Wii Version

Since Wii version has not been developed by Transmission, how is the bowling speed of the bowlers in the build which you tested?
Thank you for clearing, but my major point was, is it like that AC09 by transmission ones where they had problem in speed of the fast bowlers. Like Harmison bowls around 85-90'ish miles but Anderson/Broad bowls just around 75ish miles like typical BLIC 05/07 ones. This was the speed problem which I wanted to know like how it is developed in the build which you tested. :)

Did you test the gameplay as non-licensed nations as well? Like the spinners like Murali, Harbhajan should have been more effective than Botha, Hauritz etc etc. Or any experience with non-licensed nations in the game?
are the graphics better than ea cricket 07?
are the graphics better than ea cricket 07?
Yes, in fact, everything is far better than Cricket 07. For more details, you should read the previews by some of the PC members. That will clear your doubts.

Oh thats great to see that Murali having the better ratings than other. I thought it will be a generic :p

And by the way, about the bowling speed, I meant that Broad & Anderson won't bowl greater than 75 mph whereas Harmison being the only bowler to bowl around 90ish. In Blic 05/07, the bowlers were bowling around the generic speed of around 112 Kmph and some exception bowlers like Edwards bowling around 150 Kmph.

In AC09 by Transmission, they have this problem & they had given a word that those generic bowler speeds would be fixed and be realistic before the release. So I wanted to know whether Gusto also have the same problem.

Thanks for clearing my doubts especially on those spin ratings. :onpc
they better fix the bowler speeds for the ps3 xbox. versions. Since we cannot patch them ourselves. Anderson, Steyn , etc bowling in the 70s will be an instant game killer for me.
does the wii version have online play?
lol that just sucks i have a wii and 360, both are ntsc. :noway
There should be an NTSC release on Wii. I think Codemasters will be using the Wii version to try and break into non-core cricket markets.

No real chance on 360 though.
Thanks for the info! :hpraise At least i'll be able to play it on the wii.

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