A controller is REQUIRED to play on PC -XBOX PC Controller recommended

You are using pirated version

Unfortunately pirated copies don't come with a manual.
Please don't say like that. i have bought the original and i think you are the one who are using the pirated version. and i got the manual. view manual in the menu list. So please dont act as smart and mind your business not mine... :facepalm :mad :(
ya After saying that i have read it and got it, why would he make it an issue here !!!!!!;)
Because your question is a common identifier of someone who hasn't got a legit copy of the game, that's why. If you have paid for the game and own the manual, it shouldn't bother you.
actually it was set in the legend mode, so i didn;t get it. after seeing the manual again i have changed the mode. so now please stop the issue her itself!!!:D
I think @issue would object to being referred to as a "her"
And I bid adieu to my first controller. The poor thing took the brunt of my frustration. Time to get a decent one now...
when i try to play a cover drive it plays a straight drive..i think my right analogue axis are swap but how to fix that???im a pc user
Save up and buy the XBOX one. It's worth the wait.

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