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  1. BONED!

    A nice change of topic

    Honestly I mean no offense when I say this, .Mob, but The Ashes is more important to Australia than this current rivalry. Australia and England have been rivals for over a century. I am sure there is something about India's cricket that Australia would not understand. Maybe your rivalry with...
  2. BONED!

    India in Australia

    see you are being so typically stubborn and full of your own opinion. If you had actually read and understood my entire post, you would understand that all this aggravating of the Australian team is only encouraging them to beat you, and to go all out, which includes playing so hard you might...
  3. BONED!

    Is "monkey" offensive

    I see that you are attempting to take my words out of context. I shall counter you! The way the crowd acted should have been looked into by the home side and the home side's representatives. Australia has put emphasis on our crowds about squashing racist behaviour by the crowd. Anyone caught...
  4. BONED!

    India in Australia

    That is exactly my point! It's not about the opposition, it is about the pressure placed on the team by comparing them to Australia and constantly telling them how they could reach Australia's level (to quote you). The media compares them to Australia, the media is always telling them how they...
  5. BONED!

    India in Australia

    nice point Jordox. To be fair, the 2005 Ashes was alot closer than this tour. But you do make a good point. Again I am setting myself up for a huge flaming, but I feel it is true: The Indian media takes their cricket more seriously than the Australians do. In Australia, we lose a test or two...
  6. BONED!

    India in Australia

    Because he doesn't want us to get angry and toss The Ashes into the river?
  7. BONED!

    Is "monkey" offensive

    You are wrong. You household analogies hold no ground in international sport. Whilst you are a GUEST in someone else's house, you must respect THEIR house rules. You must respect the rules of the host. If you go to a dinner party at someone's house, and they always pray before meals, you do not...
  8. BONED!

    A nice change of topic

    To escape all this animated and stubborn arguing over the Australia-India issue, let's have a nice change of topic. So who is looking forward to the Ashes in 2009? What would be your ideal lineup for the opening match at Sophia Gardens in Cardiff? For me (Australia) it would be: 1. Matthew...
  9. BONED!

    India in Australia

    World Champions...I love you! If I was a girl, I would marry you...but I'm not, so back off!
  10. BONED!

    Is "monkey" offensive

    exactly. In Australia we are pretty loose with our language. b**tard is commonly used. When a bowler is aggravated at a good batsman he might say "hurry up and get out you b**tard", which is not meant as a direct insult to the player as it is just a general frustration. Another example is...
  11. BONED!

    India in Australia

    :eek::eek: now I must get a fire-retardant blanket for all the flaming I am about to receive!
  12. BONED!

    The 'What If' Thread

    With that question, you have unwittingly set yourself up for a tyrade from India supporters claiming that it was a conspiring of Andrew Symonds and Ricky Ponting against Harbhajan. You will probably also get alot of tyrades from Aussie supporters claiming that all this 'conspiracy' stuff is...
  13. BONED!

    India in Australia

    Darn, I guess we're beat then! :laugh
  14. BONED!

    India in Australia

    Highly doubtful that India will post anywhere near 1000+ runs over two innings. Not at the standard of play seen thus far. Unless all our fast bowlers decide to use the EA Cricket 07 'Slow Ball'. Australia's batsmen will more than likely do good run-damage at the cost of wickets due to...
  15. BONED!

    India in Australia

    yes well me being an Australian supporter and you being an India supporter, we will of course have opposite outlooks on what's to come! But I can assure you Australia will not be demoralised at all! They will play to hurt, but also to win!
  16. BONED!

    India in Australia

    Not only will both teams play again, but after all this furor surrounding Australia's "cheating" or whatever any complainee's want to call it, Australia will be motivated by Ricky Ponting to set out and destroy India, especially after the Indian Press questioned Ricky's respect for the game. I...
  17. BONED!

    India in Australia

    I know I am probably going to get flamed straight away by many of the Indian fans, and I apologise if you find anything I say offensive, I am trying not to be! Yes I am Australian, but don't accuse me of being biased. I was entirely happy when Australia's batting collapsed in the first day...