WWE - Don't Dare to Try Anywhere(RR:Tables Match -Tag Team: DM/Viper Vs JeriShow-OVER!)

this outfit suits your name...horrifying look wouldn't suit your name. Viper and Dragon Master's outfit suits their name.

Remember, Henry and Bigshow are going to be like giants to you. And Viper is facing another cunning talented Viper, Orton & his co.

Hitman's and Zoraxis challenge is also not that easy, only plus is, they have to defend two men while others have to defend three men. :p Zoraxis has to save Zoraxena in his very first match too. :D Otherwise, Zoraxena must be forgotten. It's all in his hands. I am sure, you should have liked Vince so much as he was so kind to you guys.
Name :Nakul
City :Coimbatore.
Height :6'6"
Signature Move 1 :Powerslam Pin 3
Signature Move 2 : Twin Leg Drop
Finishing Move 1 :Pedigree.
Finishing Move 2 :F-U
Last edited:
My guess is - Star(coz I'm one :cool:)

Name : Gary Gangsta
City : Las Vegas
Height : 5'11''
Signature Move 1 :
Signature Move 2 :
Finishing Move 1 :
Finishing Move 2 :
Your Female Partner Details( OPTIONAL ) :- Gangstina :p

As far as the moves go,not really know much.
Please assign according to you.
Chokeslam and Spinebuster already taken

Yes, they have been taken. I will see to assign some other moves. There are hell a lot of new movesets. ;)
Remember, Henry and Bigshow are going to be like giants to you. And Viper is facing another cunning talented Viper, Orton & his co.

Hitman's and Zoraxis challenge is also not that easy, only plus is, they have to defend two men while others have to defend three men. :p Zoraxis has to save Zoraxena in his very first match too. :D Otherwise, Zoraxena must be forgotten. It's all in his hands. I am sure, you should have liked Vince so much as he was so kind to you guys.

Everything is possible for Dragon Master. :D
My guess is - Star(coz I'm one :cool:)

Name : Gary Gangsta
City : Las Vegas
Height : 5'11''
Signature Move 1 :
Signature Move 2 :
Finishing Move 1 :
Finishing Move 2 :
Your Female Partner Details( OPTIONAL ) :- Gangstina :p

As far as the moves go,not really know much.
Please assign according to you.

Name :Nakul
City :Coimbaotre
Height :6'6"
Signature Move 1 :Spinebuster
Signature Move 2 :Choke Slam
Finishing Move 1 :Pedigree.
Finishing Move 2 :F-U

Thank you Nakul and Gary for signing up. Also note that, Roulette predicta is still open which is worth atleast 100k vcash guess for the correct guess if not the first guess. ( That inturn means, someone has already bagged the 300K from guesses made so far. :spy )

Hint : One of the guesses made till now do have a correct guess. :p

Everything is possible for Dragon Master. :D

Lets see that in action. :)
Can you please tell me what does that mean?

Vince : Very simple. You can see many symbols in this wheel - Star, Circle, Square, Plus ( + ) sign, irregular curvy lines and a marker on top of this roulette wheel.

I am going to rotate this now, & just guess the point which the marker is going to point on the wheel. Who ever makes the first correct guess, they will receive Vcash : 300,000. Added to this 300K, Kelly Kelly will give you company for the whole RAW show. ;) All the other correct guesses will receive Vcash : 100,000.


Hope you are clear now.
Suren bhai hoping to see my wrestler in action very soon ;) :banana2
I cant believe, Legacy vs the Viper. I hope Legacy do give up or else I would have to really beat them up, which I dont want to.

I look really as if I have just arrived to town from some jungle. :doh Make me more handsome.

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