9 TV Patch

Where should the batting confidence meter be moved to?

  • Below 9 logo

    Votes: 31 57.4%
  • Above 9 logo (Moving 9 logo downwards)

    Votes: 4 7.4%
  • To the left of the 9 logo

    Votes: 6 11.1%
  • To the right of the 9 logo

    Votes: 6 11.1%
  • Other (specfiy in thread)

    Votes: 7 13.0%

  • Total voters
aussie1st said:
I notice that there is a big black box. Is that what is meant to happen?
Yea, move its position so that it will hide the score also change its colour so that it matches with the channel nine colours.
Oh ok thats what I had before. What I noticed was that just before that box came up you could see the wicket number move. Can you use a texture instead of changing that colour? And does this next text box appear everytime there is a cut sence?
Yes, you can use a texture too. But I think you will still be able to see wicket change, but just for a split second i am not sure on this one. If so the best solution would be to close your eyes for that split second :D
Awesome graphic, but game freezes!

Hi Aussie1st.

The Channel 9 menu graphics look awesome - top shelf work. I downloaded and put them into the game and they look great.

Problem - The menu comes up, I play a new game or a saved one, play the game for one over and the game freezes. It has done it three out of three times, each time in a different place, i.e: cut scene as bowler walks away, or at the resume game screen. I removed the appropriate files and had no problem - the game ran perfectly. I then tried removing some of the more graphic intensive patches and tried your graphic again, but the same problem.

I'm just about to wipe and reinstall my computer so I will try again after i do this and hope it works ok. As i stated earlier the patch looks awesome & I'd like to use it in the game.

(P4 3.0Ghz processor, 512DDram, ATI 128mb video card, etc., etc.)
(and apologies - posted a reply in the wrong thread.)
Try deleting 8ebdec04546acb62e89003d165bff0a5.fsh and 8c069eb2a0abd5d5ac85c0efc25b9f16.big and seeing if that works.
Its quite hard to know why this is happening. I have a werid problem myself which I can't explain. Has anyone else experienced this?
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aussie1st said:
Try deleting 8ebdec04546acb62e89003d165bff0a5.fsh and 8c069eb2a0abd5d5ac85c0efc25b9f16.big and seeing if that works.
Its quite hard to know why this is happening. I have a werid problem myself which I can't explain. Has anyone else experienced this?


I've got a problem, but it's not quite the same. Using Xbox version. I put the files in the main folder and the game still looks normal, apart from when I go into the pause screen (for stats and stuff). Every screen under here has a bright white background. If I remove the files, it works perfectly. (The AI patches work fine installing them this way). I also tried importing the files into the .gob file, compressed them and then rebuilt the file using BigGUI (did this previously with other AI patches and it worked), but when I brought up the ingame menu, it locked up.

Any ideas? Would love to get these working, as they look awesome!


I have no clue how to get these to work on X-Box. Have you tried Das Vicky's espn patch? See if that works if it doesn't then it must be something to do with the way you are importing it.
aussie1st said:
I have no clue how to get these to work on X-Box. Have you tried Das Vicky's espn patch? See if that works if it doesn't then it must be something to do with the way you are importing it.


That does the same thing :( if i just copy it to the root folder.

I'll try putting it into the gob file directly...

I really wish I could help but this is really outside of my field.

Onto stuff in my field :D what do you guys want showing to delay the umpires decision? Screenshot is currently what I have done but i'm open to suggestions.


  • cut.jpg
    106 KB · Views: 106
daleroy said:

That does the same thing :( if i just copy it to the root folder.

I'll try putting it into the gob file directly...


Ah ha!!

The .fsh files in the xbox version are .xsh instead. Time for a quick rename and see if it works. *fingers crossed*
i also get the occassional one where it freezes and need to reset the comp.
Do you guys get 2 different nine logos? I notice for me I get the one it should be during the game but when I go into the menu it is my old one. The thing is how can the old one still be there as I have replaced it. :confused:

I have experienced some crashes too but seems to work fine now. It must be some bug with EA. :D

daleroy said:
Ah ha!!

The .fsh files in the xbox version are .xsh instead. Time for a quick rename and see if it works. *fingers crossed*

I hope it works.
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Heya guys,

i have installed the Channel 9 patch and its fantastic, just one small detail, if you use the video overlay for running between the wickets in the top left hand corner (no way to shift it), then the score sits on top of it. I wondered if everyone plays without watching the guys scuttle between the wickets in the inset, i like using it for judging dives and bat slides. Any chance you could shift the score to the other side?

also for the delaying the umpires decision, the skysports graphics does this best, perhaps have a look at that one to see how to stop the score from showing?

oh and im not sure where to put this, but the superpitchpad patch released today is sooo slow to download, its coming up as on some megadownload site thats terrible.. oh well just have to be patient :)

anyway keep up the great work the addons are awesome!


aussie1st said:
The 9 TV patch has been released, get it from http://www.planetcricket.org/modules.php?name=Links&file=viewlinkinfo&id=388
Discuss any bugs or anything on the patch in here. I know about the scoreboard getting in the way of the mini screen for running but i can't seem to fix that.

oh jeez sorry its late here but i thought i better read thru and see if its been dealt to..

cant you just shift the score to the right hand side of the screen and have the batsmans meter up top left, i think it would sit above mini TV and at least not interfer as much?

but sorry i didnt read back before posting before.

but again great work!! :D
Octavius said:
Heya guys,

i have installed the Channel 9 patch and its fantastic, just one small detail, if you use the video overlay for running between the wickets in the top left hand corner (no way to shift it), then the score sits on top of it. I wondered if everyone plays without watching the guys scuttle between the wickets in the inset, i like using it for judging dives and bat slides. Any chance you could shift the score to the other side?

also for the delaying the umpires decision, the skysports graphics does this best, perhaps have a look at that one to see how to stop the score from showing?

oh and im not sure where to put this, but the superpitchpad patch released today is sooo slow to download, its coming up as on some megadownload site thats terrible.. oh well just have to be patient :)

anyway keep up the great work the addons are awesome!


oh jeez sorry its late here but i thought i better read thru and see if its been dealt to..

cant you just shift the score to the right hand side of the screen and have the batsmans meter up top left, i think it would sit above mini TV and at least not interfer as much?

but sorry i didnt read back before posting before.

but again great work!! :D

The delaying thing I just need to know what image should be used. (See above) I'll move the scoreboard to the right as well. This will be another add on feature.

For those having problems similar to above could you please try the attached file. DO NOT put the 8c069eb2a0abd5d5ac85c0efc25b9f16.big into your cricket2005 directory. Leave that out for now. The attached file has removed the nine logo from the stats screens to see if that is the problem. Tell me if you are having the same problems.


  • a7bb0e12cdccf75b89d5a80c476bfa52.zip
    30.6 KB · Views: 7
aussie1st said:
I really wish I could help but this is really outside of my field.

Onto stuff in my field :D what do you guys want showing to delay the umpires decision? Screenshot is currently what I have done but i'm open to suggestions.
I don't REALLY care but i would suggest that the shown picture looks a bit stretched, how about something like a smaller logo with text under it eg. "What's the decision?" or something like that.

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