What would you like to see patched?


ICC Chairman
Mar 26, 2007
Online Cricket Games Owned
Post your priorities for the patch in this thread; it'll be easier for Transmission if we collate our feedback here, rather than odd points scattered all over the bugs thread. :) For that reason, try to post lists instead of single points. :) Strike that last part, I'm going through the thread and collating points to make it easier for Transmission to read. Apologies to Transmission if some of these are duplicated. :) Also, to make it easier for Transmission, it would be better if we just post major issues, not requests for 3rd Umpire screens or other such cosmetic touches; they're more suited to the wishlist thread.

Edit: The following issue pertains only to the PC version. It appears that some people are having problems with the game (including myself). The demo ran fine (60fps average), but the full game is only going at 35fps maximum and is slowing down to an unacceptable 10-15fps when it zooms out to the outfield, or when cinemtatics are played between balls. This is making it hard to time the ball and far too easy to bowl no-balls. My specs are well in excess of the recommended specs (see the bottom of the page) This is the number one priority for the PC patch; in fact, it would be a well received gesture if you'd make a hotfix for this one issue and release it ASAP, not make us wait however many weeks/months it'll take for the full patch to come out.

Edges falling short too often.

Invisible edges when it's clearly hit the pad - either give us an appeal button, or have the fielders appeal when this happens. Also, any runs that are accrued by this method should go down as leg byes.

AI's runouts.

AI's running (apparently, they often don't run at all when there's a clear three on offer) - I'd rather the AI's running was left as is in the demo than this situation if it's true, because at least you could nullify that by save/reload. You can't do anything if the AI won't run at all! Of course, if both could be fixed, that'd be ideal.

Overly agressive AI batting (seems to vary match to match).

Bounce - seems to have too much on fuller length and nowhere near enough on bouncer length.

AI bowls a few too many no-balls.

Far too easy to bowl no-balls with spinners.

Why can't you flight the ball with spinners? That's an elementary aspect of spin bowling!

And why can't you save custom fields?

Ditto tests online.

Dont think anyone else has mentioned but I think the test match batsman confidence system needs seriously tweaking. Nearly every decent batsman in the game should be coming to the crease at 'hesitant' (tailenders could be at 'timid').

Stamina for bowlers is a good fix to add.
please transmission team patch up the line and length variaton of the bowlers...

when does muralidaran pitch 6 yorkers in an over?????

Back foot to a full ball - Obvious bug - full ball from a quick bowler - I got ALT + direction to play a nice little leg glace, and the game gets out a big backfoot hook - needless to say that bat is kilometers away from the ball - I'm LBW - sort this out!

I would say the timing zone for the attacking shots must be reduced both for AI and human player on Hard mode at the moment the Hard Mode is way to easy. I have scored over 800 runs for the loss of 2 wickets in a test match without playing a single lofted stroke. But its too easy to get a perfectly timed shot which goes for four as the perfect timing zone on dark green is far toooo big! The perfect time zone must be reduced to may be a single bar for perfect balls and 2 bars for non-perfect balls. As in real life bowlers who bowl have atleast 2-3 dot balls in an over minimum even in ODIs.

You can leave it the same for t20. I believe this will also sort out the AI as most of the shots will not go for six or fours if the timing bar is reduced.
Also please provide the perfect bowling zone atleast on the off and middle stump line. All i am trying to say is the so called perfect yellow spot is non existent if you are trying to bowl on stumps. You have to bowl way outside off stump to get the perfect zone. Increase the yellow zone. As it will make the online play even better and also it will help keep the human run rate to realistic in all forms. At the moment there are only 2-3 perfect zones for each bowler.

For spinners this perfect zone becomes even worse. For leg spinner you would expect the bowl to pitch on and around leg and middle stump to get LBWs and bowled. Whereas in the game you have to bowl way outside off stump to be able to bowl in the perfect zone this sucks big time!!!!!.
Give us more perfect zone. There should be a significant difference in handling pace and spin. At the moment difference in the pace is not that much. The fast bowlers must be really quick so that it gives us less than a second to press the button as even in real life you have 0.5 of a second to react to bowlers like LEE and other quicks bowling at 90MPH. Keeper dives are unrealistic against the spinner.

