahmoud       
79.6  Moore to Mahmoud, no run, Anwar Mahmoud playing forward defensive

         End of over 80  (4 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        198/4 (lead 110)
         Steffan Moore        23.0-6-63-1
         Anwar Mahmoud        57(133b 11X4)
         Asratullah Gurbaaj    9(33b 2X4)   

80.1  Walker to Gurbaaj, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
80.2  Walker to Gurbaaj, no run, Asratullah Gurbaaj playing forward defensive
80.3  Walker to Gurbaaj, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
80.4  Walker to Gurbaaj, no run, Defensively played by Asratullah Gurbaaj
80.5  Walker to Gurbaaj, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
80.6  Walker to Gurbaaj, one run, He was lucky. Almost got run out by Charlie Nicholls

         End of over 81  (1 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        199/4 (lead 111)
         Marnws Walker        12.0-1-28-0
         Anwar Mahmoud        57(133b 11X4)
         Asratullah Gurbaaj   10(39b 2X4)   

81.1  Moore to Gurbaaj, one run, Great cooperation between Asratullah Gurbaaj and Anwar Mahmoud       
81.2  Moore to Mahmoud, no run, Anwar Mahmoud was completely deceived
81.3  Moore to Mahmoud, FOUR, Anwar Mahmoud is going haywire!
81.4  Moore to Mahmoud, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
81.5  Moore to Mahmoud, no run, Anwar Mahmoud was completely deceived
81.6  Moore to Mahmoud, three runs, They could have actually gone for the fourth

         End of over 82  (8 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        207/4 (lead 119)
         Steffan Moore        24.0-6-71-1
         Asratullah Gurbaaj   11(40b 2X4)
         Anwar Mahmoud        64(138b 12X4)   

82.1  Mullin to Mahmoud, no run, Anwar Mahmoud playing forward defensive
82.2  Mullin to Mahmoud, no run, Defensively played by Anwar Mahmoud
82.3  Mullin to Mahmoud, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
82.4  Mullin to Mahmoud, no run, Anwar Mahmoud playing forward defensive
82.5  Mullin to Mahmoud, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     
82.6  Mullin to Mahmoud, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down

         End of over 83  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        207/4 (lead 119)
         Peter Mullin         21.0-8-43-2
         Anwar Mahmoud        64(144b 12X4)
         Asratullah Gurbaaj   11(40b 2X4)   

83.1  Walker to Gurbaaj, no run, Asratullah Gurbaaj playing forward defensive
83.2  Walker to Gurbaaj, no run, Asratullah Gurbaaj was completely deceived
83.3  Walker to Gurbaaj, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
83.4  Walker to Gurbaaj, FOUR, What a blunder by Kai Friend. He gave away 4 runs with that misfield
83.5  Walker to Gurbaaj, FOUR, What a blunder by Gareth Herring. He gave away 4 runs with that misfield
83.6  Walker to Gurbaaj, no run, Defensively played by Asratullah Gurbaaj

         End of over 84  (8 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        215/4 (lead 127)
         Marnws Walker        13.0-1-36-0
         Asratullah Gurbaaj   19(46b 4X4)
         Anwar Mahmoud        64(144b 12X4)   

84.1  Russell to Mahmoud, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
84.2  Russell to Mahmoud, FOUR, Anwar Mahmoud is one of the best batsmen in the world
84.3  Russell to Mahmoud, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
84.4  Russell to Mahmoud, no run, Left alone by Anwar Mahmoud
84.5  Russell to Mahmoud, one run, The misfield by Owain Norton allows yet another run
84.6  Russell to Gurbaaj, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down

         End of over 85  (5 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        220/4 (lead 132)
         Ben Russell          24.0-8-47-1
         Asratullah Gurbaaj   19(47b 4X4)
         Anwar Mahmoud        69(149b 13X4)   

85.1  Norton to Mahmoud, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
85.2  Norton to Mahmoud, no run, Left alone by Anwar Mahmoud
85.3  Norton to Mahmoud, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
85.4  Norton to Mahmoud, no run, Defensively played by Anwar Mahmoud
85.5  Norton to Mahmoud, one run, The misfield by Charlie Nicholls allows yet another run
85.6  Norton to Gurbaaj, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman

         End of over 86  (1 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        221/4 (lead 133)
         Owain Norton         4.0-1-10-0
         Asratullah Gurbaaj   19(48b 4X4)
         Anwar Mahmoud        70(154b 13X4)   

86.1  Mullin to Mahmoud, no run, Anwar Mahmoud was completely deceived
86.2  Mullin to Mahmoud, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
86.3  Mullin to Mahmoud, no run, Defensively played by Anwar Mahmoud
86.4  Mullin to Mahmoud, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     
86.5  Mullin to Mahmoud, FOUR, Anwar Mahmoud is going haywire!
86.6  Mullin to Mahmoud, no run, Defensively played by Anwar Mahmoud

         End of over 87  (4 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        225/4 (lead 137)
         Peter Mullin         22.0-9-47-2
         Anwar Mahmoud        74(160b 14X4)
         Asratullah Gurbaaj   19(48b 4X4)   

87.1  Moore to Gurbaaj, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     
87.2  Moore to Gurbaaj, no run, Defensively played by Asratullah Gurbaaj
87.3  Moore to Gurbaaj, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
87.4  Moore to Gurbaaj, no run, Asratullah Gurbaaj playing forward defensive
87.5  Moore to Gurbaaj, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
87.6  Moore to Gurbaaj, no run, Asratullah Gurbaaj was completely deceived

         End of over 88  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        225/4 (lead 137)
         Steffan Moore        25.0-6-71-1
         Asratullah Gurbaaj   19(54b 4X4)
         Anwar Mahmoud        74(160b 14X4)   

88.1  Mullin to Mahmoud, one run, He was lucky. Almost got run out by Peter Mullin
88.2  Mullin to Gurbaaj, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
88.3  Mullin to Gurbaaj, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
88.4  Mullin to Gurbaaj, no run, Asratullah Gurbaaj was completely deceived
88.5  Mullin to Gurbaaj, no run, Asratullah Gurbaaj was completely deceived
88.6  Mullin to Gurbaaj, FOUR, Peter Mullin is quite unfortunate to be hit after bowling a good one

         End of over 89  (5 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        230/4 (lead 142)
         Peter Mullin         23.0-9-52-2
         Asratullah Gurbaaj   23(59b 5X4)
         Anwar Mahmoud        75(161b 14X4)   

89.1  Russell to Mahmoud, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
89.2  Russell to Mahmoud, no run, Defensively played by Anwar Mahmoud
89.3  Russell to Mahmoud, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
89.4  Russell to Mahmoud, no run, Left alone by Anwar Mahmoud
89.5  Russell to Mahmoud, one run, Great cooperation between Anwar Mahmoud and Asratullah Gurbaaj 
89.6  Russell to Gurbaaj, no run, Left alone by Asratullah Gurbaaj

         End of over 90  (1 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        231/4 (lead 143)
         Ben Russell          25.0-8-48-1
         Asratullah Gurbaaj   23(60b 5X4)
         Anwar Mahmoud        76(166b 14X4)   

90.1  Moore to Mahmoud, no run, Anwar Mahmoud was completely deceived
90.2  Moore to Mahmoud, OUT, Peter Mullin takes an easy catch to dismiss Anwar Mahmoud

         Anwar Mahmoud          76 (168b 14X4)
         c. Mullin      b. Moore       

90.3  Moore to Jeremiah, no run, Jesus Jeremiah was completely deceived
90.4  Moore to Jeremiah, no run, Defensively played by Jesus Jeremiah
90.5  Moore to Jeremiah, no run, Jesus Jeremiah was completely deceived
90.6  Moore to Jeremiah, no run, Left alone by Jesus Jeremiah

         End of over 91  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        231/5 (lead 143)
         Steffan Moore        26.0-7-71-2
         Jesus Jeremiah        0(4b)
         Asratullah Gurbaaj   23(60b 5X4)   

91.1  Walker to Gurbaaj, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
91.2  Walker to Gurbaaj, no run, Asratullah Gurbaaj playing forward defensive
91.3  Walker to Gurbaaj, no run, Asratullah Gurbaaj was completely deceived
91.4  Walker to Gurbaaj, one run, He was lucky. Almost got run out by Gareth Herring
91.5  Walker to Jeremiah, no run, Jesus Jeremiah was completely deceived
91.6  Walker to Jeremiah, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat

         End of over 92  (1 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        232/5 (lead 144)
         Marnws Walker        14.0-1-37-0
         Jesus Jeremiah        0(6b)
         Asratullah Gurbaaj   24(64b 5X4)   

92.1  Moore to Gurbaaj, no run, Left alone by Asratullah Gurbaaj
92.2  Moore to Gurbaaj, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
92.3  Moore to Gurbaaj, one run, He was lucky. Almost got run out by Ben Russell
92.4  Moore to Jeremiah, no run, Left alone by Jesus Jeremiah
92.5  Moore to Jeremiah, no run, Left alone by Jesus Jeremiah
92.6  Moore to Jeremiah, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     

         End of over 93  (1 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        233/5 (lead 145)
         Steffan Moore        27.0-8-72-2
         Jesus Jeremiah        0(9b)
         Asratullah Gurbaaj   25(67b 5X4)   

93.1  Mullin to Gurbaaj, no run, Asratullah Gurbaaj playing forward defensive
93.2  Mullin to Gurbaaj, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
93.3  Mullin to Gurbaaj, no ball , no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
93.3  Mullin to Gurbaaj, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
93.4  Mullin to Gurbaaj, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
93.5  Mullin to Gurbaaj, no run, Defensively played by Asratullah Gurbaaj
93.6  Mullin to Gurbaaj, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     

         End of over 94  (1 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        234/5 (lead 146)
         Peter Mullin         24.0-9-53-2
         Asratullah Gurbaaj   25(73b 5X4)
         Jesus Jeremiah        0(9b)   

94.1  Moore to Jeremiah, no run, Left alone by Jesus Jeremiah
94.2  Moore to Jeremiah, no run, Defensively played by Jesus Jeremiah
94.3  Moore to Jeremiah, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
94.4  Moore to Jeremiah, one run, Great cooperation between Jesus Jeremiah and Asratullah Gurbaaj 
94.5  Moore to Gurbaaj, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
94.6  Moore to Gurbaaj, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down

         End of over 95  (1 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        235/5 (lead 147)
         Steffan Moore        28.0-8-73-2
         Asratullah Gurbaaj   25(75b 5X4)
         Jesus Jeremiah        1(13b)   

95.1  Mullin to Jeremiah, FOUR, What a blunder by Kai Friend. He gave away 4 runs with that misfield
95.2  Mullin to Jeremiah, no run, Jesus Jeremiah playing forward defensive
95.3  Mullin to Jeremiah, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
95.4  Mullin to Jeremiah, no run, Defensively played by Jesus Jeremiah
95.5  Mullin to Jeremiah, no run, Defensively played by Jesus Jeremiah
95.6  Mullin to Jeremiah, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman

         End of over 96  (4 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        239/5 (lead 151)
         Peter Mullin         25.0-9-57-2
         Jesus Jeremiah        5(19b 1X4)
         Asratullah Gurbaaj   25(75b 5X4)   

96.1  Russell to Gurbaaj, no run, Defensively played by Asratullah Gurbaaj
96.2  Russell to Gurbaaj, FOUR, Asratullah Gurbaaj is going haywire!
96.3  Russell to Gurbaaj, no run, Asratullah Gurbaaj playing forward defensive
96.4  Russell to Gurbaaj, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
96.5  Russell to Gurbaaj, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     
96.6  Russell to Gurbaaj, no run, Asratullah Gurbaaj was completely deceived

         End of over 97  (4 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        243/5 (lead 155)
         Ben Russell          26.0-8-52-1
         Asratullah Gurbaaj   29(81b 6X4)
         Jesus Jeremiah        5(19b 1X4)   

97.1  Mullin to Jeremiah, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
97.2  Mullin to Jeremiah, no run, Jesus Jeremiah playing forward defensive
97.3  Mullin to Jeremiah, three runs, Excellent running 3 more
97.4  Mullin to Gurbaaj, no run, Defensively played by Asratullah Gurbaaj
97.5  Mullin to Gurbaaj, no run, Defensively played by Asratullah Gurbaaj
97.6  Mullin to Gurbaaj, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat

         End of over 98  (3 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        246/5 (lead 158)
         Peter Mullin         26.0-9-60-2
         Asratullah Gurbaaj   29(84b 6X4)
         Jesus Jeremiah        8(22b 1X4)   

98.1  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, Left alone by Jesus Jeremiah
98.2  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, Defensively played by Jesus Jeremiah
98.3  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, Jesus Jeremiah playing forward defensive
98.4  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, Left alone by Jesus Jeremiah
98.5  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, Left alone by Jesus Jeremiah
98.6  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman

         End of over 99  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        246/5 (lead 158)
         Ben Russell          27.0-8-52-1
         Jesus Jeremiah        8(28b 1X4)
         Asratullah Gurbaaj   29(84b 6X4)   

