Windows 8

That can go take a running jump of the White Cliffs of Dover - I'm perfectly happy with Win 7 and I'm not about to shell out another ?70 for an O/S anytime soon.
That can go take a running jump of the White Cliffs of Dover - I'm perfectly happy with Win 7 and I'm not about to shell out another ?70 for an O/S anytime soon.

It is said that it will take 2 years for Windows 8 to come. By that time, most of us would be willing to shell out the money to get it.

I am very happy with Win 7. I hope Windows 8 features highly noticeable improvements/added features over Windows 7 if they want to excite customers and fans.
It'll have to blow Win 7 out of the water for me to get it. Unless they stop making stuff for Win 7 in two years (unlikely ;) ) then I'll stick with it.
I am pretty happy with Windows 7. *Ignores Windows 8* :D
There will always be a 'next' operating system that will replace the current one. Previously Windows updates were more frequent than they are today, so a four year interval is about normal.
I'm not facing any problems with Windows 7 at all, the best thing is this it suits my computer and gives high performance.
Though I think Windows 8 will be bigger and better but will be only an update to 7.

So Windows 8 = Windows 7+some updates

They should improve the windows games like Chess, I can defeat the Comp at level 10.:p
My comp never got hanges but whenever I'm at my school or at my friend's home, it usually hangs and took atleast 5-6 minutes to be back to normal.They should imrpove it.

One porblem I'm facing is that Utorrent(legal) often hangs up and son't respond.
They've probably been developing Windows 8 for a year or so at least. If it comes as a surprise to anyone that they've been working on it, it shouldn't. Software companies don't sit around admiring how well their current release is doing. It's more likely that those guys who were doing last-minute bugfixes on 7 have now been transferred to the 8 team.

sohum added 3 Minutes and 10 Seconds later...

I'm fine with my XP :laugh
XP is on its final legs of official Microsoft support. And it's about time, too, that tripe is almost 10 years old. There's no value in them tacking on fixes to something that is quite clearly software designed for a previous generation of computers.

Microsoft is going to stop official support of SP2 in about a week, and will stop supporting XP for good in 2014. Still a while, but much of that period will be bugfixes and such only for special subscribers.
Of course they are developing Windows 8, it was public knowledge before 7 was released. This is the world of technology, there's always something new coming up. If you keep worrying about every new release before buying something, you might as well be stuck with XP till 2020.
I m bored with Win XP SP2.. :facepalm

My new corei3 processor system will arrive soon (within a week) excited as it comes with windows 7! :banana2
^Same's the case here only I'll be getting it in August.:onpc

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