Ashes Cricket 2013 General Discussion

Guys whatever happens , happens today thats it! We have asked and they said AC13 is showing in the E3 :). If they show us the trailer today then hopefully there wont b any delay! I have the photos of their responds but cant upload it by my phone right now.
TBH I haven't been following this at all but what I do know is that members are pushing at a delay of the release and this has become Ashes Cricket 13 general discussion thread
I dont get the big secret! If you have ballsed up just say! End of day its a game people will get over it.

Leaving it later and later untill now nearly a week left achieves nothing but irratate the masses!
Guys whatever happens , happens today thats it! We have asked and they said AC13 is showing in the E3 :). If they show us the trailer today then hopefully there wont b any delay! I have the photos of their responds but cant upload it by my phone right now.

I doubt it - Ashes 2013 isn't anywhere on the schedule.
one thing is for sure this game will be a heck of the game.....look like devs are still doing bug fixing:p and some licensce agrements while they counting on my fingers fully long 7 days away from their so called release date:lol


its quite amazing how gta 5 trailer was released in november 2011 nearly 2 years before their anounced release date of game and ashes cricket 2013 have only 5 low resolution screenshots to show until now i think the game is very good in gameplay aspect and they are so busy playing and enjoying it that they even forget that they are only 7 days behind the release date and they need to release atleast a video but dont worry i will send them a trailer:wave
its quite amazing how gta 5 trailer was released in november 2011 nearly 2 years before their anounced release date of game and ashes cricket 2013 have only 5 low resolution screenshots to show until now

Oh no, it's that GTA comparison again :facepalm

It wouldn't make sense at all to release a trailer for ashes cricket back in 2011 nor 2012. Different market you see.
Stupid though it is to compare ashes with gta....Dont think any recent decent budgeted game didn't have even one trailer out 7 days before release. Might be some kind of a record....
I'm pretty sure that's not part of Jamie's remit. He is the producer responsible for making the game. Posting here is his own choice to try and involve us in the game rather than a contractual responsibility.

I'm not talking about contractual agreements, Barmy. It's about doing the right thing, being honest and transparent with us. Do I need to refer to Ross yet again as the positive standard on this?
Here's the thing though, Ross is only here being honest and transparent because Chief was doing it for months prior to the BigAnt game even being announced. Also, if there was a delay, surely the Lords event was the place to announce it and they confirmed the 21st as the date. Devils advocate of course, but the delay stuff has only come from Ross, who has a vested interest in that being true...

I don't necessarily agree with the marketing and information release process by the guys at 505/Trickstar... But you gotta be careful laying all of it at Chiefs door because he's only part of story, wheras Ross IS THE story fullstop.

As I said, personally the promotion and information release to us here at PC has been super crap for the last few months, but Chief isn't responsible for that. I don't think it's fair on him to be so flippant about his many months of above-reproach interaction and contributions here.
Here's the thing though, Ross is only here being honest and transparent because Chief was doing it for months prior to the BigAnt game even being announced. Also, if there was a delay, surely the Lords event was the place to announce it and they confirmed the 21st as the date. Devils advocate of course, but the delay stuff has only come from Ross, who has a vested interest in that being true...

I don't necessarily agree with the marketing and information release process by the guys at 505/Trickstar... But you gotta be careful laying all of it at Chiefs door because he's only part of story, wheras Ross IS THE story fullstop.

As I said, personally the promotion and information release to us here at PC has been super crap for the last few months, but Chief isn't responsible for that. I don't think it's fair on him to be so flippant about his many months of above-reproach interaction and contributions here.

I agree with your point about not blaming Chief for the incompetent way in which 505 have handled the release; but I don't think you can say that Ross is the only person talking about a delay of the game. When you have a fair few reputable retailers either shifting their release dates or removing them entirely for three of the four versions of the game (the three that Ross probably had some inside information about); that moves it from a person slamming their competition to something that seems to actually be happening. But hey; if my copy of Ashes Cricket turns up next Thursday, then I'll eat my words. Bearing in mind the people selling me the game have moved the release a week back from the original date through; I think that I've got reason to doubt that!

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