Playing Cricket vs. Watching Cricket

Cricket games should replicate more of...

  • the experience of playing cricket, being on the field with ball or bat in hand

    Votes: 35 72.9%
  • the experience of watching cricket, being entertained by the action as a spectator

    Votes: 13 27.1%

  • Total voters


This guy gets it
Jul 8, 2009
Profile Flag
New Zealand (Silver Fern)
Online Cricket Games Owned
  1. Don Bradman Cricket 14 - PS3
  2. Don Bradman Cricket 14 - Steam PC
How do you do, fellow kids?

One of the more interesting, implied topics that crops up across all the suggestions, debates and helicopter shots is that of Don Bradman Cricket; Playing Cricket or Watching Cricket?

What do I mean?

A lot of the arguments for or against certain requested features or gameplay suggestions boils down to two quite distinct categories, the feeling of playing cricket versus the feeling of watching cricket. The biggest example of this is the camera selection when playing Don Bradman Cricket. I don't think it's a leap to suggest the placement of the camera on the player, be it batter or bowler revolutionized how many approached playing cricket games and "Broadcast Camera", for me anyway, seems like a relic best shoved in the past. Having the camera orbit the batsman/bowler as it does (or moving into the ProCAM area) gave you a feeling of playing the game of cricket, not being a spectator watching you play the game.

Broadening that out some more, there's quite a few suggestions of gameplay that fall into these two categories:

Playing Cricket
  • You field, you bat, you bowl. You set individual fields for individual batsman.
  • Non-intrusive gameplay graphics
  • Short/interactive cutscenes that put you in the action as part of the team
  • Less presentation garbage, more cricket
  • A broad range of nuanced animations for bowlers, batsman and fielders

Watching Cricket
  • You bat mostly, bowl a little and AI takes care of the fielding for you
  • More Presentation gameplay graphic, replay and camera options
  • Longer non-interactive cutscenes setting the scene
  • Broader Range of in-match statistics, Scoreboards and so on
  • Action animations, extreme ends of the spectrum for batsman, bowlers and fielders.

...and that's just a few short examples. There's many more.

So here's the discussion points; where do you fall? What is more important to you and reflective of how you approach cricket gaming? Do you want the game to replicate the broadcast experience of cricket on Television, with all the bells and whistles that make the entertainment of the game the highlight for you? Or do you want the feeling of playing the game, surrounded by friends and team-mates grinding out a draw in a test, feeling the rush you can only feel standing in the middle of the MCG as you debut for the Biggton Gamecocks against the Yellow Jackets Killer Whales?


I come down on the side of playing cricket first, entertainment bells and whistles second, with a balance between the two showcasing the on-field action elements like flying stumps, the two aren't mutually exclusive but less is more. The feeling I get from Big Ant is that's where their passion lies too. They want to put you on the field, they want you in control as you play the game across all the different gameplay modes but specifically in career mode it's about you as the player being on the field. I personally believe as the game evolves a stronger focus on playing cricket vs watching cricket will give the game immeasurable value the longer you play it.
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I think as much as possible I'd like it to feel like actually playing a game of cricket when the action is on, I like using the close cams for both bat/bowl as it does this to some extent. So I'm definitely in the playing side for the gameplay.
However I have to admit I love how stats and graphical displays are presented on tv, and want that side of it too. The problem is, to have all the bells and whistles, it's going to take a long time to get through a game with the constant cut scenes of cheerleaders, crowd shots, shots of around ground etc and it would become tedious.

If stats/graphs were presented during skipable cut scenes as well as being available in the menus it wouldn't cut into gameplay hours as much.

Maybe an option to choose which style of game experience you want. Simulation or Broadcast (or custom)

Personally I'd take immersion of playing over razzmatazz. ( Even if it meant stats, BARS, pitchmaps and scorecards were only available in menus).

BTW I don't think the lack of bells and whistles in db14 was a bad thing, certainly didn't detract from the immersion for me.
As someone who plays 99% in Career mode with the Pro Camera for batting, I'm certainly looking to feel part of the game rather than just watching. I recall Ross saying years ago about DBC14 that they weren't trying to make a cricket simulation but rather they were making a cricket game. I do hope that DBC17 has more immersive elements but I think, first and foremost, it has to be a game that is fun to play for a broad enough audience...including those new to cricket. I like stats and interesting replays...but I also like the idea of glancing up at the scoreboard when out in the middle and keeping an eye on RRR. If we could have both modes, that would be great...but I suspect, to be commercially viable, it needs to have what, Biggs, you list under 'Watching Cricket'.

Even with the current Pro Camera mode, it only really works for you are never really going to feel totally like you're playing cricket (fielding, bowling, running between wickets, loitering on the boundary signing autographs and posing for photos with men dressed as nuns). To get a 'feels like you're playing cricket' you will have to wait for DBC that would be an experience.
Playing cricket is definitely where my heart lies.
it's going to take a long time to get through a game with the constant cut scenes of cheerleaders, crowd shots, shots of around ground etc and it would become tedious.

I think one way around this (potentially) is to have them as ongoing animations and not cut-scenes. So when you hit a six in a T-20 you get the flames, the electronic ad-board animations all happening, but depending on your choice of camera, you might have to pan-around manually to see them from the pitch, or go into first-person mode to see the cheerleaders, or something like that. I've no idea how easy/difficult that would be to accomplish but I would love a scenario along the lines of; Bowler appeals for LBW, you're then able to "watch" as the captain walks towards the bowler, they meet mid-pitch to discuss the review while you "watch" as a batsman, perhaps walking off the pitch or towards your partner and it all happens as one-fluid part of the game, not a predetermined cut-scene.

