World Wrestling Entertainment

i was going to do that but i dont have time i will start after after this smackdown results

you want to be a wrestler fill in the form

Zohaib added 11 Minutes and 18 Seconds later...

Friday Night Smackdown Results

Match 2:Kelly vs Melina in single match

Winner: Kelly Kelly​

Match 3: HBK & Sabu vs Elijah & King Booker in a tag team match

Winner: HBK & Sabu​

Match 4: Terry Funk vs Mr. Kennedy & Ric Flair & Matt Hardy in a Handicap Match 1 on 3

Winner: Mr. Kennedy & Ric Flair & Matt Hardy​

Main Event: Stone Cold vs Mysterio in a submission match for the World Heavyweight Championship

Winner: Stone Cold​
Monday Night Raw

Date: April 15
Location: San Diego, California​

Match 1 : Edge vs Funknath
Match Type : Steel Cage

The two wrestlers stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent and an enormous effort by Funknath prevails.Funknath takes a run-up on the ropes, runs towards Edge and he hits Edges back with his arm taut performing a Clothesline to Back!!Funknath runs toward Edge grasping his head
and leaps driving him down to the ground performing a Running DDT!!Edge grabs Funknath by both his hips and perpendicularly hurls him with a strong Gutwrench Suplex!!Edge grabs Funknath head and lows his face with the knee to perform a Knee on Head.Funknath charges Edges arm and with a great strength punches Edge's face performing a Big Punch!!Funknath does the Tombstone Piledriver to Edge.Funknath starts to climb and he is out of the ring Funknath wins.

Funknath Wins The Match And Defeats Edge

Match 2 : Khali vs Zorax
Match Type : Ladder Match

Zorax gains the initiative exploiting his quickness. Zorax does the Chop to Khali followed by a chant of WOOOOOO from the crowd.Zorax swings his whole body back
and with a great strength punches Khali's face performing a Big Punch!!Zorax grabs an heavy extinguisher and hits Khali in the face.Zorax grabs Khali's ankles putting them under his armpits
and falls backward throwing him to the turnbuckle performing a Rocket Launcher!!Khali loads Zorax on his shoulders and throws himself backward, trampling him with a Strong Samoan Drop.Zorax gets out of the ring grabbing a monitor from the announcer's table and hits Khali in the face.khali does the big chop to Zorax.Khali gets the ladder and hits Zorax in the face with it.Khali starts to climb the ladder Khali reaches the top of the ladder Khali tryes to reach for the suitcase to gain the victory
and finally he reaches it!

Khali Wins The Match And Defeats Zorax

Mark Henry come out to the ring and says"no one is going to stop me in the Triple threat match against Triple H and Batista. Im going to win the match and go and challenge Edge for the title."Batista music hits he goes to the ring and ask for a mic.Batista say"Its embrassing how you come out here every week and lose" Randy orton goes behind Batista and RKO's him.Mark Henry quickly runs away. Randy Orton asks for a mic and tells Mark Henry "If anyone deserves a title shot its me '. Funknath come to the ring and says " You got to be joking i beat the WWE Champion tonight in a Steel Cage match so i derserve a Title Shot" Coach comes out and says" You four guys will compete in a fatal a way match next week to see who wil be number 1 contender for the WWE Championship"

Match 3 :Shad vs Kane
Match Type : First Blood

Kane grabs an heavy extinguisher and hits Shad skull. Kane gives Shad a big punch .Kane does a strong european uppercut to Shad.Kane does a Backbreaker to Shad.Shad gets a steel chair from under the ring and hits Kane in the head with it. Kane goes for the big boot Shad goes down and Kane misses.Kane does a Chokeslam to Shad.Kane takes the steel chair and hit Shad with it.Shad starts bleeding.

Kane Wins The Match And Defeats Shad

Main Event :Batista vs Mark Henry vs Triple H
Match Type:Steel Cage - Triple Threat

Batista does an armbreaker to Mark henry. Triple H does a Bulldog to Batista . Triple H starts to climb the steel cage Mark Henry wakes up and pulls Triple H. Triple H falls down. Mark Henry does a big splash on Triple H. Batista spears Mark Henry. Triple H does a bodyslam to Batista . Mark Henry does a backbreaker to Triple H. Mark Henry does the World Strongest Slam to Batista. Triple H punches Mark Henry a couple times the does the Pedergree. Triple H climbs . Batista and Mark Henry are knock out in the ring . Triple H climbs and goes down .Triple H wins.

Triple Wins The Match
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No they're not ;). I read them, there are quite a few grammatical and punctuation mistakes. Good effort for a first timer though. For the promo's (i.e. Mark Henry and Funknath), it'd be better if you had all the talking. Make it all up. That's the bit where you really get tested on to be honest.

Match 1 : Handicap - One on Tag - Sandman vs Kenny & Jeff Hardy

Winner : Kenny & Jeff Hardy

Match 2 : Ladder - Single - Marcus vs Masters

Winner : Marcus

Match 3 : Single - No Manager vs. w/Manager - Undertaker vs Umaga & Lashley

Winner : Undertaker

Match 4 : Handicap - One on Two - Roddy Piper vs Bret Hart & Michelle

Winner : Bret Hart & Michelle

Main Event : Single - No Manager - The Rock vs Rick Rude

Winner : The Rock​

im just going to post results of the matches because i want to finish wrestlemania and i have exams

Zohaib added 12 Minutes and 2 Seconds later...


Match 1 : Single - No Manager - Torrie vs Nitro

Winner : Nitro

Match 2 : Single - No Manager - Kelly Kelly vs Melina

Winner : Melina

Match 3 : Tag Team - Normal Tag - HBK & Sabu vs Elijah & Finlay

Winner : HBK & Sabu

Match 4 : Handicap - Tag on Trio - Terry Funk & Ric Flair vs Mr Kennedy & King Booker & Matt Hardy

Winner : Mr Kennedy & King Booker & Matt Hardy

Main Event : World Heavyweight Championship - Hardcore - Single - Stone Cold vs Mysterio

Winner : Stone Cold
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