Recess Mafia - Mafia (Hedger & IceAge) Win!

Hope turning up for the lynch isn't all you're going to do in this game.

All the above lynches should suffice for pressure for the time being so I'm not going to weigh in with one just yet. I'll hold out till the later on in the RL day. But it does look like joejoe is getting lynched today, which is a shame if it is down to incompetence rather than his alignment. Then again, we can't make way for dead wood in this game.
This post is the reason why Loco is leaning towards town to me, exactly what I'd have preferred rather than lynching someone without giving him a single chance to defend himself and lynch just for the sake of it.
I find it really scummy that Don came up from nowhere and lynched joe. But as he said he's gone rusty/is travelling so we can let him go for now?

That really would be a silly thing to do. If someone isn't contributing then he has no good means by lynching someone, specially someone who's new and doesn't know how to defend himself. I find this very very scummy of Don. I'm not sure if he'll be active today or not but:-

FOS: thedon
, simply because of the above statement.
About Joe, to me he looks like a newbie trying to learn maybe and is lost at the same time. That doesn't mean he should be allowed to slip away, I'd like him to post something in his defense.
Regardless of his alignment, I don't anticipate him posting anything to convince anyone to unlynch him. Perhaps another post along the lines of 'I honestly don't know what I can add, I'm not as good at posting dissertations like everyone else is', which I doubt will win over his lynchers.
I've also noted the @Simon has been the only one not to contribute to this particular passage of play.

I'm going to go ahead and devise my own little pecking order of alignments, for better or for worse.

Most Likely Town

Simon (Not much of a read at all so far, so I'm not inclined to vouch for him)

Most Likely Mafia

The top and bottom two are interchangeable for me, as is the likelihood that either Hedger or IceAgeComing is more likely to be town.

I don't totally trust the likes of Hedger and IceAgeComing but I don't find much in their play to consider them scum.
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Sorry for the inactivity. I'll read the last two pages tomorrow for sure.
I completely understand the suspicions of me. Reason why I did that is I picked up a bit of hotel WiFi and had a quick read and post on my phone in the little time I had. That makes it hard to add anything or have a proper read so with the brief idea I had of the game I made a move in lynching joe, one which was perhaps rash. I don't blame you guys for finding me suspicious as I would be all over myself for the post I made if one of you had done it. Anyway not much has developed since then, ATM activity is low and the quality of discussion is low and for some reason I don't know what else to add either. We can no lynch or we can take a risk and go for someone. It's a risk since we have little read on anyone but with so many players it could work out OK. I will keep the lynch on for now as I don't think it is enough to get him quickly lynched, and I'll see how the game develops from here.

Hoping my activity will be a bit better over the next few days.
Interesting bandwagon (?) on joejoe. Surely his lynch on themuskateer was suspicious, it doesn't change the fact that themuskateer is equally suspicious since he lynched El Loco and later said that it was random. This sequence of events makes me feel that at least one of themuskateer, joejoe and El Loco is mafia, although I'm inclining towards themuskateer for now. Thedon5's agreeing with themuskateer (when there was nothing to really agree about) raises red flags about him as well.

themuskateer just looks scummy to me, while joejoe doesn't: although he certainly isn't town by any means.

Certainly isn't town? Interesting choice of words. So you're implying that in your opinion both themuskateer and joejoe are anti-town/mafia?

Then again, there was a someone like a decoy in the Recess movie, so could there be something related to that.. Idk, just a thought. Would like your views on this.

I have no clue what you're talking about. More detail on the decoy?
Glad to see that everyone has more or less chipped in with summat now.
I take the same viewpoint as Simon that Don shouldn't be left off the hook for now. I'm keen to see him commit to the game a bit more now though.

Well, I've gone through the thread over and over again and tried to suss out what I can from Muskateer's play. One thing I have noticed is his eagerness to disregard what has passed before him and come to his own conclusions. I'm not saying I should be blindly trusted as every townie should always probe with caution but I'm pretty sure I've, for the most part, come off as town to everyone. I think he also sees joejoe as an easy target as he knows he won't contribute to the game much and wouldn't expect him to come up with much of a defense.

Certainly isn't town? Interesting choice of words. So you're implying that in your opinion both themuskateer and joejoe are anti-town/mafia?
I think you've got the wrong end of the stick there. He thinks Muskateer is more likely to be town than joejoe, but at the same same time he isn't keen to totally excuse joejoe from his suspicions.
Correct me if I'm chatting out of my backside.
Vote count:

joejoe (3) - hedger, themusketeer, thedon
themusketeer (2) - IceAgeComing, El Loco

With 10 alive, it takes 6 for a lynch

I too still don't trust thedon - I mean, why would someone in just a blink of a page would take such a huge step and lynch? I wouldn't have done that as that would make everything I have suspicious. Don said that he inclined to believe in Hedger and musketeer but never defended him or even tried to make his point clearer or at the most, what did he agree on? To me, both musk and joe give me anti-town vibes but their almost-no-posting is making it harder for us to judge. I've a feeling that one of them is a town but I don't have any idea who.

Interesting bandwagon (?) on joejoe.

You can't really say bandwagon, I see people listing their reasons except for musk ofc but then comes the point where both of them look scummy. Till now, the only person of whom I'm getting town vibes is Simon but ain't sure of it yet as I found this a little interesting..

but the writeup clearly indicates a failed kill so it's possible that a mafia-aligned player would want to get rid of a townie as compensation the following day. Null read from me so far..

But a mafia always want to go for a lynch unless it's himself, I've never seen a mafia going for a no-lynch, especially when everyone and I mean everyone is in the mood of having a lynch.

Also, will the Recess movie help in this game? 'cause I haven't watched it so I might be missing some point?
There was this part, where the Principal was seen to be walking around and serving that evil guy, but then the kids found him locked up and unrelated to the scheme when they saw this guy take off the Principal's mask.

Okay, I think you're right. The Principal could be a miller or something similar. User could've tinkered with the roles a bit in order to accommodate a 'decoy'. Can't be sure. I won't consider the latter unless we are in a critical condition.

lso, will the Recess movie help in this game? 'cause I haven't watched it so I might be missing some point?

I'm sure the primary plot of the game is based on the movie. The opening writeup indicates that. As I mentioned before, character-wise it only makes a little difference, such as Benedict (or whatever the name was) being mafia.
The Principal could be a miller or something similar.
In the movie, I recall somebody wore a mask impersonating him, when in fact they discovered he was being held hostage when they found his trousers in a bin or something, so I concur.
In which case (presuming the role exists) the question is whether the miller actually knows they are one or not. However at the moment we have no cast iron evidence so it might not be worth dwelling on for now. The potential for a miller in the game makes me have second thoughts, but I think it's best if I just keep in mind what we have at our disposal for the mo.

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