99.1  Moore to Gurbaaj, no run, Asratullah Gurbaaj playing forward defensive
99.2  Moore to Gurbaaj, no run, Asratullah Gurbaaj was completely deceived
99.3  Moore to Gurbaaj, no run, Defensively played by Asratullah Gurbaaj
99.4  Moore to Gurbaaj, no run, Defensively played by Asratullah Gurbaaj
99.5  Moore to Gurbaaj, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
99.6  Moore to Gurbaaj, no run, Defensively played by Asratullah Gurbaaj

         End of over 100  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        246/5 (lead 158)
         Steffan Moore        29.0-8-73-2
         Asratullah Gurbaaj   29(90b 6X4)
         Jesus Jeremiah        8(28b 1X4)   

100.1  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, Jesus Jeremiah playing forward defensive
100.2  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
100.3  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
100.4  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
100.5  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, Left alone by Jesus Jeremiah
100.6  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, Jesus Jeremiah was completely deceived

         End of over 101  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        246/5 (lead 158)
         Ben Russell          28.0-9-52-1
         Jesus Jeremiah        8(34b 1X4)
         Asratullah Gurbaaj   29(90b 6X4)   

101.1  Moore to Gurbaaj, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
101.2  Moore to Gurbaaj, no run, Left alone by Asratullah Gurbaaj
101.3  Moore to Gurbaaj, FOUR, Asratullah Gurbaaj is going haywire!
101.4  Moore to Gurbaaj, no run, Defensively played by Asratullah Gurbaaj
101.5  Moore to Gurbaaj, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
101.6  Moore to Gurbaaj, no run, Asratullah Gurbaaj playing forward defensive

         End of over 102  (4 runs)

         TEA: DAY 4 of 0
         Time: 2:35 PM
         PALESTINE XI        250/5 (lead 162)
         Steffan Moore        30.0-9-77-2
         Asratullah Gurbaaj   33(96b 7X4)
         Jesus Jeremiah        8(34b 1X4)   

102.1  Russell to Jeremiah, 1 bye, That ball spun too much for Gareth Herring to stop
102.2  Russell to Gurbaaj, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
102.3  Russell to Gurbaaj, legbye, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
102.4  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
102.5  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
102.6  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, Jesus Jeremiah playing forward defensive

         End of over 103  (2 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        252/5 (lead 164)
         Ben Russell          29.0-10-52-1
         Jesus Jeremiah        8(38b 1X4)
         Asratullah Gurbaaj   33(98b 7X4)   

103.1  Mullin to Gurbaaj, 4 byes, That ball bounced too much. Gareth Herring didnt have a chance
103.2  Mullin to Gurbaaj, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
103.3  Mullin to Gurbaaj, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
103.4  Mullin to Gurbaaj, no run, Asratullah Gurbaaj playing forward defensive
103.5  Mullin to Gurbaaj, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
103.6  Mullin to Gurbaaj, no run, Asratullah Gurbaaj was completely deceived

         End of over 104  (4 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        256/5 (lead 168)
         Peter Mullin         27.0-9-60-2
         Asratullah Gurbaaj   33(104b 7X4)
         Jesus Jeremiah        8(38b 1X4)   

104.1  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, Left alone by Jesus Jeremiah
104.2  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
104.3  Russell to Jeremiah, FOUR, What a blunder by Ben Russell. He gave away 4 runs with that misfield
104.4  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, Jesus Jeremiah was completely deceived
104.5  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, Jesus Jeremiah was completely deceived
104.6  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     

         End of over 105  (4 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        260/5 (lead 172)
         Ben Russell          30.0-10-56-1
         Jesus Jeremiah       12(44b 2X4)
         Asratullah Gurbaaj   33(104b 7X4)   

105.1  Moore to Gurbaaj, no run, Left alone by Asratullah Gurbaaj
105.2  Moore to Gurbaaj, no run, Asratullah Gurbaaj playing forward defensive
105.3  Moore to Gurbaaj, no run, Defensively played by Asratullah Gurbaaj
105.4  Moore to Gurbaaj, no run, Asratullah Gurbaaj playing forward defensive
105.5  Moore to Gurbaaj, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
105.6  Moore to Gurbaaj, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced

         End of over 106  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        260/5 (lead 172)
         Steffan Moore        31.0-9-77-2
         Asratullah Gurbaaj   33(110b 7X4)
         Jesus Jeremiah       12(44b 2X4)   

106.1  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
106.2  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, Jesus Jeremiah was completely deceived
106.3  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, Jesus Jeremiah was completely deceived
106.4  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, Jesus Jeremiah was completely deceived
106.5  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, Left alone by Jesus Jeremiah
106.6  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, Defensively played by Jesus Jeremiah

         End of over 107  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        260/5 (lead 172)
         Ben Russell          31.0-10-56-1
         Jesus Jeremiah       12(50b 2X4)
         Asratullah Gurbaaj   33(110b 7X4)   

107.1  Mullin to Gurbaaj, one run, That is very well run by Jesus Jeremiah     
107.2  Mullin to Jeremiah, no run, Defensively played by Jesus Jeremiah
107.3  Mullin to Jeremiah, no run, Jesus Jeremiah playing forward defensive
107.4  Mullin to Jeremiah, no run, Jesus Jeremiah was completely deceived
107.5  Mullin to Jeremiah, one run, The misfield by Dewi Hemp allows yet another run
107.6  Mullin to Gurbaaj, no run, Left alone by Asratullah Gurbaaj

         End of over 108  (2 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        262/5 (lead 174)
         Peter Mullin         28.0-9-62-2
         Asratullah Gurbaaj   34(112b 7X4)
         Jesus Jeremiah       13(54b 2X4)   

108.1  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, Defensively played by Jesus Jeremiah
108.2  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, Defensively played by Jesus Jeremiah
108.3  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, Left alone by Jesus Jeremiah
108.4  Russell to Jeremiah, one run, He was lucky. Almost got run out by Steffan Moore
108.5  Russell to Gurbaaj, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
108.6  Russell to Gurbaaj, OUT, That didnt look so convincing but the umpire gives it out LBW

         Asratullah Gurbaaj     34 (114b 7X4)
         lbw            b. Russell     

         End of over 109  (1 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        263/6 (lead 175)
         Ben Russell          32.0-11-57-2
         Nasser Wolowitz       0(0b)
         Jesus Jeremiah       14(58b 2X4)   

109.1  Moore to Jeremiah, no run, Jesus Jeremiah playing forward defensive
109.2  Moore to Jeremiah, FOUR, Brilliant cover drive by Jesus Jeremiah     
109.3  Moore to Jeremiah, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
109.4  Moore to Jeremiah, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
109.5  Moore to Jeremiah, no run, Jesus Jeremiah was completely deceived
109.6  Moore to Jeremiah, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman

         End of over 110  (4 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        267/6 (lead 179)
         Steffan Moore        32.0-10-81-2
         Jesus Jeremiah       18(64b 3X4)
         Nasser Wolowitz       0(0b)   

110.1  Mullin to Wolowitz, no run, Nasser Wolowitz playing forward defensive
110.2  Mullin to Wolowitz, no run, Nasser Wolowitz was completely deceived
110.3  Mullin to Wolowitz, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
110.4  Mullin to Wolowitz, no run, Left alone by Nasser Wolowitz
110.5  Mullin to Wolowitz, no run, Nasser Wolowitz playing forward defensive
110.6  Mullin to Wolowitz, no run, Nasser Wolowitz was completely deceived

         End of over 111  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        267/6 (lead 179)
         Peter Mullin         29.0-9-62-2
         Nasser Wolowitz       0(6b)
         Jesus Jeremiah       18(64b 3X4)   

111.1  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, Jesus Jeremiah playing forward defensive
111.2  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, Left alone by Jesus Jeremiah
111.3  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
111.4  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
111.5  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
111.6  Russell to Jeremiah, FOUR, What a blunder by Connor Rees. He gave away 4 runs with that misfield

         End of over 112  (4 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        271/6 (lead 183)
         Ben Russell          33.0-11-61-2
         Jesus Jeremiah       22(70b 4X4)
         Nasser Wolowitz       0(6b)   

112.1  Walker to Wolowitz, no run, Nasser Wolowitz playing forward defensive
112.2  Walker to Wolowitz, FOUR, Great shot, four straight over the bowler's head
112.3  Walker to Wolowitz, FOUR, What a blunder by Connor Rees. He gave away 4 runs with that misfield
112.4  Walker to Wolowitz, one run, One more to the total
112.5  Walker to Jeremiah, no run, Defensively played by Jesus Jeremiah
112.6  Walker to Jeremiah, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat

         End of over 113  (9 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        280/6 (lead 192)
         Marnws Walker        15.0-1-46-0
         Jesus Jeremiah       22(72b 4X4)
         Nasser Wolowitz       9(10b 2X4)   

113.1  Moore to Wolowitz, FOUR, Steffan Moore is quite unfortunate to be hit after bowling a good one
113.2  Moore to Wolowitz, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
113.3  Moore to Wolowitz, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
113.4  Moore to Wolowitz, FOUR, Steffan Moore is quite unfortunate to be hit after bowling a good one
113.5  Moore to Wolowitz, one run, One more to the total
113.6  Moore to Jeremiah, no ball , no run, Defensively played by Jesus Jeremiah
113.6  Moore to Jeremiah, no run, Defensively played by Jesus Jeremiah

         End of over 114  (10 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        290/6 (lead 202)
         Steffan Moore        33.0-10-91-2
         Jesus Jeremiah       22(73b 4X4)
         Nasser Wolowitz      18(15b 4X4)   

114.1  Walker to Wolowitz, one run, Dropped! Peter Mullin made a big mess of that simple chance
114.2  Walker to Jeremiah, no run, Jesus Jeremiah was completely deceived
114.3  Walker to Jeremiah, one run, The misfield by Charlie Nicholls allows yet another run
114.4  Walker to Wolowitz, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
114.5  Walker to Wolowitz, no run, Left alone by Nasser Wolowitz
114.6  Walker to Wolowitz, one run, The misfield by Ben Russell allows yet another run

         End of over 115  (3 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        293/6 (lead 205)
         Marnws Walker        16.0-1-49-0
         Jesus Jeremiah       23(75b 4X4)
         Nasser Wolowitz      20(19b 4X4)   

115.1  Russell to Wolowitz, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
115.2  Russell to Wolowitz, no run, Defensively played by Nasser Wolowitz
115.3  Russell to Wolowitz, no run, Nasser Wolowitz playing forward defensive
115.4  Russell to Wolowitz, no run, Nasser Wolowitz playing forward defensive
115.5  Russell to Wolowitz, one run, That is very well run by Jesus Jeremiah     
115.6  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced

         End of over 116  (1 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        294/6 (lead 206)
         Ben Russell          34.0-11-62-2
         Jesus Jeremiah       23(76b 4X4)
         Nasser Wolowitz      21(24b 4X4)   

116.1  Mullin to Wolowitz, wide, Peter Mullin bowling a very wayward one
116.1  Mullin to Wolowitz, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
116.2  Mullin to Wolowitz, no run, Defensively played by Nasser Wolowitz
116.3  Mullin to Wolowitz, OUT, What a brilliant catch by Connor Rees

         Nasser Wolowitz        21 (28b 4X4)
         c. Rees        b. Mullin     

116.4  Mullin to Al-Azzeh, no run, Left alone by Omar Al-Azzeh
116.5  Mullin to Al-Azzeh, no run, Defensively played by Omar Al-Azzeh
116.6  Mullin to Al-Azzeh, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman

         End of over 117  (1 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        295/7 (lead 207)
         Peter Mullin         30.0-10-63-3
         Omar Al-Azzeh         0(3b)
         Jesus Jeremiah       23(76b 4X4)   

117.1  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, Left alone by Jesus Jeremiah
117.2  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
117.3  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, Jesus Jeremiah was completely deceived
117.4  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, Jesus Jeremiah playing forward defensive
117.5  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
117.6  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down

         End of over 118  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        295/7 (lead 207)
         Ben Russell          35.0-11-62-2
         Jesus Jeremiah       23(82b 4X4)
         Omar Al-Azzeh         0(3b)   

118.1  Mullin to Al-Azzeh, no run, Omar Al-Azzeh playing forward defensive
118.2  Mullin to Al-Azzeh, FOUR, Peter Mullin is quite unfortunate to be hit after bowling a good one
118.3  Mullin to Al-Azzeh, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
118.4  Mullin to Al-Azzeh, no run, Omar Al-Azzeh playing forward defensive
118.5  Mullin to Al-Azzeh, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
118.6  Mullin to Al-Azzeh, FOUR, Peter Mullin is quite unfortunate to be hit after bowling a good one

         End of over 119  (8 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        303/7 (lead 215)
         Peter Mullin         31.0-10-71-3
         Omar Al-Azzeh         8(9b 2X4)
         Jesus Jeremiah       23(82b 4X4)   

