Ring of Honor- The Road to Success [A GN/Don story][EWR]

Connor, I expect to see a push for The Age Of The Fall and Chris Hero! Plus, see if you can get some vintage ROH stars, like CM Punk or Samoa Joe.
Don Pedo walks into a room full of press interviewers, and sits down infront of a huge RoH banner. He smiles, and several people reach out to try to touch him.

Don: One at a time, one at a time, please. Hands up, children.

A fat, balding Ugandan man raises his hand, a cheeky grin on his face. Don points at him.

Fat man: George Agdgdgwengo, Smash Hits! magazine. Is it true that the relationship between you and Connor spreads out of the workplace, and into the bedroom?

Don: Yes, that is indeed true. Next?

An ugly woman with a large spot on the end of her nose raises her stubby arm. Don points at her with a look of disgust on his perfectly formed face.

Ugly woman: Mith Miali, Trampolining Monthly. Can you tell uth thome more facth about the thupothed youth wrethlerth you are thining?

Don: Erm, what?

A woman next to her smacks Mith Miali in the face.

Woman: She means, can you tell us some more about the supposed youth players you're singing?

Don: Ah, thanks. Yes, they're not talented at all, but it will be sooo funny to watch them try. Haha.

A tall, greasy, slightly podgy ginger man raises his hand, and grunts as he does so. Don looks at him and laughs before pointing at him.

Greasy man: Charles Dominic, Manchester Evening News. Is it true that you and Connor are investing half a billion dollars each into the company?

Don: Yes. We have the money, why not spend it?

Charles: What will you be spending it on?

Don: Obviously, our priority is to improve the roster. And with that, I have a few new names to reveal to you. With this, I give you... Edge, Christian, CM Punk, Chris Jericho, and Samoa Joe!

The superstars walk into the room, and stand behind Don, Edge and Christian holding hands with nerves. Don smiles as all the reporters seem to be excited.[/b]

Man: Wow, great signings! Why do big names like these want to join a small fed like RoH? And is this the end of the spending for you?

Don: It's simple - the money. And of course it's not the end of the spending, it's barely the start. So, I bring to you the biggest name yet... AMY ZIDIAN!

Amy Zidian walks into the room, and sits on Don's lap. She slowly licks his cheek, before playing a five minute long game of tonsil tennis with the billionaire. Don smiles, and turns to the crowd, who are all really excited.

Man: Wow, she's hot! And an amazing wrestler!

Don: She sure is. End of interview.

Everyone starts to leave the room, Edge and Christian still hand in hand. Once everyone has left, Don starts to unbutton his shirt, and Amy starts lifting hers above her head, as the cameras fade to black...
Amy Zidian walks into the room, and sits on Don's lap. She slowly licks his cheek, before playing a five minute long game of tonsil tennis with the billionaire. Don smiles, and turns to the crowd, who are all really excited.

You wish. :p

Great interview mate, especially the attention to details. Very good :)
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Odd is the correct word. It is an interesting direction if not especially realistic. I am interested personally to see where you go with it
Odd is the correct word.

Actually that is my bad. I meant to write good, but left of the "g" I've edited it now.

Also Chez I'm not having a go at you, but your posts do seem a bit inflammatory in this thread especially after what happened in the first page
How is this not realistic? Obviously some bits were done as jokes, but if billionaires do take over, then surely it is mostly realistic?
Sure, I like it. As I said before, I am interested to see where it goes. I didn't mean odd in a derogatory way, I think it is an interesting concept
This is interesting, for sure. When will your first show be?

For me to take interest in your story, please take interest in mine too. Pop along to the Extreme Championship Wrestling thread, it's a story I did a while ago, and am re-opening it.
Well if you want me to comment on yours all the time, I think it's only right to comment on mine, too.
Well that's what Chez used to say to me. He always used to comment mine, and i never did his. So he said that I must comment his if he was to take an interest in mine. I think it's fair enough.

The only problem being when people like Connor and Don try and wreck your story by posting stupid stuff.
Well that's what Chez used to say to me. He always used to comment mine, and i never did his. So he said that I must comment his if he was to take an interest in mine. I think it's fair enough.

The only problem being when people like Connor and Don try and wreck your story by posting stupid stuff.

Firstly if a story is not attracting comments it is generally your own fault. It is either a poor story or a really random story which people don't what to bother trying to understand.

Secondly, was there any need for the slight at these two guys. God there is so much bitching these days :rolleyes:

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