If Rashid Latif can be banned why not Michael Clarke?

Is my picture not conclusive? I'll try to get a better one, or prove that I myself wrong in the process:p.

Sureshot, thanks for backing up my moderating decisions.

The one on page 8? No. That picture and Harrypotter fans picture (also on P8) look very different. In those pictures the ball could be touching the grass, but not the ground, and we wouldn't know the difference due to the shadows and the grainy picture quality.
The one on page 8? No. That picture and Harrypotter fans picture (also on P8) look very different. In those pictures the ball could be touching the grass, but not the ground, and we wouldn't know the difference due to the shadows and the grainy picture quality.

In the context of it, it is unlikely that it could have simply brushed the grass in my opinion due to the fact that his hand was on top of the ball.

However, I accept that it is a possibility.
Is this still going on? Are members still thinking this catch was dropped?

Get over it already - he caught it...Or else Ponting wouldn't of said it was out, he went to see if Clarkey caught it. He said yes, the Australians aren't liars. The match is over now anyways. Get over it! This is just making the Indians look more and more like crybabies...
Is this still going on? Are members still thinking this catch was dropped?

Get over it already - he caught it...Or else Ponting wouldn't of said it was out, he went to see if Clarkey caught it. He said yes, the Australians aren't liars. The match is over now anyways. Get over it! This is just making the Indians look more and more like crybabies...

You don't have to cry to dispute the legality of a catch. I accept that India lost to a better team, I don't accept that this was a clean catch though. No, I am not calling Clarke or Ponting a cheat, I am just disputing the cleanness of the catch.

Another awesome quote from Manee.

Your not calling Ponting a cheat yet you have that Ponting avatar, and are saying the "What are you talling about? The ball is on the ground clearly from that shot." which means you think he grassed it, claimed it and therefore is a cheat.

Another awesome quote from Manee.

Your not calling Ponting a cheat yet you have that Ponting avatar, and are saying the "What are you talling about? The ball is on the ground clearly from that shot." which means you think he grassed it, claimed it and therefore is a cheat.

The avatar is just a joke based on a funny picture. As Sureshot mentioned, the ball is not necessarily on the ground. I find it funny how you suddenly accept that he dropped it as soon as it turns itself into an opportunity to discredit me.

I'll be honest, my last post was an act of appeasement toward some of the Aussie members - clearly, you are hell bent on an arguement which involves you consistently changing your views to make them opposite to mine.
Im with Manee here.
Im not sure that Ponting and Clarke are cheats or not, and im not calling them that.
They probably themselves did not know that Clarke grassed it when he rolled over. That picture is not photo-shopped, it was on even played on Star Cricket, an Angle that Channel 9 did not produce.

All in all, the catch was waay to dodgey to be given out, too much doubt! But the match is over, ive forgotten, and I want to win at Perth.

I didnt accept he dropped it, learn to read or something because your just making yourself look more foolish. I said he did catch it.
I don't find the avatar that funny - but I guess there are double standards. Just saw a funny vid on youtube titled the spirit of india - the last video in it is a corker. Mr Ganguly involved again - claiming a catch off gilly when it hit the ground, after the ball came off his pad! Great to see the indians back pedalling on all their accusations though, I guess someone finally handed them a mirror.
He had control over the ball though, he was just getting up to throw the ball in the air outta' celebration.

No he wasn't. He was not in control of the ball when it hit the ground (or brushed the grass, as the case may have been).

@Hooper, I have already acknowledged that.

I don't find the avatar that funny

Mine? It is just a small joke.
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No he wasn't. He was not in control of the ball when it hit the ground (or brushed the grass, as the case may have been).

@Hooper, I have already acknowledged that.

Mine? It is just a small joke.

Yeah yours...I ahd a small pic of Harbhajan being implicated as a racist and that was removed because I guess it's upsetting the indians. I'm not sure what your avatar is designed to do? The result is it's upsetting the australians.
you see if India had won the game all these disputes would not have been there ......so everybody just be patient ...............
Yeah yours...I ahd a small pic of Harbhajan being implicated as a racist and that was removed because I guess it's upsetting the indians. I'm not sure what your avatar is designed to do? The result is it's upsetting the australians.
Really? I haven't seen any Australians apart from you going around complaining. Or is it just that you are the only one who likes to break truces?

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