119.1  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, Jesus Jeremiah playing forward defensive
119.2  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, Jesus Jeremiah was completely deceived
119.3  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, Jesus Jeremiah was completely deceived
119.4  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     
119.5  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
119.6  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down

         End of over 120  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        303/7 (lead 215)
         Ben Russell          36.0-12-62-2
         Jesus Jeremiah       23(88b 4X4)
         Omar Al-Azzeh         8(9b 2X4)   

120.1  Moore to Al-Azzeh, no run, Left alone by Omar Al-Azzeh
120.2  Moore to Al-Azzeh, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
120.3  Moore to Al-Azzeh, no run, Omar Al-Azzeh was completely deceived
120.4  Moore to Al-Azzeh, no run, Left alone by Omar Al-Azzeh
120.5  Moore to Al-Azzeh, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
120.6  Moore to Al-Azzeh, no run, Omar Al-Azzeh playing forward defensive

         End of over 121  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        303/7 (lead 215)
         Steffan Moore        34.0-10-91-2
         Omar Al-Azzeh         8(15b 2X4)
         Jesus Jeremiah       23(88b 4X4)   

121.1  Mullin to Jeremiah, no run, Jesus Jeremiah playing forward defensive
121.2  Mullin to Jeremiah, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     
121.3  Mullin to Jeremiah, no run, Left alone by Jesus Jeremiah
121.4  Mullin to Jeremiah, no run, Jesus Jeremiah was completely deceived
121.5  Mullin to Jeremiah, no run, Left alone by Jesus Jeremiah
121.6  Mullin to Jeremiah, no run, Defensively played by Jesus Jeremiah

         End of over 122  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        303/7 (lead 215)
         Peter Mullin         32.0-10-71-3
         Jesus Jeremiah       23(94b 4X4)
         Omar Al-Azzeh         8(15b 2X4)   

122.1  Moore to Al-Azzeh, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     
122.2  Moore to Al-Azzeh, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
122.3  Moore to Al-Azzeh, no run, Left alone by Omar Al-Azzeh
122.4  Moore to Al-Azzeh, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     
122.5  Moore to Al-Azzeh, FOUR, Omar Al-Azzeh is going haywire!
122.6  Moore to Al-Azzeh, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat

         End of over 123  (4 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        307/7 (lead 219)
         Steffan Moore        35.0-11-95-2
         Omar Al-Azzeh        12(21b 3X4)
         Jesus Jeremiah       23(94b 4X4)   

123.1  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, Jesus Jeremiah playing forward defensive
123.2  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, Left alone by Jesus Jeremiah
123.3  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
123.4  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
123.5  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, Left alone by Jesus Jeremiah
123.6  Russell to Jeremiah, FOUR, Great shot, four straight over the bowler's head

         End of over 124  (4 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        311/7 (lead 223)
         Ben Russell          37.0-13-66-2
         Jesus Jeremiah       27(100b 5X4)
         Omar Al-Azzeh        12(21b 3X4)   

124.1  Walker to Al-Azzeh, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
124.2  Walker to Al-Azzeh, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
124.3  Walker to Al-Azzeh, no run, Left alone by Omar Al-Azzeh
124.4  Walker to Al-Azzeh, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
124.5  Walker to Al-Azzeh, no run, Omar Al-Azzeh playing forward defensive
124.6  Walker to Al-Azzeh, one run, The misfield by Charlie Nicholls allows yet another run

         End of over 125  (1 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        312/7 (lead 224)
         Marnws Walker        17.0-1-50-0
         Jesus Jeremiah       27(100b 5X4)
         Omar Al-Azzeh        13(27b 3X4)   

125.1  Russell to Al-Azzeh, no run, Left alone by Omar Al-Azzeh
125.2  Russell to Al-Azzeh, no run, Left alone by Omar Al-Azzeh
125.3  Russell to Al-Azzeh, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
125.4  Russell to Al-Azzeh, FOUR, Ben Russell is quite unfortunate to be hit after bowling a good one
125.5  Russell to Al-Azzeh, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
125.6  Russell to Al-Azzeh, no run, Defensively played by Omar Al-Azzeh

         End of over 126  (4 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        316/7 (lead 228)
         Ben Russell          38.0-13-70-2
         Omar Al-Azzeh        17(33b 4X4)
         Jesus Jeremiah       27(100b 5X4)   

126.1  Moore to Jeremiah, one run, The misfield by Charlie Nicholls allows yet another run
126.2  Moore to Al-Azzeh, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     
126.3  Moore to Al-Azzeh, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
126.4  Moore to Al-Azzeh, no run, Omar Al-Azzeh was completely deceived
126.5  Moore to Al-Azzeh, FOUR, Brilliant cover drive by Omar Al-Azzeh       
126.6  Moore to Al-Azzeh, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down

         End of over 127  (5 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        321/7 (lead 233)
         Steffan Moore        36.0-11-100-2
         Omar Al-Azzeh        21(38b 5X4)
         Jesus Jeremiah       28(101b 5X4)   

127.1  Norton to Jeremiah, FOUR, Owain Norton is quite unfortunate to be hit after bowling a good one
127.2  Norton to Jeremiah, no run, Jesus Jeremiah was completely deceived
127.3  Norton to Jeremiah, no run, Defensively played by Jesus Jeremiah
127.4  Norton to Jeremiah, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
127.5  Norton to Jeremiah, FOUR, What a blunder by Kai Friend. He gave away 4 runs with that misfield
127.6  Norton to Jeremiah, FOUR, Great shot, four straight over the bowler's head

         End of over 128  (12 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        333/7 (lead 245)
         Owain Norton         5.0-1-22-0
         Jesus Jeremiah       40(107b 8X4)
         Omar Al-Azzeh        21(38b 5X4)   

128.1  Russell to Al-Azzeh, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
128.2  Russell to Al-Azzeh, no run, Omar Al-Azzeh playing forward defensive
128.3  Russell to Al-Azzeh, one run, The misfield by Alun Lockyer allows yet another run
128.4  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
128.5  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
128.6  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat

         End of over 129  (1 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        334/7 (lead 246)
         Ben Russell          39.0-13-71-2
         Jesus Jeremiah       40(110b 8X4)
         Omar Al-Azzeh        22(41b 5X4)   

129.1  Moore to Al-Azzeh, no run, Omar Al-Azzeh was completely deceived
129.2  Moore to Al-Azzeh, no run, Defensively played by Omar Al-Azzeh
129.3  Moore to Al-Azzeh, no run, Omar Al-Azzeh was completely deceived
129.4  Moore to Al-Azzeh, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
129.5  Moore to Al-Azzeh, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
129.6  Moore to Al-Azzeh, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down

         End of over 130  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        334/7 (lead 246)
         Steffan Moore        37.0-11-100-2
         Omar Al-Azzeh        22(47b 5X4)
         Jesus Jeremiah       40(110b 8X4)   

130.1  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, Defensively played by Jesus Jeremiah
130.2  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
130.3  Russell to Jeremiah, FOUR, Great shot, four straight over the bowler's head
130.4  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, Left alone by Jesus Jeremiah
130.5  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, Jesus Jeremiah was completely deceived
130.6  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down

         End of over 131  (4 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        338/7 (lead 250)
         Ben Russell          40.0-13-75-2
         Jesus Jeremiah       44(116b 9X4)
         Omar Al-Azzeh        22(47b 5X4)   

131.1  Moore to Al-Azzeh, one run, That is very well run by Jesus Jeremiah     
131.2  Moore to Jeremiah, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
131.3  Moore to Jeremiah, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
131.4  Moore to Jeremiah, no run, Jesus Jeremiah was completely deceived
131.5  Moore to Jeremiah, no run, Defensively played by Jesus Jeremiah
131.6  Moore to Jeremiah, no run, Left alone by Jesus Jeremiah

         End of over 132  (1 runs)

         END OF DAY 4
         Time: 5:01 PM
         PALESTINE XI        339/7 (lead 251)
         Steffan Moore        38.0-12-101-2
         Jesus Jeremiah       44(121b 9X4)
         Omar Al-Azzeh        23(48b 5X4)   

132.1  Russell to Al-Azzeh, no run, Left alone by Omar Al-Azzeh
132.2  Russell to Al-Azzeh, no run, Left alone by Omar Al-Azzeh
132.3  Russell to Al-Azzeh, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
132.4  Russell to Al-Azzeh, no run, Omar Al-Azzeh playing forward defensive
132.5  Russell to Al-Azzeh, FOUR, Ben Russell is quite unfortunate to be hit after bowling a good one
132.6  Russell to Al-Azzeh, no run, Omar Al-Azzeh was completely deceived

         End of over 133  (4 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        343/7 (lead 255)
         Ben Russell          41.0-13-79-2
         Omar Al-Azzeh        27(54b 6X4)
         Jesus Jeremiah       44(121b 9X4)   

133.1  Mullin to Jeremiah, no run, Left alone by Jesus Jeremiah
133.2  Mullin to Jeremiah, no run, Left alone by Jesus Jeremiah
133.3  Mullin to Jeremiah, legbye, Left alone by Jesus Jeremiah
133.4  Mullin to Al-Azzeh, no run, Omar Al-Azzeh playing forward defensive
133.5  Mullin to Al-Azzeh, no run, Omar Al-Azzeh playing forward defensive
133.6  Mullin to Al-Azzeh, no run, Omar Al-Azzeh playing forward defensive

         End of over 134  (1 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        344/7 (lead 256)
         Peter Mullin         33.0-11-71-3
         Omar Al-Azzeh        27(57b 6X4)
         Jesus Jeremiah       44(124b 9X4)   

134.1  Moore to Jeremiah, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
134.2  Moore to Jeremiah, no run, Left alone by Jesus Jeremiah
134.3  Moore to Jeremiah, three runs, They could have actually gone for the fourth
134.4  Moore to Al-Azzeh, no run, Defensively played by Omar Al-Azzeh
134.5  Moore to Al-Azzeh, no run, Omar Al-Azzeh was completely deceived
134.6  Moore to Al-Azzeh, no run, Defensively played by Omar Al-Azzeh

         End of over 135  (3 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        347/7 (lead 259)
         Steffan Moore        39.0-12-104-2
         Omar Al-Azzeh        27(60b 6X4)
         Jesus Jeremiah       47(127b 9X4)   

135.1  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
135.2  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
135.3  Russell to Jeremiah, no ball , no run, Left alone by Jesus Jeremiah
135.3  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, Left alone by Jesus Jeremiah
135.4  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, Jesus Jeremiah was completely deceived
135.5  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, Defensively played by Jesus Jeremiah
135.6  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman

         End of over 136  (1 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        348/7 (lead 260)
         Ben Russell          42.0-13-80-2
         Jesus Jeremiah       47(133b 9X4)
         Omar Al-Azzeh        27(60b 6X4)   

136.1  Moore to Al-Azzeh, one run, That is very well run by Jesus Jeremiah     
136.2  Moore to Jeremiah, no run, Left alone by Jesus Jeremiah
136.3  Moore to Jeremiah, one run, That is very well run by Omar Al-Azzeh       
136.4  Moore to Al-Azzeh, no run, Left alone by Omar Al-Azzeh
136.5  Moore to Al-Azzeh, no run, Omar Al-Azzeh playing forward defensive
136.6  Moore to Al-Azzeh, no run, Defensively played by Omar Al-Azzeh

         End of over 137  (2 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        350/7 (lead 262)
         Steffan Moore        40.0-12-106-2
         Omar Al-Azzeh        28(64b 6X4)
         Jesus Jeremiah       48(135b 9X4)   

137.1  Russell to Jeremiah, one run, The misfield by Owain Norton allows yet another run
137.2  Russell to Al-Azzeh, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
137.3  Russell to Al-Azzeh, one run, The misfield by Alun Lockyer allows yet another run
137.4  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
137.5  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
137.6  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced

         End of over 138  (2 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        352/7 (lead 264)
         Ben Russell          43.0-13-82-2
         Jesus Jeremiah       49(139b 9X4)
         Omar Al-Azzeh        29(66b 6X4)   

138.1  Walker to Al-Azzeh, no run, Omar Al-Azzeh playing forward defensive
138.2  Walker to Al-Azzeh, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
138.3  Walker to Al-Azzeh, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
138.4  Walker to Al-Azzeh, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
138.5  Walker to Al-Azzeh, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
138.6  Walker to Al-Azzeh, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down

         End of over 139  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        352/7 (lead 264)
         Marnws Walker        18.0-1-50-0
         Omar Al-Azzeh        29(72b 6X4)
         Jesus Jeremiah       49(139b 9X4)   

139.1  Russell to Jeremiah, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
139.2  Russell to Jeremiah, three runs, Excellent running 3 more
Fifty for Jesus Jeremiah     
139.3  Russell to Al-Azzeh, no run, Left alone by Omar Al-Azzeh
139.4  Russell to Al-Azzeh, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
139.5  Russell to Al-Azzeh, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
139.6  Russell to Al-Azzeh, no run, Omar Al-Azzeh was completely deceived

         End of over 140  (3 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        355/7 (lead 267)
         Ben Russell          44.0-13-85-2
         Omar Al-Azzeh        29(76b 6X4)
         Jesus Jeremiah       52(141b 9X4)   

