the only reason you got it back was because you manipulated the staff team by going to the person who you thought was most likely to give it back to you because you knew it would be a straight up no from everyone else?
This is the part which is total bullshit.
Staff members can read the PMs,can't they?
So,why don't you go through my chat with xxx before you try to make either of us look like some 'cheaters' or something?
If you do,you'll find that i asked him if i could
expect any vCash donations from PC to have as prize money in a league i was going to start and he was like sure,you deserve it and asked me how much i needed.I said he could give me whatever he feels like.
You are making this sound as if i had pleaded him to make me the virtually richest person in PC or something.All i did was ask him
if it was
possible to get
some vCash.
The fact is...i don't give an eff about vCash because if i did,i wouldn't give so much away in my leagues.
Also,i was a bit busy with personal life for the last week or so anyway but i could have managed to somehow make time (like i have been doing) at the expense of compromising certain things but now,i don't see that its worth it.
That's why i'm going to fulfill my PC commitments (only WW III now) only when i genuinely find time in personal life.
Anyway,i do agree that its a bit unfair for someone to have so much vCash because its a big chain and lot of lives are dependent on it,you know :sarcasm
bcvstheworld added 3 Minutes and 25 Seconds later...
Well when is the test postponed to ??
Next week probably as i'll be done with my class assignments by then.