Will 3gb of RAM bottleneck a Quad Core?

Is PES 11 better or I should go for this one. The demo worked brilliantly on PS3.

I am itching for a sports game now and NBA 2K11 is not exactly dream on PS3.
True, but Fifa 11 PC doesn't exactly push the graphical envelope.

You haven't tried it yet, K.I? It's everything we've been asking for all these years, but MM has a few nasty bugs.

The full game should be fine as well then.
No I haven't. :p I was actually waiting to get myself a decent controller before getting FIFA 11 but just couldn't get around to buying one. Will try and get the controller and the game this week! :)
Dedicated graphics or on board ? On board will always cause this kind of problem.
He's got basically the same graphics card as me :) Except mine is from a different company. I'm looking to buy a second one and run them in crossfire over the holidays :)
Ohh sorry I missed that, so while talking about ATI, try to tweak it through Catalyst Control Centre. And have you tried on Win 7 32Bit. I am kind of sure it will work better than Win 7 64bit. I mean this is my personal experience.
Dedicated graphics or on board ? On board will always cause this kind of problem.

Dedicated, from his sig.

Correct. I wouldn't touch an onboard card with a bargepole for gaming. ;) :)

Ohh sorry I missed that, so while talking about ATI, try to tweak it through Catalyst Control Centre. And have you tried on Win 7 32Bit. I am kind of sure it will work better than Win 7 64bit. I mean this is my personal experience.

Trouble is, I don't have Win 32bit installed - I am dual booting with Win XP and Win 7 64bit - Win 7 is working fine for all other games - it's only Fifa that's having this issue.

I've tried all sorts of tweaks with CCC, nothing works. I reckon we'll see a patch pretty soon, so I'll stick with XP until then. :)

Anyway, I might pick up the extra RAM tomorrow - if anything, it'll be worthwhile as then I can run in dual channel. Maybe it'll help, maybe not - we'll see eh? ;)
OK, I went up to 4gb today. I loaded up Fifa 11 and it was as smooth as silk! Great, I thought - problem solved. But when I restarted the system again, the lag was back! I have no idea what's going on with this game, but it seems to have something against Win 7 64bit and/or ATI. :facepalm

Back to XP for now then. :)
Just wondering, have you tried switching the antivirus off during the time you play? I experienced the lag yesterday, and it was really annoying. I minimized the game and checked the processor usage to find 100% being used. on checking, I realised it was FIFA taking up 50% (and a bit more), and the rest taken up by the antivirus. i disabled it, and the game was smooth again.
Just wondering, have you tried switching the antivirus off during the time you play? I experienced the lag yesterday, and it was really annoying. I minimized the game and checked the processor usage to find 100% being used. on checking, I realised it was FIFA taking up 50% (and a bit more), and the rest taken up by the antivirus. i disabled it, and the game was smooth again.

That's worth a go, cheers. :)
Regarding the RAM upgrade - Win 7 64bit is reading it as 4gb, but XP is only reading it as 3.50gb - is that because Win XP, being a 32bit system, can't recognise 4gb?
Yes I had the same problem too. Your graphics card is using the .5 GB.
Yes I had the same problem too. Your graphics card is using the .5 GB.

Is that just happening under Win XP then?

MasterBlaster76 added 1 Minutes and 2 Seconds later...

I minimized the game and checked the processor usage to find 100% being used. on checking, I realised it was FIFA taking up 50% (and a bit more),

From what you can see, is the game utilising all your CPU cores?
Yeah it is utilizing both the cores, but is generally limited to 50%. Goes up till 55% at times, but that's about it. (while its minimized though.. don't know what's happening in gameplay.

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