Wrestling thread

Electrifying end to a good PPV. The Rock was damn good in the ring. Miz and Truth did really good too. I think they are the only credible heels after Henry in the whole roster. That, and the 'ROCKY' chants and then loud 'CENA SUCKS!' chants made the match really a great one. Ryder got the second biggest pop of the night and now it looks like at TLC he will get his shot. And finally Punk got the title back. Phew. Wondering what's next for Henry now that he just got 'got' by Show. A battle royal to determine the new champion as Henry will vacate the championship due to the injury. Or maybe he'll come back on Raw like nothing really happened. Wade's team winning was awesome too. At one point of time, it felt like Randy was going to knock both Rhodes and Barrett after pinning Hunico. Nice PPV overall.
I hate it when major matches are decided by disqualification. Of course it's scripted etc - if this was a proper sporting event, the rule that a belt can't change hands via a DQ would be the worst rule ever.

I don't know, for me it never really hit the heights. It was OK. The Rock of course was great - wish he'd chuck movies in and do WWE full time. He won't of course. ;)
I hate it when major matches are decided by disqualification. Of course it's scripted etc - if this was a proper sporting event, the rule that a belt can't change hands via a DQ would be the worst rule ever.

And that's why the wrestling industry has matches called as No Holds Barred, Street Fights, NO DQ MATCH!

I don't know, for me it never really hit the heights. It was OK. The Rock of course was great - wish he'd chuck movies in and do WWE full time. He won't of course. ;)

If Punk didnt win the title, Ryder didnt get to do an appearance and Barrett didnt defeat Orton, I think even I would have found this one just OK.

Even I wish the same. He is currently doing GI Joe and has signed two more movies. I hope he finishes the two other movies and gets back into the WWE, atleast for 6-8 months. :p But just as you said, it wont happen.

And the greatest thing I heard recently was that the Rock is going to face Cena in a three match series. One at Mania and the other two at Summerslam and Survivor Series respectively. Cena definitely will go 2-1 being the present face. Atleast all of us will get our Wrestlemania moment in Miami!
I don't watch wrestling anymore but has The Rock still got it wrestling wise? (looking for a response from somebody other than 'The Rock')
Yup, he definitely does. He looked in shape and showed off all of his signature moves. Sharpshooter, Spine buster, Smackdown, People's Elbow, jumping up from lying on the floor... etc etc. It was like a exhibition from Rock :p He looked more in shape than Triple H :lol
I don't watch wrestling anymore but has The Rock still got it wrestling wise? (looking for a response from somebody other than 'The Rock')

TBH, I expected him to be a bit rusty in that match as he was away from wrestling for 7 years. But he was really good. The Rock didnt get much time in the ring as Awesome Truth owned Cena for 20 odd mins. The WWE just tried to show the younger audience what The Rock actually is and that's why he just did most of his signature moves. And the word is that Rocky was being told to stay careful by Vince as Sin Cara had just injured himself in the 5 on 5 traditional match.


Btw on this week's Raw, they had shown a link on the tv screen which linked to this video:


Undertaker probably. Or maybe Y2J.

And here's a Kane promo:


Maybe Kane is coming back masked. That'd be great!
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I don't watch wrestling anymore but has The Rock still got it wrestling wise? (looking for a response from somebody other than 'The Rock')

Definitely!! He hasn't lost a bit of his energy, electricity and ability in the ring.

Edit: I am pretty sure we're going to see Masked Kane before too long.


And that's why the wrestling industry has matches called as No Holds Barred, Street Fights, NO DQ MATCH!

If Punk didnt win the title, Ryder didnt get to do an appearance and Barrett didnt defeat Orton, I think even I would have found this one just OK.

Even I wish the same. He is currently doing GI Joe and has signed two more movies. I hope he finishes the two other movies and gets back into the WWE, atleast for 6-8 months. :p But just as you said, it wont happen.

And the greatest thing I heard recently was that the Rock is going to face Cena in a three match series. One at Mania and the other two at Summerslam and Survivor Series respectively. Cena definitely will go 2-1 being the present face. Atleast all of us will get our Wrestlemania moment in Miami!

I'd like to see all Championship matches no DQ. Scripted or not, many a great match gets ruined by some prat from outside interrupting it and it's annoying when you've paid money to watch the event.

Am I the only one who finds Ryder really annoying? Didn't he used to run around kissing Edge's backside?
SurViVor Series Starting 27 November Just 4 Days To Go:D


Am I the only one who finds Ryder really annoying? Didn't he used to run around kissing Edge's backside?

No You Are Not The Only one Thats For Sure:rolleyes,All That Guy Does Is That He Keeps Saying Woo Woo Woo!!,And When it Comes to The Awsome miz And Truth He Gets Kicked Out Badly Thats What I Find Really Annoying About That Guy:facepalm
^Just learned that Skip Sheffied (The former Nexus member) will be back as Ryback, a terminator style superstar billed from the future. So the 2nd January thing gets confusing now.

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