We need more people online

The wide tactic is devastatingly lame and boring, I beat fazzy with it once in what would have been a great game, he was chasing 136 and would have got there. To be honest I didn't even come up with the tactic intentionally, I was just bowling with varied line and length and he was crushing boundaries no matter where my field was, finally I bowled a couple of balls way outside off and realized there was no shot that could get them away. There are no boundaries to be hit if you do this, the only effective shots that could pierce such a field or go for 6 require the ball to be pitched far short of a length.

Another unrealistic but effective tactic is bowling long hops with spinners while packing the straight boundary with fielders. The lofted cut or pull that one would like to use against this for an easy boundary doesn't work, because the ball doesn't bounce high enough, even though you can hit a regular pull shot. And in this game you usually have to hit the ball in the air or a sweep to get a boundary, since fielders that are 5m from the batsman are more effective than fielders on the ring at cutting off the shots, making miraculous diving stops of balls hit like lasers and then firing in the direct hit every single time.

And then there is another pretty lame tactic that I use of packing the on side and bowling almost wide/wide down leg. This one can be hard to use though, it's easy to bowl wides.

Actually there is a shot that can hit the balls that are a little offside...
And theres also shots that can hit long hops from spinners for fours...
And the tactic bowling down leg is easy to deal with as well...

Again play me and i will be able to put the runs on the board.

All these tactics are manageable you just have to find the right tactic for the right player, Also please note
-If a player wants to set a field to stop boundaries, it will be very hard or impossible to hit boundaries if he bowls to his plan, however you can still take singles unless you dont know some of the important shots
-If a player wants to set a field to stop singles, it will be very hard or impossible to take singles, however you can still hit 4's if your willing to go over the top.
-Just because someone is blocking a certain area near the boundary doesnt mean you cant hit it to the left or right of him.
-You didn't unintentionally find a tactic that cannot have runs scored against it, you just found a tactic that fazzy cant score runs against, and seeing how fazzy is one of the best players out, its pretty obvious a lot of players are not going to be able to score runs against the tactic either. Its what separates the best players from the good.
The good players will just call it a cheap and lame tactic or just ignore it and continue
The best players will learn the shots to counter the tactic.
Clearly the tactic is not illegal so you can either just not play with anyone who will use it against you knowing you don't know how to counter it, or you can learn how to score against it, Your choice.
I havnet been able to play online because when ever i log in, it disconnects after 5 seconds. ill keep trying, but does anyone have any ideas on my problem?
Agreed. More people online will be welcome. Sometimes it takes half an hour sitting online before I get a game. :( Maybe once the box version is released in the subcontinent the number will increase. I think one big disadvantage of p2p is that you need to configure the router and firewall to get hosting to work. Only a few will go through all the process, limiting the number who play online.
May i suggest up+right+lofted shot for this crap outside off stump. :p
Sandeep just tried to use my "wide tactic" against me and this is the result
Cricket Revolution - A Multiplayer PC Cricket Game

I then used it against him and he managed to score at over 10/over including 21 off this first over before i had to change my plan.

Yep clearly there is nothing that can possibly be done against this lame and cheap tactic!.
Wow an entire 18! What a rip roaring good time that must be. :sarcasm
18 and out of those how many are going to be from your area where you can play with low ping? 2-3 at best...hope this number climbs up soon though. Its a fantastic game, difficult to master, just hurt by lack of marketing (but which isn't a big deal, when the game is good word of mouth is enough) and stupid things like p2p online and requiring free ports, etc.
Let's just ask our friends, relatives and anyone else we know to buy this game. And yeah, wait for the box version in the Subcontinent. Then expect the number to rise by at least 10-20 people.
Wow an entire 18! What a rip roaring good time that must be. :sarcasm

Well i don't know about you but i usually only have to face 1 person to have a good time you know 1v1, the other 16 are usually playing there own games with each other.

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