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  1. Energizer

    India in Australia

    I was commenting on somebody's post, something they wrote. This is a forum after all. And yet you have done the same thing back to me now. I have a dig at someone, you have a dig at someone, blah blah blah. My opinions are based on what I see. What your media shows me. If I can be shown...
  2. Energizer

    India in Australia

    Originally Posted by jordox on the 9th January Very big of you to go back 2 weeks ago to drag up that line. How long did that take you? Just for a little cheap dig at someone. Should i go back and find all the Indian posts that said they would win for the first two tests and have cheap...
  3. Energizer

    India in Australia

    I think the guy your talking about has lost his mind. He was one of the hundreds of millions who got caught up in the propaganda that is india media. A weak minded person unable to think for himself and have his own constructive opinions
  4. Energizer

    India in Australia

    Oh no, I think I can see the glow from India out my back door. Good umpiring, what an eye! Taking off the bails, good call!!
  5. Energizer

    ICC Media Statement

    Ha ha funny stuff. Although not too far from the truth
  6. Energizer

    India in Australia

    I missed it, dam! What was said?
  7. Energizer

    If Rashid Latif can be banned why not Michael Clarke?

    Only if it gets referred to the 3rd upmpire, can be given the benefit of the doubt, but newsflash, it wasn't. Now is it Clarke's fault it wasn't referred? NO. He would have thought he caught it, and any player whos taken those catches would feel the same. And how can you ban someone if the...
  8. Energizer

    If India didnt play Cricket....

    No I wasn't referring to your post as my post clearly shows. The term Indian fans, does not infer sohummisra. And I also did not say in any way, shape or form that India doesn't bring financial advantages to the game. Each and every team does. ?nd India obviously brings more that others with...
  9. Energizer

    Role of the ICC President ?

    Poorly constructed poll. Polls aren't supposed to show that the person running it is biased.
  10. Energizer

    India in Australia

    Does the game start tomorrow? I thought it was on the 16th
  11. Energizer

    Is "monkey" offensive

    Your racist Harbhijan was the aggressor, Symmo was on the receiving end. His mates stuck up for him due to that fact, your team is sticking up for a racist, but your whole country is blind to the fact. Harbie couldn't possibly be a racist they cry, how dare you attack our country they cry...
  12. Energizer

    If India didnt play Cricket....

    Lol seems Indian fans think they are the backbone of international cricket. Australia are the best in the world but we don't say the cricketing world can't be without us. In fact, if we weren't around, international cricket would be allot more tightly contested. Stop living in fairy la la...
  13. Energizer

    If India didnt play Cricket....

    If india didn't play cricket the cricket world would be in better shape. Look at the mess they've now created with their crying and dummyspitting over one bad test.
  14. Energizer

    Best batsman today ?

    Ponting of course. Allot of people love to hate him right now but he's the best
  15. Energizer

    If Rashid Latif can be banned why not Michael Clarke?

    Stop crying Indian people. The game finished days ago. When will you say, ok we need to move on. 2nd Test match - biggest dummy spit in cricket history
  16. Energizer

    India in Australia

    No, I only saw highlights, which channel is broadcasting it. Lol, lmao. :D
  17. Energizer

    India in Australia

    Just expressing my disappointment of how it has been handled overall. And I do happen to be in the India in Australia thread?, I can express that here if I wish. Your comment doesn't make allot of sense champ. :p You have presented your opinions all over your personal computer??? Is that...
  18. Energizer

    India in Australia

    Yeah, making decisions on how to get India out in the last day. And it worked. Great finish. If he didn't do that all game, he wouldn't have thought to chuck the ball to pup. And we all know what happened then. The rest was history. Great well-deserved win for Australia. Look out Perth...
  19. Energizer

    India in Australia

    Gotta love debates, makes for interesting reading. Anyways, added my little bit of flames to the thread. I'm hoping Tait playes too, as a few people have mentioned. I love the raw pace, he will be quick in Perth. The last time we played there the pitch was similar to the old school Perth wicket
  20. Energizer

    India in Australia

    I wasn't just talking about this forum mate. There's more going on about this debate than this forum you know. I know they're not the same pact. But each pack was made. Maybe you should do a little reading too? Thats why the indian media and senior players and officials are so mad at...