Ring of Honor- The Road to Success [A GN/Don story][EWR]

My stories are getting plenty of comments, thanks.

Well it shouldn't be done. What is the point in trying to wreck someone elses story.
Ok guys, stop it. Anymore posts not directly related to this story or any stupid posts will be deleted
Ok, fair enough.

I like this story anyway, when will your first show be?
How long will that be? The sooner the better as far as I am concerned.
Well, I'm just sorting a few things to do with the file out, and hopefully we'll get the show sorted.
That will be good. Looking forward to it, providing it has good writing and is exciting. I'm sure it will be.
Good luck Connor. I really hope this goes well for you, because you're a great story maker!

The entrance video starts and the ROH music plays:

"I had the time of my life! And I owe it all to youuuu!"

The entrance video stops and the video cuts to Don and Connor in the office on the titantron, doing all the Dirty Dancing moves. Just as Connor does the awesome lift on Don, they realise they're on camera.

CR: Ah...Welcome to tonight's ROH Thunder- the first of many in a new era.

DP: Tonight, we will be introducing many new changes in ROH, but first, lets come out to the ring!

The crowd go wild as Don and Connor ring the doorbell. The doorman answers and lets them pass through, down the metal staircase and into the ring. The crowd try to reach out and touch them.

CR: First of all, we are proud to now be the ONLY wrestling federation to have special celebrity referees at every show. And without further ado, I'd like to introduce our first, the biggest A-List celebrity in the world...PETER ANDRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The doorbell rings and the crowd do the automatic "Ricki Lake-style" reaction of "Oh Oh!".

Don steps out of the ring and climbs up the staircase to open the door for Peter Andre. Peter Andre tries to high five Don, but Don moves his hand out of the way and laughs at him. Peter Andre walks to the ring and picks up a microphone from the floor.

PA: THIS IS....?

The crowd yawn.

PA: er...insania would be nice?

Connor slaps Peter and tells him to shut up before taking the mic back off him.

CR: And our second change. As you may have noticed, our announcer's table looks pretty bare. Well, let me introduce our newest members of staff. The new announcer...the late great, Jim Ross, and his color commentator...Jeremy Kyle!

The crowd cheer wildly as Jeremy Kyle and Jim Ross walk through the door and down the staircase to the announce table, Jim Ross sporting a mohican haircut. Don and Connor walk back to their GM's office and the camera turns to the announcers as they're putting on their headsets.

JR: Well, bah gawd. What a show we have lined up for you folks tonight! ROH is certainly looking an exciting prospect, isn't it, Jeremy?

JK: You're scum, JR. You and the rest of this industry are just stealing money from these idiots who still think wrestling is real.

JR: Er...Jeremy, you might wanna stop...

JR is saved the hassle of pointing out to Jeremy that he's broken kayfabe by another image flicking on the titantron.

Amy Zidian and Kurt Angle are locked in an embrace in Angle's locker room. Suddenly, the door bursts open and Karen Angle walks in, fuming. She slaps Amy Zidian and Kurt laughs.

Karen: How dare you.

Amy: Quite easily.

Karen: Fight me one on one for Kurt tonight in a ladder match.

Amy: k

The image flicks off the titantron.

JR: Wow, that was weird.

JK: It disgusts me. Why does he have to cheat on her? Karen's a beautiful old woman and he's going to leave her for this young tart. She needs to sort herself out. I can recommend her to Dave, the show psychologist and get her life back on track.

JR: Now for the first match! Debutants: Che Miali and Z.Cardle are in a handicap against Chris Hero!

"You can ring my belllllll! Ring my bell!"

Chris Hero rings the doorbell and Peter Andre goes up the staircase to just outside the door. He leans in and asks his security question:

PA: Who you gonna call?

CH: Er...

PA: Good enough.

Peter Andre opens the door and Chris Hero walks out to boos from the crowd, despite being a face. He strolls to the ring and poses to big cheers. But...

"I keep bleeding, I keep keep bleeding love!"

Cardle and Miali burst through the door to big cheers. Cardle tries to calm the crowd down, but a small riot takes place and a few crowd members beat Cardle to a pulp. Eventually, security extracts him from the throng and throw him into the ring.

The bell rings and Chris Hero punches Cardle. He does a quick cover and Peter Andre taps the canvas three times in the space of half a second. Chris Hero gets his arm raised and gets given a bunch of grapes for his victory.

Winner: Chris Hero


JK: No.

