If Rashid Latif can be banned why not Michael Clarke?

The thing about the catch is, if it had gone to the 3rd umpire it would have been not out because replays are inconclusive, but there's certainly no certain answer.
so if it is incoclusive if the ball carried to Clarke the batsman is out?

so if it is incoclusive if the ball carried to Clarke it is up to Ponting to decide if the batsman is out?

If the TV ump was asked i bet my house that would have been given not out. unless the TV ump was Ponting.

but who is Ponting to give him out obviosuly he is going to say whats best for his team.

The ump asked Ponting and he merely said that Clarke was claiming it as a catch. It wasn't like Ponting made the call off his own back. He was asked the question.
The ump asked Ponting and he merely said that Clarke was claiming it as a catch. It wasn't like Ponting made the call off his own back. He was asked the question.

Yeah screw the umpire Benson who did not refer it upstairs as there was a agreement (:crying) which said that if player claimed it its out.
Jeepers pal you are a vitim of the indian propaganda!!! You guys beleive there is some major conspiracy here dont you - ponting blackmailing all captains to do what he wants so that he can back stab them later - you are quite the dumb ass if you believe this sort of garbage.

And you say it has been proved to hit the ground? Have you read through this thread?? It so has not been proved, in fact if anything he caught it. You don't have the picture to back up your claims - and a shot from well above looking down can hardly be close to conclusive - I don't know what it is but you fail to provide any logic to your arguements.

By the way Manee, I like how you close every thread that is accusing of indians because "it's heading no where" then spin all your propaganda in the threads that are accusing the aussies. I feel sorry for you having to be force fed all the BS propoganda, but I can't feel sorry for you for believing it. That's just the sign of stupidness.

All the threads that Manee closed I would've done the same as would any of the other mods, globies or admins. For a start we have one tour thread we don't need other threads, but secondly, we're moving on from this because people can't behave themselves and people have got into trouble.

Fact is that the evidence is inconclusive.

Did he catch it cleanly? We don't know.
Did the ball touch the ground? We don't know.

I don't think this can be compared to the Latif incident though.
LAtif is a bad example to a sportman, and nothing else.

Although I respect him for all the stuff he says about PCB on newspapers.
Even if it was inconclusive, the benefit of the doubt is with the batsman every time.
Is it?

I don't believe that's actually written into the rules, correct me if I'm wrong though.
Did the ball touch the ground? We don't know.

Is my picture not conclusive? I'll try to get a better one, or prove that I myself wrong in the process:p.

Sureshot, thanks for backing up my moderating decisions.
Even if it was inconclusive, the benefit of the doubt is with the batsman every time.

Only if it gets referred to the 3rd upmpire, can be given the benefit of the doubt, but newsflash, it wasn't. Now is it Clarke's fault it wasn't referred? NO. He would have thought he caught it, and any player whos taken those catches would feel the same. And how can you ban someone if the video replay was inconclusive. Just a whole bunch of sookie Indians looking for another aussie player to point the finger at. The fault lies with the umpire here, not the player. Grow up people
Only if it gets referred to the 3rd upmpire, can be given the benefit of the doubt, but newsflash, it wasn't. Now is it Clarke's fault it wasn't referred? NO.

You are missing the whole point. Ponting was the one who pushed for player honesty and as soon as he gets it, the Clarke incident occurs.
Clarke had an interview again, and said to the media and Kumble he should've walked but also told him, he still believes it was a catch.

It will always be inconclusive.
All the threads that Manee closed I would've done the same as would any of the other mods, globies or admins. For a start we have one tour thread we don't need other threads, but secondly, we're moving on from this because people can't behave themselves and people have got into trouble.

Fact is that the evidence is inconclusive.

Did he catch it cleanly? We don't know.
Did the ball touch the ground? We don't know.

I don't think this can be compared to the Latif incident though.
As would I, and I'm an Aussie. It was a staff team decision to close any threads that ended up like that.

manee said:
You are missing the whole point. Ponting was the one who pushed for player honesty and as soon as he gets it, the Clarke incident occurs.
I wouldn't really call that the point. It might be a coincidence, but that doesn't make it Ponting's fault.

Ponting has been pushing for the honesty system for a long time, it's not a new thing in this tour. Additionally, as it's been said, it was Clarke who claimed the catch, not Ponting. The umpire chose, as was stipulated in the agreement between captains.

If it is anyone's fault, it is Clarke's, but it's likely that he thought he caught it, meaning that it's just bad luck.
I think their is something dodgy about that screenshot Manee has because from what I remember of seeing the replay Clarke was in no position to be doing what his doing in the screenshot Manee posted. Clarke caught the ball with both hands but in that screenshot he posted, he only had one and he has his forearm completely pressed on the surface.

He had complete control over the ball so it's a catch.
I think their is something dodgy about that screenshot Manee has because from what I remember of seeing the replay Clarke was in no position to be doing what his doing in the screenshot Manee posted. Clarke caught the ball with both hands but in that screenshot he posted, he only had one and he has his forearm completely pressed on the surface.

He had complete control over the ball so it's a catch.

i had posted a clear pic in India-Australia thread but cant seem to find it there. Dude he caught the ball with two hands but did not roll over with two hands and allowed ball to touch grass.
As would I, and I'm an Aussie. It was a staff team decision to close any threads that ended up like that.

I wouldn't really call that the point. It might be a coincidence, but that doesn't make it Ponting's fault.

Ponting has been pushing for the honesty system for a long time, it's not a new thing in this tour. Additionally, as it's been said, it was Clarke who claimed the catch, not Ponting. The umpire chose, as was stipulated in the agreement between captains.

If it is anyone's fault, it is Clarke's, but it's likely that he thought he caught it, meaning that it's just bad luck.

As seen from my avatar, it was Ponting who made the final decision on the catch.

I think their is something dodgy about that screenshot Manee has because from what I remember of seeing the replay Clarke was in no position to be doing what his doing in the screenshot Manee posted. Clarke caught the ball with both hands but in that screenshot he posted, he only had one and he has his forearm completely pressed on the surface.

Either I photoshopped it or that was taken after he'd picked it up (not meant to imply that he did not catch cleanly) and it was during his roll - take your pick.
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