140.1  Moore to Jeremiah, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
140.2  Moore to Jeremiah, no run, Left alone by Jesus Jeremiah
140.3  Moore to Jeremiah, one run, That is very well run by Omar Al-Azzeh       
140.4  Moore to Al-Azzeh, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
140.5  Moore to Al-Azzeh, no run, Left alone by Omar Al-Azzeh
140.6  Moore to Al-Azzeh, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     

         End of over 141  (1 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        356/7 (lead 268)
         Steffan Moore        41.0-12-107-2
         Omar Al-Azzeh        29(79b 6X4)
         Jesus Jeremiah       53(144b 9X4)   

141.1  Mullin to Jeremiah, no run, Defensively played by Jesus Jeremiah
141.2  Mullin to Jeremiah, no run, Left alone by Jesus Jeremiah
141.3  Mullin to Jeremiah, no run, Jesus Jeremiah playing forward defensive
141.4  Mullin to Jeremiah, no run, Left alone by Jesus Jeremiah
141.5  Mullin to Jeremiah, no run, Defensively played by Jesus Jeremiah
141.6  Mullin to Jeremiah, no run, Jesus Jeremiah was completely deceived

         End of over 142  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        356/7 (lead 268)
         Peter Mullin         34.0-11-71-3
         Jesus Jeremiah       53(150b 9X4)
         Omar Al-Azzeh        29(79b 6X4)   

142.1  Russell to Al-Azzeh, no run, Omar Al-Azzeh playing forward defensive
142.2  Russell to Al-Azzeh, no run, Omar Al-Azzeh playing forward defensive
142.3  Russell to Al-Azzeh, no run, Omar Al-Azzeh playing forward defensive
142.4  Russell to Al-Azzeh, no run, Omar Al-Azzeh playing forward defensive
142.5  Russell to Al-Azzeh, no run, Left alone by Omar Al-Azzeh
142.6  Russell to Al-Azzeh, no run, Defensively played by Omar Al-Azzeh

         End of over 143  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        356/7 (lead 268)
         Ben Russell          45.0-13-85-2
         Omar Al-Azzeh        29(85b 6X4)
         Jesus Jeremiah       53(150b 9X4)   

143.1  Walker to Jeremiah, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
143.2  Walker to Jeremiah, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
143.3  Walker to Jeremiah, no run, Left alone by Jesus Jeremiah
143.4  Walker to Jeremiah, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
143.5  Walker to Jeremiah, no run, Jesus Jeremiah was completely deceived
143.6  Walker to Jeremiah, no run, Left alone by Jesus Jeremiah

         End of over 144  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        356/7 (lead 268)
         Marnws Walker        19.0-2-50-0
         Jesus Jeremiah       53(156b 9X4)
         Omar Al-Azzeh        29(85b 6X4)   

144.1  Moore to Al-Azzeh, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
144.2  Moore to Al-Azzeh, no run, Left alone by Omar Al-Azzeh
144.3  Moore to Al-Azzeh, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
144.4  Moore to Al-Azzeh, no run, Defensively played by Omar Al-Azzeh
144.5  Moore to Al-Azzeh, legbye, Left alone by Omar Al-Azzeh
144.6  Moore to Jeremiah, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced

         End of over 145  (1 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        357/7 (lead 269)
         Steffan Moore        42.0-12-107-2
         Jesus Jeremiah       53(157b 9X4)
         Omar Al-Azzeh        29(90b 6X4)   

145.1  Russell to Al-Azzeh, no run, Omar Al-Azzeh playing forward defensive
145.2  Russell to Al-Azzeh, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
145.3  Russell to Al-Azzeh, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
145.4  Russell to Al-Azzeh, no run, Left alone by Omar Al-Azzeh
145.5  Russell to Al-Azzeh, no run, Left alone by Omar Al-Azzeh
145.6  Russell to Al-Azzeh, no run, Omar Al-Azzeh was completely deceived

         End of over 146  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        357/7 (lead 269)
         Ben Russell          46.0-14-85-2
         Omar Al-Azzeh        29(96b 6X4)
         Jesus Jeremiah       53(157b 9X4)   

146.1  Moore to Jeremiah, FOUR, Steffan Moore is quite unfortunate to be hit after bowling a good one
146.2  Moore to Jeremiah, no run, Defensively played by Jesus Jeremiah
146.3  Moore to Jeremiah, OUT, Marnws Walker takes an easy catch to dismiss Jesus Jeremiah

         Jesus Jeremiah         57 (160b 10X4)
         c. Walker      b. Moore       

146.4  Moore to Goregen, no run, Bilal Goregen playing forward defensive
146.5  Moore to Goregen, no run, Left alone by Bilal Goregen
146.6  Moore to Goregen, FOUR, Bilal Goregen is going haywire!

         End of over 147  (8 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        365/8 (lead 277)
         Steffan Moore        43.0-12-115-3
         Bilal Goregen         4(3b 1X4)
         Omar Al-Azzeh        29(96b 6X4)   

147.1  Mullin to Al-Azzeh, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
147.2  Mullin to Al-Azzeh, one run, That is very well run by Bilal Goregen       
147.3  Mullin to Goregen, no run, Left alone by Bilal Goregen
147.4  Mullin to Goregen, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
147.5  Mullin to Goregen, no run, Bilal Goregen playing forward defensive
147.6  Mullin to Goregen, no run, Left alone by Bilal Goregen

         End of over 148  (1 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        366/8 (lead 278)
         Peter Mullin         35.0-12-72-3
         Bilal Goregen         4(7b 1X4)
         Omar Al-Azzeh        30(98b 6X4)   

148.1  Moore to Al-Azzeh, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     
148.2  Moore to Al-Azzeh, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
148.3  Moore to Al-Azzeh, FOUR, Omar Al-Azzeh is going haywire!
148.4  Moore to Al-Azzeh, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
148.5  Moore to Al-Azzeh, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     
148.6  Moore to Al-Azzeh, legbye, Defensively played by Omar Al-Azzeh

         End of over 149  (5 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        371/8 (lead 283)
         Steffan Moore        44.0-12-119-3
         Bilal Goregen         4(7b 1X4)
         Omar Al-Azzeh        34(104b 7X4)   

149.1  Russell to Al-Azzeh, no run, Left alone by Omar Al-Azzeh
149.2  Russell to Al-Azzeh, no run, Defensively played by Omar Al-Azzeh
149.3  Russell to Al-Azzeh, no run, Left alone by Omar Al-Azzeh
149.4  Russell to Al-Azzeh, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
149.5  Russell to Al-Azzeh, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
149.6  Russell to Al-Azzeh, no run, Left alone by Omar Al-Azzeh

         End of over 150  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        371/8 (lead 283)
         Ben Russell          47.0-15-85-2
         Omar Al-Azzeh        34(110b 7X4)
         Bilal Goregen         4(7b 1X4)   

150.1  Moore to Goregen, no run, Left alone by Bilal Goregen
150.2  Moore to Goregen, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
150.3  Moore to Goregen, OUT, That ball caught the edge and struck the stumps. Bilal Goregen is out

         Bilal Goregen          4 (10b 1X4)
                        b. Moore       

150.4  Moore to Kooth'alli, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
150.5  Moore to Kooth'alli, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
150.6  Moore to Kooth'alli, no run, Pranav Koothrapalli was completely deceived

         End of over 151  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        371/9 (lead 283)
         Steffan Moore        45.0-12-119-4
         Pranav Koothrapalli   0(3b)
         Omar Al-Azzeh        34(110b 7X4)   

151.1  Russell to Al-Azzeh, no run, Omar Al-Azzeh was completely deceived
151.2  Russell to Al-Azzeh, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
151.3  Russell to Al-Azzeh, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     
151.4  Russell to Al-Azzeh, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
151.5  Russell to Al-Azzeh, no run, Omar Al-Azzeh was completely deceived
151.6  Russell to Al-Azzeh, no run, Omar Al-Azzeh was completely deceived

         End of over 152  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        371/9 (lead 283)
         Ben Russell          48.0-16-85-2
         Omar Al-Azzeh        34(116b 7X4)
         Pranav Koothrapalli   0(3b)   

152.1  Moore to Kooth'alli, no run, Defensively played by Pranav Koothrapalli
152.2  Moore to Kooth'alli, one run, One more to the total
152.3  Moore to Al-Azzeh, no run, Omar Al-Azzeh was completely deceived
152.4  Moore to Al-Azzeh, FOUR, Brilliant cover drive by Omar Al-Azzeh       
152.5  Moore to Al-Azzeh, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
152.6  Moore to Al-Azzeh, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman

         End of over 153  (5 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        376/9 (lead 288)
         Steffan Moore        46.0-13-124-4
         Omar Al-Azzeh        38(120b 8X4)
         Pranav Koothrapalli   1(5b)   

153.1  Walker to Kooth'alli, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
153.2  Walker to Kooth'alli, no run, Pranav Koothrapalli playing forward defensive
153.3  Walker to Kooth'alli, no run, Pranav Koothrapalli playing forward defensive
153.4  Walker to Kooth'alli, no run, Pranav Koothrapalli was completely deceived
153.5  Walker to Kooth'alli, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
153.6  Walker to Kooth'alli, no run, Left alone by Pranav Koothrapalli

         End of over 154  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        376/9 (lead 288)
         Marnws Walker        20.0-3-50-0
         Pranav Koothrapalli   1(11b)
         Omar Al-Azzeh        38(120b 8X4)   

154.1  Russell to Al-Azzeh, no run, Left alone by Omar Al-Azzeh
154.2  Russell to Al-Azzeh, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
154.3  Russell to Al-Azzeh, no run, Left alone by Omar Al-Azzeh
154.4  Russell to Al-Azzeh, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
154.5  Russell to Al-Azzeh, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
154.6  Russell to Al-Azzeh, no run, Omar Al-Azzeh was completely deceived

         End of over 155  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        376/9 (lead 288)
         Ben Russell          49.0-17-85-2
         Omar Al-Azzeh        38(126b 8X4)
         Pranav Koothrapalli   1(11b)   

155.1  Mullin to Kooth'alli, no run, Left alone by Pranav Koothrapalli
155.2  Mullin to Kooth'alli, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
155.3  Mullin to Kooth'alli, no run, Left alone by Pranav Koothrapalli
155.4  Mullin to Kooth'alli, no run, Pranav Koothrapalli was completely deceived
155.5  Mullin to Kooth'alli, no run, Pranav Koothrapalli was completely deceived
155.6  Mullin to Kooth'alli, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     

         End of over 156  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        376/9 (lead 288)
         Peter Mullin         36.0-12-72-3
         Pranav Koothrapalli   1(17b)
         Omar Al-Azzeh        38(126b 8X4)   

156.1  Russell to Al-Azzeh, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
156.2  Russell to Al-Azzeh, no run, Left alone by Omar Al-Azzeh
156.3  Russell to Al-Azzeh, no run, Omar Al-Azzeh was completely deceived
156.4  Russell to Al-Azzeh, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
156.5  Russell to Al-Azzeh, no run, Omar Al-Azzeh playing forward defensive
156.6  Russell to Al-Azzeh, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     

         End of over 157  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        376/9 (lead 288)
         Ben Russell          50.0-18-85-2
         Omar Al-Azzeh        38(132b 8X4)
         Pranav Koothrapalli   1(17b)   

157.1  Moore to Kooth'alli, no run, Pranav Koothrapalli playing forward defensive
157.2  Moore to Kooth'alli, no run, Pranav Koothrapalli playing forward defensive
157.3  Moore to Kooth'alli, FOUR, Brilliant cover drive by Pranav Koothrapalli
157.4  Moore to Kooth'alli, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
157.5  Moore to Kooth'alli, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
157.6  Moore to Kooth'alli, no run, Left alone by Pranav Koothrapalli

         End of over 158  (4 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        380/9 (lead 292)
         Steffan Moore        47.0-13-128-4
         Pranav Koothrapalli   5(23b 1X4)
         Omar Al-Azzeh        38(132b 8X4)   

158.1  Russell to Al-Azzeh, no run, Defensively played by Omar Al-Azzeh
158.2  Russell to Al-Azzeh, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
158.3  Russell to Al-Azzeh, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     
158.4  Russell to Al-Azzeh, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
158.5  Russell to Al-Azzeh, FOUR, Omar Al-Azzeh is going haywire!
158.6  Russell to Al-Azzeh, no run, Omar Al-Azzeh was completely deceived

         End of over 159  (4 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        384/9 (lead 296)
         Ben Russell          51.0-19-89-2
         Omar Al-Azzeh        42(138b 9X4)
         Pranav Koothrapalli   5(23b 1X4)   

159.1  Moore to Kooth'alli, no run, Defensively played by Pranav Koothrapalli
159.2  Moore to Kooth'alli, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
159.3  Moore to Kooth'alli, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
159.4  Moore to Kooth'alli, no run, Defensively played by Pranav Koothrapalli
159.5  Moore to Kooth'alli, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
159.6  Moore to Kooth'alli, no run, Left alone by Pranav Koothrapalli