Essentially, you're in control of your player the whole time, you can walk, move, look, do whatever you like... but the game continues on around you as it normally would.
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Although I've rarely used procam I think another way would be to have less razzle dazzle stuff on that camera for immersion and more in the sound effects and the stuff you mentioned could slip into that. Surely it would be possible to have the option to skip during gameplay or omit the cutscenes completely from the menu.
Don Bradman: Open World Cricket ...Journey from the hotel, to the team bus, to the stadium.
If the team management mode is there then I definitely want to be watching alot of AI vs AI games , see upcoming players in action in the nets and draft accordingly , so I think DBC17 should work on watching aspect as well.

BTW very nice thread.
I feel like you should be able to play cricket and feel like you're playing cricket while being able to watch cricket and fell like you're watching cricket. However if you play cricket it shouldn't feel like you're watching it. I don't agree with your analogy of 'watching cricket' as it still isn't watching cricket.
For me personally when games try to re-create the feeling of playing a sport just doesn't work, the only time I get a rush from playing is when I'm actually playing. Also for me there's a lot of little nuances I'm OCD about for example I love using broadcast camera because I get a funny feeling in my stomach when the batsmen nicks the ball behind just that whole sequence feels really good and it's something I think cricket games have replicated well. But when I play in other camera angles it doesn't feel the same, same with watching a batsmen play a good stroke, just feels nicer on broadcast camera.

Also I'd like to mention my mentality when playing cricket games is sort of replicating what happens on t.v, I like it when the AI set a challenging total and stuff like that...I guess I just create imaginary story lines in my head as if it's real when playing, makes it a lot more enjoyable for me!
I think actually we need a hybrid of the two.

Obviously, if you are in control of the action then you’re playing it but equally for most of us we’ve probably more experience of cricket – and certainly “top level” cricket – through the TV screen. A good video game should give you the best of both worlds.

So that’s “play-type” immersive sound effects: leather on willow, chirping in the field, the PA, maybe even a sledge from the crowd - how great would it be if an outfielder has dropped a catch, then 2 balls later a single is taken to him and the ball rolls gently and the crowd sarcastically cheer the fact he fielded it properly – etc. and also absolutely the “play type” cut scenes – captain and bowler in conference, fielder’s jogging to position etc.

But also “watch-type” sound effects – the t20 boundary music and fireworks, good commentary that places the action in context rather than inanely repeating “and there’s no run” and also watch-type cut scenes and HUD whether that’s scorecard, batsman/bowler stats, partnership graphs, instant replays etc.

I really don’t think it’s an either or situation, but rather a pick ‘n’ mix of elements from each factor that are made relevant to somebody who is controlling the action but experiencing the action via a TV screen.
A good video game should give you the best of both worlds.
Absolutely right.. dave! :)

I really don’t think it’s an either or situation, but rather a pick ‘n’ mix of elements from each factor that are made relevant to somebody who is controlling the action but experiencing the action via a TV screen.
wonderfully said.... short... sweet.... to the point!
I love cricket, that's pretty much where it should lie. I love what @blockerdave said, a cricket (or any sports sim) video game should encapsulate both worlds, playing and "enjoying" the visual elements. As a kid I grew up watching the mighty Transvaal mean machine live with my uncles (due to lack of international cricket in SA and TV broadcasts) and I fell enamoured with the nuances of cricket. Leather on wood, cheering in the crowds, the feel of the mighty bullring, Wanderers. So, I played cricket. In fact, I played keeper. Mostly because there is no other position on the field that oozes cricket as much. I wanted to be involved, but I also wanted to enjoy the game from the best seat in the house. Every. Single. Ball.

If you love a sport, not just cricket, and I mean really love it, you enjoy both playing and watching. The presentation aspects really do make it worthwhile and ultimately we become engrossed. I speak for myself, but the IPL presentation this year was terrible, I absolutely hated it, and thus lost interest in the tournament, even when AB was batting.

The tough part is that game developers have to find the balance that makes us ALL happy and that becomes nearly impossible. What we should agree on is basic cricket, the nuances, edges, field placements, pressure situations, bowler against batsmen, regardless of which side you are on, and that sound of leather on the cricket bat.

Let's just hope this game is what it should be and what I believe @BigAntStudios are trying to achieve, as Richie Benaud said once or twice "Marvelous"!
Touching in what @blockerdave said, as much as we all wish we were pro cricketers the only time most of us will get close to experiencing that is either watching (live or tv) or playing a video game. So I think it is perfectly natural to want both sides of the gameplay in the game. I hope we dont have a situation where its either one or 'tother it would be nice to have a customisable game with both.
I would take best of both the worlds... focus on core gameplay and supplement it with stats and graphics. Cricket is one of those games which is incomplete without stats (just like baseball). If I play a decent innings score a 100, I would want to see the wagon wheel, SR, no.of 4s & 6s hit along with 1s, 2s and 3s taken. I would like to see where bowlers bowled to me and which areas I was more comfortable in. I don't really care about cut scenes but in game stats and graphics do take the game to another level and I would argue that statistics and graphics are an integral part of the game of cricket and not just bells & whistles.

If I'm playing a short format game I would like to see Manhattan chart, comparison of RRs of the two innings, spider chart, graphics displaying partnerships etc. and these stats/graphs should be available on demand across the length of the match and the series. I would say EA Cricket 07 nailed the stats part and Big Ant could do worse than using Cricket 07 for the stats & graphs.

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