What is your favorite country in each continent?

Asia: My gr8 India of course, Japan(would like to visit only for 160Mbps broadband :p)
Europe: Would like to visit UK once and probably work there too(they offer hell better payments then here :D) Switzerland and France

USA & Canada also on my list :)
Europe: Greece
North America: USA
South America: The Caribbean
Asia: India
Oceania: Australia
Africa: Egypt
I visited Abu Dhabi as a child, to me it just seemed that there was absolutly nothing to do but shop, from the moment we landed there, people were hounding us to spend money. The food was bad too, very nice airport though, a huge green dome if I recall correctly.

Anyways, now that I actually have some money, I might enjoy it more, but do not see myself visiting there again
Abu Dhabi has changed MASSIVELY over the years. The whole of UAE has really. And the tourism capital of UAE is Dubai, Abu Dhabi is just the commercial hub. Give it another shot, trust me you'll love it. The place is filled wit tourists...
perhaps one day Ill meet you there, maybe we can get a drink in one of those fancy hotels,
Oceana: Land Of The Long Wite Cloud. Fiji doesn't really do it for me.
Asia: Singapore
North America: USA (Las Vegas and Los Angeles mainly.) :p
South America: Never Been
Europe: France (Only South is good though)
Africa: Never Been
Oceania - Australia
Europe - Sweden, Spain, Ukraine, Italy
Asia - UAE
Africa - South Africa
North America - U.S.A
South America - Peru, Argentina
Mine are the following-
Australia-Australia- Melbourne
Asia- Thailand and India
Africa- South Africa
Europe- Sweden
North America-Canada

I have been to Australia and Thailand only.
Asia- Malaysia/ Japan.
Europe- Spain, England
North America- U.S.A

These are place I`ve been too. Very nice places as well, i might add.

You've been to all of these places at age 15 or 16 or whatever?...

Are you joking?

God some people have it lucky...
North America-USA,Canada.
South America-Brazil(Rio de Janeiro for beautiful beaches:p and carnivals)
Europe-Germany(want to see the remains of the Third Reich and some interesting WWII monuments),Holland

Probably Russia too,but confused about it is in which continent

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