WWE - Don't Dare to Try Anywhere(RR:Tables Match -Tag Team: DM/Viper Vs JeriShow-OVER!)

Great as always. Eagerly awaiting my game

your game is the second game i.e. match after the current one. :D

Funknath said:
flip that big show...he too will feel the wrath of Dragon Master...anyways awesome update bhai and I love my move

Your move is called dragon-master slam from now on :p

Hint : Even Shantanu has his own move, hope he likes it. I will reveal it only during his match. :spy
Hey Suren, can I still participate?
If yes, then these are my details.

Name : The Yudi
City : Greenwich, Connecticut
Height : 6'4"
Signature Move 1 : Reverse DDT
Signature Move 2 : Running Bulldog
Finishing Move 1 : The Yudifier (Same as Pedigree, with different name)
Finishing Move 2 : F - U

Your Female Partner: Maria Kanellis
No details needed as she is already included in the default roster.
Hey Suren, can I still participate?
If yes, then these are my details.

Name : The Yudi
City : Greenwich, Connecticut
Height : 6'4"
Signature Move 1 : Reverse DDT
Signature Move 2 : Running Bulldog
Finishing Move 1 : The Yudifier (Same as Pedigree, with different name)
Finishing Move 2 : F - U

Your Female Partner: Maria Kanellis
No details needed as she is already included in the default roster.

Fine. Also, please choose the female partner other than existing one. :p I will first create the main eventers - Gary, Aditya, Nakul and Yudi & after that, will concentrate on your mixed tag partners. ;) i.e. Gangstina, Katty ( I am not going to use the full original name, Aditya :p ), and Mariana ( Yudi's temporary partner till he decides the name)!

Biggest mistake of your life pal!

Hope you didn't forget that You had to fight to save Zoraxena else, she will be Raw's & not yours. :p

Now, the update of the last segment of Dragon Masters' match coming on the way. :)

This show is purely for Members & for their entertainment. So all sorts of feedback are welcomed.

Live from Denver, CO

Welcome back to the match. Dragon Master should have finished his first ever WWE win against Henry. But poor lad, because of Big Show's distractions, referee was knocked out of the ring.

Dragon Master managed to get back the knocked out referee into this world. Big show & Henry stood on the ring & watched all the efforts of Dragon Master in getting the consciousness of the referee. They were laughing and posing to the audience.


Angry Dragon master headed back to the ring in fast manner and in the mean time, Henry tags Big Show. Dragon master showed his full anger on Big show. He gave a huge kick on Big show's face & went for his trademark move straight away :eek: Yes, IT WAS DRAGON MASTER SLAM ONCE AGAIN. Big Show should have felt Dragon Master's anger by now. And the momentum is carried away completely in favor of DM.


WHAT A MASSIVE EXPLOSIVE SLAM. Dragon Master didn't go for PIN this time. :eek: " He should have gone for the PIN ", says JL. OH WAIT! Dragon Master is planning up for ANOTHER THING! :eek:


:eek: :eek: :eek: WHAT IS THIS NOW? It looks like some inverted DDT. BAAAAANNNNNG! Big show's Head into the collision on the ring surface. :siren May be we can call it as " DRAGONOMATIC! " :p


What a collision. Big Show is lying motionless. None understood why Dragon Master didn't go for a pin. Oh.. Wait a second. Dragon Master climbs on the top of the ring. :eek: He waits for Big show as Bigshow slowly rises up. Noooooo! Flying Neck breaker from Dragon Master. BAAAANNNNNGGG! Both lying motionless. What a risky move from Dragon Master. The sad thing is, both Big show and Dragon Master showing no symbols of getting up & pinning the other. :facepalm


What? :what Bigshow rises up & stares at slowly moving Dragon Master. How in the hell that Bigshow is having so much stamina to survive & still get up after all these? :eek: Again, fight starts & both Big show and DM put up a non stop punches & Bigshow gives his TRADEMARK BIG PUNCH on Dragon master's face :eek: Dragon Master falls down.


Bigshow goes for a submission Move. Dragon Master struggling. He is shaking his hands. Referee is very alert on Dragon Master's movements. He still shakes his hands & attacks Bigshow's ribs. What a escape Dragon master have made from Bigshow's submission move. :noway Still Dragon master doesn't seem to have his full stamina.


NOOOOOO.... HENRY CATCHES DRAGON MASTER's LEG & BIG SHOW STEPS ON THE RIBCAGE OF DRAGON MASTER :doh :facepalm :noway :eek: Giant applying his entire weight on the poor chap.


No, Not AGAIN! Henry and Big show performs a team move. CHOKE SLAM on Dragon Master. The chapter is almost over for Dragon Master. Referee finally manages to keep Henry out of the ring. It's Bigshow against the motionless Dragon Master.


WHAT? :eek: Bigshow going for a SUBMISSION MOVE AGAIN. He lifts Dragon Master & puts up another submission move. Dragon Master is struggling for his breath. Dragon Master is struggling for his stamina. Dragon Master is struggling for everything now. Bigshow maintains his wicked smile & continues to torture DragonMaster by his deadly lock.

Dragon Master's brave fight display comes to an end unfortunately. :(

No movement shown by Dragon Master. Referee takes a count & calls for a bell. BigShow WINS DragonMaster by means of submission. " Poor chap! He did put up a brave fight but he had his chances slipped out from him unfortunately ", shouts Cole. BigShow and Henry celebrates their victory while the referee was checking Dragon Master's condition who remained motionless.


So, thats all we have from this match 1 of Monday Night RAW. After the brilliant display from Dragon Master, it was Bigshow/Henry's wicked things that helped them to win Dragon Master in a dominative way. Never mind, it was a great display of fight from both sides. We will catch all the actions of another debutant - Hitman's after a short commercial break. Stay Tuned. :)

Big Show and Mark Henry in the end way too much for the Dragon Master to handle. Good fight tough...
oh man :( I lost...Vince this message is for you...I want a rematch against Show next Raw in a Extreme Rules match.
Dragon Master didn't kick them out?:(
Don't Mark me from now on:p
Good fight though.
KIU Suren.
I tried my best to save DragonMaster to be honest.. But those two big giants were too much in the end. :p Right, after a short sleep, I am again back working on next update. :)

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