Ring of Honor- The Road to Success [A GN/Don story][EWR]

I was responding to you saying you are unsure about the potential popularity of the story. If you want us to be more respectful, then show us respect and don't immediately shun our story, and complain about the potential popularity. Now, you're a mod, set an example for others.[MOD EDIT]

Doing my job as a mod is actually not spamming, funnily enough. I have never "shunned" your story and would not dream of doing so. I even wished you good luck. I suggest you get on with the story and stop flamebaiting now.
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Says the man who started this all off with his post slagging our story's popularity. If you haven#t got anything good to say,[MOD EDIT] Ben.
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Hey easy mate. He was just trying to help you guys out. I highly doubt he wants your story to fail. All he said was he was unsure if it would be popular. A very true fact to point out. No point in having a go at him.
Nah man, Chez probably wouldn't do that to anyone else's story, so that's why I'm offended.

He didn't actually do anything. Also since when have the story mod's not been able to give out advice. Suren gives me advice all the time. I think this is a case of mis-communication between you guys.
And of Chez despising me and Don, and therefore being biased against everything me and Don do.
Well I don't really know this particular part of the forum very well, but highly doubt any of the mods "despise" you guys.
This is going a bit far now, I'm sure Chez didn't mean it that way and I'm sure Connor is just defending is corner as is The Don.

So everyone just chill out!

FINALLY! I knew someone would start a ROH diary someday! If you need any help, just ask. Don't let this die!
I Think we should have a bet on how quickly this'll be closed!

anyways should be good spesh with con con in it!

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