Abilities and Stats Calculator


Retired Administrator
Mar 12, 2003
Ok. The moment you've all been waiting for. A very alpha player editor which won't edit the .ros directly but will tell you what the values mean and let you generate your own values so you can change anything about a player through hex editing.
I've tried to make this as user-friendly as possible but you will still need to know how to find the correct byte and change it. Bytes are all relative to the first with the first byte of the player code being 00 and the first letter of the players name being 04.
The simple rule for the spreadsheet is that if it isn't highlighted red don't change it. Inputs are all in red and outputs in bold. Everything else is just all the formulae and working you don't see in an editor normally.
I'll also post a quick tutorial to help people along.

Example 1:
Check and improve Kamran Akmals abilites:

Open Akmal in the .ros and highlight the first 100 bytes:

The byte after the highlighted section is byte 100; the start of the player abilities section. Open the spreadsheet (with Macro's enabled) and copy the bytes in groups of 4 into it:

The first 4 will be 2D EB BA ED

When you have finished entering all the values you should be able to see all the abilites:

Next, set all the stats in red to the same as the stats in black and we can begin to change them:
In the screen I've increased skill to 76, attack to 79 and offside to 80. The values in I20-I32 have changed accordingly.

Copy the changes back into the roster, save and boot up the game.

You should be able to see the changes like so:


That's all for the moment. I might post another howto tomorrow for the other sections if people are having difficulty.


  • abilities calculator.zip
    52.1 KB · Views: 46
Really good work Colin. Alot of people wrongly underestimate what you are doing for the PlanetCricket community. Keep it up bud.
wow man! THAT'S AWESOME! lol, i'll somehow figure out that mumbo jumbo that u posted and edit the stats myslef!! Hey BM, could you also make a tutorial on the other things you could do with hex, eg: names, stats...
Its definately the next best thing to an editor,I suppose this was the file you were talking about earlier.Well done on my behalf.
awesome buddy and when shall we expect the next version of the 4gb batpack sorry to ask such a question in the wrong thread though
I think you should try your hands on player editor, the calculation parts are pretty much the same. All it needs is just a little bit of effort & time :).
I've fixed some largeish bugs in the personal section and reuploaded. I'd recommend downloading again.
I'll try and post some more howto's tomorrow as this is pretty simple to use and I want people to feel confident about doing so.
Karachi Express said:
Great work buddy even though i didn't understand anything...:p

basically I dont think that its all that hard to understand,what I feel most of you must be doing is that,looking at the long post and the amount of numbers is just skipping them.If you have a real good look and try experimenting with them in your roster,I dont think that it shd be much of a prob.
Any more news on this? Because when I filled in M. Vaughan's code from the roster the calculator gave me the wrong info (e.g. batting skill 7 :eek: )?
THIS CONTRAPTION IS AMAZING!, Been able to use the best out of it! thanks!
Great stuff BM now next up a player editor ( not in game) lol
999buddy said:
Any more news on this? Because when I filled in M. Vaughan's code from the roster the calculator gave me the wrong info (e.g. batting skill 7 :eek: )?

Are you sure you filled in the correct bytes cos Vaughan was the player I was using to build it so I know he works.

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