Cricket Heroes - testing & feedback

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So I've been thinking about what features are missing and what should be added next and the only major thing I could think of was real-time injuries.

Essentially, getting hit isn't a big factor for batsmen in the game at the moment. Yes, your confidence and settledness(tm) goes down which makes you more vulnerable, but you could get hit 12 times and still bat on. I'm thinking of implementing "retired hurt" and possibly having it affect bowling and batting...any thoughts?
So I've been thinking about what features are missing and what should be added next and the only major thing I could think of was real-time injuries.

Essentially, getting hit isn't a big factor for batsmen in the game at the moment. Yes, your confidence and settledness(tm) goes down which makes you more vulnerable, but you could get hit 12 times and still bat on. I'm thinking of implementing "retired hurt" and possibly having it affect bowling and batting...any thoughts?
Retire-hurt is a good and realistic idea but it usually depends upon where batsman is hit. Also it should be made pitch dependent , perhaps only on pitch like nightmare etc. Since we rarely see it should not happen all the time. Retire hurt batsman's running speed should get reduced drastically with minor impact or skill and placement.

Could you also look into 3rd inning declaration , it seems now sim does it when lead is exactly 400. Could this be made more random , say a figure between 400 to 475. Also can it be made dependent upon pitch type and time left. A pancake pitch will declare at around 450-470 mark where as normal pitch will declare at around 425 run mark.
Thanks @jeetu :)

It isn't exactly set at 400 - it tries to figure out what run rate the opposition would need to win and how many wickets have fallen in previous innings (and, hence, runs per wicket). I can tweak it a little, but if it sets it at 400 most of the time that what the CPU feels is safe, essentially...
@kurtkz , correct me if I'm wrong, but weather i.e. rain stops play and bad light are part of the sim? I've never seen it on any of the PakPassion simulations.
@KingRizzy: There's rain, yes, but no bad light just yet. I'll add that to the next patch. If you want to force rain stoppages, you can edit the venue data and increase the probability.
OK - new patch is up:

- some small UI fixes
- bad light stopping play
- AI declaration tweaks
- fix commentary for rain stoppages (I wasn't outputting this previously...)
- ball physics tweaks (better bat-pads, ball isn't as "floaty" anymore)
- AI batting tweaks (should be slightly more competent when moving around the crease)
- included manual in download (old one for now)

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Another small update:

- tweaked AI inning pacing in short-format games
- tweaked AI shot selection
- fixed crash bug that randomly occurred after simulating test matches
- reduced amount of rough generated during simulation
- reduced the chance of umpires going off for bad light
- fixed a bug when going off for bad light

Hi @kurtkz

The bad light and rain isn't quite working because over the course of a 5 day test match, too many overs are being lost. Can this be removed? Or maybe separate options in settings somewhere which allow you to turn off bad light and rain individually? It's more bad light than rain to be honest, but we're getting rain in every single match at the moment as well, which doesn't happen in real life.

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