The action flicks backstage to where Christopher Daniels, CM Punk, Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit (brought back to life), Chris Jericho, AJ Styles, Christian Cage and Mr. Kennedy are in the GM office.

CJ: We all think it'd be a great idea if we had a battle royal for the Number one contender to the ROH world title! I want to prove that I am the Number ONEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE in the world.

CR: There aren't enough of you. However, I can fix that. Let me introduce a new addition to ROH who'll fill the void as we don't have enough quality superstars: Paul London!!!!!!

Paul London walks into the office in biker gear.

PL: Caned.

JR: Well, that match is now.

Christopher Daniels hits a missile dropkick on Jericho. Daniels goes for the elimination, but Chris Jericho holds on to the ropes! Punk tastes a high angle back suplex. CM Punk is eliminated by Angle! (Elimination # 1) Benoit walks into a high dropkick from Chris Jericho. Flying knee to the face from Chris Jericho. Stiff high kick on Styles by Chris Jericho. AJ Styles gets backdropped to the outside by Jericho! (Elimination # 2) Benoit takes a back suplex. Chris Benoit is eliminated by Angle! (Elimination # 3) Edge receives some punishment. Edge gets backdropped to the outside by Kennedy! (Elimination # 4) Jericho gets slammed. Angle bundles Chris Jericho over the top rope! (Elimination # 5) London gets slammed. Kennedy tries to eliminate Paul London, who hangs on to the top rope! London gets caught with a short powerbomb from Angle. Angle goes for the elimination, but Paul London holds on to the ropes! Cage walks into a high dropkick from Christopher Daniels. Christian Cage gets bundled out by Daniels! (Elimination # 6) Armbar takedown from Kurt Angle, nicely done. London gets hit with a splash mountain out of the corner. Spin kick by Christopher Daniels to the face. Daniels hits a wicked chop. Christopher Daniels strikes Kennedy. Daniels clotheslines Mr. Kennedy to the outside! (Elimination # 7) Daniels hits a high kick on Paul London. Daniels goes for the elimination, but Paul London holds on to the ropes! Paul London strikes Daniels. Daniels walks into a face crusher variation. Paul London strikes Angle. London bundles Kurt Angle over the top rope! (Elimination # 8) Flying cross body off the top rope! Christopher Daniels blasts London with a super kick. Daniels only gets knees on a splash. London clotheslines Christopher Daniels to the outside!

JK: Great match tbh.

The camera goes backstage again where Khali is standing behind Runjin Singh. Interviewer, Stephen Ducks has a mic at the ready and is pointing it at Khali, who's wearing a baseball cap and skater clothes.

TGK: Next week, on Thunder, you will see a new era rise. The one, the only, Runjin Singh will be in action next week, and everyone in ROH better be ready, 'cause this 105 pound beast is gonna tear this place apart.

Runjin Singh gives a stupid roar.

JR: The next match sees two of the greatest superstars in wrestling pit their wits against each other.

Paul Burchill hits a bulldog off the ropes. Paul Burchill with a standing spinebuster. Tornado punch from Paul Burchill. Cover! 1....2....kick out at the last second! Ripper looks shocked. Running knee lift from Paul Burchill. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Joe counters an avalanche with a raised foot to the face. Rude Awakening on Paul Burchill by Joe. Samoa Joe hits a bulldog off the ropes. Ripper ducks a wild right hand. Ripper hits a stump piledriver on Samoa Joe. Paul Burchill moves in for the kill. C4! 1....2....3. Samoa Joe leaves and walks back down the aisle. Wait...Paul Burchill comes running as well, and Joe gets dropped with a clothesline, followed by a load of stomps. He is left lying in the aisle.


The doorbell rings...

"We don't mean to satisfy tonight!"

AJ Styles and Tomko walk down the staircase, shoving Peter Andre into a paddling pool on the way to the ring. Tomko pukes up by the ring.

JR: Who are they gonna be facing tonight?

Some generic rock music plays as Claudio Castagnoli and Adam Pearce come down to the ring to no reaction.

JR: Wow.

Tomko strikes away at Claudio Castagnoli. Big kick from Tomko. Side suplex from Tomko. Tag to Adam Pearce. Tomko takes a headbutt from Adam Pearce. Tomko ducks a wild right hand. Lame kick from Tomko. Tag to AJ Styles. AJ Styles and Tomko whip Pearce into the ropes and hit a double clothesline. Spinning bulldog in the corner, Pearce is down. Styles face jams Adam Pearce. Styles tags out to Tomko. AJ Styles and Tomko have Adam Pearce to themselves. Aided Whiplash! 1....2....3! It's over. Mark Henry comes running down the aisle with a chair! Tomko is just leaving the ring...and Henry scores with a brutal chair shot! Tomko falls to the floor holding his head.

