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  1. K

    Cricket Heroes - testing & feedback

    Bidding war? If so, someone please give me $1500.
  2. K

    Cricket Heroes - testing & feedback

    Cheers Kurt. Don't forget the option to turn rain and light delays off completely.
  3. K

    Cricket Heroes - testing & feedback

    Actually I retract the rain statement, but bad light really needs to be reduced. I've simmed a few matches, lost 31 overs over 5 days in one match, and lost 22 overs over 5 days in another match and lost 33 overs in a third 5 day match.
  4. K

    Cricket Heroes - testing & feedback

    Hi @kurtkz The bad light and rain isn't quite working because over the course of a 5 day test match, too many overs are being lost. Can this be removed? Or maybe separate options in settings somewhere which allow you to turn off bad light and rain individually? It's more bad light than rain to...
  5. K

    Cricket Heroes - testing & feedback

    Sorry @kurtkz, remind me where I can download the latest patches?
  6. K

    Cricket Heroes - testing & feedback

    @kurtkz , correct me if I'm wrong, but weather i.e. rain stops play and bad light are part of the sim? I've never seen it on any of the PakPassion simulations.
  7. K

    Cricket Heroes - testing & feedback

    @kurtkz please check email. Thanks.
  8. K

    Cricket Heroes - testing & feedback

    @kurtkz OK, can you just send me a key for now? And we'll look into the other issue once you're a bit lighter on schedule, but we definitely want to look into it.
  9. K

    Cricket Heroes - testing & feedback

    @kurtkz, any news for me?
  10. K

    Cricket Heroes - testing & feedback

    See reply.
  11. K

    Cricket Heroes - testing & feedback

    Hi Kurt Please do check your email. Thanks
  12. K

    Stick Cricket

    Hi @Stick Sports Bunyip. I remember you from when Stick Sports had a forum (I used to be a Mod there. How's Mute BTW?). Just checked, I'm still in the top 10 top scorers in the world for the All Star Slog! (just about) If you need someone to test things out, let me know.
  13. K

    Cricket Heroes - testing & feedback

    Good job @kurtkz. Keep up the hard work.
  14. K

    Cricket Heroes - testing & feedback

    Keep up the good work Kurt.:thumbs
  15. K

    Cricket Heroes - testing & feedback

    Ahh thanks Kurt. So if it rains for example, will it have an effect on swing or spin? Or the outfield? Or is it just a simple 'rain stops play' for the moment? Also, would it be possible for you to send me the customised patch you had for me, with all the additions since the last patch we had?
  16. K

    Cricket Heroes - testing & feedback

    Hi Kurt! Remember me? :) Just wondering if you ever managed to get around to adding weather into the simulation?
  17. K

    Cricket Heroes - testing & feedback

    Thanks Kurt. I've just sent another email your way :)
  18. K

    Cricket Heroes - testing & feedback

    Kurt, please see email. Thanks.
  19. K

    Cricket Heroes - testing & feedback

    The number of games should be maximum of 3 in each format (not including the one file I want you to remove). This however could vary as not all players would have played all games, but the max is definitely 3 for each format (4-day & Pro-45). It's fine in the Pro-45, but in 4-day one it's...
  20. K

    Cricket Heroes - testing & feedback

    Kurt, did you manage to delete the file I requested from the shared dropbox folder? Also, the number of matches played showing in the export is still wrong :(