         End of over 160  (0 runs)
         PALESTINE XI        384/9 (lead 296)
         Steffan Moore        48.0-13-128-4
         Pranav Koothrapalli   5(29b 1X4)
         Omar Al-Azzeh        42(138b 9X4)   

160.1  Russell to Al-Azzeh, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Gareth Herring     
160.2  Russell to Al-Azzeh, OUT, That ball caught the edge and struck the stumps. Omar Al-Azzeh is out

         Omar Al-Azzeh          42 (140b 9X4)
                        b. Russell     

         End of innings (160.2 overs)
         Day 5   11:58 AM
         PALESTINE XI        384/10
         (Run Rate: 2.40)
         Ben Russell           51.2-19-89-3
         Pranav Koothrapalli   5(29b 1X4)

PALESTINE XI 2nd innings

Player              Status                        Runs  Blls  4s   6s    S/R
Hussain Murad                      b. Mullin       39   138    6    0   28.3%
Adil Rafiullah                     b. Russell      37    83    7    0   44.6%
Anwar Mahmoud       c. Mullin      b. Moore        76   168   14    0   45.2%
Hafiz Ahmadi        lbw            b. Moore        34    68    7    0   50.0%
Muhammad Ahmad      lbw            b. Mullin        0    26    0    0    0.0%
Asratullah Gurbaaj  lbw            b. Russell      34   114    7    0   29.8%
Jesus Jeremiah      c. Walker      b. Moore        57   160   10    0   35.6%
Nasser Wolowitz     c. Rees        b. Mullin       21    28    4    0   75.0%
Omar Al-Azzeh                      b. Russell      42   140    9    0   30.0%
Bilal Goregen                      b. Moore         4    10    1    0   40.0%
Pranav Koothrapalli not out                         5    29    1    0   17.2%
 Total:  384/10       Overs:  160.2        Run Rate:  2.40     Extras:  35
                             Day 5  11:59 AM
PALESTINE XI Partnerships

Batsmen                                                            Runs (Balls)
H Murad       Rafiullah    þþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþ       80 (208)
H Murad       A Mahmoud    þþþþ                                      10 (30)
H Ahmadi      A Mahmoud    þþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþ             68 (121)
M Ahmad       A Mahmoud    þþþþþþ                                    14 (51)
A Gurbaaj     A Mahmoud    þþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþ                 59 (132)
A Gurbaaj     J Jeremiah   þþþþþþþþþþþþþþ                            32 (112)
N Wolowitz    J Jeremiah   þþþþþþþþþþþþþþ                            32 (45)
O Al-Azzeh    J Jeremiah   þþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþ              66 (180)
O Al-Azzeh    B Goregen    þþþþ                                      10 (24)
O Al-Azzeh    Kooth'alli   þþþþþ                                     13 (59)

     Fall of Wickets    80/1      90/2      158/3     172/4     231/5
                        263/6     295/7     361/8     371/9     384/10   

 Total:  384/10      Overs:  160.2         Run Rate:  2.40    Extras:  35   

WALES A Bowling

Player               Overs   Mdns    Runs   Wkts      E/R    Wds    NBs
Peter Mullin         36.0     13      72      3      2.00     1      1
Marnws Walker        20.0      4      50      0      2.50     0      2
Steffan Moore        48.0     14     128      4      2.67     1      2
Ben Russell          51.2     19      89      3      1.73     0      5
Owain Norton          5.0      1      22      0      4.40     0      0

 EXTRAS          Wides: 2      No Balls: 10     Leg Byes: 9      Byes: 14

 Total:  384/10       Overs:  160.2        Run Rate:  2.40    Extras:  35

0.1  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, Left alone by Connor Rees
0.2  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, Left alone by Connor Rees
0.3  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
0.4  Kooth'alli to Rees, SIX, ???!!! Its coming towards the commentary box Im leaving!!!
0.5  Kooth'alli to Rees, one run, That is very well run by Charlie Nicholls   
0.6  Kooth'alli to Nicholls, one run, Great cooperation between Charlie Nicholls and Connor Rees         

         End of over 1  (8 runs)

         LUNCH: DAY 5 of 0
         Time: 12:03 PM
         WALES A               8/0 (deficit 288)
         Pranav Koothrapalli  1.0-0-8-0
         Connor Rees           7(5b 1X6)
         Charlie Nicholls      1(1b)   

1.1  Al-Azzeh to Nicholls, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
1.2  Al-Azzeh to Nicholls, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
1.3  Al-Azzeh to Nicholls, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
1.4  Al-Azzeh to Nicholls, no run, Defensively played by Charlie Nicholls
1.5  Al-Azzeh to Nicholls, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
1.6  Al-Azzeh to Nicholls, three runs, Excellent running 3 more

         End of over 2  (3 runs)
         WALES A              11/0 (deficit 285)
         Omar Al-Azzeh        1.0-0-3-0
         Connor Rees           7(5b 1X6)
         Charlie Nicholls      4(7b)   

2.1  Kooth'alli to Nicholls, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
2.2  Kooth'alli to Nicholls, FOUR, Charlie Nicholls is going haywire!
2.3  Kooth'alli to Nicholls, no run, Charlie Nicholls playing forward defensive
2.4  Kooth'alli to Nicholls, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Asratullah Gurbaaj 
2.5  Kooth'alli to Nicholls, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
2.6  Kooth'alli to Nicholls, no run, Defensively played by Charlie Nicholls

         End of over 3  (4 runs)
         WALES A              15/0 (deficit 281)
         Pranav Koothrapalli  2.0-0-12-0
         Charlie Nicholls      8(13b 1X4)
         Connor Rees           7(5b 1X6)   

3.1  Al-Azzeh to Rees, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Asratullah Gurbaaj 
3.2  Al-Azzeh to Rees, no run, Connor Rees playing forward defensive
3.3  Al-Azzeh to Rees, no run, Connor Rees was completely deceived
3.4  Al-Azzeh to Rees, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Asratullah Gurbaaj 
3.5  Al-Azzeh to Rees, no run, Connor Rees was completely deceived
3.6  Al-Azzeh to Rees, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced

         End of over 4  (0 runs)
         WALES A              15/0 (deficit 281)
         Omar Al-Azzeh        2.0-0-3-0
         Connor Rees           7(11b 1X6)
         Charlie Nicholls      8(13b 1X4)   

4.1  Kooth'alli to Nicholls, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
4.2  Kooth'alli to Nicholls, no run, Left alone by Charlie Nicholls
4.3  Kooth'alli to Nicholls, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
4.4  Kooth'alli to Nicholls, one run, Great cooperation between Charlie Nicholls and Connor Rees         
4.5  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, Connor Rees playing forward defensive
4.6  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, Left alone by Connor Rees

         End of over 5  (1 runs)
         WALES A              16/0 (deficit 280)
         Pranav Koothrapalli  3.0-0-13-0
         Connor Rees           7(13b 1X6)
         Charlie Nicholls      9(17b 1X4)   

5.1  Al-Azzeh to Nicholls, no run, Left alone by Charlie Nicholls
5.2  Al-Azzeh to Nicholls, one run, Great cooperation between Charlie Nicholls and Connor Rees         
5.3  Al-Azzeh to Rees, no run, Left alone by Connor Rees
5.4  Al-Azzeh to Rees, one run, The misfield by Asratullah Gurbaaj allows yet another run
5.5  Al-Azzeh to Nicholls, FOUR, Charlie Nicholls is going haywire!
5.6  Al-Azzeh to Nicholls, no run, Charlie Nicholls was completely deceived

         End of over 6  (6 runs)
         WALES A              22/0 (deficit 274)
         Omar Al-Azzeh        3.0-1-9-0
         Charlie Nicholls     14(21b 2X4)
         Connor Rees           8(15b 1X6)   

6.1  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, Left alone by Connor Rees
6.2  Kooth'alli to Rees, legbye, Defensively played by Connor Rees
6.3  Kooth'alli to Nicholls, no run, Defensively played by Charlie Nicholls
6.4  Kooth'alli to Nicholls, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
6.5  Kooth'alli to Nicholls, FOUR, Brilliant cover drive by Charlie Nicholls   
6.6  Kooth'alli to Nicholls, no run, Charlie Nicholls playing forward defensive

         End of over 7  (5 runs)
         WALES A              27/0 (deficit 269)
         Pranav Koothrapalli  4.0-0-17-0
         Charlie Nicholls     18(25b 3X4)
         Connor Rees           8(17b 1X6)   

7.1  Al-Azzeh to Rees, no run, Connor Rees playing forward defensive
7.2  Al-Azzeh to Rees, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
7.3  Al-Azzeh to Rees, no run, Defensively played by Connor Rees
7.4  Al-Azzeh to Rees, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
7.5  Al-Azzeh to Rees, no run, Left alone by Connor Rees
7.6  Al-Azzeh to Rees, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced

         End of over 8  (0 runs)
         WALES A              27/0 (deficit 269)
         Omar Al-Azzeh        4.0-1-9-0
         Connor Rees           8(23b 1X6)
         Charlie Nicholls     18(25b 3X4)   

8.1  Kooth'alli to Nicholls, no run, Charlie Nicholls was completely deceived
8.2  Kooth'alli to Nicholls, no run, Defensively played by Charlie Nicholls
8.3  Kooth'alli to Nicholls, wide, The umpire being a bit rough on Pranav Koothrapalli, giving that a wide
8.3  Kooth'alli to Nicholls, one run, The misfield by Omar Al-Azzeh allows yet another run
8.4  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, Defensively played by Connor Rees
8.5  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
8.6  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman

         End of over 9  (2 runs)
         WALES A              29/0 (deficit 267)
         Pranav Koothrapalli  5.0-0-19-0
         Connor Rees           8(26b 1X6)
         Charlie Nicholls     19(29b 3X4)   

9.1  Al-Azzeh to Nicholls, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
9.2  Al-Azzeh to Nicholls, no run, Charlie Nicholls was completely deceived
9.3  Al-Azzeh to Nicholls, no run, Charlie Nicholls was completely deceived
9.4  Al-Azzeh to Nicholls, FOUR, Omar Al-Azzeh is quite unfortunate to be hit after bowling a good one
9.5  Al-Azzeh to Nicholls, one run, He was lucky. Almost got run out by Adil Rafiullah
9.6  Al-Azzeh to Rees, no run, Left alone by Connor Rees

         End of over 10  (5 runs)
         WALES A              34/0 (deficit 262)
         Omar Al-Azzeh        5.0-2-14-0
         Connor Rees           8(27b 1X6)
         Charlie Nicholls     24(34b 4X4)   

10.1  Goregen to Nicholls, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Asratullah Gurbaaj 
10.2  Goregen to Nicholls, no run, Left alone by Charlie Nicholls
10.3  Goregen to Nicholls, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
10.4  Goregen to Nicholls, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
10.5  Goregen to Nicholls, no run, Charlie Nicholls playing forward defensive
10.6  Goregen to Nicholls, FOUR, Bilal Goregen is quite unfortunate to be hit after bowling a good one

         End of over 11  (4 runs)
         WALES A              38/0 (deficit 258)
         Bilal Goregen        1.0-0-4-0
         Charlie Nicholls     28(40b 5X4)
         Connor Rees           8(27b 1X6)   

11.1  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, Connor Rees was completely deceived
11.2  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, Left alone by Connor Rees
11.3  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, Left alone by Connor Rees
11.4  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, Connor Rees playing forward defensive
11.5  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, Left alone by Connor Rees
11.6  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, Connor Rees was completely deceived

         End of over 12  (0 runs)
         WALES A              38/0 (deficit 258)
         Pranav Koothrapalli  6.0-0-19-0
         Connor Rees           8(33b 1X6)
         Charlie Nicholls     28(40b 5X4)   

12.1  Wolowitz to Nicholls, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
12.2  Wolowitz to Nicholls, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
12.3  Wolowitz to Nicholls, no run, Charlie Nicholls was completely deceived
12.4  Wolowitz to Nicholls, no run, Left alone by Charlie Nicholls
12.5  Wolowitz to Nicholls, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
12.6  Wolowitz to Nicholls, OUT, Hussain Murad takes an easy catch to dismiss Charlie Nicholls

         Charlie Nicholls       28 (46b 5X4)
         c. Murad       b. Wolowitz   

         End of over 13  (0 runs)
         WALES A              38/1 (deficit 258)
         Nasser Wolowitz      1.0-0-0-1
         Kai Friend            0(0b)
         Connor Rees           8(33b 1X6)   

13.1  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, Connor Rees was completely deceived
13.2  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, Connor Rees was completely deceived
13.3  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
13.4  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, Defensively played by Connor Rees
13.5  Kooth'alli to Rees, FOUR, Pranav Koothrapalli is quite unfortunate to be hit after bowling a good one
13.6  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, Left alone by Connor Rees

         End of over 14  (4 runs)
         WALES A              42/1 (deficit 254)
         Pranav Koothrapalli  7.0-1-23-0
         Connor Rees          12(39b 1X4 1X6)
         Kai Friend            0(0b)   

