Is "monkey" offensive

Do you find the word monkey offensive?

  • Yes

    Votes: 21 24.4%
  • No

    Votes: 27 31.4%
  • It matters how its used

    Votes: 38 44.2%

  • Total voters
I have a question:
Theres a twist to the song 'happy birthday'.

"Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, you look like a monkey, and smell like one one too"

Usually circulates in the average 11-year old American boy's birthday party :p

Would you get offended if I said that?
I have a question:
Theres a twist to the song 'happy birthday'.

"Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, you look like a monkey, and smell like one one too"

Usually circulates in the average 11-year old American boy's birthday party :p

Would you get offended if I said that?
I believe that would be covered by the examples I posted. For heavens sake its not a hard concept to grasp, sometimes its not offensive but sometimes it is and lets face it, it wasn't Symonds birthday!

I'm sorry, but you are just making yourself look like a twat for denying it like this. If he said it he's racist and it shouldn't be defended. If he didnt say it then Symonds and Ponting are liars, but what have they got to gain by lying?
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I believe that would be covered by the examples I posted. For heavens sake its not a hard concept to grasp, sometimes its not offensive but sometimes it is and lets face it, it wasn't Symonds birthday!

I'm sorry, but you are just making yourself look like a twat for denying it like this. If he said it he's racist and it shouldn't be defended. If he didnt say it then Symonds and Ponting are liars, but what have they got to gain by lying?

Not denying anything, nothing got to do with the whole Harbajan incident at all.
It was just in case I go to a persons birthday party who happens to be of African decent living in England or Australia. I happen to have an invitation.
Just found this in the SMH

Under the International Cricket Council's anti-racism code, the touring team is asked to advise the match referee, in this case Mike Procter, of terms regarded as offensive in its culture, so that ground managers can also be advised of what words should be prohibited among spectators.

The Indians will argue that the term is insulting because it questions a person's descent, a highly sensitive topic in Indian culture. But the Herald understands India did not nominate "*******" as an offensive label before the series.

By contrast, monkey - the word Harbhajan is alleged to have directed at Australia's only black player, Andrew Symonds, was identified as off-limits after the Indian spinner allegedly transgressed during October's one-day series in India.

So whether we find it offensive or not if a word has been blacklisted you have to respect that.
When India came, how are they to know Australians find "monkey" offensive.

How come then when Australia visted India, Symonds got monkey chanted

Anyway besides, the term monkey it dpends really what context you use it in, if you use it because somes ears stick out, or just taking the mick thats ok, but if being used to offend because of their ethnicity, then that's wrong
So you guys talk about crybabies among Indian fans when Ponting has been the biggest one of them all...

but's it's not OK if Kumble and the Indian team management stick up for Harbhajan?

Superb logic.

Your racist Harbhijan was the aggressor, Symmo was on the receiving end. His mates stuck up for him due to that fact, your team is sticking up for a racist, but your whole country is blind to the fact. Harbie couldn't possibly be a racist they cry, how dare you attack our country they cry. :rolleyes:

We are not bringing up racism charges on India, just one bloke, but if you look in the media, it is as if we've stomped on the heart of every indian past and present. Now that my friend is being a cry-baby. We Aussies stand up for whats right and look after our mates. Now go cry yourself to sleep. :crying

I'm sorry, but you are just making yourself look like a twat for denying it like this. If he said it he's racist and it shouldn't be defended. If he didnt say it then Symonds and Ponting are liars, but what have they got to gain by lying?

Get this Kev, its a real corker. Apparently the general consensus in the Indian community is that Ricky couldn't handle Harbie, (which I agree with) but due to this they brought the racism charge on so they could get rid of him cos Ricky didn't want to deal with him anymore. LMAO
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Troll-food? Aisle 6, on the left.

If you're done resurrecting posts from four days ago (#37 in this thread) when the rest of us are trying to heal and move on, how about contributing
something useful, for a change?
Just found this in the SMH

So whether we find it offensive or not if a word has been blacklisted you have to respect that.
I read that too in The Age, for those who are interested in what the word was who didn't read the article, it is b astard. That's what Hogg's charge was for, so it appears that they have no standing.

