Could Be, Could be not
I will explain why I mentioned those changes here then:
1. Fast Bowlers consuming less stamina. Why did I say this? Try putting a series of fast balls. And Notice how his stamina drains. Previously, it would reduce almost half of his stamina. But now it's not.
2. The ball Spins more. In previous patches, I used to reduce the spin drifting to give a noticeable change in the ball spinning since the ball never seemed to spin in almost all pitches. But now it does turn a bit, just a bit more.
3. The Ball bounces more now. Try playing in a SOFT pitch and try to play a back foot shot for a yellow ball. You yourself would see

4. Yorkers are not easy to hit balls now (Perfect ones) And my bowling quality influence is 90 so that could be one reason why I find perfect yorkers hard to hit.
1. Throwing balls are a lot more smoother now. Remember when the fielders would throw paper floaty balls when you fill just a small amount in your fielding meter? Now that's not the case. It still happens to wicketkeepers now though.
2. Remember when fielders would jog when they have low stamina? Now that's not the case. Stamina Reduction has reduced a bit too.
3. Fielders diving to stop boundaries might be an exaggeration. I will admit that. Since it happened to me only twice. But catches do come at various places like Point now.
4. Previously, after he finishes bowling the ball, he would just stand near the stumps doing nothing, Even if the ball was close to him. Either the wicket keeper or one of the fielders must come to take the ball. But now he does take the ball when no fielder is around it or when the ball is near him. (In one of my screenshots, he even went near point to the take the ball) But I will agree that the speed in which he takes the ball is quite slow. Though he is indeed responsive, that speed is still not enough to restrict the batsmen from scoring a run.
5. And Again. Ignore that best of all since that's an exaggeration from me too since I never saw something like that happen when I saw that for the first time. But IT IS TRUE that if the fielders are close to the boundary line and if the Y button appears in the catching circle, then they tap the ball back. If the Y button appears, then 100% he will tap it back. If not. It's a six. You could also see that in my screenshots
1. LEGSIDE FRONT FOOT LOFTED SHOTS are more effective now. Remember when the lofted flick shots didn't do a thing? Even if you got 3 ideals? Now they do. (but still, just a bit inferior than the offside lofted shots) As for the grounded shots, I feel like they are still the same. (You could see that in one of my screenshots, I tried playing that front foot lofted flick shot and got good timing and footwork and ideal shot selection and the ball landed just near the boundary rope. So naturally, If I got ideal timing, it would go for a six.)
2. Backfoot shots, as I said, connect well now. And the Pull Shot was such a powerful shot that even a good timing would go to a six in my difficulty. But now, that's not the case and even that requires ideal timing now,
3. L1/LB Aggressive Grounded Shots DO consume stamina, but again, the reduction rate is less. Try playing almost 15-20 balls with only L1 shots. The stamina won't reduce to half now.
4. The Reverse Sweep has a bit more power since even OK timing with the reverse sweep would go to a boundary if connected well.
5. As for the Advanced Shot Animation, I guess "smoother" isn't the correct word but I can say they connect a bit well now instead of them connecting on the top of the bat and going for a six if ideally timed.
These are some of the changes I noticed in the JULY patch. Not sure about the new 100mb patch though. Didn't test it fully yet. Just played one T20 match and gameplay wise, everything looks the same for me.