14.1  Goregen to Friend, FOUR, Brilliant cover drive by Kai Friend         
14.2  Goregen to Friend, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
14.3  Goregen to Friend, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
14.4  Goregen to Friend, no run, Kai Friend was completely deceived
14.5  Goregen to Friend, no run, Left alone by Kai Friend
14.6  Goregen to Friend, one run, One more to the total

         End of over 15  (5 runs)
         WALES A              47/1 (deficit 249)
         Bilal Goregen        2.0-0-9-0
         Connor Rees          12(39b 1X4 1X6)
         Kai Friend            5(6b 1X4)   

15.1  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
15.2  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
15.3  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, Kai Friend was completely deceived
15.4  Kooth'alli to Friend, FOUR, What a blunder by Omar Al-Azzeh. He gave away 4 runs with that misfield
15.5  Kooth'alli to Friend, one run, That is very well run by Connor Rees         
15.6  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, Left alone by Connor Rees

         End of over 16  (5 runs)
         WALES A              52/1 (deficit 244)
         Pranav Koothrapalli  8.0-1-28-0
         Connor Rees          12(40b 1X4 1X6)
         Kai Friend           10(11b 2X4)   

16.1  Wolowitz to Friend, no run, Defensively played by Kai Friend
16.2  Wolowitz to Friend, one run, He was lucky. Almost got run out by Omar Al-Azzeh
16.3  Wolowitz to Rees, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
16.4  Wolowitz to Rees, no run, Defensively played by Connor Rees
16.5  Wolowitz to Rees, one run, Great cooperation between Connor Rees and Kai Friend         
16.6  Wolowitz to Friend, no run, Defensively played by Kai Friend

         End of over 17  (2 runs)
         WALES A              54/1 (deficit 242)
         Nasser Wolowitz      2.0-1-2-1
         Kai Friend           11(14b 2X4)
         Connor Rees          13(43b 1X4 1X6)   

17.1  Goregen to Rees, no run, Connor Rees was completely deceived
17.2  Goregen to Rees, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
17.3  Goregen to Rees, FOUR, Great shot, four straight over the bowler's head
17.4  Goregen to Rees, no run, Defensively played by Connor Rees
17.5  Goregen to Rees, no run, Left alone by Connor Rees
17.6  Goregen to Rees, no run, Connor Rees was completely deceived

         End of over 18  (4 runs)
         WALES A              58/1 (deficit 238)
         Bilal Goregen        3.0-0-13-0
         Connor Rees          17(49b 2X4 1X6)
         Kai Friend           11(14b 2X4)   

18.1  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, Defensively played by Kai Friend
18.2  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, Left alone by Kai Friend
18.3  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, Defensively played by Kai Friend
18.4  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, Kai Friend was completely deceived
18.5  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
18.6  Kooth'alli to Friend, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down

         End of over 19  (0 runs)
         WALES A              58/1 (deficit 238)
         Pranav Koothrapalli  9.0-1-28-0
         Kai Friend           11(20b 2X4)
         Connor Rees          17(49b 2X4 1X6)   

19.1  Goregen to Rees, one run, One more to the total
19.2  Goregen to Friend, no run, Kai Friend playing forward defensive
19.3  Goregen to Friend, no run, Kai Friend playing forward defensive
19.4  Goregen to Friend, no run, Left alone by Kai Friend
19.5  Goregen to Friend, one run, He was lucky. Almost got run out by Hussain Murad
19.6  Goregen to Rees, no run, Defensively played by Connor Rees

         End of over 20  (2 runs)
         WALES A              60/1 (deficit 236)
         Bilal Goregen        4.0-0-15-0
         Connor Rees          18(51b 2X4 1X6)
         Kai Friend           12(24b 2X4)   

20.1  Wolowitz to Friend, one run, The misfield by Nasser Wolowitz allows yet another run
20.2  Wolowitz to Rees, no run, Left alone by Connor Rees
20.3  Wolowitz to Rees, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
20.4  Wolowitz to Rees, no run, Connor Rees was completely deceived
20.5  Wolowitz to Rees, no run, Left alone by Connor Rees
20.6  Wolowitz to Rees, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat

         End of over 21  (1 runs)
         WALES A              61/1 (deficit 235)
         Nasser Wolowitz      3.0-1-3-1
         Connor Rees          18(56b 2X4 1X6)
         Kai Friend           13(25b 2X4)   

21.1  Goregen to Friend, FOUR, What a blunder by Bilal Goregen. He gave away 4 runs with that misfield
21.2  Goregen to Friend, one run, He was lucky. Almost got run out by Nasser Wolowitz
21.3  Goregen to Rees, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
21.4  Goregen to Rees, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Asratullah Gurbaaj 
21.5  Goregen to Rees, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
21.6  Goregen to Rees, no run, Left alone by Connor Rees

         End of over 22  (5 runs)
         WALES A              66/1 (deficit 230)
         Bilal Goregen        5.0-0-20-0
         Connor Rees          18(60b 2X4 1X6)
         Kai Friend           18(27b 3X4)   

22.1  Wolowitz to Friend, no run, Kai Friend playing forward defensive
22.2  Wolowitz to Friend, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
22.3  Wolowitz to Friend, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
22.4  Wolowitz to Friend, FOUR, What a blunder by Asratullah Gurbaaj. He gave away 4 runs with that misfield
22.5  Wolowitz to Friend, OUT, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire gives Kai Friend the finger

         Kai Friend             22 (32b 4X4)
         c. Gurbaaj     b. Wolowitz   

22.6  Wolowitz to Hemp, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Asratullah Gurbaaj 

         End of over 23  (4 runs)
         WALES A              70/2 (deficit 226)
         Nasser Wolowitz      4.0-1-7-2
         Dewi Hemp             0(1b)
         Connor Rees          18(60b 2X4 1X6)   

23.1  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, Left alone by Connor Rees
23.2  Kooth'alli to Rees, no ball , no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
23.2  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
23.3  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, Connor Rees playing forward defensive
23.4  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
23.5  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, Connor Rees playing forward defensive
23.6  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman

         End of over 24  (1 runs)
         WALES A              71/2 (deficit 225)
         Pranav Koothrapalli  10.0-2-29-0
         Connor Rees          18(66b 2X4 1X6)
         Dewi Hemp             0(1b)   

24.1  Al-Azzeh to Hemp, no run, Left alone by Dewi Hemp
24.2  Al-Azzeh to Hemp, no run, Dewi Hemp playing forward defensive
24.3  Al-Azzeh to Hemp, no run, Defensively played by Dewi Hemp
24.4  Al-Azzeh to Hemp, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
24.5  Al-Azzeh to Hemp, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
24.6  Al-Azzeh to Hemp, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Asratullah Gurbaaj 

         End of over 25  (0 runs)
         WALES A              71/2 (deficit 225)
         Omar Al-Azzeh        6.0-2-14-0
         Dewi Hemp             0(7b)
         Connor Rees          18(66b 2X4 1X6)   

25.1  Goregen to Rees, no run, Left alone by Connor Rees
25.2  Goregen to Rees, no run, Connor Rees was completely deceived
25.3  Goregen to Rees, no run, Defensively played by Connor Rees
25.4  Goregen to Rees, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
25.5  Goregen to Rees, no run, Left alone by Connor Rees
25.6  Goregen to Rees, no run, Left alone by Connor Rees

         End of over 26  (0 runs)
         WALES A              71/2 (deficit 225)
         Bilal Goregen        6.0-0-20-0
         Connor Rees          18(72b 2X4 1X6)
         Dewi Hemp             0(7b)   

26.1  Wolowitz to Hemp, no run, Dewi Hemp playing forward defensive
26.2  Wolowitz to Hemp, no run, Defensively played by Dewi Hemp
26.3  Wolowitz to Hemp, no run, Dewi Hemp was completely deceived
26.4  Wolowitz to Hemp, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
26.5  Wolowitz to Hemp, no run, Dewi Hemp playing forward defensive
26.6  Wolowitz to Hemp, FOUR, What a blunder by Nasser Wolowitz. He gave away 4 runs with that misfield

         End of over 27  (4 runs)
         WALES A              75/2 (deficit 221)
         Nasser Wolowitz      5.0-1-11-2
         Dewi Hemp             4(13b 1X4)
         Connor Rees          18(72b 2X4 1X6)   

27.1  Kooth'alli to Rees, one run, That is very well run by Dewi Hemp           
27.2  Kooth'alli to Hemp, no run, Dewi Hemp was completely deceived
27.3  Kooth'alli to Hemp, no run, Dewi Hemp playing forward defensive
27.4  Kooth'alli to Hemp, no run, Dewi Hemp was completely deceived
27.5  Kooth'alli to Hemp, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
27.6  Kooth'alli to Hemp, FOUR, Dewi Hemp is going haywire!

         End of over 28  (5 runs)
         WALES A              80/2 (deficit 216)
         Pranav Koothrapalli  11.0-2-34-0
         Dewi Hemp             8(18b 2X4)
         Connor Rees          19(73b 2X4 1X6)   

28.1  Wolowitz to Rees, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
28.2  Wolowitz to Rees, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
28.3  Wolowitz to Rees, no run, Connor Rees playing forward defensive
28.4  Wolowitz to Rees, no run, Left alone by Connor Rees
28.5  Wolowitz to Rees, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
28.6  Wolowitz to Rees, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down

         End of over 29  (0 runs)
         WALES A              80/2 (deficit 216)
         Nasser Wolowitz      6.0-1-11-2
         Connor Rees          19(79b 2X4 1X6)
         Dewi Hemp             8(18b 2X4)   

29.1  Kooth'alli to Hemp, no run, Left alone by Dewi Hemp
29.2  Kooth'alli to Hemp, no run, Left alone by Dewi Hemp
29.3  Kooth'alli to Hemp, no run, Dewi Hemp playing forward defensive
29.4  Kooth'alli to Hemp, no run, Dewi Hemp playing forward defensive
29.5  Kooth'alli to Hemp, one run, Great cooperation between Dewi Hemp and Connor Rees         
29.6  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, Left alone by Connor Rees

         End of over 30  (1 runs)
         WALES A              81/2 (deficit 215)
         Pranav Koothrapalli  12.0-2-35-0
         Connor Rees          19(80b 2X4 1X6)
         Dewi Hemp             9(23b 2X4)   

30.1  Wolowitz to Hemp, no run, Left alone by Dewi Hemp
30.2  Wolowitz to Hemp, wide, Nasser Wolowitz bowling a very wayward one
30.2  Wolowitz to Hemp, no run, Dewi Hemp was completely deceived
30.3  Wolowitz to Hemp, no run, Dewi Hemp was completely deceived
30.4  Wolowitz to Hemp, no run, Left alone by Dewi Hemp
30.5  Wolowitz to Hemp, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
30.6  Wolowitz to Hemp, no run, Defensively played by Dewi Hemp

         End of over 31  (1 runs)

         TEA: DAY 5 of 0
         Time: 2:33 PM
         WALES A              82/2 (deficit 214)
         Nasser Wolowitz      7.0-2-12-2
         Dewi Hemp             9(30b 2X4)
         Connor Rees          19(80b 2X4 1X6)   

31.1  Goregen to Rees, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
31.2  Goregen to Rees, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
31.3  Goregen to Rees, FOUR, What a blunder by Omar Al-Azzeh. He gave away 4 runs with that misfield
31.4  Goregen to Rees, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
31.5  Goregen to Rees, no run, Connor Rees was completely deceived
31.6  Goregen to Rees, no run, Connor Rees playing forward defensive

         End of over 32  (4 runs)
         WALES A              86/2 (deficit 210)
         Bilal Goregen        7.0-1-24-0
         Connor Rees          23(86b 3X4 1X6)
         Dewi Hemp             9(30b 2X4)   

32.1  Kooth'alli to Hemp, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
32.2  Kooth'alli to Hemp, no run, Left alone by Dewi Hemp
32.3  Kooth'alli to Hemp, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
32.4  Kooth'alli to Hemp, no run, Left alone by Dewi Hemp
32.5  Kooth'alli to Hemp, no run, Left alone by Dewi Hemp
32.6  Kooth'alli to Hemp, no run, Left alone by Dewi Hemp

         End of over 33  (0 runs)
         WALES A              86/2 (deficit 210)
         Pranav Koothrapalli  13.0-2-35-0
         Dewi Hemp             9(36b 2X4)
         Connor Rees          23(86b 3X4 1X6)   

33.1  Wolowitz to Rees, no run, Connor Rees playing forward defensive
33.2  Wolowitz to Rees, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
33.3  Wolowitz to Rees, no run, Connor Rees playing forward defensive
33.4  Wolowitz to Rees, FOUR, What a blunder by Jesus Jeremiah. He gave away 4 runs with that misfield
33.5  Wolowitz to Rees, FOUR, Great shot, four straight over the bowler's head
33.6  Wolowitz to Rees, no run, Connor Rees playing forward defensive