Make edges zone smaller too so that we can have LBW's and leg byes. At the moment outside edge, inside edge and bottom edge occupies 3/4 of the timing bar which is very very big hence impossible to miss the ball and get LBWs unless you play down the wrong line. If the timing bar is sorted half the issues will be solved and if you can bowl in line with the stumps and it can be a perfect(yellow spot) ball we can get more LBWs and bowled online and against the AI too.

AI Pacing in tests - Its actually very good on the whole in one day matches - although leaving the ball in the last 3 overs of a T20 game needs to be sorted! But in tests the pacing of the AI batsmen is rediculously high - between 3-4 an over will be fine as a base fix - if you can solve it more in depth then do so but that as a good starting point.
More none caught wickets - In T20, other than catches on the boundary and the ludicrious amounts of run-outs and catches on the boundary - I can't seem to get bowled and LBW's as often as I feel I should.

Wow, a major major bug, far bigger than anything I mentioned in the review.
Batting second in a 50 over ODI my batsmen suddenly lost the ability to run properly. Strike batsman would collide with the bowler and stop halfway down and when sent back would stand outside the crease.
In other words everytime I pressed run I got runout! Went from 140/2 to 140/7 before realising that I was going to have to score the final 100 entirely in boundaries on a slow wicket and outfield! Got pretty close too 219 ao.

The inability to take runs when batting is a somewhat bigger bug than wrong lengths or AI aggression.
In addition to my little list earlier:

7. AI no balls - I've just finished a full days play against Australia and they conceded 46 no balls. That is just ridiculous. In the first test of the real Ashes series there were 23 no balls in total! 23 at Lord's as well.

8. Recommended length - I doubt this will be fixed but it needs to be. See http://www.planetcricket.org/forums/1504798-post66.html for why.

9. Why is Marcus North opening the bowling on day two of a test match when the new ball was taken 10 overs before the end of day one?

10. Bowlers bowling around the wicket to right handers etc.

Did I mention make it harder in my last post? Oh I did, but I'll mention it again. MAKE IT HARDER.

Wear and tear doesn't appear to make it onto saved games - when you reload, the pitch is day one condition again. Since there's a good chance that means the gameplay effect, as well as the graphical effect won't happen, it needs attention, since wear and tear of a pitch is an important part of cricket. Shouldn't be hard to fix?

After five or six overs, my bowlers are already losing stamina. The AI's bowlers on the other hand seem to be permanently rested.

The AI don't usually slog for too long, in my experience. Usually just a few overs, in my case. Maybe there's been a 'powerplay' trigger incorrectly implemented in Test Matches?


I think they have written the code for test matches in T20 mode and vice versa..In test matches the AI is always scoring at above 6rpo and finish up all out for around 150 in 15 to 20 overs.

In T20 mode they bat properly around 4-5 rpo and play full 20 overs and finish around 100/3 or something.
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My main gripes:

- AI run-out's! A must!

- Pacing, tweak it please!
I havent got the game yet (but its ordered). But do Anderson and Broad seriously bowl 70mph?!?
Updated stats and attributes for the default teams, for online play.

Let the AI bowl more wides

Generally better AI overall
one thing,please stop the no balls issue :help
and btw any body saw a leg bye in this game ??
one thing,please stop the no balls issue :help
and btw any body saw a leg bye in this game ??

As I said, there are these invisible edges 9/10 times the ball hits the pads: most of the runs accrued like that should be leg byes!
hope it will fix the real bugs such as runout, AI bowlers no ball, AI batting in test and batters playing back for full balls when. other then bowling speeds for english fast bowlers.. yes yes good old james can ball faster then 78mph but i can deal with it if other bugs get fixed !!!!!
Glad to hear that a patch is in the works.

I hope the major issues get addressed.
I have been thrashed for that earlier too.... but forgive me guys, I can't stop :doh

The 3rd umpire decisions on the big screen :D
I must say, well done Codies/Transmission for releasing a patch! :clap If this patch is going to come out for all consoles, I'll tell my friends to get the game as well then!
Bet they won't fix the AI. Probably fix run outs and thats it. I'd personally like to see;

- The extremely weak edges that never carry
- AI pacing
- Fix bowler attributes/speeds.
I will blow my top off if the patch doesn't change Luke Wright to Fast Medium.

They will know the rest of what needs fixing. Pacing, edges, run outs and bowling speeds being the main ones.

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