Wrestling thread

Not sure how good Batista vs Cena is going to be. Neither of them is great in the ring.
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Well there's the WWE championship on the line. That and the fact that Cena's got HUGE fan support is going to draw in loads of money for them. And I feel they're building up the rivalry pretty nicely.
Batista and Cena is least favorite draw in WM for me. MIB has been highlight for me last 2 years.
HBK/Taker I? HBK/Flair?

Don't like HBK matches since his return from injury. HBK vs Taker was good one but I like matches which keep you on edge of seat. Wrestlers perform amazing moves in MIB matches.

I will watch Jeff Hardy any day over Shawn post injury.
HBK vs Undertaker didn't keep you on the edge of your seat? There were a lot of close calls and counters in that match.
Hardy is not in the league of Shawn Michaels.

Well there's the WWE championship on the line. That and the fact that Cena's got HUGE fan support is going to draw in loads of money for them. And I feel they're building up the rivalry pretty nicely.
That doesn't change the fact that they aren't very good wrestlers. They generally go up against someone with better wrestling skills like Orton, Triple H, Undertaker, Jericho, Edge, Shawn Michaels. I think they are banking on the storyline to make the match look good.
Don't like HBK matches since his return from injury. HBK vs Taker was good one but I like matches which keep you on edge of seat. Wrestlers perform amazing moves in MIB matches.

I will watch Jeff Hardy any day over Shawn post injury.
How can you say HBK vs. Taker was predictable / didn't keep you on the edge of your seat? It was one of the most fantastic matches I've seen. Two superkicks, one last ride, one tombstone, all failed, and at all points I thought that it is over.
Well its script writer who decide who is their main man. Nothing to do with real skills. Classic example is Cena. When Hardy was given his share of limelight he showed his level.

HBK cannot even walk straight. Old Shwan was exceptional but after his return he is hardly same. He was the reason I started watching wrestling at first place. His rivalry with Bret was :hpraise
I still think Bret Hart vs Vince is still on. Since Bret is injured (so we are told) Vince would challenge him thinking he will not compete and even if he does he will be weak. In WM Bret will show that he is not injured and say screw you Vince.

I can be script writer for them. :D

Well maybe 2 weeks before WM. :p
Did you see RAW on Monday?

Bret is 100%! He staged that whole car accident thing to suck McMahon in!!

About Money in the Bank, isn't it usually six superstars? This year, it appears to be nine - unless it's always been that many...

MasterBlaster76 added 1 Minutes and 11 Seconds later...

Not sure how good Batista vs Cena is going to be. Neither of them is great in the ring.

Agreed. I'm looking forwards to HHH/Sheamus though - I hope they don't make that an ordinary Wrestling match.
MITB was 6 until WM23 where it changed to 8. This year it's changed to 9.
it has been a long time since i watched wwe, should watch the wretlemania atleast.
The card for WM is great this year. Taker vs Michaels, Edge vs Jericho, Cena vs Batista, HHH vs Sheamus, Punk vs Rey and ShowMiz vs Truth/Morrison all promise to be entertaining matches.

Well its script writer who decide who is their main man. Nothing to do with real skills. Classic example is Cena. When Hardy was given his share of limelight he showed his level.
It does have something to do with skill. Cena isn't the best wrestler going around but he does have charisma and he has the look of a champion. He is probably the hardest working guy in the company. Hardy was never given 100% support by the creative team because he isn't a reliable guy. I think he got suspended before Wrestlemania 24 for smoking pot or something. He's facing drug related charges currently.
It of course to do with skill. That's why someone like Snitsky never made it. Not only is it about wrestling skill, it's also about a wrestler's ability to tell a story. An example of this would be Hulk Hogan, who you could argue was technically poor, but he could tell a story exceptionally well. It's also about who gets the crowd going with their charisma, for example a real top face like Cena will get the crowd cheering big time while a top heel such as Randy Orton will cause a stir and get the crowd booing. Additionally, it's about a star's commercial value. Cena has great commercial value to the WWE - he sells shed loads of merchandise and is the sort of star who can appear in movies and make WWE public appearances very successful. Furthermore, WWE stars have to be able to work well with their colleagues in the ring. Someone who is hard to work with in the ring and stiff will rarely last long due to other wrestlers not wanting to work with them. Overall, to be a top star in the WWE (or TNA even) you must combine nearly all, if not all of these characteristics (without being both face and heel, obviously). A mid-card wrestler like R-Truth or Vladimir Koslov only have a few of these and has them to a lesser extent (such as ability to get the crowd going). Any wrestler who has only one or two of these characteristics is almost doomed from the start and will end up being released pretty quickly.

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