Certainly the context he used is a common thing in Australia, and it certainly does not mean anything to do with parenthood in this modern day and age in Australia. A misunderstanding or a retaliation I suppose.
Troll-food? Aisle 6, on the left.

If you're done resurrecting posts from four days ago (#37 in this thread) when the rest of us are trying to heal and move on, how about contributing
something useful, for a change?
Yeah, I agree! I have developed a special little icon that I will be using to respond to any posts that attempt to instigate other members. Anyone can feel free to use it:

I have a question:
Theres a twist to the song 'happy birthday'.

"Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, you look like a monkey, and smell like one one too"

Usually circulates in the average 11-year old American boy's birthday party :p

Would you get offended if I said that?


You just can't fathom how in some cultures words certain words can be offensive when they might not be to your culture, can you?

Stop trying to defend them. The bottom line is, Symonds finds it offensive, so don't bloody say it. It's like me calling another white person a '*****'. It's obvious I'm joking and no one would care, however if I called a black guy a '*****' most likely he or she would take offense.

Yet would it be valid for me to say in defense "I shouldn't be in trouble because ***** isn't offensive to me!!!!" Of course it wouldn't.

How about you think.
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Have you guys heard the latest development? It's soooo funny - apparently the indian defence is now that he didn't say Monkey - he said Mah Ki...or something, which translates to Mother Fu... in whatever language he speaks.

If this is their defence he is obviously guilty as sin - if he had said this he would've made that clear at the time and at the tribunal - it is laughable how they are clutching at straws to try and save the racist. Any suggestions for what Hogg might've said? Was he calling the indians Bar Studs? Like, good looking blokes who hang out at pubs? Goddam the indians dig their own graves.
Have you guys heard the latest development? It's soooo funny - apparently the indian defence is now that he didn't say Monkey - he said Mah Ki...or something, which translates to Mother Fu... in whatever language he speaks.

If this is their defence he is obviously guilty as sin - if he had said this he would've made that clear at the time and at the tribunal - it is laughable how they are clutching at straws to try and save the racist. Any suggestions for what Hogg might've said? Was he calling the indians Bar Studs? Like, good looking blokes who hang out at pubs? Goddam the indians dig their own graves.
Hey have you heard about the latest development--oh wait this is not really a development... this thread is not about the Harbhajan controversy, fancy that! And, by the way, "mah ki...[something]" is the basis of almost 80% of the insults in Hindi, usually prefixed by "teri" which means yours.

Oh, and also, since your post is sure to instigate:

Hey have you heard about the latest development--oh wait this is not really a development... this thread is not about the Harbhajan controversy, fancy that! And, by the way, "mah ki...[something]" is the basis of almost 80% of the insults in Hindi, usually prefixed by "teri" which means yours.

Oh, and also, since your post is sure to instigate:


It is quite the development if you ask me - it went from he said nothing, to he said monkey but monkey isn't offensive, to he said something that sounds like monkey that is offensive, but not racially offensive. Would take one heck of a lawyer to pick any holes in the indian defense....not. So to make it more in line with the title of the thread, it seems that even the indians now accept that monkey is offensive. By the way, what's a flame bot?
Monkey is without a doubt a racially offensive word. I cannot believe that anyone who is informed on the topic would give time to the arguement that it is not.
It is quite the development if you ask me - it went from he said nothing, to he said monkey but monkey isn't offensive, to he said something that sounds like monkey that is offensive, but not racially offensive. Would take one heck of a lawyer to pick any holes in the indian defense....not. So to make it more in line with the title of the thread, it seems that even the indians now accept that monkey is offensive. By the way, what's a flame bot?
Flaming, which is against the rules of this forum, is starting fights with people and deliberately insulting them with no constructive basis. You should of course read the forum rules before posting. Your post wasn't really flaming, but it was offtopic.

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