         End of over 34  (8 runs)
         WALES A              94/2 (deficit 202)
         Nasser Wolowitz      8.0-2-20-2
         Connor Rees          31(92b 5X4 1X6)
         Dewi Hemp             9(36b 2X4)   

34.1  Kooth'alli to Hemp, no run, Dewi Hemp was completely deceived
34.2  Kooth'alli to Hemp, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
34.3  Kooth'alli to Hemp, no run, Defensively played by Dewi Hemp
34.4  Kooth'alli to Hemp, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
34.5  Kooth'alli to Hemp, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
34.6  Kooth'alli to Hemp, FOUR, Brilliant cover drive by Dewi Hemp           

         End of over 35  (4 runs)
         WALES A              98/2 (deficit 198)
         Pranav Koothrapalli  14.0-3-39-0
         Dewi Hemp            13(42b 3X4)
         Connor Rees          31(92b 5X4 1X6)   

35.1  Goregen to Rees, no run, Left alone by Connor Rees
35.2  Goregen to Rees, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
35.3  Goregen to Rees, no run, Defensively played by Connor Rees
35.4  Goregen to Rees, no run, Left alone by Connor Rees
35.5  Goregen to Rees, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
35.6  Goregen to Rees, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat

         End of over 36  (0 runs)
         WALES A              98/2 (deficit 198)
         Bilal Goregen        8.0-1-24-0
         Connor Rees          31(98b 5X4 1X6)
         Dewi Hemp            13(42b 3X4)   

36.1  Wolowitz to Hemp, no run, Dewi Hemp was completely deceived
36.2  Wolowitz to Hemp, one run, That is very well run by Connor Rees         
36.3  Wolowitz to Rees, no run, Left alone by Connor Rees
36.4  Wolowitz to Rees, no run, Connor Rees was completely deceived
36.5  Wolowitz to Rees, no run, Left alone by Connor Rees
36.6  Wolowitz to Rees, one run, He was lucky. Almost got run out by Bilal Goregen

         End of over 37  (2 runs)
         WALES A             100/2 (deficit 196)
         Nasser Wolowitz      9.0-2-22-2
         Dewi Hemp            14(44b 3X4)
         Connor Rees          32(102b 5X4 1X6)   

37.1  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
37.2  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, Connor Rees was completely deceived
37.3  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, Connor Rees playing forward defensive
37.4  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, Connor Rees was completely deceived
37.5  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
37.6  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, Defensively played by Connor Rees

         End of over 38  (0 runs)
         WALES A             100/2 (deficit 196)
         Pranav Koothrapalli  15.0-3-39-0
         Connor Rees          32(108b 5X4 1X6)
         Dewi Hemp            14(44b 3X4)   

38.1  Goregen to Hemp, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Asratullah Gurbaaj 
38.2  Goregen to Hemp, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
38.3  Goregen to Hemp, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
38.4  Goregen to Hemp, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
38.5  Goregen to Hemp, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
38.6  Goregen to Hemp, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat

         End of over 39  (0 runs)
         WALES A             100/2 (deficit 196)
         Bilal Goregen        9.0-2-24-0
         Dewi Hemp            14(50b 3X4)
         Connor Rees          32(108b 5X4 1X6)   

39.1  Kooth'alli to Rees, wide, The umpire being a bit rough on Pranav Koothrapalli, giving that a wide
39.1  Kooth'alli to Rees, FOUR, Brilliant cover drive by Connor Rees         
39.2  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
39.3  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
39.4  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
39.5  Kooth'alli to Rees, one run, Great cooperation between Connor Rees and Dewi Hemp           
39.6  Kooth'alli to Hemp, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat

         End of over 40  (6 runs)
         WALES A             106/2 (deficit 190)
         Pranav Koothrapalli  16.0-4-45-0
         Dewi Hemp            14(51b 3X4)
         Connor Rees          37(114b 6X4 1X6)   

40.1  Goregen to Rees, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
40.2  Goregen to Rees, FOUR, Brilliant cover drive by Connor Rees         
40.3  Goregen to Rees, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
40.4  Goregen to Rees, no run, Left alone by Connor Rees
40.5  Goregen to Rees, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
40.6  Goregen to Rees, no run, Connor Rees playing forward defensive

         End of over 41  (4 runs)
         WALES A             110/2 (deficit 186)
         Bilal Goregen        10.0-3-28-0
         Connor Rees          41(120b 7X4 1X6)
         Dewi Hemp            14(51b 3X4)   

41.1  Wolowitz to Hemp, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
41.2  Wolowitz to Hemp, no run, Dewi Hemp playing forward defensive
41.3  Wolowitz to Hemp, FOUR, Dewi Hemp is going haywire!
41.4  Wolowitz to Hemp, no run, Defensively played by Dewi Hemp
41.5  Wolowitz to Hemp, FOUR, Dewi Hemp is going haywire!
41.6  Wolowitz to Hemp, no run, Defensively played by Dewi Hemp

         End of over 42  (8 runs)
         WALES A             118/2 (deficit 178)
         Nasser Wolowitz      10.0-2-30-2
         Dewi Hemp            22(57b 5X4)
         Connor Rees          41(120b 7X4 1X6)   

42.1  Al-Azzeh to Rees, FOUR, Omar Al-Azzeh is quite unfortunate to be hit after bowling a good one
42.2  Al-Azzeh to Rees, no run, Left alone by Connor Rees
42.3  Al-Azzeh to Rees, no run, Left alone by Connor Rees
42.4  Al-Azzeh to Rees, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
42.5  Al-Azzeh to Rees, no run, Left alone by Connor Rees
42.6  Al-Azzeh to Rees, no run, Connor Rees was completely deceived

         End of over 43  (4 runs)
         WALES A             122/2 (deficit 174)
         Omar Al-Azzeh        7.0-3-18-0
         Connor Rees          45(126b 8X4 1X6)
         Dewi Hemp            22(57b 5X4)   

43.1  Goregen to Hemp, no run, Dewi Hemp playing forward defensive
43.2  Goregen to Hemp, FOUR, Brilliant cover drive by Dewi Hemp           
43.3  Goregen to Hemp, no run, Left alone by Dewi Hemp
43.4  Goregen to Hemp, one run, That is very well run by Connor Rees         
43.5  Goregen to Rees, no run, Connor Rees playing forward defensive
43.6  Goregen to Rees, no run, Left alone by Connor Rees

         End of over 44  (5 runs)
         WALES A             127/2 (deficit 169)
         Bilal Goregen        11.0-3-33-0
         Connor Rees          45(128b 8X4 1X6)
         Dewi Hemp            27(61b 6X4)   

44.1  Wolowitz to Hemp, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
44.2  Wolowitz to Hemp, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Asratullah Gurbaaj 
44.3  Wolowitz to Hemp, no run, Dewi Hemp playing forward defensive
44.4  Wolowitz to Hemp, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
44.5  Wolowitz to Hemp, no run, Dewi Hemp playing forward defensive
44.6  Wolowitz to Hemp, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down

         End of over 45  (0 runs)
         WALES A             127/2 (deficit 169)
         Nasser Wolowitz      11.0-2-30-2
         Dewi Hemp            27(67b 6X4)
         Connor Rees          45(128b 8X4 1X6)   

45.1  Goregen to Rees, no run, Defensively played by Connor Rees
45.2  Goregen to Rees, no run, Defensively played by Connor Rees
45.3  Goregen to Rees, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
45.4  Goregen to Rees, one run, The misfield by Nasser Wolowitz allows yet another run
45.5  Goregen to Hemp, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
45.6  Goregen to Hemp, FOUR, Brilliant cover drive by Dewi Hemp           

         End of over 46  (5 runs)
         WALES A             132/2 (deficit 164)
         Bilal Goregen        12.0-3-38-0
         Dewi Hemp            31(69b 7X4)
         Connor Rees          46(132b 8X4 1X6)   

46.1  Kooth'alli to Rees, legbye, Defensively played by Connor Rees
46.2  Kooth'alli to Hemp, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
46.3  Kooth'alli to Hemp, no run, Left alone by Dewi Hemp
46.4  Kooth'alli to Hemp, one run, One more to the total
46.5  Kooth'alli to Rees, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
46.6  Kooth'alli to Rees, OUT, Bowled him! Great delivery by Pranav Koothrapalli. Connor Rees didnt have a clue

         Connor Rees            46 (135b 8X4 1X6)
                        b. Kooth'alli 

         End of over 47  (2 runs)
         WALES A             134/3 (deficit 162)
         Pranav Koothrapalli  17.0-4-46-1
         Alun Lockyer          0(0b)
         Dewi Hemp            32(72b 7X4)   

47.1  Wolowitz to Hemp, no run, Defensively played by Dewi Hemp
47.2  Wolowitz to Hemp, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
47.3  Wolowitz to Hemp, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
47.4  Wolowitz to Hemp, no run, Defensively played by Dewi Hemp
47.5  Wolowitz to Hemp, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
47.6  Wolowitz to Hemp, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down

         End of over 48  (0 runs)
         WALES A             134/3 (deficit 162)
         Nasser Wolowitz      12.0-3-30-2
         Dewi Hemp            32(78b 7X4)
         Alun Lockyer          0(0b)   

48.1  Goregen to Lockyer, no run, Left alone by Alun Lockyer
48.2  Goregen to Lockyer, legbye, Alun Lockyer was completely deceived
48.3  Goregen to Hemp, one run, He was lucky. Almost got run out by Hussain Murad
48.4  Goregen to Lockyer, FOUR, Alun Lockyer is one of the best batsmen in the world
48.5  Goregen to Lockyer, no run, Left alone by Alun Lockyer
48.6  Goregen to Lockyer, FOUR, Alun Lockyer is going haywire!

         End of over 49  (10 runs)
         WALES A             144/3 (deficit 152)
         Bilal Goregen        13.0-3-47-0
         Alun Lockyer          8(5b 2X4)
         Dewi Hemp            33(79b 7X4)   

49.1  Wolowitz to Hemp, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down
49.2  Wolowitz to Hemp, no run, Left alone by Dewi Hemp
49.3  Wolowitz to Hemp, no run, Dewi Hemp was completely deceived
49.4  Wolowitz to Hemp, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
49.5  Wolowitz to Hemp, no run, Left alone by Dewi Hemp
49.6  Wolowitz to Hemp, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down

         End of over 50  (0 runs)
         WALES A             144/3 (deficit 152)
         Nasser Wolowitz      13.0-4-30-2
         Dewi Hemp            33(85b 7X4)
         Alun Lockyer          8(5b 2X4)   

50.1  Goregen to Lockyer, no run, Left alone by Alun Lockyer
50.2  Goregen to Lockyer, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
50.3  Goregen to Lockyer, no run, Alun Lockyer playing forward defensive
50.4  Goregen to Lockyer, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
50.5  Goregen to Lockyer, no run, Alun Lockyer was completely deceived
50.6  Goregen to Lockyer, no ball , no run, Alun Lockyer playing forward defensive
50.6  Goregen to Lockyer, no run, Alun Lockyer playing forward defensive

         End of over 51  (1 runs)
         WALES A             145/3 (deficit 151)
         Bilal Goregen        14.0-3-48-0
         Alun Lockyer          8(11b 2X4)
         Dewi Hemp            33(85b 7X4)   

51.1  Kooth'alli to Hemp, no run, Defensively played by Dewi Hemp
51.2  Kooth'alli to Hemp, FOUR, What a blunder by Jesus Jeremiah. He gave away 4 runs with that misfield
51.3  Kooth'alli to Hemp, three runs, They could have actually gone for the fourth
51.4  Kooth'alli to Lockyer, no run, Left alone by Alun Lockyer
51.5  Kooth'alli to Lockyer, FOUR, Alun Lockyer is going haywire!
51.6  Kooth'alli to Lockyer, no run, Left alone by Alun Lockyer

         End of over 52  (11 runs)
         WALES A             156/3 (deficit 140)
         Pranav Koothrapalli  18.0-4-57-1
         Alun Lockyer         12(14b 3X4)
         Dewi Hemp            40(88b 8X4)   

52.1  Wolowitz to Hemp, no run, The umpire turns down that ridiculous appeal from Asratullah Gurbaaj 
52.2  Wolowitz to Hemp, no run, Dewi Hemp was completely deceived
52.3  Wolowitz to Hemp, no run, Dewi Hemp was completely deceived
52.4  Wolowitz to Hemp, no run, Left alone by Dewi Hemp
52.5  Wolowitz to Hemp, no run, Left alone by Dewi Hemp
52.6  Wolowitz to Hemp, no run, Left alone by Dewi Hemp

         End of over 53  (0 runs)
         WALES A             156/3 (deficit 140)
         Nasser Wolowitz      14.0-5-30-2
         Dewi Hemp            40(94b 8X4)
         Alun Lockyer         12(14b 3X4)   

53.1  Goregen to Lockyer, no run, Defensively played by Alun Lockyer
53.2  Goregen to Lockyer, no run, Defensively played by Alun Lockyer
53.3  Goregen to Lockyer, no run, Alun Lockyer playing forward defensive
53.4  Goregen to Lockyer, FOUR, Alun Lockyer is going haywire!
53.5  Goregen to Lockyer, legbye, Alun Lockyer playing forward defensive
53.6  Goregen to Hemp, no run, Defensively played by Dewi Hemp

