What would you like to see patched?

that's not a game killer mate!
The thrashing starts again.... :doh

Guys, i know look is not everything; and those AI runout, no balls, edges etc r on utmost priority.

But if transmissions r working on a patch, then why not correct that 3rd umpire decision thingy too....

When playing a front foot shot into cow corner sometimes it randomly plays a backfoot shot anyway and always gets me plumb LBW
They must TEST the patch properly before releasing. so that it fixes the bugs whatever they have intended to fix.
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what's WHM?? great to hear abt the patch..by now, im sure the devs have heard abt the big issues a countless times -- run outs, pacing, edges, ashes player skills...hope they fix it
I will blow my top off if the patch doesn't change Luke Wright to Fast Medium.

They will know the rest of what needs fixing. Pacing, edges, run outs and bowling speeds being the main ones.

Luke Wright is a hack and should stay at his speed that he is on atm.
Firstly, will the patch be for all three platforms (PC, Xbox via Xbox Live and PS) or just PC?
gas, some one told me you are also working on a patch ?????


Nah, that's a cabbage patch.:spy

Sounds about right.
Bet they won't fix the AI. Probably fix run outs and thats it. I'd personally like to see;

- The extremely weak edges that never carry
- AI pacing
- Fix bowler attributes/speeds.

As well as the runouts, some people have stated that, unlike the demo, they often don't run even though there are three runs on offer! That needs to be fixed!

I have been thrashed for that earlier too.... but forgive me guys, I can't stop :doh

The 3rd umpire decisions on the big screen :D

They won't add new features like that.

MasterBlaster76 added 12 Minutes and 42 Seconds later...
Give us a W-L stat tracking and punish the quitters with a big fat L
or if they cant add new stats atleast do the below, which i think is achievable via a patch

Make it so the match stats are kept when someone quits - am sick of people quitting in the last overs, its a waste of a match and alot of time
It is a massive let down in the online feature of this product.
The online career and stat tracking is flawed when it only represents 25% of your matches, the ones that actually finish
The pace of the bowlers shld be fixed and also the number of catches being dropped by AI is far too many,even tht should be fixed.
Whatever may be the mixed feedback/points/views given by the Planet Cricket members; should be reviewed and compiled in a one final list (priority wise).

The same should be forwarded to the concerned person (Whitehornmatt).

This will help our cause n wud be easy for the P.C. team to give a proper feedback regarding the upcoming PATCH
AI Run out bug should be fixed.
AI bowling too many yorkers should be reduced.
Mistimed defensive shots should carry to the keeper or slips
Sometimes if i try to play a leg glance with front foot it chooses a wrong shot. THis should be fixed.
Sticky this thread please and also delete double post, just in case Transmission looks in, they must be able to see everything clearly in one post. So the OP should take the suggestions and put it in his first post.

Also PC is loading too slow for me. Is it only me or everyone??

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