Which protection BLIC 2007 uses?


School Cricketer
Dec 1, 2005
Ambala, India
Online Cricket Games Owned
Hello guys. YOu must have rememberd the starforce protection.BLIC 2005 used it.Once play cd/dvd becomes durty ,its a pain in ass to be able to play the game. I hope they dont use that protection this time coz i dont wanna ruin my original dvds.I know they do this to prevent piracy.But there are a lot of games which have cracks yet we buy original ones.so having spend a bucket full of dollars on protection make no sense.

I just wanna know which protection does they gonna use this time aound?
max_dillon2007 said:
Hello guys. YOu must have rememberd the starforce protection.BLIC 2005 used it.Once play cd/dvd becomes durty ,its a pain in ass to be able to play the game. I hope they dont use that protection this time coz i dont wanna ruin my original dvds.I know they do this to prevent piracy.But there are a lot of games which have cracks yet we buy original ones.so having spend a bucket full of dollars on protection make no sense.

I just wanna know which protection does they gonna use this time aound?

if u see the demo readme it states Starforce Again
i dont like starforce either but its codies choice again.
May be next time they can go for some other protection
Yes its that starforce again. The only good thing about starfoce is that its pretty hard to crack. However it is a disc drive killer. Hence many companys dropping starforce as of late.
its starforce :mad (which is realy irritating)

and yeah these cds do get scratched very easuily and stop working, thats why i can no longer run some of my other games (not cricket ones)
I refuse to place the BLIC 2007 CD in my new PC.

Hell, I'll buy it, put it on an old CD Drive, copy the files onto the PC, transfer the files onto my router to my computer, and then install.
Won't really help you. Starforce doesn't get installed when you install the game, it's embedded in the game executable.
Great game but whats it with codies

Okay i played the game , its great, but what is it with codies not listening to people .

Do you know what i am talking about "starforce" it will kill your PC. :mad

Can we modify the game no i would imagine not like last time.

Codies you have a great game but something just makes wanna come over there and slap a few people , :gundown for putting on starforce.

*takes a deep breath counts till 10* okay i am fine now :mad
simran3 said:
Do you know what i am talking about "starforce" it will kill your PC. :mad
So you're saying it WILL? No it won't and that's pathetic. Most of the incidents are just rumours.
Cowburn199 said:
So you're saying it WILL? No it won't and that's pathetic. Most of the incidents are just rumours.

exactly . rumours heard from some lame warez forums written by some noobs .

the only problem Starforce has caused , is a problem for the crackers and majorly the ppl awaiting for the cracked copy to arrive . Most of the ppl dont even know as to how Starforce , Securom or any protection for that matter works . THe ONLY reason ppl hate it is PURELY becos it cant be cracked fast so they can play the goddamn game , and thats a fact ... pls let us know what problem starforce has caused for u in particular and not protections like Securom didnt ?

Starforce last year even said that they'll offer $3000 to the person who REALLY has had problem with Starforce protection , and yes , i dont bluff like some of these ppl here :- http://www.theinquirer.net/default.aspx?article=28442

nobody did even turn up . more than enough proof .

The person who actually had the problems are those desparate and half-knowledge noobs who wanted to remove their CD-Drives and crap like that without any knowledge to play one game and get themselves their PC ruined ....

i can understand ppl saying its irritating using the original CD again and again for playing , but saying crap like Starforce killzz my HDD , 0mfg the protection is lamz0r ! is just PURE bullshit .
Starforce can be beaten by disconnecting the drives IDE cable can it not? Great copy protection there.

Starforce can be considered malicious in nature as you're given very little warning about what it actually does to your system, in a lot of cases you won't even notice it's there. Software which does not provide a simple method for removing itself is never going to be well thought of, and no having to download a tool to do it is not simple.

Of course there was the whole thing that came up around Gal Civ 2. They used no protection on that game and it sailed to the top of the charts, thus proving that if you have a good product people will buy it, you don't need copy protection. Starforce's response was to post a link to where people could download an illegal copy of the game :rolleyes:

This wasn't all fiction as you try to make out UbiSoft dropped Starforce because of problems, Starforce's own staff at one point recommended developers patch the copy protection out of the game after a few months when it had been cracked to make it easier for people that actually purchased the game to play. They KNOW their software causes problems to legitimate owners of games.

They may have improved recently however the damage of that awful start has already been done and there's a lot of people who are never going to trust them again.

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