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  1. F

    English Domestic Cricket

    i cant stand them either but at least then there actually is a winner
  2. F

    English Domestic Cricket

    wheres the bowloff or superover???
  3. F

    English Domestic Cricket

    Finally the other 140 matches are out of the way. Notts will win surely look at that bowling attack. Swann, Broad, Nannes and Sidebottom. That game should be a cracker though with the Notts bowling vs Somerset batting.
  4. F

    Australian Domestic Cricket

    Effectively they are just chucking more t20 at everyones throats its disgusting. What is even wrong with the current format? If anything, less people will go to these games because they will have no clue whats going on. The worst idea since the supersub.
  5. F

    Discuss all your great wins/losses/draws here.

    This is one of my great wins chasing 160 odd in 16 overs winning with three balls left in the game Uploaded with Uploaded with
  6. F

    No Requests Jono's ICC Downloads

    I had no idea about that. Yeah I had always wondered how Wagners bowling averages were so low and that explains it.
  7. F

    How are you doing in ICC? (any version)

    can someone tell me who that flowers guy is? never heard of him before yet he is like the best bowler on my game in ICC 2010