World Wrestling Entertainment

Friday Night Smackdown Results

Match 2: Terry Funk vs Chavo in a Single Match

Winner: Chavo​

Match 3: Stone Cold & Sabu vs Mr. Kennedy & Melina & Finlay in a Handicap - Tag on Trio Match

Winner: Stone Cold & Sabu​

Match 4: Ric Flair & Elijah vs Mysterio & King Booker in a Elimination Tag - Table Tornado Tag for the Tag Team Championship

Winner:Ric Flair & Elijah and still the Tag Team Champion​

Main Event: Matt Hardy vs HBK in a Parking lot Brawl for the Cruiserweight Championship

Winner and still the Cruiserweight Champion Matt Hardy​

Zohaib added 18 Minutes and 39 Seconds later...

Monday Night Raw

Date: April 8
Location: Honolulu, Hawaii​

Match 1 :John Cena & Funknath & Snitsky vs Khali & Zorax & Gregory Helms in a Elimination Tag- Normal 6-man Tag Match

Zorax and Cena strarts things. Zorax punches Cena then does a german suplex on Cena. Zorax irish whips Cena out of the ring. Zorax uses the steel steps as he bangs Cena heads on it the referee is counting 1...2...3...4...5..6..7...8 Zorax made it back in 9...10 Cena is eliminated . Zorax and funknath or fighting now .Zorax tags in Gregory Helms . Helms kicks Funknath .Helms tags in Khali. Khali big boots Funknath . Funknath is busted open. Khali goes for the pin 1...2...3 Funknaths eliminated. Snitsky and Khali are fighting now.Snitsky closelines Khali. Khali tags in Zorax .Zorax does a backbreaker to Snitsky and then does a moonsault to Snitsky. Zorax tags Khali in. Khali gives Snitsky the big chop Khali goes for the pin 1...2...3

Winner: Zorax & Khali & Helms​

Match 2 : JTG vs MVP in a Submission-Single Match

JTG punches MVP. MVP punches JTG to the back. JTG pokes MVP eyes. MVP elbows JTG then knees his head. MVP punches JTG. JTG punches MVP. MVP does a neckbreaker to JTG then gets the leg lock locked in JTG breaks the hold. MVP does a backbreaker to JTG then gets Head lock JTG gets out of the hold . MVP works on JTG legs .MVP does the PlayMaker to JTG then goes to the top rope and jumps but misses. MVP does the PlayMaker then goes to the top rope and jumps but this time he connected .MVP gets the head lock locked in JTG is going to tap he is in the middle of the ring JTG taps.

Winner: MVP​

Match 3 : Batista vs Mark Henry vs Shad in a TLC-Triple Threat Match

Shad punches Henry to the back. Shad brings the table in the ring and hits Batista and Henry with it. Shad brings the ladder and hits Henry in the head with it. Henry picks Batista up and throws him out of the ring. Shad does the backbreaker to Henry.Shad german suplex Batista. Shad takes the ladder and hits Henry and Batista in the head .Shad climbs the ladder getting ready to jump on Batista . Batista came up the ladder. Shad German suplexed Batista from the top of the ladder. Henry hits Batista with the table. Batista hits Henry and Shad with the ladder.Henry irish whips Batista out of the ring. Henry headbutts Shad. Shad closelines Batista .Batista hits Henry with the ladder . Batista does a powerbomb to Shad. Henry walks over Batista's back. Henry hits Shad and Batista with the ladder. Shad irish whips Batista out of the ring. Shad does the bear hug to Henry , Henry gets out of the hold. Batista does a german suplex to Henry then goes for the pin 1...2.. Henry lifts his shoulder. Shad does a spinebuster to Batista then pins him 1...2...3


Match 4 : Edge vs Kane vs Mick Foley in a Triple Threat Match

Edge DDt's Foley. Kane german suplex's Edge. Kane irish whips Foley and Edge out of the ring . Kane big boots Edge and does a power bomb to Foley. Kane Upper Cuts Edge . Foley DDT's Edge. Kane works on Foley legs. Edge does a neck breaker to Foley. Kane goes for the powerbomb but it is reversed by Edge. Kane does a back breaker to Edge. Kane closelines Foley. Foley closelines Kane. Kane punches Edge. Foley kicks Edge in the head. Kane does a powerbomb to Foley. Kanes does a neck breaker to Foley. Kane closelines Edge. Kane does the Chokeslam to Foley and goes for the pin 1...2...3

Winner: Kane​

Main Event : Randy Orton vs Triple H in a First Blood Match for the intercontinental Championship

Triple H does a DDT to Orton. Triple H does a spinebuster to Orton. Triple H goes under the ring and get a sledge hammer and hits Orton with it . Triple H does a neckbreaker to Orton . Triple H punches Orton in the face. Orton does a DDT to Triple H. Triple H does a german suplex to Orton . Triple H gets a steel chair and hits Orton with it .Triple H headbutts Orton and Orton starts to bleed. Triple H wins.

Winner: Triple H and new Intercontinental Champion​
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Khali is good and Snitsky is bad so it should be me,cena and khali vs Zorax, Helms and Snitsky :mad: :mad: :mad:
Later today or tomorrow when ever i get time because i also have to post results of smackdown and ECW
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It's not necessary to put every wrestler in every show. Did you write the matches yourself? It would be nice to see some promos in there, which is the main thing to be honest when it comes to gaming diaries. Basically interviews and stuff.
Tuesday Night ECW Results

Match 1:Zohaib vs Gutterman in a Single Match

Winner: Gutterman​

Match 2: Sandman & Jeff hardy vs Umaga & Regal in a Single w/manager Match

Winner: Umaga & Regal​

Match 3: CM Punk vs Carlito vs Kenny vs Marcus in a TLC - Fatal 4 way

Winner: Kenny​

Macth 4: Undertaker & Roddy Piper vs Bret Hart & Michelle in a Single w/manager Match for the ECW Championship

Winner :Bret Hart & Michelle​

Main Event:The Rock vs Lashley vs Rick Rude in a Triple threat match

Winner :Lashley​

Zohaib added 1 Minutes and 29 Seconds later...

It's not necessary to put every wrestler in every show. Did you write the matches yourself? It would be nice to see some promos in there, which is the main thing to be honest when it comes to gaming diaries. Basically interviews and stuff.

yes i did write the matches myself

and i will starting interviewing superstars later i just started
Hmm pretty bland update. You just wrote down the results. I'd rather see updates like the RAW one every once in a while rather than daily updates like the last one.
I want to challenge for the ECW championship. I think I can show Bret Hart a thing or two...
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Hmm pretty bland update. You just wrote down the results. I'd rather see updates like the RAW one every once in a while rather than daily updates like the last one.

thats because im the manager of raw so i can only see those matches otherwise i will do it with details

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