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  1. L

    Terrible game. Full of bugs. Who else agrees?

    Sold on eBay for ?34. Cheers for the memories. :noway
  2. L

    Terrible game. Full of bugs. Who else agrees?

    Well you must be an amazing bowler because a lot of us find the slips redundant.
  3. L

    Patch General discussion

    Game needs major surgery. So I thought I'd give DBC another chance today having not played it since the first couple of days I got it. I was pleased to see that a patch had been put in place. Cool I thought, Ill continue with career mode. I'm in the T20 stage of my English summer. Playing as...
  4. L

    Don Bradman Cricket 14 - Issues and Anomalies after patch 2 [PS3/360]

    Mode:career Match Type: T20 Over Count (Match Overs + When Occured):an Ground:na Teams both Get Best: Description of Issue: No preset fields. All fielders are close catching for 20 overs. Joke.
  5. L

    Post your questions about the game here!

    So me and my mate can play on the same team. That's how we roll.
  6. L

    Post your questions about the game here!

    It will be if they can't deliver this request.
  7. L

    Post your questions about the game here!

    Can you patch so you can play two players on one side?
  8. L

    Terrible game. Full of bugs. Who else agrees?

    Sam you're deluded. You think a simple patch will make everything alright? The game will be sat with all your other crap games you don't play within a couple of weeks. Take my advise get some money back while you can.
  9. L

    Terrible game. Full of bugs. Who else agrees?

    The game has no life and it's good to see people coming round. Yeah the OP was harsh so what. When you buy a toaster you don't expect it to toast half a side of bread. When you buy a kettle you don't expect it to half boil. This is a shoddy product. Yes it has potential but the amount of...
  10. L

    Terrible game. Full of bugs. Who else agrees?

    Yes I did. Took what you said on board and posted a few things in the issues and anomalies thread.
  11. L

    Discussion Online Play General Discussion

    I played a T10 game with a Pakistani lad yesterday. As the game went it was close. I made 101 and he beat be with a few balls to spare. Messages him after to say good game but we both agreed the gameplay was poor. There were countless issues.. I've mentioned a few in my this game is terrible...
  12. L

    Terrible game. Full of bugs. Who else agrees?

    Aww did the big bad Rolo upset you because he said the game is terrible? If you think a simple patch will fix everything then you are seriously deluded. And 90% people like the game do they? Where did you pluck that figure from? Listen I like to bowl. That's what I do. Although I think the...
  13. L

    Don Bradman Cricket 14 - Issues and Anomalies

    Mode: Career Match type: all Over count: n/a Ground: All Teams: Hampshire Get best: yes Description: Michael Carberry opens the bowling. Can you fix this please. Mode: Career bowling Match type: all Over count: n/a Ground: All Teams: All Get best: yes Description of Issue: slips are redundant...
  14. L

    Terrible game. Full of bugs. Who else agrees?

    Of course I care I love cricket I think from my original post it's clear that I'm a cricket fan. But subtlety and attention to detail is what I love the most.
  15. L

    Terrible game. Full of bugs. Who else agrees?

    I will post what I like where I like thanks. Although you would love to be Casanova, you're not a moderator. Forums are designed for opinions. Yeah I'm having a bit of a moan but I'm entitled to. There's noting stopping me.
  16. L

    Terrible game. Full of bugs. Who else agrees?

    Hobbi I think the batting is ok. I like that it's hard. I just think it's a little all or nothing.
  17. L

    Terrible game. Full of bugs. Who else agrees?

    Casanova. Thanks for the pep talk. You'll make a great captain one day. On loading screens you see quotes from Bradman. I've seen one a few times. I'm not going to quote it exactly because I can't remember it word for word. It says something about - how can scoring a big hundred be...
  18. L

    Terrible game. Full of bugs. Who else agrees?

    These are just some faults I've found in my first day of playing. There are many, many more including really poor AI. Now the last thing I want to do is convince folk that enjoy the game that it really is a duff game. If you enjoy it that's great I really wish I could say the same thing. I...
  19. L

    Terrible game. Full of bugs. Who else agrees?

    Everything in my original post is true. I've also seen similar issues in the issues and anomalies thread. This is mainly fact not opinion. Fielders throw down the stumps 99% of the time, Carberry opens the bowling. stumps barley move when hit. Caught behinds are rare. Online is buggy. Fact. This...