Worst Job you ever had?

Well you first start off at Maccas' (At the age of 14-16 in Australia) its generally $6 per hour anyway. I'd rather be paid an extra .91 cents and do something that I'd find more enjoyable as opposed to serving people their food or getting screamed at for not selling a customer a slice of cheese.
Worked at Maccas for the past year. It's pretty crap. It's ████ when it's busy and you have managers telling you to hurry up. It's only good if you've got good people with you. It would be awesome if you had all your mates working with you.
Worked at Maccas for the past year. It's pretty crap. It's ████ when it's busy and you have managers telling you to hurry up. It's only good if you've got good people with you. It would be awesome if you had all your mates working with you.

I worked in a restauruant once (not fast food but still food) and I could not handle the amount of grease in the air. I started to get bad acne and I quit, granted I was still in my teens but every since then I cringe at the sight of a restaraunt kitchen
Well you first start off at Maccas' (At the age of 14-16 in Australia) its generally $6 per hour anyway. I'd rather be paid an extra .91 cents and do something that I'd find more enjoyable as opposed to serving people their food or getting screamed at for not selling a customer a slice of cheese.

That's can't be right. The minimum gross wage is $7 an hour. I got $8.50 when I started. Now I earn nearly $10.

Gilly Fan added 1 Minutes and 51 Seconds later...

I don't have any experience and I'm only 15. They don't normally hire teenagers.
It probably depends on how old you look instead of how old you actually are. I know a guy who is 15 or 16 and works at EB. He could pass for 17 or 18.
We do have In n Outs in Delhi as well. There is one about 500m from my home. Though, I've never worked there, rather, I've not worked till now. I'm still a student.

really? didnt know that. how is it? is it the best selling burger over in Delhi? b/c it is here CA. they dont even need commercials or all that monopoly crap that mcdonalds are doing, or Jack in the box rip-off crap.
In and Out is like WhiteCastle right? We dont have either in Texas but we have "Crystals" which is kind of the same thing.
Gilly Fan;1585293It probably depends on how old you [i said:
look[/i] instead of how old you actually are. I know a guy who is 15 or 16 and works at EB. He could pass for 17 or 18.

Yeah that works against me even more :p
In and Out is like WhiteCastle right? We dont have either in Texas but we have "Crystals" which is kind of the same thing.

only found in Cali, Navada, Alaska, and apparently in Delhi

my brother worked there, and he was happy as ever!
Well you first start off at Maccas' (At the age of 14-16 in Australia) its generally $6 per hour anyway. I'd rather be paid an extra .91 cents and do something that I'd find more enjoyable as opposed to serving people their food or getting screamed at for not selling a customer a slice of cheese.
6.91 is the minimum wage.
That's can't be right. The minimum gross wage is $7 an hour. I got $8.50 when I started. Now I earn nearly $10.
6.91 is the minimum wage. Are you working on weekends?
I have worked in many restaurants and kitchens. Some pretty classy places as well. my all time favourite? Hilton Hotel Amsterdam. The work was crap but the fun we had, the fun we had. I was a night and breakfast waiter and had some very formative experiences during those years as a seventeen year old.
I've only had one, so I suppose it's my best and worst at the same time :)

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