Your streaks in the nets

I find the in-close cam the most deceptive because the angle is slightly off on the shots you're playing... whereas the high-behind-the-batsman angle is the best for really nailing the correct shots and footwork.

I think the "Free Replay" function is really gonna KILL in this game, because you're actually watching the ball (not watching the avatar) and when you nail a great shot, you'll be going back to replay it from all angles, which gives MEANING to the replay being in existance, rather than being a cutscene you want to skip all the time :yes

My Best Streaks...! :D
Just a suggestion - shouldn't the streak/record reset when settings are changed?
Having problem controlling the batman. Batman moves away on the leg side, plays it from the 6th or the 7th stump, irrespective of the type of shot I play. Any idea why it happens?:facepalm
Having problem controlling the batman. Batman moves away on the leg side, plays it from the 6th or the 7th stump, irrespective of the type of shot I play. Any idea why it happens?:facepalm

I would guess its a problem with your game controller left stick not calibrated properly,just check it in game controller properties in control panel and test if its centered.
My Streak in CA 99.94b version with Very Poor/Legend option:

Had my 1st 100+ streak on v.good batsman/amateur bowler, think I ended up with 122!! It's not as good as some but I'm pleased with it!!
I would rather bowl in nets than batting as i think bowling is gonna take more practice.
It's 99.94b as it shows difficulty
My mistake, looking at last image rather than the early one (I blame the iPhone :) )

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