Your Best Re-Gen

:eek: , lol..I bet u can chase down any target.

Yea, but mostly it's never over 200 since my bowlers are very good also. But I can usually score 400-450 easily if I bat first, maybe more if I want to, but I just put them on 1 less than full from the start till finish, and they score at around 8-9 an over, but never really 10/over because they're all defensive, very defensive type of players, no one is aggressive, maybe that is somehow because of their averages, but I never go full aggression cuz you lose wickets very quickly( they still score runs but omg still), but if their aggression is 1 less than full, then I can always bat full fifty overs, score 450, and only lose at most 2-3 wickets.

I never play offline, just skipped some games long time back before I got these players, but some other teams in my file like SA have 1 or 2 similar players, India has 3-4, all batsmen in Eng are like this, and so it's always that of these teams, team batting 2nd always wins. Because if one of these teams bats 1st, they score around 300/2-3 out and they're happy cuz the computer doesn't really try to score as much as it can batting 1st, but how the team bats 2nd has a lot to do with the RR required, so they go aggressive and because they're all good batsmen, they hardly lose any wickets and chase the target down. So even if the first team were to score 350-400, chances are the 2nd team would win easily.

I am just shoked... how can you manage that good averages... i mean unreal man

lol, well if I knew , chances are I'd have like few other similar teams lol. Well I think I know like 5% of what you have to do to get a team like that, which isn't great, but usually if I try this to get similar batsmen with other files, and then skip maybe 3-4 seasons, what happens is I might end up with like 2-3 players who were very ordinary before, but all of a sudden they're averaging 100 or 150 in tests/FC etc lol, or it's just 2-3 bowlers who are now the best batsmen:p . Sometimes it only affects a certain country, or it doesn't work at all. So maybe if I kept trying again and again, I'd get it to generate very good county players, but it's painful, you have to skip atleast 5-6 seasons before you know if anything changed, but that's easy if you change to team like canada( you only play matches in the WC), and after 5-6 seasons, you can see if anything is changed. But there are other things you have to do so it's not easy.

What year are you in ICC06?

2033, but it doesn't have anything to do with it. Usually as the game goes on, the players that get generated are very average. Bowlers become good I think. But even if at some point in the game where you will get good batsmen, they would hardly ave 150-200 etc, maybe 50-60 usually. If you get lucky maybe 70 or even 80 in test if you kept trying to get a youth player who ave 90-120 in 2nd team(but it would take a long time of trying). And still that would be only 1-2 guys.
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Trying... you must know the game well then... maybe you have designed it in disguise.. ;p
i would love to get ma hands on players like that if i knew how
oh if you asked for that eariler i could have given you it.. i have played 2 seasons since already lol
i managed a couple of outstanding players in 2050. They actually both regenerated with different names but they were both performing outstandingly so i made them sort of "super brothers" (Ben & William Williamson)
anyway, be amazed:

William Williamson.JPG

Ben Williamson.JPG

they certainly win me a lot of games! :onpc
Thay are great players mate.
Did you re-name them or is that their generated name?
as he said he renamed them with common surname...
waooo great players.. certainly someone apart from ICC2006 can manage legends of players
probably he knows his way around it so i think he might have done something to the players... i aint sure
this guy made his debut in 2012 in all formats of the game and still running

probably he knows his way around it so i think he might have done something to the players... i aint sure

Nah, They're all genuine re-gen players (apart from changing the names). I tried ArtMoney once but I cudn't figure out how to use it properly. Plus, by the time you're in 2050, you get some pretty good players if you play the game properly. Plus, if I really want a player to do well, everyone time he does poorly, "ctrl+alt+delete" and start the match again. Although, for the last two seasons with these guys I haven't done it but because their averages were already so high they just keep going!
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