What a Loser!

o well i stil remain unbeaten after 20 games unless u want to challange, although my batting is much better than my tatical bowling, and as trea from the aprentice said once, u r all below me

You truly are a sad little child. Grow up and learn to play properly. The game is bad enough without people like you ruining matches with your "tactic".

Annoyingdevil said:
look he kicked your butt Thats the end of it so that means you are a loser not him

Will you ever post anything worthwhile? All you've done so far is try and wind people up and make situations worse, stop it now.
Guys , i will tell u all something.. this complaints and grudges you show on this thread will only improve enemity and not correction of faults. If a player does a mistake, say in this forum in a polite way. He may change his attitude. If he doesnt change his attitude, all the users ignore him. He can never play online anytime. Thats the correct punishment. Not this grudges.:noway

lol, its good to be open-minded susa, and I commend you for doing so. But rsa has done it repeatedly, nor does he apologize. It's not a mistake when a player does it on purpose...especially if they repeat it again and again and know they're going against the rules. Basically what rsa did to me was that we made rules before playing the game in the chat, and he completely went against them. Not only that, he lied to me about being in the ladder..because I wanted to play a ladder match only. He plays to win, not to play fair or for the spirit of the game.
yo,its just a game nd who cares, dont take it personally, u ppl can do the same and i wouldnt care infact i jus feel its more challanging with slow bowling thats all, when really it is actually easier to play and score runs, u ppl jus have to be patient but thenh again theres r alot of amaetuer players like playkid n funkmate who aint at the mature level, end of story close the thread

ps. for all u noobs rza is the main producer from the wu tang clan
RZA, if it's just a game and you don't really care, why dont you be a sport and apologize for cheap bowling to "amateur" players?

Let's see you show some maturity, since you claim to be very mature.
ok im sorry, but i dont think theres anything wrong with the bowling, i will still bowl very slowly and u will still be able to see were its gonna be going, i wont hide newere ok
Apology accepted RZA.

But if you're truly sincere about your apology, you would play fair going forward, and not bowl short balls with spinners continuously. If you do that, you might even win some friends, even if you lost a few games mate.

Think about it.

:cheersSee pals.. Now he has apologized.. Thats wat i meant to say. Say the mistake in a polite way and i am sure anybody will fall for that.
ok fine with or without my amazing bowling im still better than u
ok fine with or without my amazing bowling im still better than u

Man, your infuriatingly cocky and up your own jacksy, you need to grow up as Stevie mentioned and learn that cheating isnt going to get you anywhere in life once you've left mommies and daddies cotton wool house.

If your apology is truthful then fair be it, and Shane Warne doesnt bowl short, only when dead end matches occur like the end of season game for Hampshire, but he isnt a cheat, so dont compare yourself, plus its a game, so why compare it?

Grow up, get a life and play nicely, nothing too difficult, i bet your one of these people who buys a game and first thing you do before playing is jump online to search for cheats, arn't you?
so is it ok for me to bowl slowly as long as u can see the direction of it with both spinners and medium paces?
so is it ok for me to bowl slowly as long as u can see the direction of it with both spinners and medium paces?

It seems you have never played real life cricket. You just got the game from somewhere, went through tutorial and started looking for bugs.

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