         End of over 54  (5 runs)
         WALES A             161/3 (deficit 135)
         Bilal Goregen        15.0-3-52-0
         Dewi Hemp            40(95b 8X4)
         Alun Lockyer         16(19b 4X4)   

54.1  Wolowitz to Lockyer, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
54.2  Wolowitz to Lockyer, FOUR, Nasser Wolowitz is quite unfortunate to be hit after bowling a good one
54.3  Wolowitz to Lockyer, no run, Alun Lockyer was completely deceived
54.4  Wolowitz to Lockyer, no run, Defensively played by Alun Lockyer
54.5  Wolowitz to Lockyer, no run, Defensively played by Alun Lockyer
54.6  Wolowitz to Lockyer, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down

         End of over 55  (4 runs)
         WALES A             165/3 (deficit 131)
         Nasser Wolowitz      15.0-6-34-2
         Alun Lockyer         20(25b 5X4)
         Dewi Hemp            40(95b 8X4)   

55.1  Kooth'alli to Hemp, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
55.2  Kooth'alli to Hemp, no run, Defensively played by Dewi Hemp
55.3  Kooth'alli to Hemp, no run, Left alone by Dewi Hemp
55.4  Kooth'alli to Hemp, no run, Dewi Hemp was completely deceived
55.5  Kooth'alli to Hemp, no ball , no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
55.5  Kooth'alli to Hemp, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
55.6  Kooth'alli to Hemp, no run, Defensively played by Dewi Hemp

         End of over 56  (1 runs)
         WALES A             166/3 (deficit 130)
         Pranav Koothrapalli  19.0-4-58-1
         Dewi Hemp            40(101b 8X4)
         Alun Lockyer         20(25b 5X4)   

56.1  Al-Azzeh to Lockyer, no run, Defensively played by Alun Lockyer
56.2  Al-Azzeh to Lockyer, no run, Defensively played by Alun Lockyer
56.3  Al-Azzeh to Lockyer, FOUR, Brilliant cover drive by Alun Lockyer       
56.4  Al-Azzeh to Lockyer, no run, Left alone by Alun Lockyer
56.5  Al-Azzeh to Lockyer, no run, Left alone by Alun Lockyer
56.6  Al-Azzeh to Lockyer, one run, Dropped! Asratullah Gurbaaj made a big mess of that simple chance

         End of over 57  (5 runs)
         WALES A             171/3 (deficit 125)
         Omar Al-Azzeh        8.0-3-23-0
         Dewi Hemp            40(101b 8X4)
         Alun Lockyer         25(31b 6X4)   

57.1  Goregen to Lockyer, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat
57.2  Goregen to Lockyer, no run, Alun Lockyer playing forward defensive
57.3  Goregen to Lockyer, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
57.4  Goregen to Lockyer, no run, Left alone by Alun Lockyer
57.5  Goregen to Lockyer, no run, Defensively played by Alun Lockyer
57.6  Goregen to Lockyer, no run, That ball moved a long way away from the bat

         End of over 58  (0 runs)
         WALES A             171/3 (deficit 125)
         Bilal Goregen        16.0-3-52-0
         Alun Lockyer         25(37b 6X4)
         Dewi Hemp            40(101b 8X4)   

58.1  Wolowitz to Hemp, no run, Left alone by Dewi Hemp
58.2  Wolowitz to Hemp, no run, Defensively played by Dewi Hemp
58.3  Wolowitz to Hemp, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
58.4  Wolowitz to Hemp, wide, The umpire being a bit rough on Nasser Wolowitz, giving that a wide
58.4  Wolowitz to Hemp, no run, Left alone by Dewi Hemp
58.5  Wolowitz to Hemp, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
58.6  Wolowitz to Hemp, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced

         End of over 59  (1 runs)
         WALES A             172/3 (deficit 124)
         Nasser Wolowitz      16.0-6-35-2
         Dewi Hemp            40(108b 8X4)
         Alun Lockyer         25(37b 6X4)   

59.1  Kooth'alli to Lockyer, no run, Left alone by Alun Lockyer
59.2  Kooth'alli to Lockyer, no run, Alun Lockyer playing forward defensive
59.3  Kooth'alli to Lockyer, no run, Left alone by Alun Lockyer
59.4  Kooth'alli to Lockyer, no run, Alun Lockyer playing forward defensive
59.5  Kooth'alli to Lockyer, no run, Alun Lockyer was completely deceived
59.6  Kooth'alli to Lockyer, no run, Huge appeal for LBW but turned down

         End of over 60  (0 runs)
         WALES A             172/3 (deficit 124)
         Pranav Koothrapalli  20.0-4-58-1
         Alun Lockyer         25(43b 6X4)
         Dewi Hemp            40(108b 8X4)   

60.1  Goregen to Hemp, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
60.2  Goregen to Hemp, no run, Defensively played by Dewi Hemp
60.3  Goregen to Hemp, no run, Big appeal behind the stumps, umpire not convinced
60.4  Goregen to Hemp, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman
60.5  Goregen to Hemp, no run, Dewi Hemp was completely deceived
60.6  Goregen to Hemp, no run, That ball was a mystery to the batsman

         End of over 61  (0 runs)

         END OF DAY 5
         Time: 5:00 PM
         WALES A             172/3 (deficit 124)
         Bilal Goregen        17.0-4-52-0
         Dewi Hemp            40(114b 8X4)
         Alun Lockyer         25(43b 6X4)   

         End of innings (61.0 overs)
         Day 5   5:00 PM
         WALES A             172/3
         (Run Rate: 2.82)
         Pranav Koothrapalli   20.0-5-58-1
         Alun Lockyer         25(43b 6X4)
         Dewi Hemp            40(114b 8X4)   

WALES A 2nd innings  (Target: 297)

Player              Status                        Runs  Blls  4s   6s    S/R
Connor Rees                        b. Kooth'alli   46   135    8    1   34.1%
Charlie Nicholls    c. Murad       b. Wolowitz     28    46    5    0   60.9%
Kai Friend          c. Gurbaaj     b. Wolowitz     22    32    4    0   68.8%
Dewi Hemp           not out                        40   114    8    0   35.1%
Alun Lockyer        not out                        25    43    6    0   58.1%
Owain Norton         
Gareth Herring       
Marnws Walker       
Peter Mullin         
Ben Russell         
Steffan Moore       
 Total:  172/3        Overs:  61.0         Run Rate:  2.82     Extras:  11
                             Day 5  5:00 PM
WALES A Partnerships

Batsmen                                                            Runs (Balls)
C Rees        C Nicholls   þþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþ                          38 (78)
C Rees        K Friend     þþþþþþþþþþþþþþ                            32 (59)
C Rees        D Hemp       þþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþ              64 (145)
A Lockyer     D Hemp       þþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþ                          38 (84)

     Fall of Wickets    38/1      70/2      134/3               

 Total:  172/3       Overs:  61.0          Run Rate:  2.82    Extras:  11   


Player               Overs   Mdns    Runs   Wkts      E/R    Wds    NBs
Pranav Koothrapalli  20.0      5      58      1      2.90     2      2
Omar Al-Azzeh         8.0      3      23      0      2.88     0      0
Bilal Goregen        17.0      5      52      0      3.06     0      1
Nasser Wolowitz      16.0      6      35      2      2.19     2      0

 EXTRAS          Wides: 4      No Balls: 3      Leg Byes: 4      Byes: 0

 Total:  172/3        Overs:  61.0         Run Rate:  2.82    Extras:  11   
Palestine XI        162 & 384
Wales A             250 & 172/3             
Wales A draw with Palestine XI
Man of the match: Ben Russell
It's a good start to the Limited Overs sides while the FC team could have batted better, at least it didn't end in a loss after a good 2nd innings comeback.

British Championship Squad Named
:bro: :bat: Andrew Salt (26)
:bro: :bat: Nye Bevan (23)
:bro: :bat: Kai Friend (20)

:slvo: :bat: Tom Donald (26)
:slvo: :ar: Dai Carlson :c: (25)
:bro: :ar: Kiran Lloyd (31)
:bro: :bat: Alun Lockyer (29)

:slvo: :wkb: Harri Hurle (18)

:bro: :ar: Phil Salter (30)
:bro: :ar: Kai Kellaway (21)
:bro: :ar: Zinzan Taylor (25)

:slvo: :bwl: Will Morris (19)
:bro: :bwl: Lewis Carey (26)
:slvo: :bwl: Dai Jones (24)

:bro: :bwl: Andrew Bull (28)

We today announce our squad for the Corfu triangular ODI series, following the British Championship, with one change from the defeat to England in the Semi-Final of the British Championship. Johnny Harris returns to the squad as an additional pace option over Andrew Bull.

Full Squad is as follows:

:bro: :bat: Andrew Salt (26)
:bro: :bat: Nye Bevan (23)
:bro: :bat: Kai Friend (20)

:slvo: :bat: Tom Donald (26)
:slvo: :ar: Dai Carlson :c: (25)
:bro: :ar: Kiran Lloyd (31)
:bro: :bat: Alun Lockyer (29)

:slvo: :wkb: Harri Hurle (18)

:bro: :ar: Phil Salter (30)
:bro: :ar: Kai Kellaway (21)
:bro: :ar: Zinzan Taylor (25)

:slvo: :bwl: Will Morris (19)
:bro: :bwl: Lewis Carey (26)
:slvo: :bwl: Dai Jones (24)
:bro: :bwl: Johnny Harris (33)



Heddiw rydym yn cyhoeddi ein carfan ar gyfer cyfres ODI trionglog Corfu, yn dilyn Pencampwriaeth Prydain, gydag un newid o'r golled i Loegr yn Rownd Gynderfynol Pencampwriaeth Prydain. Mae Johnny Harris yn dychwelyd i'r garfan fel opsiwn cyflymder ychwanegol dros Andrew Bull.

Mae'r Sgwad Llawn fel a ganlyn:

:bro: :bat: Andrew Salt (26)
:bro: :bat: Nye Bevan (23)
:bro: :bat: Kai Friend (20)

:slvo: :bat: Tom Donald (26)
:slvo: :ar: Dai Carlson :c: (25)
:bro: :ar: Kiran Lloyd (31)
:bro: :bat: Alun Lockyer (29)

:slvo: :wkb: Harri Hurle (18)

:bro: :ar: Phil Salter (30)
:bro: :ar: Kai Kellaway (21)
:bro: :ar: Zinzan Taylor (25)

:slvo: :bwl: Will Morris (19)
:bro: :bwl: Lewis Carey (26)
:slvo: :bwl: Dai Jones (24)
:bro: :bwl: Johnny Harris (33)


Following the excitement of winning the Greece Triangular ODI Series, we are today delighted to announce that we have awarded rights for a fifth first-class franchise to Newport CC. After the work they have done in hosting both the Princes' Gate Final and the Unofficial Wales 'A' Test this summer, this is thoroughly deserved for everyone at Spytty Park.

However, we were disappointed with this post from the club, where they announced eleven signings for several reasons. Firstly, it was before our official announcement and secondly because none of these signing are sanctioned until Criced Cymru have officially announced the formats for 2003.

It is hoped that we could add a sixth team to the first-class structure for 2003 and this announcement could well affect these discussions. As a result the announced signings are not guaranteed until we announce the confirmed squad lists for 2003.

We hope to announce a sixth franchise soon.


Yn dilyn y cyffro o ennill Cyfres ODI Trionglog Gwlad Groeg, mae’n bleser gennym heddiw gyhoeddi ein bod wedi dyfarnu hawliau ar gyfer pumed masnachfraint dosbarth cyntaf i Newport CC. Ar ôl y gwaith y maent wedi'i wneud yn cynnal Rownd Derfynol Princes' Gate a Phrawf 'A' Answyddogol Cymru yr haf hwn, mae hyn yn gwbl haeddiannol i bawb ym Mharc Spytty.

Fodd bynnag, roeddem yn siomedig gyda'r post hwn gan y clwb, lle cyhoeddwyd unarddeg o lofnodion am sawl rheswm. Yn gyntaf, roedd cyn ein cyhoeddiad swyddogol ac yn ail oherwydd nad oes yr un o’r llofnodion hyn wedi’u cymeradwyo nes bod Criced Cymru wedi cyhoeddi’r fformatau ar gyfer 2003 yn swyddogol.

Y gobaith yw y gallem ychwanegu chweched tîm i'r strwythur dosbarth cyntaf ar gyfer 2003 a gallai'r cyhoeddiad hwn effeithio'n fawr ar y trafodaethau hyn. O ganlyniad, nid yw'r llofnodion a gyhoeddir yn cael eu gwarantu hyd nes y byddwn yn cyhoeddi'r rhestrau carfan a gadarnhawyd ar gyfer 2003.

Gobeithiwn gyhoeddi chweched rhyddfraint yn fuan.

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