What are you listening to now?

Emi's becoming famous and famous!

Kim is a really violent song!

Not really, just because you discovered something does not mean it was not there beforehand. Kim and the entire Marshall Mathers LP is almost a decade old. People who grew up listening to it now have kids of their own. Its nothing new and its not your discovery.

Also, if you called him "Emi" here amongst his fans they would probably punch you in the face
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and yeh eminem has been immensely popular for years.

MGMT - electric feel

Speaking of MGMT - what's the new album like?

And I remember buying Eminem's first album on tape.....it's that old...
Speaking of MGMT - what's the new album like?

no idea. Don't really follow artists or new releases as such, if someone recommends a song or I hear one somewhere that I like I look for it on spotify. Don't really listen to albumns.

Arerith's theme - ff 7 - Nobuou Uematsu
Magick - Ryan Adams & The Cardinals. Definitely the highlight of Cardinology album.

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Not really, just because you discovered something does not mean it was not there beforehand. Kim and the entire Marshall Mathers LP is almost a decade old. People who grew up listening to it now have kids of their own. Its nothing new and its not your discovery.

I know that. I was talking about India. Eminem's becoming more famous in India.

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