JR: Wow, Mark Henry is a machine. And a great athlete.

The ROH Originals vs The New Breed

First Fall : Legsweep out of nowhere. Aries hits a high kick on The Great Khali. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. The Great Khali avoids an avalanche, Austin Aries hits the turnbuckles hard. The Great Khali with a standing spinebuster. The Great Khali has Austin Aries down on the canvas. Here it comes...Khali Vice Grip! Austin Aries taps! Second Fall : Danielson uses a basement dropkick to the knee. Second rope splash by Danielson. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Whitmer blocks a punch. Spear! Danielson is down and hurt. BJ Whitmer moves in for the kill. Here it comes - Exploder '98. 1....2...3, it's finished. Third Fall : Hard impact russian legsweep by McGuinness. Short range spear from Nigel McGuinness. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Nigel McGuinness misses a big legdrop. Mark Henry turns McGuinness inside-out with a clothesline. Mark Henry floors Nigel McGuinness. Here it comes...Bear Hug! Nigel McGuinness taps! Fourth Fall : Julius Smokes gets hip tossed by Sugarfoot. Alex Payne arm drags Smokes over. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Alex Payne gets taken down out of nowhere. Smokes DDTs Alex Payne. Pin : 1....2....kick out! A split-second away from a three. Sugarfoot pushes out of a Julius Smokes hold. Alex Payne hits a missile dropkick on Smokes. Hooks the leg : 1....2....3! Alex Payne pins Smokes. Fifth Fall : Forearm to the face from Sugarfoot on Khali. Sugarfoot hits a dropkick on The Great Khali. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Alex Payne gets taken down out of nowhere. The Great Khali with a standing spinebuster. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up! That was close. The Great Khali gets taken down out of nowhere. Alex Payne with a running dropkick into the corner. Cover! 1....2....3! Ring the bell. Alex Payne pinned Khali. Sixth Fall : Whitmer takes a chop from Sugarfoot. Alex Payne with a running dropkick into the corner. Pin : 1....2....kick out! A split-second away from a three. Sugarfoot face jams BJ Whitmer. Whitmer blocks a kick from Alex Payne. Running knee lift from BJ Whitmer. BJ Whitmer moves in for the kill. Exploder '98!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!!

JR: What a match. But that's not gonna compare to our main event. Karen Angle vs Amy Zidian in a Ladder match!

The doorbell rings and Rammstein plays as Amy Zidian comes to the ring blowing kisses to the crowd.

The doorbell rings again and "Call on Me" plays as Karen Angle dances down the steps and into the ring, giving Amy evils. Ladders are placed either side of the ring and some staff hang Kurt Angle from the ceiling.

Amy Zidian strikes Karen Angle. Amy rams Karen into the ladder. Chop from Amy on Karen. Kick to the gut from Amy. Karen slips out the back of a Amy Zidian bodyslam. Karen rams Amy into the ladder. Karen Angle hits a bulldog off the ropes. Amy slips out the back of a Karen Angle bodyslam. Second rope splash by Amy. Amy Zidian with an enziguri. Karen powers out of a headlock. Karen Angle strikes Amy Zidian. Amy Zidian reverses a hip toss. Amy Zidian attacks with some poorly executed flying moves. Karen Angle can barely stand. Bitch Slap! Amy Zidian goes up ladder and grabs the Kurt Angle for the win. Karen Angle gives a murderous look toward Amy Zidian...and attacks! Amy gets dropped to the canvas, then battered with a barrage of rights and lefts. Karen picks her up...and launches her over the top rope to the outside. A small measure of revenge has been taken.

Kurt Angle and Amy Zidian laugh and kiss as the credits roll as the first great episode of ROH Thunder ends.
not bad but i get the feeling your not taking this seriously. IF thats the case can you please stop P***ing about and do it properly. If not very strange but good. Eitherway not too bad but needs some work like all stories.
Some strange parts, intended to be comical I am guessing. It's different, but I think it could be quite successful.

Spoof wrestling, maybe?
Me and Don are doing this properly and would be highly offended if anyone thought we were taking the mick. This is a whole new take on ROH.

It's damn cool is what it is, tbh.

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