wrestling story (2)

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School Cricketer
Jul 10, 2007
St Helens
Online Cricket Games Owned
seeing as my other one got closed when i didnt do anything wrong, heres my new one.

21st November 2007

a world breakthrough has been made. young businessman gazza bitter creates a new wrestling federation. go me.

the wrestling federation will have shows every tuesday with ppvs on sunday. rosters to be posted asap.
Just stop posting new stories. The reason they get closed is because they are of poor quality and include members who have not asked to be in them. The Spin told you to PM him if you wanted to start a new story so you best do that, if you are so desperate to do a proper story.
Just stop posting new stories. The reason they get closed is because they are of poor quality and include members who have not asked to be in them. The Spin told you to PM him if you wanted to start a new story so you best do that, if you are so desperate to do a proper story.

go away and stop posting in my stories if you dont like them. i dont see why i should get treated differently to everyone else. i shouldnt have to pm someone because he doesnt like my stories, he should let them run as they are. i am not including other members of pc in this story.

go away and stop posting in my stories if you dont like them. i dont see why i should get treated differently to everyone else. i shouldnt have to pm someone because he doesnt like my stories, he should let them run as they are. i am not including other members of pc in this story.


I think you need to change your tone. My tone was respectful to you and I think you could use the same tone back. You have no respect here from any of the members (look at your rep bar). The reason why you are not allowed to do stories is because of your past record. If you have such a lack of respect of authority that you don't respect the mods such as to PM them, then why don't you leave the forums?
because im a decent member. i think you should grow up and get a life instead of viewing stories written by people you dont like. i respect the mods on planetcricket, but i dont respect this decision as its unfair.
because im a decent member. i think you should grow up and get a life instead of viewing stories written by people you dont like. i respect the mods on planetcricket, but i dont respect this decision as its unfair.

One or two points,

1. You're not a decent member, you're one of the worst.

2. You need to grow up and learn that no one wants you here.

3. You dont know what respect is, so how you could show it to mods is beyond me.

The moderators choice is final, if The Spin wants to close a thread, he will. He has a justified decision, you've shown you're no older than a 3 year old think he's cocky.

Just go away. Oh and before you claim this to be spam, it really isn't.
You see loads of people don't like you. If you are willing to argue with Simbazz who was publicily voted the most improved member than you are the idiot
You see loads of people don't like you. If you are willing to argue with Simbazz who was publicily voted the most improved member than you are the idiot

You are quite right,

I can't wait till Chez finishes school :p Anyone know his mobile number? We could phone him haha!
chez needs to grow up. he cant just close this thread when its an innocent story. it's highlander and simbazz who need to be banned for continually spamming my thread. where is the wrestling story discussion in your last post, simbazz? exactly, get a life and stop hanging round forums with kids.
Chez can close your threads when you have a previous record of **** stories. You obviously have no respect for people and are obviously very very stupid if you think myself and Simbazz will be banned for posting in a story which has a life expectancy the same as your IQ.
Kids? I'm not a kid, i know for sure Highlander is not. You're the only kid, atleast i can spell and type properly.

Oh and as i said, dont say i'm spamming, because this thread is going to be closed, Chez has made it clear of what you're supposed to do.

I'll give you some advice. Go away, go into a small dark cupboard, look over your life and when you finally come to the decision that you are infact annoying and an idiot, you can come out, until you get to that decision, well stay in there.

Chez can close your threads when you have a previous record of **** stories. You obviously have no respect for people and are obviously very very stupid if you think myself and Simbazz will be banned for posting in a story which has a life expectancy the same as your IQ.

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ive got some advice. get a life. get a job. and dont lurk around posting in stories of wrestling. and stop injecting heroin into yourself bad example to the kiddies like chez.

if chez closes this thread, i'll have no choice.
I'll give you some advice. Go away, go into a small dark cupboard, look over your life and when you finally come to the decision that you are infact annoying and an idiot, you can come out, until you get to that decision, well stay in there.

Take that advice gooner. It will stop some guy knocking your front teeth out when you **** people of constantly due to your lack of good quality chat, and the fact that you redefine the word idiot. Also why are you so rude? Is it because you are bullied? Thought so
ive got some advice. get a life. get a job. and dont lurk around posting in stories of wrestling. and stop injecting heroin into yourself bad example to the kiddies like chez.

if chez closes this thread, i'll have no choice.

Firstly i've got more of a life than you'll ever hope to have, i've got my English GCSE which helps.

Secondly, i have a job, and i dont lurk around, i have no need im not hated everywhere like yourself.

Heroin is something i've never even seen never mind injected, i suppose you're an expert at taking drugs.

Chez isn't a kid, but you are.

If Chez closes this thread, and he will do definately, you'll have no choice to do what?

Take that advice gooner. It will stop some guy knocking your front teeth out when you **** people of constantly due to your lack of good quality chat, and the fact that you redefine the word idiot. Also why are you so rude? Is it because you are bullied? Thought so

I'd argue thats a bit personal, but for Gooner its just on the right level.
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